a gy International Newsreel New York police officials burning a million dollars’ worth of narcotic drugs, the cause and accompaniment of much of the crime of our times Whence All "| his LLawlessness? Our great cities are at last thoroughly aroused over the tidal wave of crime, and are taking drastic steps to call a halt on the gunmen who hold them up and the grafters who pilfer their treasuries. It will be well to go far enough back to quell the wind that raised the wave. VERY one who cares about his country, (P| and seriously contemplates the crime condi- tions and the flagrant wantonness of con- duct so prevalent in the world and es- pecially in this country, must recognize that there is great need of a careful analysis of the problem and an immediate remedial measure designed to restore respect for statute law, regard for conscience, and reverence for the moral and spiritual laws of God. Surely the time has come for some prophet of thunder to sound forth his warnings in no uncertain terms; for the confusions and the perils of our day prophesy darkly, not only for American ideals, but for the ideals of all righteous- ness. Unless there is a rebuilding of the dikes that have gone down before the swelling tide of crime and vice, our civilization is confessedly on a very precarious foundation. When we search for the sources of this problem, we find the primary causes residing in man himself — causes for crime are as old as the human race. Killing, stealing, and other crimes result from selfish- ness not yet brought under control. Because of sin, there is in man a sheaf of tendencies that break out in various forms of misbehavior, unless the individual has undergone a divine transformation that brings his life henceforth under the yoke of obedience to a higher law, even the law of God. I'he world has gone wrong because it has been led PAGE SIX ‘By Louis K. Dickson to disrespect the divine law. One of the most quoted — and also misquoted — proverbs of wise King Solomon says, ‘‘ Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint.” Proverbs 29:18, A. R. V. What is the vision to which he refers and wkich has ceased before men? The rest of the text explains: “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” The vision, then, is the authority of the law, and the conclusion of the wise man is that when the law of God is taken away from before men’s eyes and hearts, there is a certain casting off of restraint that follows. Uncontrollable barbarian instincts, the backwash of the war, injustice in industrial conditions, the lack of, or the breaking down of, home authority and training, may be presented as immediate and clear-cut causes for the present wave of lawlessness; but these are only secondary to the primary cause, which is fundamental; namely, the disregard for the law of God. Disregard for the law of God by both the clergy and the laity has preceded present-day lawlessness and has resulted therein. Following this disregard and disrespect for the authority of God and its resulting lawlessness, there have come the most gigantic assaults in the world’s history upon the word of God. Tradition and fiction have taken the THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE