Sunday fanuery 11 Conflicting Concepts | About Christ LOGOS John 2:1-22 Conflicting Concepts About Christ's Dealings With Problems (John 2:1-11) Jesus and His disciples were invited to attend a wedding in Cana of Galilee, where the embarrassing situation of “no more wine” arose. Jesus was aware of the problem. in fact, He was in the midst of the problem, as He is with all our problems. Mary did what we all should do when we encounter problems: Take it to the Lord first. As Jesus Himself would phrase it, “ ‘Seek first the kingdom of God’ ” (Matt. 6:33, NKJV). This was like having six miracles in one because “there were six huge jars near- by, each holding about thirty gallons of water intended for ceremonial use” (John 2:6, The Clear Word). Thirty gallons of water miraculously turned into grape juice, repeated another five times! This was Jesus’ first miracle. Mary put Jesus first, in helping to solve the prob- lem. Jesus put His Father first in terms of whom He took orders from. Instead of the traditional way, in this wedding . . . . the first wine was followed by the This was like having SIX best wine. Similarly, what the world miracles in one. offers humanity is followed by what Jesus offers humanity—the best was left for last. Only what Jesus has to offer can truly satisfy the deep longings of our hearts. Salvation the “Jesus way” is the best and only way to satisfy our souls. Conflicting Concepts About Christ's Church-Temple (John 2:12-17) In John 2 we find a clash of concepts as to what should transpire in the church. The Jerusalem temple was entering the Passover season, and the moneychangers and sellers were out in full force to do a roaring trade for the ceremonies. Jesus arrived on the scene, and stands almost amazed at what church worship and the sanctuary had come to. Could this be the house of the Almighty God? This was a clear case of the contrast between God's way of thinking and our way of thinking: “‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways’” (Isa. 55:8, NKJV). In righteous indignation, with a passion that we have rarely seen displayed by Jesus, He overturns tables. Birds and coins fly and roll in every direction. Unscrupulous sellers and extortionists run for cover. Sheep scatter in panic, and oxen lumber through the church courtyard as people scramble to get out of the way.