372 (8) ATLANTIC ONION GLEANER PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE Arrantic UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS South Lancaster, Mass. } Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year. EpiToR, - - - JENNIE THAYER Entered March 17, 1902 as Second-class Matter. A TRIAL subscription to the GLEANER will be sent to any address until December 3 for ten cents. _— mr — Exper H. W. CorrrELL is attend- ing the camp-meeting at Barre, Vi, and Elder FF. C. Gilbert is at the Waterville, Me., encampment. re ————— — _ A CHURCH WEDDING. WEDNESDAY evening, August 20, the Seventh-day Adventist church at South Lancaster, Mass., witnessed an unusually pleasant wedding. Mr. Paul C. Mason of South Lancaster, and Miss Ethel E. LaBier of Nevada, Mo., were united in marriage by Elder H. W. Cottrell. Mr. Mason is a teacher in the Academy, and the young people will reside at South Lancaster. Their many friends wish them a life of special happiness in Christlike service. rp — MEMORIAL SERVICE. THE memorial service of the late Brother C. E. Pratt, will be" held Sabbath, September 6, at 14 Water Street, Haverhill, Mass., at 2:30 p.Mm. Appropriate words for the occasion will be spoken by Elder K. C. Russell. A cordial invitation is extended to all Brother Pratt’s friends in the neighboring churches, and especially to the Newburyport church and the friends at Kensington, N. H. C. R. Munn. ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER SOUTH LANCASTER ACADEMY. SOUTH LANCASTER ACADEMY Zs not Zo be sold. The way has not scemed clear for this move. I write this thinking that the rumor of its sale, which is current, may affect the at- tendance at the school this coming year. We are planning to conduct a most excellent school instead of sell- ing. I want to call special attention again to the commercial work which we are planning to enter upon this The in the Academy building are being changed so as to be adapted to this work, and T am confident that no better work will be done, nor a better fitting up for practical business life be obtained, at any business school in the country than can be gotten at the Academy. The course is practical and adapted coming year. rooms to our denominational work, I also want to again call attention to our course for the preparation of teachers. It now looks as though we should not have teachers enough to supply the demands of the church schools that will open this fall. Here is a work that all our young people who have any inclination in this di- rection should consider. It is not too late to plan for school work at the Academy for this coming year, even if it has not been seriously considered before. let all attend the school who should. Freperick GRIGGs. Ce -— ANOTHER SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Reap and see if this does not mean you. The Correspondence School for Nurses, connected with the Sanita- rium Medical Missionary Training School, will begin a new class the first of October. Lessons are sent weekly to students who are unable to leave home duties in order to take a regular course at one of our Sanitari- This is the fourth year this work has been carried on, and hun- ums. dreds are availing themselves of it. Studies on eleven subjects are given, among which Christian help work and care and treatment of the sick are Our have cently been revised and enlarged and are in every way improved. The tuition fee 1s three dollars, which barely covers the cost of send- prominent. lessons re- ing out the lessons, correcting the. replies and returning the reports to the pupil. The text-books for this work are furmished at actual cost price. in October, which will continue one year (some finish in six months), and We shall organize a new class shall be glad to hear from all who are interested A descriptive circular giving full particulars, also testimoni- als from those who have taken the course, will be sent free on applica- tion, Address : Correspondence Depart- ment, Sanitarium Training School, Battle Creek, Mich. CLUB OFFER NO. 1, GOOD HEALTH, $1.00 GLEANER, .50 $1.50 By faking both, you save .65 Cost of both per year, 85 CLUB OFFER NO. 2. LIFE BOAT, 25 GLEANER, 50 TD By taking both, you save I5 Cost of both per year, .60 -— CLUB OFFER NO. 3. BIBLE TRAINING SCHOOL, 25 GLEANER, 50 75 By faking both, you save I5 Cost of both per year, .60 WaNTED.—Housekeeper. Christian character rather than technicalities considered. Address Edgar F. Cole, Bourne, Mass.