we walk, whose results are secured by the way we live, and whose inner life is a development by faith and not by sight. The whole law, the whole duty of man, the whole philosophy of life can be read in the counsel: “As ye have there- fore opportunity, do good unto all men.” Do the right thing, the kind, the gen- erous thing, regardless of return, for to the soul the compensation is in the doiug of it. To travel trustingly is a better thing than to arrive, and true success is in labor, not in our goals. The Pope Becomes King -—- Changes in the Calendar (Continued from p. 17) of rest in place of the Sabbath, and now a further effort to minimize its impor- tance is being made, though perhaps ignorantly, by many calendar-reform advocates. We are made to wonder if there is anything in names, Sun-day, Sol (sun) month. Men would make no difference between the holy and profane, or common, days of the week. We see the world drifting into disrespect and disregard of all sacred things. Is THERE ANY CONNECTION? Is there any connection between the ascendency of the papacy and the changes in the calendar? At least no protest against the changes has thus far come from Catholics, nor from Protestants who keep Sunday in common with them. It seems obviously incon- sistent that those who have based their reason for Sunday-keeping on the fact that Christ rose on that day should favor a reform that would make the weekly return of that day wander all over the calendar of days. But of course men who presume to change God’s ““time’ once may do it again, The Roman Church claims to be God’s representative on earth, and to have the authority to do anything it pleases with divine decrees and institutions. It is a fact that Roman churchmen have had much to do with changes in the calendar from the beginning, and this with full ecclesiastical sanction. The first to propose the “blank day” idea and a ‘wandering Sabbath” (also Sunday) was an Italian priest, the Abbé Marc Mastrofini, in 1837. This is stated in a French book published in 1920, written by a Catholic priest, Abbé Clauve-Bertrand, and which has the sanction of the Church. Thus there is no doubt but that the papal power favors a calendar revision that would well-nigh bury out of sight the day of the Sabbath of Jehovah. There has not been in centuries so bold and decisive a move to interpose a baff- ling barrier between God and His sab- bath-keeping people. As to what all this may lead we will have more to say later. Next month a complete survey of calen- dar revision will appear in our columns. PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Aviation Spreads Her Wings (Continued from page 5) that the multitudes of earth would be literally and actually running ‘“to and fro.” Furthermore, this prophecy harmo- nizes and coincides with numerous other Bible predictions concerning the physical world, the political world, and the religious world, all of which unmis- takably designate the present as ‘‘the time of the end.” Nor are we left in uncertainty as to the divine providence in these marvelous developments. Our Saviour declared: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24: 14. In any previous age, an intellectual or religious move- ment was compelled of necessity to travel slowly; but now we behold our Feature Articles for the May Watchman Calendar Reform, by Charles S. Longacre. Governments and big busi- ness are beginning to take seriously pro- posed reforms in our calendar— thirteen months in the year, blank days, etc.— and when statesmen and capitalists sponsor a movement, look for action. But present plans would profane sacred time and work hardship on true Chris- tians. Death Bed Repentance, by Robert L. Boothby. Just how bright are the prospects of a man who turns to God in his last moments? Are You Religious? by Charles L. Paddock. What is religion? And what does it mean to possess it, and enjoy the experience? Headed for Vatican City, by L. Ervin Wright. The men and the teach- ings that are bridging the gulf between Protestantism and Catholicism. Every Man His Own Doctor, by Hans S. Anderson, Dietitian. Be a P.M. D. (doctor of preventive medicine) with one patient, yourself. heavenly Father ‘speeding up’ this old world in order that the gospel may be quickly carried and that He may “finish the work and cut it short in righteousness.” (Romans g: 28.) HE Saw TreM FLYING ERE too, is a notable fact. John the Revelator, exiled on the rocky isle of Patmos, beheld in vision the final proclamation of the gospel that terminates in the glorious second coming of Christ; and in this wondrous prophecy the messengers are actually seen “flying in mid heaven, having eternal good tidings to proclaim unto them that dwell on the earth, and unto every nation and tribe and tongue and people,” saying with a great voice, “Fear God, and give Him glory; for the hour of His judgment is come.” Revelation 14: 6,7, A.R. V. Already the airplane has been requisi- tioned by the gospel missionary to convey him in a few hours over long distances of jungle wastes that formerly required weeks of arduous, wearisome travel. Today, ambassadors for Christ avail themselves of every modern facility for rapid transportation and communication, and look upon all of these as heaven’s appointed equipment for finishing the stupendous task com- mitted to the people of God — the gospel to all the world in this generation. Thus may the good tidings of the kingdom speed forth on the wings of the wind and on the waves of the ether till those of every realm and clime shall hear the message. May the word of the living God, “newly edged with power and quickened by the Holy Spirit,” bring conviction to hearts in all lands, preparing them for the soon return of Jesus and the long anticipated homeland. And as the gospel message hastens to its triumph throughout the world, may it likewise triumph in your heart and mine. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” W hence This Lawlessness? (Continued from page 7) the Ten Commandments. The ‘new commandment’ that we love one another did not amend the old. It merely in- dicated a way of obeying it. It is or- thodox to say that it cannot be amended, and the commandments will be fruit- * lessly defied if we make legal offenses of what are not moral offenses. . . . We need not trouble ourselves to re-institute the Ten Commandments. They are still there, and it is sufficient if we obey them.” ExXALT THE LAW OMEHOW the respect for law must be established. Somehow the sense of sin must be revived in the world if conditions are to be changed. The great standards of God’s law must be shaken from the dust into which they have been thrown, and upreared in the lives of men. The most disconcerting fact in the lawlessness of the hour is that youth today fill the ranks of criminals. An analysis recently of 10,000 prisoners in twelve penitentiaries, showed that sixty per cent of the prisoners were between the ages of eighteen and thirty. This unleashed savagery of youth suddenly freed from parental and church control presents the outstanding problem of this generation and bears ill omen for the future. Judges, prosecutors, police chiefs, and students of criminology agree that re- spect for law has been swept away, especially in the large centers of popula- THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE