Vol. 2. Oakland, California, February 19, 1892. No. 34. THE SNOW AND THE BIRD. SEE the glistening robe of snow, Deeply covering all the ground ; Chilling winds blow high and low, Here and there, and all around. Yet snowy carpets close and deep, Many needed blessings bring,— The autumn seeds they snugly keep Warm and safe till opening spring. See that lonely little bird, Barn or storehouse it has not; Let its cry not go unheard, Let its needs be ne'er forgot. Strive, dear reader, to make glad Every weak and helpless thing— Every sufferer, poor or sad— For the sake of Christ our King. 210 OUR LITTLE) FRIEND. DELLA'S ORNAMENTS. ^TifRS. MASON was sitting with her two lit- tle girls in the cozy sitting room of