N % "csb F-UPIJ T I Mt P11.-"rk I Merl I a Ay A, TENNIS COURT ST. JOSEPH RIVER z u QUONSETS HERE NORTH HALL (Art) MATHEMATICS ANNEX S UI P E -o rn - C r— MUSIC BUILDING COLLEGE CHAPEL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 7..\ "ct 0 0 NI 0 EDUCATIOIN 17 LAMSON HALL (Women's Dormitory) 0 \ . 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 Nt. 00 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 PARKING IUE ENGINEERING BUILDING (Laundry) COLLEGE WOOD PRODUCTS ernmanuel TiLionary College BERRIEN SPRINIS, NICNICAN BASEBALL FIELD PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING COLLEGE SERVICE CENTER COLLEGE AVENUE z THE STUDENT ASSOCIATION of EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE —presents— THE CARDINAL 1954 Contents: Page 6 Dedication Page 8 Spiritual Division Page 24 Scholastic Division Page 88 Social Division Page 120 Physical Division Page 132 Academy Division Page 169 Directory 4 TIME With the advancing shadow our days are spent . . . Consciously we covet each passing moment knowing that "we shall pass this way but once." From time past we reminisce— With time present we live— For time future we aspire— But for TIME unending we build. 5 SCHOLAR, GENTLEMAN, FRIEND OF STUDENTS- WITH ADMIRATION we recognize your outstanding scholastic achievements, your ever-inquisitive mind, your all-pervading common sense, and your contagious sense of humor. WITH GRATITUDE we note how you never allow a class period to become trite or uninspiring. Always striving for perfection yourself, you spur us to greater achievements, not by making the assignments easy, but by presenting the challenge of unconquered fields of knowledge. WITH ENVY we regard your deep familiarity with the lessons of the past and your keen insight into the problems of the present and of the future. Your profound convictions have made lasting impressions upon youthful minds. WITH PRIDE we call you our mentor and friend, because you walk among us unassumingly, a Chris- tian scholar, a gentleman and a friend of students. Without being a minister you preach; your life is a sermon. 6 WITH AFFECTION we dedicate to you, Dr. E. K. Vande Vere, the 1954 Cardinal. 7 * ** Elder C. E. Wittschiebe Elder F. H. Yost Speaker, Fall Week of Prayer Speaker, Spring Week of Prayer PRAYER POWER Norma and Marilyn studying Everybody's Prayer Band met each day at 11:50. The Band their Sabbath School lesson be- was led by Ivan Blazen, Bob Greve, Judy Hill, and Malcolm fore going to bed. Gordon. The dormitory prayer bands met once each week. Sponsored by the Student Association, a special week of religious emphasis is conduct- ed by the students early in the second semester. Meet- ings are held each chapel period and each evening. George Belleau, Monday Chapel speaker "WHEN JESUS SPEAKS" Student speakers during the week: (standing) Rupert Ham-Ying, Lucas Diaz, Harold Remus, George Belleau, Harold Kibble, Jim Kaatz, (seated) Glenn Hill, Darlene West, Billie Ward, Minerva Constantine, and Paul Sundquist. The special music, the soul- searching messages, the evi- dences of Christ's presence helped to make this week memorable. Catherine Brown, Organist QUEST FOR CHRIST WEEK Planning committee: Nancy Bather, Blythe Bissell, Elder A. E. Axelson, Elder E. R. Thiele, Billie Ward. Ministerial Seminar met each Friday evening in the Little Auditorium. Here students of theology were given speaking experience. Second Semes- ter leaders pictured were: Roger Van Arsdell, Loretta Sherman, Ivan Blazen, Ed Wilson, Dorothy Lucht, Tom Williams, and Shirley Hatfield. Men's Worship, conducted entirely by students, assumed a deeper spiritual significance this year. Jack Upchurch, speaker below, launched out in this venture. Miss Martin leads out in Women's Worship in Lamson Hall A TIME FOR PRAYING In making first things first we devote a regular time each day to the con- templation of the "wonderful works of God." At these times of spiritual refreshment, our cares are lifted and we come into a clearer understanding of our relationship to our Creator and our fellow students. 15 MISSIONARY First Semester MV Officers: Edith Moore, Bob Greve, Lenard Jaecks, Vivian Gross, Russell Lucht, Dorothy Antisde I, Maurice Hoppe, Dr. Ras- mussen, sponsor. Keith Ellsworth and Russell Weide- mann, leaders of the Home Evangel- ism Band, shared their faith each Sabbath afternoon. Each Sabbath afternoon the Sun- shine Band brought messages of hope by word and song to convalescents in neighboring communities. VOLUNTEERS M. V. activities during the second semes- ter were under the capable leadership of George Belleau. He was assisted by Robert Andrews, Bill Edsell, Patricia Cal- kins, and lone Markel. H. L. Rasmussen, sponsor. Time-2 p.m. Sabbath afternoon; Place —Administration Building; Event—cars leaving campus taking students to hold religious services in the Berrien County Jail; Busiest people—Joe A. Miller and Joe L. Miller, Jail Band leaders. The officers of the Master Guide Club, Donna Lugenbeal, Charlotte Groff, Rob- ert Habenicht, Elwin Moore, Beverly Jor- gensen, Joann Davis and Barbara Phipps, sponsor, worked hard helping folks finish the Master Guide requirements. Foreign Missions Band president, Ed Jasper, and his helpers, Bill Otis, Donna Lugenbeal, Donna Otis, E- milia Manalaysay, Paul Sundquist, Florence Losey, and sponsor, Otto Christensen, led out in programs featuring mission work in various parts of the world. The Oratorical Contest climaxed the several contests sponsored by the American Temperance Society this year. Malcolm Gordon actively led their activities. The Colporteur Club met each week second semester to encourage and instruct the students planning to can- vass this summer. The leaders were Malcolm Gordon, Richard Swanson, Maurice Hoppe, lone Markel, and Beverly Jorgensen. huich f" the t+ evtnth-bag uentiO EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN A CHURCH COLLEGE WITHOUT A CHURCH BUILDING For fifty-three years Emmanuel Missionary College has conducted Sabbath ser- vices in the college chapel or the gymnasium. It is true that many services have been held there which may be looked back on as wonderful seasons of refreshing. However, thousands of students have gone from this school without the deep-seated feeling that they have been to a Sabbath service in a building set apart for meeting with the Creator of the universe, a sacred place. The college buildings in which one has studied and recited hold precious memor- ies, but the place which stands out in the minds of the students who attended the old Battle Creek College is the tabernacle where they assembled for Sabbath services and the ordinances. They felt they were entering a building set apart for the worship of God. Their conversation changed, their thoughts were directed to spiritual subjects, and they left the church with the feeling that they had been in a hallowed place. This is what we should have at Emmanuel Missionary College, and in the near fu- ture a building is to be erected which will be associated in the minds of the students and the families living nearby with the presence of heavenly beings. The church congregation is to raise $90,000. During the last two years $37,000 of this has been raised. S. E. Wight 19 INGATHERING Five hundred students and faculty members hurriedly gathered pamphlets, receipt books, and collection cans on October 6 as each lngathering band met for prayer and last minute instructions. Evening brought the results: jelly jars and puppies, bicycles and pumpkins disappeared under the influence of the auctioneer's per- suasive voice; band thermometers climbed past the goals; Dr. Christian beamed. Wednesday's victory celebration revealed the grand total of $12,643.35. Carol Rasmussen taught a class of married students who met each Sabbath in Lamson Chapel SABBATH SCHOOL Sabbath School officers, College Division: Second Semester (standing): A. D. Holmes, J. First Semester (standing): B. Zimmerman, E. Higgins, M. Hatfield, A. Allen, H. Kibble, J. Meyer, A. D. Holmes, M. Antisdel, W. Young, Paul, (seated) S. Hatfield, G. Burton, J. Ko- (seated) D. Brown, H. Habenicht, A. Allen. walski, K. Brown, B. Clegg, R. Green. Under the leadership of Melvin Davis the A Cappella choir provided music for many church services. WORSHIPPING The Collegians toured several states and Canada giving religious and secular concerts. The College Choir sang for church services at the college, in Berrien Springs and other nearby churches. They were capably directed by Wilmoth Benson. THROUGH MUSIC All the college choirs united at Christmas time to sing that paean of praise, the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's MESSIAH. .100wir 07 * * * Richard Strom, President Mary Antisdel, Vice-president Frances Beck, Secretary Avon Kierstead, Treasurer Glenn Hill, Pastor Wilbert M. Schneider, Sponsor 26 Ernest Anger Dorothy Antisdel Aim To live like Christ Motto Simplicity, Sincerity, Service Roland Abel Ralph Ahnberg Colors Crimson and Gray Gilbert Allen Andrew Amrein ENIORS Flower Red Rose 27 Mary Antisdel Richard Lyle Bailey Allen Baker Raymond Baker Barbara Barton Joseph Battenburg Frances Beck George Belleau 28 Wilfrid Belleau, Jr. Douglas Benson Carole Boothby Vernon Bromgard Gordon Burton Thomas Buzelli Donald Caster Matthew Chow Roger Cook Ardith Doering Roy Churchill Donald Croxton Lucas Diaz Paul Cress Alan de Vore Keith Ellsworth 30 Frank Fletcher Mary Alice Gyde Robert Farver Harold Green Charlotte Groff Georgia Green Robert Greve Herald Habenicht, Jr. 31 Raymond Hamstra Rubert Ham-Ying Esther Harriott Bobette Harrison Grethe Hartelius LeRoy Hetler Warren Hile Glenn Hill Glenn Hoover 32 Walter Hunt Frederic Hyde Mary Jensen Svein Johansen Johnny Johnson George Kieler Avon Kierstead Alvin Klein Robert Kloosterhuis 33 34 Harold Kuebler Donna Lugenbeal Russell Lucht Ruth Maehre Joaquin Motor LaVern Link Ben Koepke 35 Norman Middag Howard Munson, Jr. Elwin Moore Louis Nielsen Fred Offenback Charles McCulloch Leroy Miller Herbert Verne Ojala Evelyn Oliver Annalisa Paulson Michael Pioth Irvin Plank Walter Pontynen, Jr. Joseph Rasmussen Nydia Reyes Riva Robinson 36 Stanley Schleenbaker Elwin Shull Leslie Slaughter Ruth Faye Smith Ralph Stephan Marcell Straman Russell Straman Richard Strom J. Paul Sundquist 37 Asa Thoresen Johann Thorvaldsson Dorothy Towar Wayne Vande Vere Roger Van Arsdell Jose Valentin 38 Marguerite Ward Edward Willett, Jr. Arnold Vetting Imogene Venia Douglas Wacker Billie Ward 39 Edwin Wilson Juanita Jackson TWO-YEAR GRADUATES Donna Otis Virginia Plank Lorraine Potter Carolyn Thompson 40 WHO'S WHO Top, left: Minerva Constantine, Donna Lugenbeal, Georgia G r e e n, Mary Alice Gyde, Roger C o o k, Robert Greve, Billie Ward, Glenn Hill, Herb- ert Ballinger, Herald Habenicht, J e r o m e Bray, Richard Strom, James Gooch, Wayne Vande Vere. 41 ABEL, ROLAND; Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Education. College Choir, '51-52; Sabbath School Teacher, '52; Amateur Radio Club, '53-54. MICHIGAN. AHNBERG, RALPH; Chemistry, Mathematics. University of Stock- holm, Coach in Fencing, '43-'45; Varsity Soccer Team, '43-'44; Varsity Hockey Team, '42-44. SWEDEN. ALLEN, GILBERT; Biology, Chemistry. JAMAICA. *AMREIN, ANDREW; Business Administration, History. "35" Club, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. ANGER, ERNEST; History, English, Education. Associate President International Relations Club, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. ANTISDEL, DOROTHY; Music, English. College Band, '50-'54; Sabbath School Pianist, '51, '53; Treasurer Music Guild, '52-'53; Vice-President Kappa Phi Gamma, '53. WISCONSIN. ANTISDEL, MARY; Elementary Education, English, History, Home Economics. Layout Editor "Student Movement," '50-'51; Publicity Secretary Master Guide Club, '50-'51; Treasurer Girls' Forum, '51; Secretary Sabbath School, '52; Secretary Oronoko Club, '52-'53; Secretary Junior Class, '52-'53; Associate Superintendent Sabbath School, '53; Vice-President Senior Class, '53-'54. WISCONSIN. BAILEY, LYLE; Biology, Chemistry. Advertising Manager Junior Seminar, '49; Rewrite Editor "Student Movement," '50-'51; Col- lege Band, '53-'54. INDIANA. BAKER, ALLEN; Biology, Agriculture. Photographer "Student Movement," '49-'50; Student Council, '50; Publicity Secretary "35" Club, '53-54; Photographer CARDINAL, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. BAKER, RAYMOND; Religion, History. OHIO. BARTON, BARBARA; Elementary Education, History, English, Biology. Teachers of Tomorrow, '52-54. INDIANA. BATTENBURG, JOSEPH; Engineering, Mathematics. Collegians, '51- '53; President Oronoko Club, '52-'53. ILLINOIS. BECK, FRANCES; Elementary Education, Biology, English, History, Home Economics. Associate Superintendent Sabbath School, '50- '51; Social Committee, '50-'51; College Band, '50-'51; Sabbath School Secretary, '51-'52; Student Council, '52-'54; Leader Every- body's Prayer Band, '53-'54; Make-up Editor CARDINAL, '53-'54; Secretary Senior Class, '53-54. MICHIGAN. BELLEAU, GEORGE; Religion, History. Treasurer Every Man's Club, '50; Sabbath School Teacher, '51; Treasurer Master Guide Club, '50-'51; Leader M. V. Society, '54. WISCONSIN. BELLEAU, WILFRID, Jr.; Religion, History, Education. Publicity Secretary Teachers of Tomorrow, '48-'49; President Master Guide Club '49-'50; Sabbath School Teacher, '50-'52. WISCONSIN. BENSON, DOUGLAS; Biology, Chemistry. Make-up Editor CAR- DINAL, '51-'52; Student Council, '52-'54; Treasurer Pre-Med Forum, '52-'53; President Every Man's Club, '54. WISCONSIN. BOOTHBY, CAROLE; Biology, English. Photographic Editor CAR- DINAL, '51-'52; College Band, '52-'54. WISCONSIN. BROMGARD, VERN; Agriculture, Biology, Religion. Treasurer Agriculture Club, '51-'52; Vice-President Agriculture Club, '52- '53. IDAHO. BURTON, GORDON; Religion, History. Sabbath School Teacher, '51-'53; College Choir, '51-'52; Secretary Every Man's Club, '53; Superintendent Sabbath School, '54. SOUTH AFRICA. BUZELLI, THOMAS; History, Biology, Business Administration, Education. International Relations Club, '51-'53. MICHIGAN. *CASTER, DONALD; Chemistry, Biology. Prayer Band Leader, '52- '53; Treasurer Chemistry Club, '53; College Choir, '53. NEW YORK. CHOW, MATTHEW; Biology, History, German, Education. Primary Sabbath School Teacher, '50-'51; Master Guide Club, '51-52. HAWAII. CHRISTIANSEN, THORWALD; Physical