«5 > the oppertauiticzs for securing advantageous properties that were then: available have passed by. 4s a result of searching for properties such as were desoribed in the Testimonies sent to Southern California, “16¥ vere able to find no less than thirty, that were offered for sale at discounts ranging from seventy-five to ninety per gent of their vale, in Looms from 20 to 200, and offered at prices from three or four thousand dolinrs to forty thousand. Counsel Repeated—¥hy? It is worthy of note that in the meesages sent to Southern Galifornia, in 1902, reference is made 40 the first revelations of sanitarium work first given to Seventh-day Adventist, “thirty-five years amo": It would seem that we had not fully learned some of the lessons that are vital Ho the prosperity of the medical missionary department of tiie work, Evidently, special emphasis was plaged upon the prinaiples we should be likely to neglect. narticulurly the necessity for brinzing the sick in close toash with Codfs great store