Vw “o=RN\LA HM Van Takes Part in CD Drill Hawailan Mission's commu- nity services van participated in a recent Civil Defense drill while 30 top state and county officials were present. A Seventh -day Adventist vegetarian meal was served to demonstrate what can be ac- complished in an emergency sit- uation. As a result, one Civil Defense official stated that he is considering vegetarianism. Officials were very impressed with what the Church can and is doing to relieve the needs of humanity. Ben Pedro and Perise Neru o Revelation Prophecy Cru- sade with Evangelist Ed Hus- ton started October 2 at Wai- anae Intermediate School. Meetings are being held on the weekends for the next six weeks. If there is anyone in that area you would like to invite to these meetings, please contact Pastor Doug- las Motsenbocker, Waianae Adventist Church, Box 866, Waianae, HI 96792. The community services van will soon be participating in a mock air disaster at Honolulu International Airport. Partici- pants will experience a mass feeding demonstration at that time. The van is now equipped with a siren, outside public address system, emergency lights and commercial Civil Defense radio. An amateur radio unit will be installed soon. Will Degeraty, Director Lay Activities Dept. "Mission "16" Crusade Concludes for Samoans Honolulu Central Church's Samoan group recently con- cluded a six-week “Mission '76" evangelistic crusade. Thirteen were baptized and many more are studying. A large number completed the Samoan Bible Speaks and Voice of Prophecy Junior les- sons. Elder Neru Nuuialii adds, “We are pleased with the way God has blessed our efforts, and we give Him all the praise!” Ingathering Begins This Month Hawaiian Mission Academy students are spearheading the annual Ingathering campaign In Kailua. Hawaiian Mission’s communi- ty services van 1s on display at four Kailua shopping centers each Sunday this month. Stu- dents are asking the shoppers to contribute to Seventh-day Adventist community services in Hawaii. The public is invited to tour ATTENTION: ALL HAWAIIAN MISSION ACADEMY ALUMNI! The Alumni officers of HMA need your help! We are in the process of making up a directory of the alumni beginning with the first graduating class of 1924 to the present, including those receiving honorary diplomas. You can help us by sending the alumnus’ name (including maiden name), address, phone number, and year graduated. Mail information to Paula Castillo (56), Secretary, HMA Alumni Association, 41-1023 Kakaina St.,, Waimanalo, HI 96795; or locally phone 259-7961. Our purpose in doing this is to notify the alumni telling of activities their Alma Mater is involved in. Our goal is to have as many as possible attend and participate in the planned activities. We eagerly look forward to hearing from our alumni. Paula Castillo, Secretary, HMA Alumni Association LAT REST Arellano, Rudolph Joseph—b. Aug. 26, 1878, San Pablo, Calif.; d. Sept. 16, 1976, Los Gatos, Calif. Survi- vors: wife, Mary; sons, Bernard, Clifford; daughters, Barbara Smith, Genevieve Graves, Dorothy Colin, Georgette Monaghan, Jean Rhine- hart; 10 grandchildren; 8 great- grandchildren. Colburn, Edna L.—b. Sept. 23, 1889, Kingman, Kans.; d. Aug. 25, 1976. Survivors: stepsons, Harold M., Ver- non M, Deeter, Marie—b. March 18, 1890, Kinnikinick, Wis.; d. Sept. 21, 1976. Survivors: daughter, Evagrace Champion; sister, Irene Brodale; 4 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchil- dren. Dietrich, Charles—b. Nov. 12, 1891; d. Feb. 24, 1976, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: wife, Myrtle; sons, Ken, Merle, Morris; daughters, Louise Rogers, Alta Harrigan, Jessie Fisch- er, Erma Williams; 20 grandchil- é dren; 8 great-grandchildren; 4 sis- ters. Hamilton, Olive E.—b. Feb. 7, 1893, Adrian, Mich.; d. Aug. 22, 1976, Kingman, Ariz. Survivors: daugh- ters, Betty Stanbridge, Nelta Ham- ilton, Mildred Vandeva; sons, Le- Roy, Norris A.; 20 grandchildren: 39 great-grandchildren; 2 great- great-grandchildren. Hurst, Joseph Edgar—b. Aug. 22, 1880, Kentucky; d. Aug. 28, 1976, Redding, Calif. Survivors: daugh- ters, Gladys Barr, Fredia Herr, Faye Kalhor, Lora Hurst; brothers, Dal- las, Lester, Paris, Jim. Irvin, Homer W.