VIOSAIC Cardinal Rule: Worship through creativity. § osaic is all about creativity, about everyone's freedom to express ¥ itheir faith in a way that suits them best. It invites people to use their talents and creativity to praise God. You can get involved in the program by sing- ing a song or reciting a poem, sharing your artwork, or telling a story. Or, if you prefer, you can simply sit back and listen to the music and the word of God, Mosa- IC is a time to enter the Sabbath in a way that is relaxed and comfortable, but still spiritually enriching. Mosaic gives stu- dents an outlet to minister to each other without having to stand up front and pray or give a sermon (which are worthwhile activities, but scary ones for some). The opportunities for creative worship that Mosaic provides are what make it a flour- ishing vespers program on campus— and the free Snacks and hot chocolate don’t hurt, either. : : cote issues,” KESHA BRYAN Mosa was AW 7 DARIEN SANTANA 21