ERHAPS you think I ask a strange question when I ask, “Should we think?” You say that of course we are to think. That is why God gave us minds. But how many today do really think? I look in the dictionary for a definition of the word. It is defined as to ponder, contemplate, meditate. So much of the thinking of today is superficial! The great mass of people just skim the surface. How few there are who think through to a principle! How few penetrate with the mind to the depth of a problem or a situation! This is a day of education. We are spending thousands of dollars annually for school buildings, school books, and school teachers. It has not been so long since the one who mastered ‘“the three R’s”’ had a good education. The song says, ‘‘ Reading, and ’riting, and ’rithmetic, taught to the tune of the hickory stick.” Later it became necessary to get a high-school education. Then the age began to demand a college degree, and now to be really edu- cated a university education is thought necessary. Added to the enormous direct expenditure for education are the thousands of dollars that are being spent for library buildings and books. These libraries have been opened free to the public. All of these factors, coupled with the multiplicity of magazines and newspapers, serve to make this a reading age. It is a day of knowledge. It meets the very specifications of the prophecy recorded in Daniel 12: 4 that in “the time of the end, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” After all has been truthfully said about this being an age of knowledge, how many today really think until they have dug beneath the surface and reached By Ewing Galloway, N.Y. What Do You Think? Qurs is an age of thinkers and thinking. But only thinking will not save our civilization nor our souls. Make a mental check-up with the writer of this article By Robert L. Boothby the foundation principle? There are some great thinkers living today, but what about the mass of people? This is a fast age. Nahum 2: 3-5 characterizes it as a lightning age. The prophet said: “The chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of His preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken. The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the light- nings.” Everything is speeding up. Civilization is riding at breakneck speed on tense and quivering nerves. Mankind is driving on with a vengeance. A speed record is made today only to be eclipsed by a more rapid pace tomorrow. Men rush to and fro, hither and thither, at a tremendous speed. Speed characterizes not only travel but every Creat libraries, traveling and otherwise, are directing the thoughts of American youth PAGE TEN THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE