Ways To Witness San Gabriel Doctor Serves in Africa “Guess what? We're finally missionaries,” writes John B. Hoehn, MD, from Mwami Hos- pital in Zambia, Africa. This from one who has al- ready spent four years at Ma- luti Hospital in Lesotho might be misunderstood. But, Dr. Hoehn continues, “DMaluti was a drastic change from Stateside practice, but was luxury com- pared with this. on commodities In Zambia are astronomical, 1f available. New cars are not available at any price. Most things are double U.S. prices. Gasoline is $2.15 per gallon for cthyl. “Alwami Hospital is in an old but lovely location. The build- ings are overloaded and under- maintained, with some partly completed nice new sections. “Prices “The overworked young doc- tor and family met us. The hos- pital is full of poor, sick black folk and the young African students and one RN and this young doctor are trying to cope with their needs. They should have cight RNs and more doctors and lab techni- cians as well as electricians and carpenters and builders. “There has been a lot of heartache and discouragement here, mostly because of not enough staff. I wish God's peo- ple could all come and see with me how important it is that our missions have an adequate treasury and an adequate sup- ply of workers in service. “I am sure the good folk at home would place a constant sacrificial giving to our mis- sions and many would give a cood share of their poor, short lives on earth, if they could only see the difference between a hospital like Maluti, fairly well staffed. well supported by Af- rican standards, but alive and clorifying the Lord and reliev- ing the patient African’s pain and suffering. “Contrast that with Mwami, understaffed, patched up, limp- ing along, echoing with ({rus- trations of the poor saints who came here and battled with all their strength against Impos- sible conditions mostly due to understafling and under-financ- ing. “A real valiant young matron because of her overwork suf- fored almost fatal malaria and is being foreed to leave by her doctors. How she has battled! 55th Anniversary After these few days here, 1 know why. There is something precious and good and right. It could be a lovely, alive, minis- tering agency for the Lord, vi- brant with love for the sick who fill the wards, mighty In witness and training the Afri- ans in service to their own people, if only laborers come for the Harvest. I'm here at the Harvest Master's bidding, and I hope the others whom He calls will come soon, too.” Deanne, the doctor's wife, adds a few notes, “They are redoing the old house we arc supposed to be in. It now has the roof and ceilings off and looks rather derelict, but 1 cuess it has potential; it's just hard to see it when things are pulled apart. This house has cement floors painted red years aco, with grey showing In places. The light switches are unique strings or cord or whatever anvone fancied hang- ing down from pull cords from the high ceilings. If we want hot water we go outside and build a wood fire under the wat- er tank.” Jack (from San Gabriel) and Deanne (Hoiland from Para- dise, California) are products of Adventist schools in the Pa- cific Union and only two of the many missionary workers overseas. But Dr. Jack's pres- ence means the difference be- tween ability and inability to see patients at Mwami. And Deanne’s nursing training may mean the school of nursing can continue to function-—especially if another nurse or two can be added to the staff. As you plan for your 13th Sabbath offering, you who are able might keep in mind that people are needed as well as their money. And all Recorder readers can pray for the health and strength of young and older workers in these distant lands with others of God’s children. Eagle Rock Set to Celebrate OASIS RE STE he 1 ~~ . oy , y FENN PE ¥ ZEEE Tyr ee Tro ls TUE fica Why To {las JSPR SETAE SE TAN SUN SE EEG SF SESE AS SE I! Ts ERE 210 NAT Nowe the church's experiences ove £2 3 ¥ “a FN EIN oy EEE more than dco tury Cnistenee, T pra i voto £ Ed Ta oy ow vm - wT oval ane any 1 J oun ll { "Sh PUL would contribute to this occ “ 5 | oy EN IE | EDIE SHC hose COT ade Pron] iT Lh 2 3eY Rg J . A A CIEE H 7 IE tg y t HE LN a STEYR IPTG SR SAA § Se {¢ IARI ES 3 Red Cross. The Good Neighbor. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1977 “We appreciate beyond mea- sure the support we have re- ceived in the annual offering this year,” H. DM. S. Richards, Sr. told Southern’s President Harold Calkins recently. “But we know that many people wait until the end of the year to make their large gifts. We are counting on some of these large donations to take us beyond last year's offering total of $600,000. Increased costs mean we need increased gifts or the work of The Voice of Prophecy will suffer.” Elder Calkins assured Elder | VOP Still Needs Your Support i 9 H. M. S. Richards, Sr., chats with Conference President Harold Calkins. cent Dr. Jack Hoehn examines a leprous patient. About 20 per of lepers have some eye complications. = “Sweet, kind words are as dew and gentle showers to the soul.” COL, 336 Important: SENIOR CITIZENS CAMP At Camp Cedar Falls, No- vember 8-10. For more in- formation call the Southern California Conference Asso- ciation, (213) 240-6250. General ll (Continued from page 1) Southern California Conference scribed. There follows a one- Harold L. Calkins, president; Lo- sentence formula for the least renzo Paytee, secretary; Antonio expensive evangelism the edi- Arteaga, associate secretary; R. L. tor knows. “If we would humble Walden, treasurer; (Box 969) ourselves before God, and be 1535 East Chevy Chase Drive, Glen- dale, California 91209. Phone (213; kind and courteous and tender- hearted and pitiful, there would 240-6250. be one hundred conversions to Wills, trust agreements and an- - nuities should be made in favor of the truth where now there 1s the legal association rather than only onc.” 9 Testimonies, 189 the conference. For more informa: If vou, dear Seventh-day Ad- ventist Christian, feel guilty when someone speaks of wit- nessing, and you feel you are not. vou can have peace. The only preparation vou need is in the school of Christ, where con- termplatine upon Him works such transformation upon your tion, write to leonard Gaspie, di- rector, at the above address. Carpentry tools are urgent- ly needed by an Adventist couple going as missionaries to Africa in early November. Items needed are: orc own life. vou cannot be quiet welder, table saw, electric about the Source of Love and : : Cleniyor generator, skill saw, mitre Spit box, router, electric drill, and “We are to be witnesses for ; / Pty, - ! } [RI HER I } . Lo , i. ] { "Hyer ned ths VE I) Qt assorted hand tools: ham- Christ: and thas we shill by . hy yo POR 1D Adal ig the mers, screw drivers, saws and RE Lo A ,. . PTD SIOTIre GD Mon ang aoe metric tools. Tools must be in Chit TE 5 er Drei mv Cheist, TE ds our peivilore fo begs . i good condition. I. cron more and more like phim lvan and June lewis wil core Dae Tho we shall aes be in Zaire for two years un- Ce the Lo express o ! ied NS ~ 4 ~ 4 vow - PE der the Adventist Volunteer Love for [iim ie hicher pier Service Corp. Ivan, «a I speech, and oar eas wl ene aE i ; ers reas vy oy gd ETE censed contractor, will be roe and deepen, and owe Judes building churches and nent become nacre seand and schools. Their address is: Box trustworthy, while potest §145 Riverside, CA 92515, [RRTEESASERC EN hav mine of jie tnd assurance ~ons aml Danah- phone 714) 687-6129. tiers of God Richards of the continued in- terest of Southern’'s members in the outreach of the gospel via radio. In fact, a completely new plan of following up radio interest is currently being dis- cussed that, hopefully, will be implemented in the new vear. “We have to capitalize on this tremendous outreach,” TIlder Calkins commented just before leaving for Annual Council In Washington, D.C. Film at Temple City Will Portray Life of John W. Peterson “The Miracle Goes On,’ a new dramatic film on the life of Composer John W. Peterson, will be shown at the Temple City Adventist church, 9661 E. Broadway, on Friday, October 28, at 7:30 p.m. The film traces his bovhood davs in Kansas, military ser- vice as a World War II pilot fiving the Burma “IHump,” and student days at Moody Bible Institute. The film closes with Ronn Iuff leading a 200-voice cholr, 6>-plece orchestra, and cuest performers in an unfor- cgettable concert of Peterson music. Don't miss this thrilling and inspirational film of a life that is committed to God. James E. Pedersen, Associate Pastor Temple City Church "Ways To Witness’ Are Cited Remember, each one 1s not called to witness in the same way. Your witness may be in taking a bowl of soup to a sick neighbor, helping that family at the mini-ranch down the road haul in firewood, writ- ing a letter to one perhaps someone else's child away at boarding school, picking up pa- pers accumulating next door while the neighbors are away on vacation, turning the con- versation to the One Who cave vou the talent when you per- form well at Sabbath school, The positiveness of vour wit- oss will he reflective of var relationship with the divine, Of the children, Ellen Whate wrote, “The Tlolv Spirit of Good will Impress the Jessons upon the receptive mands of fhe obi dren, that they oan rad he ( <0 Eivhalee on SNS aT Died Eoobe j LUE Ong FARRER ES BE RUTAIY ie Gren ay SUF i pi SR SREE Rh } ; i ANN thant thot eon The RAR acs ath { iiirse ds Pry ents Teachery } RTA PAO Y Viv ow | ~ f pont vino S| obr } BE RANE eels int Ji WA ! hey i 5