398 ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER THE BOOK WORK Greater New York, week ending Dec. 2, 1910 _ Name | Place [Book |Hrs, Ords| Value | Helps | Total L. H. Taylor, Elmsford DR 44 5 15 00 4 95 19 95 N. J. Grant, Brooklyn CK Be 25 21 00 3 60 24 60 A. D. Ishkanian, Fishkill DR 31 8 12 00 4 75 16 75 David Hale, New York City DR 25 8 5 00 b0 5 bo *]. 8. A, Munster, New York City Misc. 24 8 950 9 50 Dr. E. H. M. Sell, White Plains Misc. 14 24 40 24 40 Gladys I. Mitchell, Brooklyn Misc. 7 14 00 14 00 Ethel L. Hennessy, New York City GC 375 3 5 Sarah T. Panie, New York City GC 300 2 50 hb 50 Stephen Leonard, Spring Valley GC 150 1 50 E. A. Manry, Spring Valley DR 6 10 6 10 © Totals 11 Agents 248 5d $115 25 $16 30 $131 55 *Two weeks New York, week ending Dec. 2, 1910 F. G. McAlister, Broome GC 42 23 62 00 2 30 64 30 Geo. D, Austin, Schuyler GC 31 7 21 00 5 bo 26 50 E. E. Covey, Saratoga Springs 32 39 25 39 25 C. L. Covey, Saratoga Springs 16 15 05 15 05 $62 1 10 plas 80 _ Total 4 Agents oo 121 #83 00 Maine, week ending Nov. 25, 1910 G. W. Whitney, Island Falls "BR 30 2 600 230 3130 E. W. Townsend, Hartland CK 28 13 21 50 6 00 27 50 Wm. H. Hall, Norridgewock GC 21 3 6 00 13 80 19 80 Austin Brown, Norridgewock CK 18 3 4 50 4 50 8 00 Morals bAgens 106 26 IT 4960 86 60 Week ending Dec. 2 E. M. Town-end, St. Albans ~~ CK 39 7 950 175 112 A. 8. Brown, Oakland CK 22 16 19 00 8 00 27 00 Wm. H, Hall, (Del.) Fairfield GC 20 2 400 * 575 9 To G. W. Whitney, Island Falls BR 23 1 3 00 27 15 30 15 Totalsd Agents 104 26 3550 4265 7181 Western New York, week ending Dec. 2, 1910 C. TH. ‘Markham, Jamestown oo oo 5 P 99 9 9 50 9 00 ] 18 50 Mary DeWitt, Buffalo GC 19 5 TH 5175 Geo. Mathews, (Del) Medina Dof A 13 9 00 9 00 La Clear Matthews, {Del.) Medina COS 18 7 4 75 4 75 Chas. Koons, Brighton DA 14 3 i2 00 2 50 14 50 E. Blanch Markham, Jamestown SP 10 3 3 00 200 Bb 00 Emily Smith, Buffalo GC 3 1 2 00 2 26 4 25 oo lotals Bh id Agents 114 - 23 $4 5 $21 BO $61 TS Southern N:w Bagland, waek cnding Dec. 2, 1910 Wm. H Seymour (Del) Providence b of A 32 1 3 0 8 5 u 5 THE PAPER WORK Massachusetts, week ending Dec. 2, 1910 “Name | Hours | Misc | Lib | BTS | L&H | Wat | Tem In | Don | Amount W. S. Thomas 21 76 $7 60 Lizzie M. Steves 9 1: 4 1 70 EE TT 80 4 $9 30 ITEMS OF INTEREST MASSACHUSETTS Sunp uy, December 11, ten mem- bers of the Leominster Missionary Volunteer Society had a pleasant visit at the House of Correction, in Fitch- burg. They went for the purpose of dis- tributing literature to the inmates. When they arrived there, they found the chaplain much disappointed be- cause the singers he had expected had failed to come. He asked the mis- sionary volunteers to help with the music, which they were very glad to do. This assistance was much ap- preciated, and they received a cordial Invitation to come again, which invi- tation they plan to accept. About fifty periodicals were given to the in- mates, who seemed pleased to get them. H. B. Tucker. MAINE ELpErR MONTGOMERY spent Sab- bath and Sunday with the Portland church. Brother Butterfield and family spent Sabbath and Sunday with the CIiff Island church. Sister Bates is nicely located with her aged parents at West Paris, where all mail should be addressed to her. Several urgent calls have come in lately for ministerial help to hold meetings in -localitics where there seems to be an interest. Brother Coon, our field agent, is at Washington, attendi 'g the bookmen’s convention. We expect him to return in a few days by South Lancaster, where he will stop to visit our students. We are glad our canvassers are meeting with success, and are sending in good reports. This is the time to sell books, and our young canvassers are demonstrating that it can be done: Many more of our brethren and sisters should be engaged in the work. * *k Kk