...what am i doing? A Rising up above the earth. B Schools are for training people to listen to other people. David Fashner, Reger Smith € Facts don’t do what you want them to. Facts are a government's point of view. Kris Widmer, Brian Wahl D Riding a bicycle. Dan Bledsaw E The Space People think factories are musical instruments. They sing along with them. Each song lasts from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No music on weekends. Bret Cemer, Paul Schilling, David Candy, Michael Song, Debbie Seifert, Lennart Olson, David Hockett F Tell us a little, but not too much. Marv Atchley G The more things change, the more they stay the same. Alicia Worley HM /t is certainly more agreeable to have power to give than receive. Richard Lesher