Science, Mathematics. Chairman Senior Class Gift Committee, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. CHURCHILL, ROY; Religion, History, Education. MICHIGAN. COOK, ROGER; Chemistry, Biology. Tumbling Team, '51-'52; Sab- bath School Teacher, '53; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. NEW YORK. CRESS, PAUL; Business Administration, History. OHIO. *deVORE, A. F.; Biology, Music. MICHIGAN. DIAZ, LUCAS; Religion, History, Education. Chorister Spanish Sabbath School, '50-'51; Prayer Band Leader, '52-'53. NEW YORK. DOERING, ARDITH; English, Secretarial Science, Business Admin- istration, Education. College Band, '50-'54; Associate Sabbath School Superintendent, '52; Secretary Master Guide Club, '52-'53; Editor "Student Movement," Summer '52. MICHIGAN. *ELLSWORTH, KEITH; Religion, History. Sabbath School Teacher, '51-'54; Treasurer American Temperance Society, '53-'54; Cir- *Summer Graduate SENIOR culation Manager "Student Movement," '53-'54; Leader Home Evangelism Band, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. FARVER, ROBERT; Agriculture, Biology. Agriculture Club, '51-'52; President Agriculture Club, '52-'53; Pastor Agriculture Club, '51- INDIANA. FLETCHER, FRANK; Biology, Chemistry. West Indian Training Col- lege, Assistant Leader M. V. Society, '50. CONNECTICUT. GREEN, GEORGIA; French, English. A Cappello Choir, '51-'52; Ser- geant-at-arms, Girls Forum, '51-'52; Student Council, '51-'52; As- sociate Leader M. V. Society, '51-'52; Make-up Editor CARDINAL, '52-'53; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. INDIANA. GREEN, HAROLD; Business Administration, History, Music. Col- lege Band, '50-'51; Collegians, '51-'52; Circulation Manager CAR- DINAL, '51-52; Advertising Manager "Student Movement," '52- '53; Auditor Student Association, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. GREVE, ROBERT; Physical Science, Mathematics. Collegians, '51- '52, '53-'54; President Every Man's Club, '52; President Teachers of Tomorrow, '52-'53; Student-Faculty Council, '53-'54; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. GROFF, CHARLOTTE; English, History, French, Education. Coming Events Editor "Student Movement," '51-'52; College Choir, '52- '53; Publicity Secretary Master Guide Club, '52-'54; Religion Editor "Student Movement," '53-'54; Script Secretary Radio Com- mission, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. GYDE, MARY ALICE; Mathematics, Physics, French, Education. Student Council, '52-'54; Vice-president Junior Class, '52-'53; Board of Publications, '53-'54; Social Vice-president Student As- sociation, '53-'54; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. OHIO. HABENICHT, HERALD, Jr.; Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics. Vice- president Stamp Club, '51-'52; A Cappella Choir, '51-'53; College Band, '52-'54; Assistant Superintendent Sabbath School, '52; Leader Master Guide Club, '52-'53; Vice-president Chemistry Club, '53; Superintendent Sabbath School, '53; Who's Who Among Stu- dents, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. *HAMSTRA, RAYMOND; Religion, History. Vice-president Radio Club, '50-'51; Leader M. V. Society Berrien Springs Village Church, '53. MICHIGAN. HAM-YING, RUPERT; Religion, History. Assistant Leader Jail Band, '53; Prayer Band Leader, '53-'54; Sabbath School Teacher, TRINIDAD. HARRIOTT, ESTHER; Mathematics, Physics. Secretary Mathematics Club, '52-'53; Sabbath School Teacher, '53; Circulation Manager CARDINAL, '53-'54. JAMAICA. HARRISON, BOBETTE; Elementary Edcuation, French, English, History. French Sabbath School, '48-'49, '53-'54; Assistant Pian- ist M. V. Society, '49. MICHIGAN. HARTELIUS, GRETHE; Elementary Education, English, Biology, Mu- sic, Home Economics. Music Guild, '52-'54. DENMARK. HETLER, LE ROY; Agriculture, Biology. MICHIGAN. HILE, WARREN; Agriculture, Biology. Publicity Secretary Agricul- ture Club, '50-'51; Vice-president Agriculture Club, '51-'52; Pres- ident Every Man's Club, '52. INDIANA. HILL, GLENN; Religion, History, Biblical Languages. Student Coun- cil, '52-'53; Leader Everybody's Prayer Band, '52; Religion Editor "Student Movement," '52-'53; President American Temperance Society, '52-'53; Pastor Junior Class, '52-'53; Board of Publica- tions, '53-'54; Vice-president Student Association, '53-'54; Pastor Senior Class, '53-'54; Student Elder College Church, '53-'54; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. OHIO. *HOOVER, GLENN; Elementary Education, Biology, English, His- tory. Sabbath School Teacher, '50-'54. MICHIGAN. HUNT, WALTER; History, Biology, Chemistry. Associate Superin- tendent Sabbath School, '52; Custodian Student Association, '52; American Temperance Society, '51-'52; Who's Who Among Stu- dents, '52-'53. MICHIGAN. HYDE, FREDERIC; Religion, History. News Editor "Student Move- ment," '51-'52; Publicity Secretary Ministerial Seminar, '53; As- sociate Editor "Student Movement," '52-'53. MICHIGAN. JACKSON, JUANITA; Secretarial Science, (Two Year). Master Guide Club, '53-54. OHIO. JENSEN, MARY; Religion, History. Secretary Ministerial Seminar, WISCONSIN. JOHANSEN, SVEIN; Religion, History. NORWAY. JOHNSON, JOHNNY; Religion, History, Education. ILLINOIS. KIELER, GEORGE; Biology, Chemistry. MICHIGAN. KIERSTEAD, AVON; Business Administration, History Mathemat- 44 DIRECTORY ics, Education. Treasurer Every Man's Club, '52-'53; Associate Leader M.V. Society, '52-53; Treasurer Senior Class, '53-'54. CANADA. *KLEIN, ALVIN; Religion, History. College Choir, '51-'52; Assist- ant Superintendent Married Couples Sabbath School, '51; Publicity Secretary American Temperance Society, '51-'52; Sabbath School Teacher, '51-'53; Assistant Leader Colporteur Band, '51-'52; Leader Colporteur Band, '52-'53. WISCONSIN. *KLOOSTERHUIS, ROBERT; Religion, History. Student Council, '50-'51; Associate Leader Jail Band, '50-'51; Leader Home Evan- gelism Band, '51-'52; Leader M.V. Society, '52-'53. MICHIGAN. KOEPKE, BEN; History, Business Administration, Mathematics. Sabbath School Teacher, '52-'53. MICHIGAN. KUEBLER, HAROLD; Religion, History, Biblical Languages. College Band, '49-'52; Sabbath School Teacher, '50-'52; Chorister Sab- bath School, '51-'52; Leader Jail Band, '52-'53. MICHIGAN LINK, LA VERN; Religion, History, Education. Temperance Team, '51-'52. MICHIGAN. *LUCHT, RUSSELL; Religion, History, Education. Vice-president American Temperance Society, '51-'52; College Choir, '51-'52; President Ministerial Seminar, '52-'53; Sabbath School Teacher, '52-'53; Assistant Publicity Manager "Student Movement," '53-'54; Assistant Leader M.V. Society, '53-'54. WISCONSIN. LUGENBEAL, DONNA; Elementary Education, Home Economics, Biology, History, Secretarial Science. President Teachers of Tomor- row, '51-'52; Student Council, '51-'53; Secretary American Tem- perance Society, '52-'53; Student-Faculty Council, '52-'53; Pianist Sabbath School, '53; College Band, '52-'54 Publicity Secretary Foreign Missions Band, '53-'54; Copy Editor CARDINAL, '54; Who's Who Among Students, '53-54. MICHIGAN. MAEHRE, RUTH; Nursing Education, Biology. R. N. Club, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. MATAR, JOAQUIN; Business Administration, History. CALIFORNIA. McCULLOCH, CHARLES: Religion, History. MONTANA. MIDDAG, NORMAN; Religion, History, Printing, Education. Vice- president Every Man's Club, '49-'50; Editor CARDINAL, '49-'50. MINNESOTA. MILLER, LEROY; Biology, History, Chemistry. Oshawa Missionary College, President Student Association, '50-'51; Administrative Vice-president Student Association, '52-'53; Student Council, '52- '53; Sabbath School Teacher, '52-'53; Pathfinder Leader, '53-'54. CANADA. MOORE, ELWIN; Chemistry, Biology. Assistant Leader Jail Band, '52. Leader Master Guide Club, '53-'54. WASHINGTON. *MUNSON, HOWARD, Jr.; Biology, History. Oronoko Club, '48-'50; Sabbath School Superintendent, Baroda Church, '53-'54. NIELSEN, LOUIS; Religion, History, Biblical Languages. Master Guide Club, '52-'54. DENMARK. OFFENBACK, FRED; Religion, History. Mayor Trailer Court, '52; Superintendent Sabbath School, Summer '52,-'53; President, Col- legians, '53-'54. ILLINOIS. OJALA, HERBERT VERNE; Business Administration, History. ILLINOIS. OLIVER, EVELYN; French, English, Biology, Education. CALIFOR- NIA. OTIS, DONNA; Secretarial Science (Two Year). Secretary Colpor- teur Band, '50-'51; Secretary M. V. Society, '51-'52; Secretory Foreign Missions Band, '51-'52; A Cappella Choir, '53-'54 As- sistant Secretary Student Association, '53-'54; Vice-president Foreign Missions Band, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. PAULSON, ANNALISA; Nursing Education, Biology. Secretary- Treasurer R. N. Club, '53-'54. SWEDEN. PLOTH, MICHAEL; Biology, Chemistry. OHIO. *PLANK, IRVIN; Biology, Chemistry. Pre-Med Forum, '50-'53; Sab- bath School Teacher, '53. MICHIGAN. "PLANK, VIRGINIA; Elementary Education (Two Year). Teachers of Tomorrow, '50-'53; Secretary Married Couples Sabbath School, '54. MICHIGAN PONTYN EN, WALTER, Jr.; History, Business Administration, Biology, Education. Social Committee Student Association, '51-'52. MICHIGAN. POTTER, LORRAINE; Elementary Education (Two Year). Prayer Band Leader, '51-'54. NEW YORK. RASMUSSEN, JOSEPH; Business Administration, History. Associate Superintendent Scandinavian Sabbath School, '51-'52; Student "Summer Graduate Council, '52-'53; Campaign Manager "Student Movement," '52- '53; President International Relations Club, '53-'54. DENMARK. *REYES, NYDIA; Home Economics, Chemistry. Madison College, Secretory Junior Class, '52-'53. PUERTO RICO. ROBINSON, RIVA; Business Administration, History, French. Su- perintendent Spanish Sabbath School, '51; Treasurer Spanish Club, '51; Superintendent French Sabbath School, '52-'53. COLOMBIA. SCHLEENBAKER, STANLEY; Religion, History. Chorister Sabbath School, '52; President Collegians, '52-'53; Student Council, '52-'53; Chorister Ministerial Seminar, '53; Mayor Trailer Court, '53. PENNSYLVANIA. SHULL, ELWIN; Chemistry, Biology. College Band, '50-'54. IN- DIANA. SLAUGHTER, LESLIE; Agriculture, Biology. Publicity Secretary Agri- culture Club, '51-'52; President Agriculture Club, '53-54. OHIO. SMITH, RUTH FAYE; Home Economics, Biology. Secretary-Treas- urer Home Economics Club, '52-'53; Sabbath School Teacher, '53; News Reporter Home Economics Club, '53-'54. NORTH CAROLINA. STEPHAN, RALPH; Business Administration, History. Circulation Manager CARDINAL, '52-'53; Business Manager CARDINAL, '53- '54. MICHIGAN. STETSON, WILLIAM; Engineering, Mathematics, Physics. Engi- neering Club, '53; University of Michigan, Sailing Club, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. STRAMAN, MARCEIL; Nursing Education, Biology. President R. N. Club, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. STRAMAN, RUSSELL; Business Administration, History. Deacon, Berrien Springs Village Church, '53-'54. MICHIGAN. STROM, RICHARD; Chemistry, Biology. A Cappello Choir, '50-'51, Tumbling Team, '52; President Every Man's Club, '52-'53; President Senior Class, '53-'54; Who's Who Among Students, '53- '54. MINNESOTA. SUNDQUIST, PAUL; French, History. Vice-president Foreign Mis- sions Bond, '53-'54. *THOMPSON, CAROLYN; Elementary Education, (Two Year). Col- lege Choir, '52-'53. ILLINOIS. THORESEN, ASA; Biology, Chemistry. College Band, '49, '51, '53; Leader Sunshine Band, '51; Sabbath School Teacher, '51-'52; Presi- dent Foreign Missions Band, '51-'52. NEW ZEALAND. *THORVALDSSON, JOHANN; Religion, History. College Orchestra, '53-'54; A Cappella Choir, '53-'54. ICELAND. TOWAR, DOROTHY; English, Business Administration. Sabbath School Teacher, '49-'51; Leader Sunshine Band, '50; Associate Superintendent Sabbath School, '50; Secretary M. V. Society, '50- '51; Secretary American Temperance Society, '50-'51; Columnist, "Student Movement," '50-'54. MICHIGAN. VALENTIN, JOSE; Religion, History. Superintendent Spanish Sab- bath School, '52-'53; Master Guide Club, '52-'53. NEW YORK. VAN ARSDELL, ROGER; Religion, History. Collegians, '51-'54; Pastor Every Man's Club, '51; Chorister Sabbath School, '51-'53; Leader Colporteur Band, '51-'52; Vice-president Student Associa- tion, '51-'52; Leader M. V. Society, '53. ILLINOIS. VANDE VERE, WAYNE; Business Administration, Mathematics, History. Treasurer American Temperance Society, '51-'52; Cus- todian Student Association, '51-'52; Auditor Student Association, '52-'53; Treasurer Junior Class, '52-'53; Treasurer Student As- sociation, '53-'54; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. MICHI- GAN. VELTING, ARNOLD; Agriculture, Biology. Secretary-Treasurer Ag- riculture Club, '52; Prayer Band Leader, '52-'53. MICHIGAN. VENIA, IMOGENE; Nursing Education, Biology. R. N. Club, '52- Leader Jail Band, '53. MICHIGAN. *WACKER, DOUGLAS; Religion, History. Pastor Every Man's Club, '52-'53; Assistant Leader M. V. Society, '52-'53; Superintendent Married Couples Sabbath School, '53-54. MICHIGAN. *WARD, BILLIE; Religion, History. Prayer Band Leader, '51-'53; Vice-president Ministerial Seminar, '53; President Student As- sociation, '53-'54; Who's Who Among Students, '53-'54. KEN- TUCKY. WARD, MARGUERITE; Elementary Education, English, Home Economics, Biology. MICHIGAN. WILLETT, EDWARD, Jr.; Business Administration, History. Col- lege Band, '51-54; Treasurer Every Mon's Club '52-'53; Student Council, '53-'54; Business Manager "Student Movement" '53-'54. MARYLAND. WILSON, EDWIN; Religion, History. President American Temper- ance Society, '51-'52; Board of Publications, '52; Staff Writer "Student Movement," '53-'54; President Ministerial Seminar, '54. MICHIGAN. 45 JUNIORS Aim: To Better Serve Colors: Silver and Green Motto: For God and Humanity Flower: White Rose Standing, left: Herbert Ballinger, Treasurer; F. 0. Rittenhouse, Sponsor; Lenard Joecks, Pastor. Seated: Mary Youngs, Secretary; Theodore Sawyer, President; Jessie Duns, Vice- President. Gerald Abel Stig Anderson Robert Andrews Ann Ashlock Herbert Ballinger LeVerne Bissell Arthur Blake Ernest Bohnke Robert Born Catherine Brown Dora Brown Phyllis Brown Nayade Cabrera Arbutis Cowley Larry Croxton Gilbert Dunn Jessie Duns Doris Eaton Melvin England Gloria Felan Woodena Ferrel Raymond Finch Reed Gibson James Gooch Wilbur Goosey Joyce Graichen James Grove June Hahn Glyen Haugen Bonnie Hausted Fred Hernandez William Hessel Beverly Hill Robert Hittle Jeanne Hoover Maurice Hoppe 48 Thelma Ing Lenard Jaecks Edward Jasper Richard Johnson Erland Johnson Paul Johnson Luz Journet Audrey Kaatz James Kaatz Michael Kebbas George Kempton Philip Khouri Harold Kibble ReDoy Kiesz Duk Shin Kim Stella Klimosz Carol Koester Donald Koester 49 Harold Kostenko Eric Kreye Patricia Lashier James Lastine Florence Losey Emilia Manalaysay lone Markel Bernard Marsh Alma McClure Lester Medford Eugene Merkel Marolyn Michel Joseph A. Miller Shirley Minisee Edith Moore Arne Muderspach Ivan Namihas William Otis 50 51 Elaine Porter Wanda Porter Jack Quick Joshua Pang Duane Patten Joyce Paul Lloyd Penrod Norman Polk Donald Popp Ralph Reed Dale Rhodes Dwight Rhodes Rolf Rishaug Lowell Rollins Lorayne Russell Glenn St. Clair John Schleifer Carrell Shuler Gordon Shumate Averille Smouse Virgil Tacket Reid Tait Lois Tess Douglas Thoresen Amelia Tompkins J. D. Westfall Kenneth Wilkinson Tom Yanagihara Mary Youngs Bruce Zimmerman 52 P. W. Christian President of the College "Do you love life? Then use time wisely, for it is the stuff of which life is made!" This familiar maxim might well be pondered by every person who wishes to live his life to the full. For we have only one life to live, and it is impossible to recall and improve even one wasted moment. Some individuals regard time only as a factor which makes possible the achievement of a skill, the accumulation of a fortune, or the attainment of power over others. But to the Christian, and particularly to us at Emmanuel Missionary College, time has a far greater significance. To us, time is not our own, to be wasted in selfish pleasure or in sinful indulgence; it is a talent lent by God Himself, and we recognize the most solemn obligation to use it wisely in developing our own character and in bringing to others the good news of salvation. To us, time is valuable beyond all calculation, for God has given us no talent of which He will require a more strict account. Even in the joyful time of youth it is well for us to recognize that "every moment is freighted with eternal consequence," and that "time wasted is mere existence, but time used is life." The faculty of Emmanuel Missionary College wishes for each of its students "a life of no regrets!" Sincerely, 54 To impress students with the surpassing importance of time the tower clock at Ox- ford has inscribed beneath its giant face these Latin words: Pereunt et impuntatur. "They pass and are charged to our ac- count." In order that no precious moment be wasted Solomon wrote: "See then that ye walk as wise men redeeming the time." How rich and rewarding will be the college life of the discerning student who early learns the supreme value of every minute! Time is a possession to be exchanged for something else. Students give time and labor in exchange for an education and almost all other things of value. To be watchful of every minute, then, is wise economy. A minute is a little thing, but we must remember that it is by heeding little things that character is established. F. 0. Rittenhouse Dean of the College V. E. Garber Business Manager 55 Irvin G. Althage Daniel A. Augsburger Arthur E. Axelson Art Foreign Language Religion Perry W. Beach Earl Beaty Robert Beck Music Accountant, Treasurer College Wood Products Margaret Benedict Wilmoth Benson Joseph W. Bielicki Elementary School Music Dean of Men 56 Robert J. Borrowdale Music George W. Brown College Physician Alma M. Campbell English, Academy Victor H. Campbell Otto H. Christensen Rachel J. Christman Agriculture Biblical Languages Dean of Women Evelyn F. Conkell Alfredo Costerisan Claude Davis Assistant, Music English Plant Custodian 57 Harry E. Edwards Education Winifred M. Edwards Nursing Education Melvin W. Davis Music Margarita Dietel Music Blossom C. Engen Home Economics Paul Evers Assistant Dean of Men French, Academy Gordon 0. Engen Public Relations Secretary Maude Fahrbach Health Service Physical Education 58 Dorothy Ferren Assistant Librarian Clarence S. Field History, Academy Joseph G. Galusha Science and Mathematics Academy Beatrice Hamel Elementary School Herwarth F. Holenz Chemistry Paul Hamel Music Bonnie Jean Hannah Secretarial Science Winfield Hardy Physical Education 59 Harold E. Heidtke Biology Harry E. Hein Foreign Language Howard Heisig Edith G. Hiten George H. Jeys College Supply Store Foreign Language College Press Arthur D. Holmes Beatrice Holquist Harold T. Jones Education Home Economics Mathematics 60 Harvey M. Lashier Physics Ellis R. Maas Principal, Academy Verne Kelsey Evelyn H. Maas Robert B. MacMorland Music Secretarial Science Associate Accountant Assistant Treasurer E. L. Knecht College Chef Wanda MacMorland Arlene Marks Director of Admissions Librarian Clara Marsh Cafeteria Alice G. Marsh Home Economics Frank L. Marsh Biology Mildred Martin Assistant Dean of Women Cecil W. Mayor Chemistry Clarence E. Nelson Elementary School Grace L. Nelson Education Walter W. Nelson Berrien Bindery Merton S. Petersen Principal, Elementary School 62 Barbara Phipps Assitant Librarian Burton H. Phipps Biology Hans L. Rasmussen Social Science J. E. Riffel Engineer Marguerite Ross Elementary School Wilbert M. Schneider Business Administration Leslie Smith Applied Arts Niel Sorensen Agriculture Edward J. Specht Mathematics 63 Edwin R. Thiele Wilson Trickett Religion Assistant Business Manager Emmett K. Vande Vere Margarete H. Vande Vere Social Science Assistant, Music Edith Stone English Claude D. Striplin Registrar Harry W. Taylor English Not pictured: Horace J. Show Speech Samuel Read Assistant, Music 64 Bernice Webber Naomi Zalabak Elementary School Elementary School Arlene Friestad Secretary to the President Alfred Schone Bakery John Neumann Business Office Floyd Costerisan Business Office John Mert Dairy Ruth Pearson Laundry Gordon Neil Service Station You be next! kit take ca.rt of you later I Oh, *time salt- free. dieti 1 II win or else ! Bect.c.11 rustles the 'voriec Eniovini Ckalsi zoo MINN s. rktithri The 1i bray-mil ia.vd6s Out nowt Gun not gosnd. You -back again! 100 lbs. mast be nnti limit Warnel ka.rnionti Really, \Ali!beet, I didn't do it. Balanced diet nted 4'0.01119 d nutrition. 0 Library memories . . . Freshman Comp. term papers, last-minute outside reading, or maybe just looking for the latest sports news. 68 UNDERCLASSMEN These were hectic days, days when each Freshman secretly wished he were home again—away from long waiting lines, I. Q. tests, class schedules, and financial questionnaires. But there were rewards: a melon feed, campfire worships, old and new friends. Majorie Abel Raymond Ackley Fern Adair Darlene Adams Lois Akin Anita Allen Roy Allen Lowell Andrews Elayne Andrus Richard Applegate Robert Ashlock Richard Bagg Holly Bailey, Jr. Elaine Baker Sharron Baker Leon Baldwin Charlene Banner JoAnne Barker Bernard Beard Carolyn Bee Patricia Beehler Leota Benedict Carolyn Bennett Elizabeth Bennett Gordon Bennett Don Bernhardt Verlean Bickham Jerre Bicknell Deloris Bigler Cheni Bishop William Blackburn James Bolin Lyle Botimer Richard Botimer Jean Bouford Wayne Boyd Marilyn Branson Marilyn Bray Barbara Breakie James Breedlove Carole Brenner Jane Britton Ronald Brockette Arthur Brown Dorothy Brown Dean Burns Jack Burns Eleanor Bush Vernon Butler