Roscoe Dunlep -1 "All right,” he said, "The lord would not give us an elephant, and not provide water for it to drink,” and he went back chearfully to his work of digging, tummelimg cne direction and then another direstion and broke inte a stream of water which saved ths situation. I esamot tell you where visions wers givem to Sister White as they may have related to the well. Very likely right there at the Paradise Valley 3amitarium while the vork was iu progress smd she was there om the grounds. 1f while you are in the West, you will get in touch with our Bruther damiltom who lives in Los Angeles, he will give you a good deal of interesting iuformatiom. You ean oontact him by learning his &ddress from our older werkers from the Paradlse Valley Sanitarium area, 1 aw sorry that i caunot give you more cafinfte informztion on these points, bul our recosds are Vory mOsLer. With tie bact of wishes, I am Sincarely your brother, Arzlur L, White, Jecrstary fallN O WHITE JUBLICATIONE