must bend every energy to hasten the fizishing of the work while conditions ae as favorable as they are. [t iz very encouraging to note that the mission funds have kept up com- paved with the receipts last year, much better than the tithe, for this is certainly an indication t-at our people are willing, The conference in which the camp-meeting is held in the spring, will have somewhat of an ad- vantage in ising its mission quota this month, so let us all do our best during the month and in the Thiiteerth Sabbath offering on June 25, in order to keep up cur record as weil as to furnish the means so much reeded by the Aiszion Doard to sup- ply the necezsities of life for our faithful missionaries in foreign lands, A. R. Sm-use, Treasurer. IOWA NEWS ITEMS Summer June 14, school, 27 —August Elder €. J. Metzger wus at Nevada on business Wednesday of last week. Eider W. H. Clark attended the Minnesota camp-mecting at St. Cloud several days. We are glad to see Brother Hawley able to be out again after his opera- tien at the Sanitarium. Miss Ada Terwilliger has accepted the position stenographer in the conference office. She began her work the first of the week. Brother Steen Jensen came to the Sanitarium with a patient June seventh, He spent several days at the ofitee and Sanitarium. ls A well attended chureh =chool picnic held Sunday of last week in the beautiful grove just east of the Sanitarium of Nevada. Wis On Elder Clark went to Battle Creek on Wednesday of last week to assist Elder Beams and Brother Schwindt in the tent effort being held there. The county superintendant of Audubon eounty attended our graduu- tion exercizes at Exira and in a very kindly way expressed her apprecia- tinn of our school work and of the voung people developed by it. She e.pecially favored our ideas of mis- sionary endeavor, and presented our oraduates with the county diploma NORTHERN without examination. the “Audubon present The editor of Democrat” was alzo and responded to an invita- tion to speak with very appropriate words. Elder V. W. Robb has been suifer- ig for several weeks with a very per- sistant attack of bronchitis. We trust, however, that he will soon re- cover from it. Mixx Florence Shelburg, of the Sanitarium, has been rendering valu- able stenographic assistance at the conference office, pending the arrival of Miss Terwilliger. A tent outfit tus been shipped to Battle Creek where Elder J. W. Beams and Brother I. Fo. Schwindt expect to hold o series of meetings to follow up the interest there. Mi-< Bertha Beuson, w..o has bean erpared in Bible work at Cedar Rapids, =topped off at Nevada, June 15 and 16, on her way to take up similar work in Council Bluffs, Mizz Verna Burdick, stenographer and assistant in the tract society de- partment, iz away from the office on a twa weeks vacation, at home aud viziting relatives in 1llinois. Brother and Sister O. L. Atkin, or Towa Feliz, drove down to Nevada on Sunday, June 2, accompanied hy their daughter, Edna, who =taved a few days to take treatments at the Sani- tarium, Brother Charles Lee, of Danbury, came to the Saitarium last week with his wife who has since had an opera- tion for gall stonez. We were glad to have him cail at the office a num- ber of times. All the Towa =chools are now closed. Several churches have already raged teachers for next vear. The examination papers are heing looked over at the office. Some ex- cellent work haz heen «done by many of the students. en- Sister EK. A. Warner accompanied by her mother, Sister Daw=on anil the three daughters, Lela, Bernice, and Ruth, left on Tuesday af last week for their new home at Blue Springs, Nebraska, to which place Dr. Warner has preceded them by =everal weeks. Elder T. H. Jevs and family are temporarily occupying the house acated by Sister Warner and family, They have been joined by Miss Hazel Jevs who has heen attending Union College. Generally speaking the colporteurs are fnding the work a little more difficult this year than last on aec- count of the low prices of farm proa- ucts, but these who are sticking at it are with the Lord's help meeting with good success. Brother Beuben Zima and Sister Violet Pingeno, both of Mason City, were united in marriage at the cou- ference office in Nevada on June 14, Elder Clark officiating. Their many friends will wish them well as they lauueh out on life's journey together. Brother GrandPre was at the ofiice the 156th looking after his covre- spondence. Both he and Brother M. FF. Wiedemann, who is assisting him for a few weeks during the summer, then left to give as much assistance ax possible to the colporteurs in the field. It ix not too #00 to plan definitely on coming to camp-meeting, nor i= it too soon to hepin to pray that it wiil be the most spiritual meeting ever held in Towa. It is surely the Lords will that it should be, and if we all work and pray earnestly for it, we will not be disappointed. Remember, it is to be held at Nevada, August 18 to 2%, Either our grammar teaching is de- fective or the bumps of grammatical knowledge are caves on our eighth grade pupils heads, for the average of the graduating class in grammar i= only 79 per cent. Arithmetic faves a little better, the average being S1 per cent. History the same, while Bible approaches the 90 per cent. mark. Vacation finds Miss Ida Christen- sen at her home in Michigan, Misses Olive and Myrtle Cox at home at Rus- sell, Towa, Miss Adams in the ecan- vassing work, Elder Starr at home at Pleacanton. We have not learned of the vacaticn-pluns of all the teachers, hut we do know that there will be a woolly delegation at =chool at Hutchinson, the summer Professor W. H. Teesdale and wife accompanied by Professor G. W. Habenicht and wife arrived at Nevada recently having driven through in