tems cach evening. The choirs have provided special choral num- bers, as well as providing a back- ground for the song service, each evening of the etiort. Then we think of the harmonious voices of the SAUC Quartet, Alfonso Mamora. Lawrence Chu, Robert Tan and Ddmund Siagian. who brought the theme song cach evening. The interest shown in the trun- slated meetings by the Mandarin- speaking public thus far has heen guite good. Pastor Dan Guild is being ably assisted by Pastor Jos hua Chang at these meetings which are running concurrently with the Enghsh meetings, but on ditierent nights. Pastor Joshua Chong 1s head of the Chinese ministerial training department. the students of which are rendering valuable help in the cffort. Helping in the visitation of interested people are Jerry Chang. pastor of the Singa- pore Chinese Church, and minis- terial interns Chin Kon Loi, Wong Yew Seng. Chow Tham Swee. and THE MESSENGER Yap Yin Choong. As in the English meetings. the ushering is cheerfully carried out by the dea- cons and members of the Chinese Church. A group of ladies serve as receptionists, charmingly attired mm identical soft-colored ¢heong- sams. Brother Tang Lup Seng discharges his responsibility very well as chairman of the music committee. while the Chinese Church choir under the leadership of Benny Liem faithfully renders much necded musical help tor the meetings. With this issue of the MES: SENGER goes our appeal to all readers of this monthly organ of the Scutheast Asia Union Seventh day Adventist Church. tor thar fervent and frequent pravers to the Lord of the Harvest. We need His continual blessing on these meetings and the mighty Spinit's presence to convict and convert souls. The Lord has blessed our ciforts thus far; we humbly trust Fe will continue to do so. EO AE LT FR TRE die hn sein Voter of Propdeeen weaednates in Ub, _ _ . J — THAILAND MISSION AUR [rections LoL \ RYAY HES Secty renter LoL LL bw Tae Pi Bos reo. Danghaob, Uieatad AMR RNR ASS RNEBRIRSERNRANARANENAARAS Voice of Prophecy at Ubol Yastor Palmer Wick Ubol Mission Director The first graduation for Voice of Prophecy Correspondence Paste eantreie lotr, Wile stings ore the hack tees, Course students in Ubol was held recently with 21 persons receiving diplomas. Nai Yao. supervising the Voice of Prophecy School here. has done a very fine job in following up the interest created by this course of Bible study. Several of these graduates have been baptized and four more of them are in a baptismal class. They have requested bapusm dur- mg the month of March, 1959. Please turn to page 6 Life Sketch of Mangara Jisman Hutabarat The entire stafl of the South- cast Asta Union was greatly sad: dened recently by the death of one of its members. Mr. Hutu harat’s faithful and devoted ser vices in the Voice of Prophecy department are greatly nussed. A number of relatives and friends gathered to pay tribute to ther deceased brother at the funeral service held in the South- cast Asia Union College chapel. Pastor S. I. Chu read the tollow- ing obituary at that time: “Mangara lisman Hutabarat was born on April 1. 1919, and passed to his rest on March 24, 1939, “He finished his elementary ed- ucation in Sumatra in 1936. He heard the advent message from his father-in-law and was baptized in Singapore in 1938 while study- ing in the Malayan Seminary. He graduated from Junior College in 1940 and was called to teach in North Borneo in 1941. In that vear he married Advent Flora Manullang on May 15. “He worked in Kuching and Jes- selton trom 1941-1948. Since 1949 he has been working in the Voice of Prophecy. He was always a loving husband and father. He eaves to mourn his loss his loving wife, five sons and two daughters.” Many other relatives and friends share their grief, and pray that God may be especially near them in this time of sorrow.