A sister in New Hamps ire received ten copies of “Drezent Truth” sent to her by tive publishers. These econ- firmed her typos the Sabboth question and she i= vow keeping the Sabbath; cost 10 cents, A brother in Texas received three copies of "Present Truth”, He began keeping the Sabbath. and immediately paid for the circulation of 2,000,000 copies of “Present Truth’, “The Der- inite Seventh Day”. In other worils, in one vear after he began the ob- servance of the Sabbath he taught the Sabbath through “Present Truth” to about 10,000,004 people. Bringing thi= brother into the truth cost some one mailing te papers te him a few moments of time, awd one and one-half cents for the papers with one cent postage, total two and one-half cents. We now krow of nine persons who keep the Sabbath wpd belong to the church ax the result of this indi- viduals effort, Doubtless there many move of whom we do not kuew ot the present time. There aie scores of other cases similar to t ese, all of whieh emphua- size the cconemy and efficiency of the ure of “Present Truth” iv all evan- are ralizal work, I. W. Reavis, EEN HA 4 The New Series of Tracts The Idea Is in the Name CIRCULATE MILLIONS — LIKE THE LEAVES OF AUTUMN ONE THOUSAND TRACTS FOR $3.50 The time to circulate literature * like the leaves of autumn’ has come. There 18 an awakening among our people to arise and finish the work, and these TEN INEXPENSIVE TRACTS will fill a long-felt want for tracts that are cheap, yet filled with the message. The titles are as follows: 1. Inspiration of the Bible 2. The Sure Word of Prophecy 3. Second Coming of Christ . Signs of Approaching End The Bible Sabbath, Which Day and Why . The Law of God The Great Threefold Message The Nature of Man, Life Only in Christ . The Millennium, 1000 Years with Christ . The Home of the Saved The price of these tracts has been placed so low that they will be sold only by the thousand. Just write your tract society thus: * Send me one package (1000 tracts) Leaves of Autumn, for which 1 inclose $3.50.” Join this wonderful campaign. Send vour order todav. SON Wh — NORTHE RN U : REAPER The Book Work NORTH DAKOTA Waoek ending June ¢ 1921 Apent Hours Orders Hook [PEE [ERTA RI SESS Earl MeClure oo 14 2 0.0. Tao Lit tan Funk nu # O., Sin Careline Thicsen _ _ ol i [RAR Ta John Hetiman in It [ARAN Sea IY, I fvirksen B 11 12 [AN EN AT Fiank Crizty three weeks) . IH ah (ARES RANI Aventis © * roa R Sn 09 SOUTH DAROTA Week ending June §, 1921 Aven | SERIES Orders Sook Hi; ana Vl Dodply Jonson x 4 0.1. IRE Eihz:l long ~ " 0. Lun Falw, Tern 1 2 13.8. 11. Athin Cinrad EE a [ENA PRN Chas, Mui _- 3t B.R. 13.00 Els Tueker un Li [VR Lan Tide Oenres IER iil, [ John Markiew _ a 1: 0. i I.avle Mason al 0 0. / i Janice MeCormacek 2 T [SWEN Mes, EF. M. Nelson 12 3 BR poe Cecil Nichols _ Hh 6 GL, Pl.aoe A. Redman . UR ~ 0.0. ar, Murtin Vinkel tivo works) r= un 0.00. Flora Vopan three weeks) 24 oT K.R. Bo J.B. Wats 47 H G.C. PF. G. Wilkes - . He 3 GC. [J Myrtle Wiliams town weeks) dt 3 GC Kine Agents 0 nln IE ET MINNESOTA Two weeks ending June 1%, 1921 Avent Hours Ofogrs Honk if Total Value Goo, DM. Amandzon G7 iI / 0. S06 CEE) Wesley Amundson nh i G.C ail Alice Rodin . 3 13 G.C Avnes Anderson Ta 21 - GC Mintel Brederson 4 “ 1 O.n Vilma B. Cummings Is 11 7 B.R 11.85 C. V., Emmerson ue ” d O.n Bot BOT Tee UR 2 (3.0 EP latin Ksther au b (PN 7.00 Moassha'l Hausen ad n.n RIL I nora ©. Herscher i IY (3.1, ARTY. BED 1: 4 0.1 i’. A. Karlson E4% 4 (ANAS RIE G. C. RKisor 2 1 (FR EN 4.00 Eteabeth Larson an 3 Goo 4a H. Muderspach Hl 2 GO Ruth Middauzh Hiv ML [INN Lioyd Mexley qh 1h 0.0. Thor Musler Tu 4 Dh.R. 44.25 Rossje Nordstrom EN I= O.D, G80 Jakal Oster Th 11 G.C RAI DD. M. Deicrsen 3] i (OREN RE) Alex LL. Roselli 17 ~ G.C. 35 Bd. Stahl . oY 1 RR. Fmil Saucer 21 u 0. Lon F. A. Swederofly Ln [hs 0.5 S00 Melvin Skridsheim 71 a o.n on