Katherine Buzelli Gordon Byrd Patricia Calkins Loida Campillo Juanita Carey Lois Carpenter James Carr Janie Carr Robert Cary Marolyn Case Kenneth Cotes Lois Cederberg Rose Chirello Elsie Claus Mary Lou Claypool William Clegg Patricia Clemons William Clemons Bruce Collins Dolores Collins Lois Collins Marilyn Corner Nancy Conibear John Conkell Darwyn Cook Shirley Corn Carol Cottrell Geraldine Craig Sandy Crank Ronald Crary Dan Creighton 71 James Curry Tom Dalson Roderick Darby Leda Darnell Joann Davis Virginia Davis Hesley DeBow Leroy deFluiter Nila Degner Del Delker Federico Diaz Florence Dippold Shirley Dockham Duane Dodd Robert Dotson Dolores Douglas Dale Driscol Barbara Drumm Shirley Dudney Robert Earp Virgil Easterday Sylvia Easton Laurice Edmonds William Edsell Sherrill Edwards Nancy Ellis Nan Engelbert Roger Engelbert Gordon Evans Doris Ferney Twila Fish Carl Fivecoate Dolores Flemmer Helen Foll Joyce Ford Winton Ford Shirley Forrest Clarence Forrester Marie Fotus Eloise Frank 72 Geraldine Fraser Norman French James Frymire Oscar Gallay Pearl Geier Marilyn Gess Harriet Gilkey George Gleason Jose Gonzalez Nancy Goodman Malcolm Gordon Charles Green Norvella Green Ruth Green Jacqueline Greer Patricia Grismore Rose Marie Grosboll Marilyn Gruber Maxine Gruber John Grum Doris Grundset Marilyn Guthrie Richard Gutsche Sue Hackett Bette Hagle Alice Hahn Julia Hainey Carol Hale Donald Halenz George Haley Claudette Hampton Shirley Harden Lou Ann Harding Lillian Hardt Leonard Harris Robert Hasselbrack Theodore Hatcher Madeline Hatfield Shirley Hatfield Kathryn Haugen 73 Adell Haughey Harriet Hearn Betty Hendershot Kenneth Hernandez Donald Hewlett Joan Higgins Rita Higgins Robert Higgins Judith Hill Yvonne Hirlinger Roberta Hodge Lance Hodges Clifford Hoffman Lillian Holly Sandra Hood Coral Hoxie Robert Hunt Vernon Jaeschke Hazel Johnson Helen Johnson Janet Johnson Norman Johnson Shirley Johnson Jimmie Jones Maxine Jones Robert Jones Beverly Jorgensen Mary Kanitz Robert Kearney Eldon Keeney Norma Kellams Paul Keller Bille Kelly Jean Kennedy Edward Kevari Leslie Kiesz Norman Kimball Eleanor Kinamore Jack Kinne David Kinney 74 Joan Kowalski Madeline Kowalski Lily Krietzky Steve Krisfalusi Norma Kuykendall Donna Kuzma Donald Labrenz Marvin LaCourt Richard Lainson Melvin Lane Evelyn Lawrence George Lawrence Genna Lee Lawson Jerry Lawson Eleanor LeBard Milton Lee Rex Lee Young Lee Nila Lemon Dale Letendre Marion Lindquist Verona Little Cadwell Lloyd Mary Lloyd Joan Losey Pauline Marcoe Philip Marcoe Duane Marietta Joanne Marietta Mary Markle James Marsa Rose Ann Mathews John Matsche Marilyn Motula Ellen Mayer Vaughn McClellan Anita McComas Ila McCulloch Inez McEndree Ruby Mende 75 Phyllis Merrill George Messer Edith Metzger Janet Miller Joseph L. Miller Owen Moore Willie Moore Mary Moravetz Elizabeth Morgan Selina Morris James Morton Wayne Morville Beverly Moyle Shirley Mullen Robert Mulligan Arthur Myers James Myers Shirley Nagy Emile Najm Shirley Nelson Merlynd Nestell Shirley Nestle Donna Netzer Lucretia Nickless Kathleen Noblitt Bonnie Nutt Shirley Olsen Shirley Olson Richard Onstad Kanakolo Orso Kathleen Parfitt Muriel Parfitt Bonnie Parker David Parkhurst Eugene Parkhurst Jacqueline Parkhurst Naomi Patchin Audrey Patterson Jerry Pazitka Paddy Pearson 76 John Pestana Marvin Peters Duane Peterson Ruth Peterson Gerald Pfeifle Demaris Philo Carl Pleier Edward Price Carolyn Pudleiner Virginia Quinnell Donna Ramsdell David Rand Marydean Rayborn Sarah Redfield Annabel Rehling Betty Reinhardt Helen Robinson Clarence Rorabeck Esther Ruf Jack Rusher Max Rusher Carol Sack Manuel Sanchez Victor Sanchez Fred Schaller Richard Schell Guy Schenk Donald Schmidt Marilyn Schriber Leona Sellon Henry Shadel Sally Shadel Charles Shepard Loretta Sherman Verlen Sherwin Guinevere Sherwood Henry Shimabukuro Lloyd Shoemaker Marva Shugars John Simmons 77 Jane Simpson Betty Skeels Moselle Slaten Betty Smith Eldene Smith Victor Smouse Marley Soper Melvin Stanaway Bradley Stephan James Stephan Ardis Stern Byrna Stone Carole Sturtevant Richard Swanson Patrick Takara Elaine Tarr Lorraine Tarr Juanita Teets James Thomas Miles Thomas Roberta Thomas Laurel Thoresen Grace Tims David Tompkins Cecile Torkelson Vivien Townsend Ronald Trace Carolyn Tremble June Trieber Charles Trubey James Twomley Clifford Vance Thelma Van Wyk Beverly Vieau Marilyn Vieau Alberta Vitello John Wagner Alter Walker John Wang Myrle Ward 7S Bernice Warner Emmett Watson Phyllis Weaver Gloria Weber Russell Weidemann Janet Weischadle Larry Wertz Eleanor Wery Robert Wery Roberta Wery Carl Wessman Darlene West Lucile White Verla Whitford Evelyn Wiesner Robert Willett Clarence Williams Thomas Williams Sally Wonderly David Wyant Margaret Yanagihara Hsi-yu Yang James Yoder Sylvia Yoder Edith Zalabak Duane Zimmerman SPECIAL STUDENTS Irene Eide Lee Jasper Russel Knudsen Mary Magnusson Ruth Nielsen Eileen Schleenbaker 79 The Student Council, composed of the Student Association officers and representatives elected from the student body, expresses the student voice in school government. STUDENT ASSOCIATION Board of Publications Left to right: E. Moore, G. Engen (sponsor), B. Cleven- Nominating Committee ger, L. Jaecks, L. Croxton, H. Ballinger, J. Hill, J. Up- Left to right: J. Bray, L. Cederberg, S. Dockham, R. Greve, church. R. Strom, E. Jasper, D. Halenz, M. Gordon. President of the Student Association—Billie Ward Donna Otis, assistant Association secretary; Gil Dunn, Cus- todian; Judy Hill, Association secretary; Wayne Vande Vere, treasurer Student-Faculty Council—Robert Greve, Mr. Garber, James Gooch, Billie Ward, Richard Strom, Miss Marks, Dr. Halenz, Dr. Rittenhouse, Nancy Bather, Dr. Christian Vice presidents: Nancy Bather, Mary Alice Gyde, Glenn Hill CARDINAL Donna Lugenbeal Copy Editor Frances Beck Copy Editor Jim Kaatz Editor Joann Davis Photographic Editor Miss Stone and Miss Marks Advisors Ralph Stephan Business Manager Minerva Constantine and Nan Englebert Art Editors Lois Cederberg Secretary Bruce Oliver Snapshot Editor Esther Harriott Circulation Manager Mr. Garber Business Advisor STAFF Al Baker Photographer Doug Thoresen Photographer STUDENT Ed Willett Business Manager Reporters: Nancy Goodman, Carrot Koester, Lois Cederberg, Lily Krietzky, Shirley Dudney, Nan Englebert, Maurice Hoppe, Bonnie Hausted. Norman Middag, Promotion Director; Ed Jasper Potographer; Russell Lucht, Assistant Promotion Director; Mr. Garber, Business Advisor; Mel Stan- way, Photographer; Mary Lou Clay- pool, Business Secretary. Jim Morton, Circulation Manager; Keith Ellsworth, Assistant Circula- tion Manager; Larry Croxton, Ad- vertising Manager. MOVEMENT Marion Merchant, Managing Editor; Edith Moore, Associate Editor Herb Ballinger Editor-in-Chief Barbara Breakie, Editorial Secretary; Eugene Parkhurst, Make-up Editor; Mr. Engen, Advisor; Shirley Hatfield, Copy Editor; Maxine Gruber, Assistant Make-up Editor; Glenn Hill, ACPA Correspondent; Robert Andrews, Ass't Copy Editor. Columnists: Kay Kilty, Catherin Brown, Esther Ruf, Evelyn Robinson-- Dept. Editor, Barbara Phipps—Alumn Columnist "SOUTH HALL" IS DOOMED The Old must give place to the New No matter how "good" the old be. Full