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The introductory services consisted of singing, the reading of the 84th Psalm by Elder Hare, and prayer by Elder G. B. Thompson. The following named delegates were seated:— Delegates ex-officio--M. N. Campbell, M. M. Hare, A. V. Olson, G. H. Skinner, W. C. Young, J. Vuil- leumier, D. J. C. Barrett, F. G. Hill, T. D. Rowe, Edna Leach. Ontario—F. C. Webster, M. J. Allen, F. W. Johnston, J. T. Errington, Joseph Capman, T. H. • Robinson. Quebec--N. H. Saunders, Evelyn Case. Maritime—L. 0. Machlan, William Wasell, Lulu VanBuskirk. Newfoundland—R. A. Hubley, Mrs. R. A. Hubley. North American Division Conference—Elders I. IL Evans and G. B. Thompson. At this point the president's biennial address was given, a full report of which was published last week. By vote the chair was empowered to name the session committees. After consultation with rep- resentatives of the various conferences the following committees were named:— Committee on Nominations—I. H. Evans, M. M. Hare, G. H. Skinner, A. V. Olson, W. C. Young. Committee on Plans—F. C. Webster, L. 0. Mach- -lan, N. H. Saunders, R. A. Hubley, Joseph Capman, T. D. Rowe, F. G. Hill. Committee on Credentials and Licenses—G:. B. Thompson, J. T. Errington, D. J. C. Parrett, J. • Vuilleumier. Committee on Distribution of Labor—The Union and Local presidents. Adjourned to call of the chair. SECOND MEETING � ; • .• The second meeting of the Union Conference vas- called to meet at 2:30 Wednesday; 'January 12, with Elder Campbell presiding. After singing, and prayer. by Elder I. H. Evans, the minutes of the ,previous meeting were read and approved. By vote Elder 'McVagh, president of the West Michigan Cciference, was seated as a delegate. Inasmuch as no business had yet been prepared by the committees, the time was occupied by . the presidents of the conferences. Elder G. 1-L Skinner first reported the work in Maritime. An encouraging growth in membership, tithe and : � .offerings was. sh omit/ during. the past biennial period. Elder A. V. Olson rendered a report of his work in Quebec. The tithe in 1915 was forty-five per cent. greater than in 1913. During 1914 and 1915 the mis- sion offerings had greatly increased, even exceeding the twenty-cent-a-week mark. The report of the Newfoundland Mission Field was called for and was presented by Elder W. C. Young, the superintendent. This also was of a very encouraging nature, and to add to the interest Elder Young gave a talk on the characteristics of the people 'in that Island. Accompanying this report was an ap- plication from thexecently organized glee and Catalina for acceptance as sister churches in the Union Conference. Elder Vuilleumier presented a report of the French work in Quebec. Although there are many difficulties to be overcome by the gospel workers there, the people are being reached .and the work is onward. Adjourned to the call of the chair. 2 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER THIRD MEETING At 2:30 Thursday, January 13, the third meeting of the Eastern Canadian Union Conference convened with Elder Campbell in the chair. A hymn was sung and after Elder Barrett asked God's blessing on the aneeting, the minutes were read and approved. Professor Rowe was called upon to give a report Hof the work at Buena Vista Academy. The enrolment is increasing and students and teachers are enjoying much of the blessing of the Lord. The week of prayer this year was a season of special refreshing. Elder Hare next reported for Ontario. The re- Fuilts of the efforts put forth to bring souls to the Might of the truth. have been very encouraging. Workers have been located in the cities and their la- bor has been crowned with success. Special effort has been put forth to place our denominational books in. the homes of the people and the sales exceeded, six 'thousand dollars the past year. The tithe and offer- ings also have been on the increase. Miss Mabel Hillyard, who has been working in .Northern Ontario, briefly reviewed some of her ex- periences. 