9 HOME AND PERSONAL FINANCE THE HOME IS THE SCHOOL WHERE PERSONAL FINANCE SHOULD BE A MAJOR SUBJECT Habits of thrift and the wise expenditure of money should be taught and practiced from early childhood. As soon as the child is able to count he can be taught the tith- ing principle, the giving of freewill offerings and habits of thrift. As he grows older these lessons will be invaluable. BEWARE OF A CONSTANT CONCERN OVER MONEY One must avoid a constant concern over money—either the lack of it, or the inordinate desire for more. This is detri- mental to the peace and happiness of both individual and family. Nor should one dwell on probable future problems. Un- due concern is evidence of a lack of trust in God. One should be content with that which God has provided and rest in the assurance that He will provide for all the necessities of life. PARENTS MUST SET THE EXAMPLE The children will probably learn more about the handling of money from the example of their parents than from any other source. Therefore, the wise parent will remember that 9-1