certain the advent of change, As life's hours inexorably flee. South Hall, Once our pleasure and pride, Once the heart of activities all, At the hands of stern progress has died; Will be gone e'er the end of the fall. All in vain do our memories cry— "Spare 0 spare the old building so dear." None can make Time stand still—though some try! Naught can hold back the changes, we fear! So the roof's taken off—trucked away— And the windows are blind openings now. All the siding is missing today, And the rafters their proud gables bow. All the fixtures are gone long ago, And the storm siding's now coming off, While the mosquish Bell Tower's laid low, And at bare studding strangers may scoff. But the lives of her sons, through the years, In many a difficult place Have shone bright through the pain and the tears And reflected the Story of Grace. And though buildings and men may subside, And the rafters—and bodies—decay, Truth and Character ever abide, And grow brighter and stronger each day! George H. Jeys 86 * * Lamson Holl—Women's Dormitory 90 Christmas party LAMSON LIFE Kitchenette feed SPRING FANTASY GIRLS' RECEPTION "Would you go with me to the Reception?" Last minute touches Kappa Phi Gamma Officers First Semester Second Semester Esther Ruf, Harriet Hearn, Averille Smouse, lone Genna Lee Lawson, Paddy Pearson, Darlene West, Markel, Lois Cederberg, Shirley Hatfield, Shirley Shirley Dudney, Lorraine Tarr, Shirley Mullen, Dockham. Marydean Rayborn. 92 "Welcome E M Club" "FOOD, fun, fantasy, film" "Spring is busting out all over!" BEHIND THE SCENES Making decorations The planning committee 93 Burman Hall, Hall, Birch Hall—Men's Dormitories News from home at Christmas BIRCH-BURMAN LIFE E M Club officers both semesters .111.1wm4hanliM Relaxing around the piano Story time THE MUNSONS--TYPICAL MARRIED FOLKS "Now I lay me . . Some concentrated "study" FACULTY TALENT Students and visitors were amazed at the musical and dramatic talent displayed by faculty members at the Investment Benefit program. Among the outstanding performances was a quartet (pictured above) of Howard Heisig, Leslie Smith, Gordon Engen, Harry Hein, and accompanied at the piano by Blossom Engen. The faculty ladies demonstrated their dramatic talents (opposite above) The faculty band highlighted the evening's program with several rousing numbers. 98 99 Jessie and Bruce follow the usherette to their seats Master of Ceremonies Harold Kibble waxes eloquent SM BANQUET The SM Banquet, climax of the Student Movement subscription cam- paign, was attended only by students with 3 or more subscriptions. Grandfather Kay and 8 year old Jerry entertain during Bonnie and Lois courteously wait on tables the program. Sam Campbell, natural- ist and lecturer, attract- ed a capacity crowd for the Cardinal benefit pro- gram. The SM Family Night in- cluded musical numbers, a film, and the college tumbling team. The New Music Building The Physical Education Building THE COLLEGE ORCHESTRA The String Ensemble The College Orchestra, directed by Professor Robert Borrowdale. The College Concert Orchestra VIM The Band in action COLLEGE CC The 56 piece band, under the direction of Professor Paul Hamel . . Clarinet Quartet: Wayne Vande Vere, Dorothy Antisdel, Carol Sack, Bernard Marsh. \ICERT BAND toured the academies of Michigan and Indiana giving sacred and secular concerts The Chapel What's the trouble, boys? Do you have to stick out your tongue? FACULTY PARTIES Twice a year the faculty members open their homes to sponsor student parties. The photographer recorded some moments of fun at Elder and Mrs. Thiele's home. This takes brains Blow harder, Maurice. You can beat those girls. CLUBS Home Economics Club officers: Ruth Faye Smith, Woodena Ferrell, Sarah Mae Redfield, and Phyllis Brown. Shirley Hatfield at the Music Guild social. Of- ficers of the club are Lorayne Russell, Sally Shadel, Leslie Kiesz, and Shirley Hatfield. Officers of the RN Club are Marceil Straman, Annalisa Paulson, and Alma McClure. Pictured in front of their display are the "35" Club of- ficers: Ed Jasper, George Messer, Gordon Engen, sponsor, Mary Alice Gyde, and Al Baker (not pictured). Teachers of Tomorrow Club members wrapped and sent attractive parcels of school supplies to a needy African mission school at Christmas time. Officers of the club are James Kaatz, Doris Eaton, lone Markel, and Arbutis Cow- ley. Engineering Club officers pictured are Norman Kimball, James Breedlove, Mr. Specht, sponsor, Darrell Hoyt, Dale Driscol, and Erland Johnson. Members of the Pre- nursing Club pictured are Bonnie Nutt, Delores Collins, Kathleen Parfitt, Carolyn Bennett, Eleanor Wery, Shirley Johnson, Shirley Harden, Doris Grundset, and Shirley Hatfield. Leslie Slaughter points out an item of interest to fellow Ag Club officers: Darwyn Cook, Phillip Khouri, John Conkell, Carrell Shuler and Mr. Sorensen, sponsor. The Master Guide Archery Club practicing up. Prospective mathematicians tackle a problem. Pictured ore Mr. Jones, sponsor, Lois Cederberg, Erland Johnson, Bob Wonderly, Bruce Zimmerman, Mr. Specht, spon- sor, Jim Gooch, Esther Harriott, and Mary Alice Gyde. 111 Ready for the "spike" PICNIC A LA EMC Good food, good folks, good fun Lucas leaps Pie-face Felan A DAY OF FUN Specht and spokes A run scores OV does. eve or tin Don Ott re d a 8ott You nd our - did bo.c sea Cdr wins stud 114 14e, - got ditryte Sp to..kincjI no koopie,schtQi bore' about it. That's me Un Qrarde bouche. up ict.t.09 51t kave l*IttAe. Oh z That ‘:.;.hot. rnc see ra, ? Retake WVIICI4 picture ? can't bear it." THE STAFF UNDER LOVER Some snow that began in the gloaming . . . 119 d • A lay-up by Warren 122 Stiles smashes it Muscles is the word Tait over the top Fletcher and Bolin . up and at it! 124 "English!" "Side lines" "The big stick" 12o INDUSTRIES "From contented cows" The Farm Rolling in dough The Bakery A touch of greenery The Cafeteria Bound to succeed The Bindery A pressing engagement The Laundry Sawdust and shavings Colle;e Wood Products Willie makes change The Service Station David transplanting The Farm George seeding The Grounds "Loading" the Miller The Press Ardith recording Readers Bonnie getting supplies The Custodian Department Firing up Engineering Jerry and Elwyn carving Lab assistants Ruby stacking The Store WHAT WILL YOUR FUTURE BE? One night three young men were working late in the office of their employer. The auditor was to arrive the next day and all the accounts must be ready for him. At last, having completed their work, they left the office together. Feeling worn and tired, one of the group suggested they all have a snack. All three agreed and soon were walking down the street to find a place that served food at that hour. Presently they were in front of a bar that also dispensed sandwiches. One of the three suggested they go no further. The second young man hesitated but finally consented. The third youth was much disturbed and stated that he would rather go without food than be seen in that place. The second young man now hesitated, finally deciding he would prefer another spot. This brought the third one in line and soon all three were quietly seated together in a clean and whole- some