'Upon returning to that place after an ab- sence of seven months, she found those who had taken their stand were still faithful. She received Over five hundred dollars Ingathering funds in six weeks. Professor.Machlan rendered a report of the work at Williamsdale Academy. There are at present 'thirty-Itiond students in. attendance, and he reports a good strong work being done in all departments. ' � Elder Johnston reported encouraging results from 'the work which he and Brother Hurdon carried on la t summer in Ottawa. Through their efforts a com- pany of about twenty-five are observing the Sabbath. Elder M. J. Allen has enjoyed a good degree of success in his work. A number have accepted the 7triith through his efforts and others are just about to • step out. • Adjourned to the call of ,the chair. FOURTH MEETING The fourth meeting of the Conference convened 'at 2:80 Friday, January 14, 1916, with Elder Camp- %bell in the chair. • A hymn was sung and Elder Skin- ner offered prayer, after which the minutes were read • itnd approved. • The committee on Credentials and Licenses sub- mitted the following report:— For Credentials: M. N. Campbell, W. C. Young, M. M. Hare, T. D. Rowe, H. S. Miller. For Ordination and Credentials: R. A. Hubley. jro Missionary Credentials: Edna Leach, Olive L'Leaeh, Mrs. M. N. Campbell, Mrs. W. C. Young, Mrs. 'R. A. Hubley, Nettie Knister, F. A Spangler. This report was adopted. The Committee on Plans and Resolutions pre- sented a partial report. A motion was made and sec- onded that. adopted. by considering_ each resolu- tion separately. Consideration of the report was de- ferred till the next meeting. After a statement made by Elder Young concern- ing the Englee and Catalina 'churches it was moved and carried that. these be accepted by the Union Conference. Elder Webster rendered a report of his work dur- ing the past summer. He, with Brother and Sister Smith conducted a tent effort in the eastern part of Toronto, later continuing the meetings in a hall. The efforts put forth were blessed by a number accepting the truth. Brother Capman gave an encouraging report of the book and perodical ales. During 1915 there was a gain 'of over two thousand dollars on the books sold by the colporteurs in Ontario. One young man who is now in Buena Vista Academy sold one thousand "World's Crisis" in Hamilton during the summer. Brother Spangler presented some interesting fig- ures concerning the work being done in the Union printing office at Oshawa. A series of "Maple Leaf Series" is now being printed for extensive circulation by our people in home missionary work. Elder Barrett reported the work carried on by him and Brother Wasell in Cape Breton Island where two good churches now exist as a result of the labor put forth in that field. Adjourned to call of the chair. FIFTH MEETING The fifth meeting of the Union Conference con- vened at 7.30 p. in. January 15 with the president in the chair. The introductory services consisted of singing, after which Elder M. M. Hare offered prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Nominations submitted the following report:— President—M. N. Campbell. Sec. Treas.—M. M. Hare. Asst. Sec. Treas.—Edna P. Leach. Executive Committee—M. N. Campbell, M. M. Hare, the presidents of the local conferences, the su- perintendent of the Newfoundland Mission, and the principal of the Union training school. • Manager Canadian Publishing Assn.—M. M. Hare. Auditor—M. M. Hare. Sec. Educational and Miss. Volunteer Depart- ment—M. M. Hare. By motion this report was adopted by considering each name separately.. It was -carried unanimously. The Committee on Distribution of Labor pre- sented a report as follows:— QUEBEC We trust that this resolution adopted this year by our Union Conference will meet with the hearty approval of our people, and. we feel that it will as there is nothing than appeals more strongly to our good people than the cause of foreign missions, and they are willing to sacrifice for that more than for ' anything else. May succes crown all our efforts in this direction this year. � M. N. CAMPBELL. EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER � 3 "We request the Ontario Conference to release Elder M. M. Hare from the presidency of that con- ference to take the office of secretary and treasurer of the Eastern Canadian Union Conference. Also that the Quebec Conference be requested to .release Elder A. V. Olson to take the presidency of the Ontario Conference. These transfers to take place as soon as can be