—b. Sept. 15, 1880, Williamsport, Pa.; d. Sept. 26, 1976. Survivors: wife, Esther; son, May- nard; half-sister, Josephine Ke- horney; 2 grandsons. Silva, Mary—b. Oct. 15, 1915, Flo- rida; d. July 8, 1976, Bellflower, Calif. Survivors: husband, Enoch; son, Bruce; brothers, David, Ga- briel, Joseph, Daniel, Manuel; sis- ters, Adeline, Phoebe, Claudia, Jo- sephine, Alice. the van where Lay Activities Director Will Degeraty, Kailua Pastor Stanley Baldwin and other adults from the church greet them. Literature is dis- tributed and community ser- vices programs are discussed with interested persons. John McConnell, Lay Activities Leader Kailua Church L_4aT REST Jones, Steven Anthony—b. Sept. 29, 1954, Lynwood, Calif.; d. Dec. 30, 1975, San Diego County. Survivors: father, Cletus E.; mother, Rosemary A.; sister, Suzanne K. Thompson; brother, Daniel L.; grandparents, Tony and Anna Piscitelli; grand- mother, Suda L. Jones. Katsuyama, Avame—b. Jan. 7, 1911, Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii; d. Sept. 22, 1976, Honolulu, Hawaii. Survivors: husband, Murphy Yoshio; sons, doctors David Masamichi, Ernest Isami; daughter, Jean Sadako Mat- sumura; 5 grandchildren; mother, Take Nitta; brothers, Albert Kenji Nitta, Joji Nitta and Seiji Nitta; sisters, Grace Kiyomi Fujimoto, Ruth Miyoshi Tsutsumi, Nora Yo- shiko Mizumoto. Kott, Mary G.—b. June 3, 1907, Blytheville, Ark.; d. Sept. 29, 1976, Glendale, Calif. Survivors: daugh- ter, Carey Curtis; grandchildren, Gartly N., Margo K.; sister, Carey Stephenson; Field Pursley. She sup- ported her husband, Clarence, who preceded her in death just a year ago, in the ministry of the church nearly 40 years. Norman, Susie—b. Aug. 21, 1897, Oklahoma; d. Sept. 15, 1976, Fresno, Calif. Survivors: sons, Ray, James; sister, Ruth Almond; 8 grandchil- dren; 12 great-grandchildren. Orr, Wendell L.—b. Nov. 1, 1908, Newberg, Ore.; d. Sept. 11, 1976, Norwalk, Calif. Survivors: wife, Thelma; son, Norman; sister, Lou- ise Orr; 4 grandchildren. Owen, Ada Ray—b. May 12, Berkeley, Calif.; d. Aug. 28, Deer Park, Calif. Survivors: 1893, 1976, son, Vernon; sister, Bertha Baxter; a grandchild. Robinson, Harriet Elizabeth — Db. Aug. 27, 1900, Pittsburgh, Penn.; d. Aug. 23, 1976, Seaside, Calif. Survi- vors: son, Bertram T.; brother, An- derson; 3 nieces; 2 grandchildren. Rowley, Sally Mae—b. Oct. 4, 1887, Missouri; d. Aug. 16, 1976, Martinez, Calif. Survivors: son, Troy Burdine; daughters, Dorothy Anderson, Nor- ma Van Dueson, Doris Nelson; 8 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchil- dren; 2 great-great-grandchildren. Publishing Associate Is Named The Arizona Conference is pleased to welcome Boyd Sal- vards and his family, coming from the Central California Conference. Mr. Salyards is our newest associate director in the pub- lishing department. He fills the vacancy created when Adam Stamel transferred to the Kentucky-Tennessee Confer- ence to work as a literature evangelist. He entered the literature min- istry in Tulare, California. in 1972. In 1973 he became an as- sociate publishing director in Central California. The Salyards will live in Tuc- son where he works with the literature evangelists in the southern district. We are con- fident that the literature work will make giant strides in that area under his dedicated lead- ership. Boyd and his wife, Dena, have Dena and Boyd Salyards with daughters Deanna and Connie two daughters: Deanna, 14 years old, a freshman at Tuc- son Junior Academy: and Con- nie, 12, in the seventh grade. E. Frank Sherrill, President Arizona Conference. All New and Re-elected 1976 COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOPS Featuring Shirley Burton Communications Director, Pacific Union Conference ® October 23 Phoenix Central Church 3- 6 p.m. ® October 24 Tucson Sharon Church Communications Secretaries, Q-12 a.m. Plan Now To Attend! Pr LEARNING TO MARCH and drill is as important for Pathfinder directors as it is for Pathfinders. Elder Harry Garlick puts some of Arizona's directors through the paces. Simon, Matilda Schoepflin—b. May 12, 1898, Edwall, Wash.; d. Aug. 29, 1976, Paradise, Calif. Survivors: sisters, Emma Koegler, Kate Patter- son; brother, Charles Schoepflin; nieces and nephews. Speck, Marguerite—b. March 10, 1892, Kansas; d. Sept. 7, 1976, An- gwin, Calif. Survivors: niece, Ruth Henderson; nephews, Lloyd, George Barber. She served 36 years as Bible worker and nurse in Adventist hos- pitals. Stevenson, Florence — b., April 20, 1925, California; d. Aug. 26, 1976, British Columbia. Survivors: hus- band, Robert; 3 daughters; a broth- er; 3 sisters; 5 grandchildren. Stout, Bertha S.—b. March 13, 1891, Oklahoma; d. July 31, 1976, San Ja- cinto, Calif. Survivors: sons, Halley, Edison, Ernest, Gamaliel; daugh- ters, Sarah, Leora, Edith; sister, Nannie Owens; brother, Jim Park- er; 20 grandchildren; 31 great- grandchildren; 6 great-great-grand- children. Ward, Mary Landwehr—b. Cinci- natti, Ohio, 1885; d. Loma Linda, Calif., Aug. 8, 1976. Survivors: a brother; 2 sons; a daughter; 13 grandchildren; 31 great-grandchil- dren. Weisharr, Eva F.—b. Oct. 26, 1891, Kansas; d. Aug. 31, 1976, Lodi, Calif. Survivors: sisters, Ella Wall, Edna Fitts, Esther Weisharr. ELDER HARRY GARLICK, as- sociate Pacific Union youth di- rector, teaches Arizona’s Path- finder leaders about some of the spiritual dimensions of junior youth leadership during a recent leadership training weekend at Prescott. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 PY