» THE WATCHMAN SONGS FOR SERVICE A beautiful collection of Gospel Songs, Religious Liberty Songs, Health and Temperance Songs, Songs for. Social Gatherings and the Home Circle. EDITED BY CHAS. P. WHITFORD , As indicated by the title SONGS FOR SERVICE IN CHURCH AND HOME is a book for service —it will wear well. It is a fifty-cent book but has recently been reduced in price to only thirty-five cents per copy, post-paid This is a popular price, and will surely please those who purchase. 256 pages. Single copy - - - - - $ 35 One dozen copies - - - - - 350 One hundred copies - - - - 25 00 When | Behold Him. 7 ELia M. Parks. An effective Solo. H. L. GitMouk. Lyi N N } I) LN _N 2 ~ NT HG —g— PD A NI Jf tc a pa” — —fo— NN yo .— i a *— — ye J gv gv <- 0 Ne’ 1. Af- ter the earth-ly shadows have lifted, And o'er the hill - tops 9. Helpless He found me, lift-ed me to Him ; Whisper’d of pardon a- 3. Now in His presence, dai-ly I’m liv- ing, Walking by faith where mine ANN pee ee JANA A Sh Ee i ty JS ss men or? SSS pL 9 p- 8 —e— ¥ Fg _¥ “Bn . I / J yi r] r—) . t < ol "—+— | Be dt Ng AN Ni NNN | i NN. nn EW Marva ae of nf ppt a Sl Ce ES te ee fo vo 0000 ——t——@ morning I see, Sweetest of pros- pects, I shall behold Him, Jesus, the bundant and free; Breath'd He His peace o’er my sin-stricken spirit; Pointed ny eyes cannot see; For He is guid - ing home to that cit- y, Built for His —_ NON opm NNN, A —— FC PTE JS Jy SN JC ILS SS SS SO A so 9 0 —8 EE Es Sua 7D pF FT = (~~ & a+" 9 | ’ Cy 7 vou | —1 rot ritard CrORUS | | CA oo G-bb—1 — NTE AC NN FA" SS ~ Lm BaP A P- SE oI ele Co a gq (2 per F560 —g : : En 4 tl PH ’ : pe EE + { a pg —0—— 0 v Vv Vv 4 - - When with the ransom’d His face I shall see. Oh, how my heart in | i — > > £° ha 2— > 5 . ere —p—p dt —0 re — —] PAA E— od r—o— ——-#f— — | hb——— Cami re—~ J — a — ep boy ritard. NON Dd DONA | EE - — ——, ; — — gv ae — Pa may a ates A) F-%—e—o ._* sr To ? | a @ . 7 > > - ° - -- ° & rapture will praise Him, Praise Him for sav ing a sinner like me. ~ ~ aN 000" O00 9B PF" — PI + ® . yA J): a I—o—0——0—0—"—9" Ee — oe 1] wrist Jump Say 7 vy SS ———— Ny) m—— > E—— Se Copvrizht. Iw 2 hy « L. Gilm ur, Wenonah, N. J. Used by | permission. | | Address your Tract Society or the dl hte SA TENN. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION FT. WORTH, TEXAS HICKORY, N. C. SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS VERY fine quality, two and one half cents per paper. The Oakwood Manual Training School, hav- ing perfected arrangements with a reliable seedsman in the North, is in a position to sup- ply all garden, flower, and field seeds at low prices. « Much care will be taken in the filling of orders. Extra fine watermelon seed a specialty. Reliable nursery stock, flowering bulbs, and plants can also be supplied. Send your orders to the School, and thereby assist the work; and at the same time receive bene- fit yourself. Send for price list. Address, Oakwood School, Huntsville, Ala., Seed Department. NEW SONGS WE are in receipt of two new songs, “O Where Are the Sowers?” and “The Same Old Story,” published by Brother C. P. Whit- ford, of Ft. Ogden, Florida, which are very pleasing, both in music and sentiment. It will be remembered that Brother Whit- ford compiled the book, “ Songs for Service in Church and Home.” For four years he has been an invalid, and not being able to sing the gospel himself, as formerly, he has devoted considerable time and attention to preparing some most excellent gospel songs for others to sing. We believe you would not regret sending for these two songs, or for “Footsteps That Never Come” and “Homeward,” either twa of which may be had for twenty-five cents. Beautiful Bible Mottoes No home is complete without at least one There is no better time than right now to sell Mottoes. A special discount of 25 per cent will be given to all those that wish to help raise means for the Southern Schools. Agents make from $4 to 810 a day. Will you help us raise $500 in the next six months to help the Southern Schools? Address with 2¢. stamp. THE HAMPTON ART CO., Hampton, Iowa. JOS. R. BANKS H. F. BANKS H. F. BANKS @ CO. Real Estate and Loan Brokers, No. 307 FOURTH AVE., NORTH OFFICE PHONE, MAIN, 1136 Home PHONE, Main, 3011-R NASHVILLE, - TENNESSEE For more than four years we have been fur- nishing to our people the very best vegetable HYGIENIC COOKING Ol AMERICA’S S5nerich ar BEST better. Next to Olive Oil.’ FIVE GALLON CAN, $3.50 TEN GALLON CAN, $7.00 60 cts. per gal. in bbl. (about 50 gal.) and 15 bbl. (about 30 gal.) lots. By freight direct from the factory in Louisville, Ky., to you. Send stamp for cook booklet and circulars, also cash with each order to DR. 0. C. GODSMARK, East Chattanooga, Tenn.