54 ALCOHOLIC POISON, breakfast. Tmmediately after breakfast, he must have another glass to assist digestion. But how does alcohol assist digestion ? Not by dissolving the food, for its effect is to harden tissues. It does not render the gastric juice more efficient, for it destroys it and causes its active element pepsin, to be deposited as a white powder. Tn dogs to which alcohol was given with food, it was found that the process of digestion had not begun, twelve hours after eating. The stomach is obliged to remove all the alcohol before digestion can begin. This, then, is a monstrous fallacy. 9. Alcohol Is Made from Grain. “ But,” says one, “alcohol is made from grain, and if it is so very bad, why should not the grain be injurious also? There is a little poison in everything, any way.” Alcohol is made from grain, but it is not found ti it. Smoke is made from wood, yet there is no smoke in wood ; it is made by the destruction of the latter. Alcohol is made by the destruction of fruits and grains. [t 1s an absurd popular notion that there is, necessarily, poison in everything. In these days of wholesale adulteration it is often difficult to obtain food unmixed with poisonous products; but nature does not serve us so badly. Poison is not essential to life. THE DRUNKARD'S ARGUMENTS, 10. Whisky Does not Hurt me. The opium smoker, the absinthe taker, the ar- senic eater, all use the same argument, yet each falls a victim to his vice. You do not know what alcohol is doing for -you. “Wine is a mocker [deceiver].” You cannot see its depreda- tions. Your blunted sensibilities cannot feel its ravages. Your friends see it. Your wife notes it and mourns over it. You can yourself see it in others. Are your tissues different from those of every other man? Are they made of iron that they cannot be destroyed? Is the alcohol you drink different from all other alcohol? No; your good sense tells you, No. Then reform be- fore it is too late. 11. Pure Liquor Is not Bad. «Tf we only had such pure liquor as they used to make, it would not be so very bad,” says one. «Only take a little of my wine; I made it my- “self and it cannot hurt any one,” says the good housewife. These are two mischievous errors. Alcohol is the worst poison found in liquor. No drug add- ed by adulteration is so bad as the fiery liquid itself, Pure liquor is simply pure poison. ~Alco- hol is always the same, and its effects are always identical, whether it is found in the whisky bar- rel, or the cider barrel; in rum, brandy, lager beer, home-made wine, or “temperance bitters.”