Publisher's Department RENEW EARLY Dip you ever think that the term of sub- scription for several hundred subscribers to the WATCHMAN expires every month? Did you ever wonder how the publishers keep accurate account of every subscription and send out ad- vance notices to each person whose time 1s nearly up? Again, did you ever think of the amount of time and postage required to send out all these notices? Hundreds of Dollars Saved. Yrs, you can help the WATCHMAN to save hundreds of dollars every vear. Will you do it? If each of the thousands of subscribers whose names are on the mailing list would send their renewal to the WarcuaMAN a month or six weeks before the date of expiration of their subscription, thereby showing their in- tention to remain subscribers to this good paper, it would be unnecessary for the workers in the subscription department to keep such incessant watch of the dates opposite the names and there would be no need of sending out so many renewal notices. As it is now, the first request for renewal 1s sent out about the middle of the month pre- ceding the month in which the subscription ex- pires, then if the renewal is not received after , VMEETING SERMONS (J WWW nN HERE is running through the col- 4 umns of the WATCHMAN a most valuable series of sermons. They are clear, interesting, and foreible expositionsofthe greattruths which are now separating the people of God from every old connection, and 1 uniting them in obedience to all the o> commands of the Creator's holy law. Ww Ww Are you interested in your final d and eternal destiny? Are you anx- LJ ious for the salvation of friends, rel- atives, and neighbors? The days of probation are fast closing; now is the time to study the truth and {r bring it to the attention of others. Soon Christ will come again. | WoW Ww These sermons, covering all the great lines of Bible doctrine in the order and manner in which they ¢ might properly be presented in a ¢ course of tent-meetings are of spe- cial value as missionary literature. WW Wy f The series began April 23; sub- T scriptions will be started with the first issue if desired. What will you "do to get these articles in the hands of others? (1 Send all subscriptions to the SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION “Nashville Tennessee @& LT THE WATCHMAN three weeks another notice is sent. Yet a number of subscribers fail to send renewal until after a third notice has been sent and their names removed from the list as delin- quents. When renewals come to hand as late as this the whole name and address must be reset and the type from which the address label is printed must be inserted in its proper place in the long mailing list. Will each subscriber assist in this great sav- ing, and run no risk of missing an issue of the WarcamaN, by RENEWING EARLY? SOME EXCELLENT TRACTS The Gospel to the World in this Generation: A comprehensive statement of the ‘‘Ever- lasting Gospel’’ and the time of its fulfill- ment. Four pages; J}{c each, 20c per hundred. An Appeal to Clergy This is an open letter from Seventh-day Adventist ministers to the Protestant clergy. It bears plainly and earnestly on the Sabbath question: it has already had a large circula- tion and ought to be used by the thousands wherever and whenever the question of Sun- day laws is agitated. Eight pages; Yc each, 40c per hundred. Redemption This is an eight-page tract prepared by Elder S. N. Haskell: it treats the subject of redemption in a concise and comprehen- sive manner. It is very intersting reading and is so simple that a child can understand it. On the first page is an outline design of the crucifixon. sc each, 50c per hundred. Take Heed The following are the outline thoughts of this good leaflet: The Saviour is coming soon; before he comes there is a message warning men to keep all the commandments; this work is rapidly being accomplished; we are responsible for diligence in obeying. Eight pages, envelope size. Yc each, 50c per hundred. What Think Ye? A forty-page tract, envelope size, giving a brief, yet comprehensive discussion of the following topics: God's Gift to the World; What Shall I Do to be Saved? Baptism; God’s Sabbath; Condition of the Dead; Resurrection; Tokens of Christ's Coming; The Judgment; The Three Angels’ Mes- sages; Fate of the Wicked; Home of the Saved. 2c each, $2.00 per hundred. Every believer in the Bible should have a quantity of these or other choice tracts on hand at all times and should improve every opportunity to get them into the hands of others. Truths thus declared by the printed page, will lodge in hearts and transform lives. Do not wait for a more convenient time to order but send at once for a supply of these leaflets. ADDRESS Southern Publishing Association Nashville, Tenn. Ft. Worth, Texas Hickory, N. C. SST NNNAS NSS NSA NN NANDA NY 303 CANVASSING REPORT Or the S. U. C. for Week Ending April 19, 1907 = = m % & 5 x8 m0 5H | ao om CX] < nl NAmz - Ti > 8 > - < s 5 iE z Z = >A Tennessee River Conference Warren C Ayres..covsercennens CK 28 F41 05 ¥ J ACaldwell iivieveiiinninnnn, GC 38 87 25 5 25 Jessie Iliff...ouv.nn. CK BFL NTP 27 3 75 14 co Mamie MoOOT€.veearneenceans D&R 26 20 50 78 50 R H Hazelton...... evereann D&R 2 75 48 so W R HansoN.eseseeasnsssess D&R ¢g 34 00 Mrs B A Philpott...... D&R NTP 22 29 75 23 45 Katie Caricoceeeseennans D&R BS zz 18 75 Cumberland Conference M J Weber.ooveernnen. GC CK BS 48 5 50 101 85% Evan Haskell.......... Dof A CK 30 5 25 8 50 Alabama CCHowell...oviviiene nnn, D&R 29 1 go 42 50 IL W Dortch.vvvvvvieeenn, CK BS 17 38 oo 3 00 RIKeate..oiviseerrenanns CK BS 13 22 co I 00 O APrieger.cciieeecnaiiienens CK 137 44 35 4 10 Florida E C Dettweiler 2 wks........ D&R 83 87 50 8 25 Georgia JAKimmel...oooiiiiiiiaa D&R 28 17 75 58 oo R L Underwood z wks...CK NTP 6g 61 00 South Carolina. Mrs E A Wirg..........Sof PBS 24 J BRise.eoiianaas erases CK 30 HB Gallion..ooveiaeresionenes CK 14 FF AEVANS cicenevesesesennonns CK 44 S H Swingle..oovvviinniens Sof P 27 CF Darteeeieeieceserarensenne CK 18 Louisiana. Jas H Anderson....c.ovvennn. CK 26 CL Collison ..vvve D&R BR BS 31 IT Reynolds..ovieevaniannns D&R 36 G S Rogers.oviveeeiinnenens D&R 36 Mississippi R E Putney.iivevincanneenns D&R 40 Recapitulation. Tennessee River Conference .... 172 Cumberland Conference......... 78 © Alabama. .eeiieieiaiiianiiennes 96 Florida .... Georgia South Carolina Louisiana .veeveeeseasasrrasronns 149 MissisSIppPlee esses Cetera eanaes 4" Total.evvieieiniinnnneanans 872 35 75 7 co 25 50 9 oo 31 25 5 25 53 go 40 00 26 50 67 75 8 oo 2 25 36 75 975 30 30 30 30 75 oo 8 so 35 175 67 25 9 50 F237 80 F169 70 142 40 50 30 67 25 9 50 $921 60 $3587 45 « Bible Footlights BS 4 This is a book of studies on the important Bible truths which God has given for the special instruction of the present genera- tion of people. copious notes. and is bound in two styles of cloth. Plain edition - 81.00 | Gilt edition The lessons are brought out by means of ques- tions answered by texts quoted from the Bible supplemented by 1% is well illustrated. Contains about 340 pages, 81.50 SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Nashville, Tennessee Ft. Worth, Texas Hickory, N. C. HYGIENIC COOKING AMERICA’S Oo | L BEST you. cash with each order to FIVE GALLON CAN, $3.40 TEN GALLON CAN, $6.80 60 cts. per gal. in bbl. (about 50 gal.) and 74 bbl. (about 30 gal.) lots. 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