arranged." The report was adopted. Adjourned to the call of the chair. The sixth and seventh meetings of this session were devoted to the discussion of the resolutions passed in by the Committee on Plans and these will appear next week. M. N. CAMPBELL, President, EDNA LEACH, Acting Secretary. • To Our Sabbath Schools At the recent- session of the Union Conference the following resolution was adopted: "That we urge all our Sabbath schools to strive to reach the aim of fifteen cents a week per member." A number of our Sabbath schools in recent years have adopted aims of their own, each one seeking to stimulate the Sabbath school offerings by various devices. As a denomina- tion we have been working during the last two years to reach a goal of twenty cents a week per member. The Sabbath school department of the General Con- ference has been encouraging our Sabbath schools to try to reach fifteen cents a week per member, thus, through the Sabbath schools, raising three-quarters of the mission offerings. In many sections of the country our Sabbath schools have reached this goal, and some have gone considerably above it. In this *Union we have set this mark to work to the present year. We hope that each Sabbath school superinten- dent, secretary, and. teacher, will take note of this plan and lend his personal support to reach the goal in his Sabbath school. There is nothing like having a mark to work to, as it proves a great incentivq, to- ward accomplishing results. Each Sabbath at the close of the school let the superintendent call for the .membership and the amount which has been contribu- ted that day and see how near they have come to reaching the mark. Should there be a deficit during the quarter the 13th Sabbath special offering could -go in to help make it up, and thus maintian the aver- age through the year. Our Sabbath schools have proved a wonderful strength to this denomination from the fact that by the study of the lessons our people have become :rooted and grounded in the faith, and their knowledge of the Scriptures greatly increasd. It is being demon- 13trated that our Sabbath-schools are also the bulwark :of .our foreign mission work. Financial Statement, Montreal English Church Membership 38. 1914 1915 Tithe � $658 76 � $1134 57 Annual � 21 � 55..........72 44 Colored Work � 1 00 Harvest Ingathering � 116 19 61 00 Midsumther � � 10 63 21 67 Missions � 34 28 37 72 Religio as Liberty � 4 86 Sabbath School � 140 50 193 94 Miscellaneous � 132 30 82 65 Church Expense � 72 16 150 7.3 Miscellaneous Church � _45 9 00 $1192 68 $1763 72 Increase over 1914 � $571 04. We received $23 27 over the 20 cents-a-week requirement. Montreal English Sabbath School Report Av. mem. Av. Att. Offerings. 1914 � � 17 � 13 � $136 33 1915 � 17 � 15 � 257 75 In 1914 we had $3.73, and in 1915 $58.44, more than the quota of 15 cents a week. Thirteenth Sabbath Offering,1915 March � .$39 29 June � 19 30 September � 15 70 December � 43 25 • AT the meeting of the Union Committee follow- ing the Union session in Toronto, Elder D.,J. C. Bar- rett was appointed superintendent of the Newfound- land Mission to take the place of Elder Wm. Young who was recommended to the Quebec Conference as president in place of Elder A. V. Olson who has ac- cepted the call to the presidency of the Ontario Conference. THE Board of Directors of the Eastern Canadian Missionary Seminary met in Oshawa the past week and considered the interests of our Union institution. The same faculty was re-elected to serve for the school year of 1916-1917 except Sister Patton who, on account of her health, will be obliged to relinquish her work as matron the coming year. AT the request of the Eastern Canadian brethren, the General Conference released Elder Campbell from. the call to take the presidency of the British Union Conference so that he could be free to accept re-elec- tion to the presidency of the Eastern Canadian Vrtipilt. 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address � Oshawa, Ont Edna Leach � Editor Entered as sedond•class matter. Price, 50 cents a year in advance. All subscriptions expire December 31. Fleming-Barrett Wedding . � Monday evening, January 10, Nina Flething and Elder D. J. C. Barrett Were united in marriage at the home of Elder M. N. Campbell, Oshawa, Ontario, Elder Campbell performing the ceremony. After • congratulations were extended and refreshments served the bride and groom left for Toronto to attend the Union Conference meeting whiCh convened .from January' 11-16. Elder and Mrs Barrett will make their future home in Newfoundland where he goes to • tEike the superintendency of the field. Their -Many WE trtNt. that all Sabbath school workers w i 11 carefully read Elder Campbell's article in this issue entitled, "To Our Sabbath Schools." T.... .._ 11.11.411,.....• ........ • •-•••... • •-•...• • •••••.....1.41*-.....•••••••,..41,-....••-••••-• v....A...1.-s • -.... • •-......• ...mi....1-4 I PINK—Our aged and beloved brother Pink, retired chief boatsman in His Majesty's Royal Navy, passed away at his home in Chatham, Ont., Dec. 27, 1915, in his eighty-eighth year. Brother Pink was a native of Devon, England, where he accepted present truth and became a member of the Sev- enth-day Adventist church at Plymouth, May .5, 1906. In spite of hiS advanced years he entered heartily into all the in- terests of this denomination, and at once became a canvasser for our literature. After four years of faithful labor in Eng- land he came to.Canada and settled in Hamilton,. Ont., where he continued to follow his chosen work of selling our maga- zines until a short time before his death. His passing away was beautiful to behold,—like unto a peaceful river gliding out into the ocean of eternity. We believe it can be said of him, "He had kept the faith." His greatest desire was to communicate a knowledge of this truth to others. He will no doubt arise with all the faithful. �F. C: WEBSTER. OBITUARY friends wish them an abundance of spiritual and tem- poral blessings. -0- Quebec Conference Report for December, 1915 Churches Tithes Miss. Sab. S. Misc. Total Special Discount on the "Testimonies for the Church" The following decision rendered at the Mission- ary and Bookman's Convention, Mountain View, Cali- fornia, March 15, 1915, will be of special interest to our people everywhere. "That the full sets of the Testimonies be fur- nished as follows:— "Leather � bound, � nine � volumes � (retail price, Namur Individuals Mont'l French South Stukely Fitch Bay Mont'l Eng North Hatley South Bolton Dixville Sherbrooke $. � 4 22 31 98 18 137 .80 14 62 00 00 59 63 78 67 23 00 82 $ � 9 61 47 7 128 62 30 52 00 96 95 87 47 00 75 13 $ 1 20 12 17 1 46 5 4 15 48 50 44 47 74 75 49 50 45 $ 60 100 6 00 00 00 292 89 147 72 551 48 50 105 99 224 05 28 39 100 00 49 25 136 40 $469 72 $380 13 $125 82 $166 00 $114167 $12.75) $10.80. "Cloth bound, nine volumes (retail price, $8.25) $7.00. That 10 per cent. discount from the regular retail price be allowed a purchaser buy- ing a single copy to complete a set; on two or more copies to complete a set, 15 per cent. discount." Now is the time to provide yourself with these valuable works. The study of the Testimonies is cal- culated to make men spiritually strong. We feel con- fident that a careful study of these precious volumes would make active missionary soul winners of all our people. Order direct from this office and make any sacrifice necessary to thus equip yourself for conflict. � CANADIAN PUB. ASSN. Colporteurs' Report, Week Ending Jan. 14, 1916 Ontario Name Book � Hours Value Total Del. J Pengelly CK � 60 $35 50 $56 05 Maritime *F Salway WC SB � 44 5 00 5 00 29 00 *2 Weeks Total � 104 $40 50 $61 05 $29 00 The "Maple Leaf Series" Watch this notice each week. In it will appear the issues of the "Maple Leaf Series" as they are • published from time to time. The following are now ready for distribution: • No. � TITLE � No. Pages 1 Signs of the Day of God � 4 • � 2 The Return of Our LOrd .4 3 How Esther Read Her Bible � 4 4 The Bible—Its Inspiration and Importance � 6 5 Is Man Immortal? � � 6 • 6 Last Day Deceptions � .8 7 � The Church and the World (Poem▪ ) �4 8 Candid Admissions from Sunday Observers and Writers � 4 9 Which Day Do You Keep and Why9 � 4 PRICES Four page tracts—$2.50 per 1,000, $1.25 per 500, not prepaid; 40 cents per 100, 25 cents for 50, postpaid. Six page tracts—$3.50 per 1.000, $1.75 per 500, not prepaid; 60 cents per 100, 35 cents per 50. postpaid. Eight page tracts'—$4.00 per 1,000, $2.00 per 500, not prepaid; 80 cents per 100, 45 cents for 50, postpaid.