place. One young man of conviction had made the difference. Somewhere along in his life he had made a decision that now come to his aid. What we become is the result of decisions. Sometimes these are big but most of the time they are small and seemingly unimportant. But as all of these are added together they form a character and character decides the success or failure of a life. PRINCIPAL ELLIS R. MAAS The purpose of this Academy is to offer its students a Christian atmosphere where right decisions may be consistently arrived at. The degree of success achieved in this respect measures the success of the school. Ellis R. Maas EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE ACADEMY 132 First Semester Student Association Officers TATLER Staff Student Council Second Semester Student Association Officers Paul Evers Sponsor Larry Davis Helena Jones Shirley Shippy Harold Streidl Harold Rutherford Shirley Nelson Eldon Collier Marjorie Abel Bill Blackburn Gordon Caster Connie Sue de Vore Donna Jo Ferrell Iris Je Glynn 135 Al Hampton Helen Kubecka Ann Miner Larry Roderick Richard Stern Astrid Swenson Mary Tesser 136 The Academy Choir "I think this color goes with her complexion lots better." "Did the prof. say 'le' or 'Ia' goes before 'chaise'?" The Academy "All-stars" Joe Hoover President Patricia Hunt Vice-President Alma Mager Campbell Sponsor Janet Rettmann Secretary Richard Norman Treasurer Thomas Kuhlman Sergeant-at-arms Aim—To Row, Not Drift Motto—Ever Onward Class Colors—Cherry and Silver Class Flower—Red Carnation 138 Gerry Bielicki Buddy Cason Betty Edsell Melvin Foll Lee Furman Edward Hahn James Hannum Melvin Hill Irmgard Kreye Mary Alyce Little Morris McNitt Stuart Nieb Vernon Oliver Joyce Patterson Charles Schmeling Delbert Sumner Tom Wilson Not Pictured: Carl Greek, Marilyn McCauley, Ruth Wickland 139 Edward Lugenbeal Janet Stanchfield Dorothy Hancock President Vice-President Secretary Clarence Field Sponsor Lynn Sumner Lane Johnson Delcy Gustin Treasurer Sergeant-at-arms Sergeant-at-arms Stanley Applegate Patricia Clanton Marietta Everman Annette Lewis David Minier Colleen Neil Sharlene Nelson Lawrence Patterson Dana Rittenhouse Patty Skeels Larry Wagner 140 141 Ross Kinney Vice-President Roger Olson President Ellis Maas Sponsor Robert Torkelson Treasurer Dick Smith Secretary Harold Otis Sergeant-at-arms Jack Bailey Larry Collier Wilma Doering Donna Edsell Norman Foil Marcia Haley Ada Hampton Henry Jones Lucius Jones Marion Kubecka Kendall Marsh Charlotte Medley Arlan Nelson Doris Norman Alberta Oliver Ruth Pietrasz Jimmie Row David Schmeling Donald Schmeling Larry Ward *.A '— Twos -1t1-1 e 44fevt r_e ick‘utit y ate nd dr-Geod.! PP-ore cfpr Gert-ti and Dick 08,k.• ,74 o ic'd me to tr" 10 u..)12,4 lust -that bick Remember- * he_ &artyAct Cr r4" ct irles can 14 Luhoer wakti no foe-7 WhQis Lattql-vt o i ain't scared I" LtJkt happrea here artd ubode rai Shot Niles, Michigan Phone 1292 Compliments of CONGRATULATIONS We Wish You Every Success In Your Life's Work MODERN Furniture Appliance Compliments of DEAN'S DAIRY Serving Berrien County Berrien Springs, Mich. MONTGOMERY WARD Compliments of RALPH D. GUSTIN M. D. 1001/2 West Ferry Berrien Springs, Michigan Phone 7-1411 Davis Distributors, Inc. Niles, Michigan Special Student and Faculty Discounts "Tomorrow's Products For Today's Modern Mobile Homes" Berrien Springs, Michigan 144 DANIR DR REVEIATKYA C4611S! These soul-saving books are God's tools, or agencies, where- by His saving truth can be brought to all men. They are the best in the religious book- selling field. They have proved their worth as soul winners. But, like the good seed, they need scattering to realize their potentialities. You Need These Tools! These books will sell. Drama of the Ages and Bible Readings alone have proved that over 500,- 000 times. And what home can you imagine would not benefit by the inspired health counsel of Mod- ern Medical Counselor? Who could not use the devotional Desire of Ages, the enlightening Patri- archs and Prophets, the anti Great Controversy, the significant Daniel anti the Revelation, and all the rest! These Tools Need YOU! Scholarship tools such as these need only earnest, consecrated distributors. God is calling you into his colporteur army to turn the tide of evil. There is no more important work you can do. Resolve now to do this active missionary work for your Lord and Master. That scholarship will be yours, as well as Heaven's eternal blessings. Your local publishing secretary will be happy to assist you in laying your plans and getting started in this thrilling work. Call him today. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 145 1891, Sixty-three Years of Continuous Service, 1954 BERRIEN SPRINGS STATE BANK BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN Member: Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. HENRY'S HOME BAKERY Vegetable Shortening Used Exclusively DECORATED CAKES WE FILL SPECIAL ORDERS 105 N. Main Tel. 5911 SHANK'S BERRIEN SPRINGS STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS DODGE PLYMOUTH WHETSTONE MOTOR SALES 452 W. Ferry Phone 5121 BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN BARNHART'S FLOWER BASKET Guy and Miriam Barnhart Flowers For All Occasions Berrien Springs, Mich. NILES CLEAN TOWEL SERVICE 513 N. 11th St., Niles, Michigan Phone 340 Complete Linen Service Seweg9 aid commeoter, jot Gov't 30 vect14 WHEN YOU NEED FEED FERTILIZER SPRAY MATERIALS FRUIT PACKAGES CALL BERRIEN SPRINGS CO-OP FRUIT ASSN. Inc. Phone 3361 SPARKS LUMBER CO. BUILDING MATERIAL and HARDWARE Berrien Springs Phone 8511 116 WASHINGTON MISSIONARY COLLEGE and WASHINGTON SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING Presents a Program Offering a College Degree in Nursing Meeting the Growing Demands of the RIMES and HILDEBRAND "Make This Your Store" St. Joseph, Michigan PROFESSIONAL NURSE Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. Priceless and Timeless GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES These exquisite little devotional volumes are bound in daintily lithographed covers in two pastel colors. Each is illustrated and prepared as an attractive gift book, combining richness with economy in price. Individually boxed. The Lord Is My Shepherd by Roy L. Smith An inspiring interpretation of the twenty-third psalm. Love on Fire by Marjorie Lewis Lloyd Designed to awaken in each reader a new apprecia- tion of the privileges and power of a consecrated Christian life. Have Faith in God by H. M. S. Richards A collection of ninety poems on religious themes re- lated to Christian faith and practice. Steps to Christ by Mrs. E. G. White A book of Christian counsel and tender appeal. The Potter's Shop by Alice Glen A book of homely philosophy glorifying the common task and spiritually interpreting the seemingly in- consequential things of life. Life At Its Best by D. A. Delafield A practical down to earth analysis of a hundred dif- ferent problems that the Christian must solve in his everyday life. PRICE $1.00 EACH ORDER FROM YOUR BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON 12, D. C. 147 eeme,oratztiatiored a 4 ict.fecidoote &add JOHN DEETJEN Photographer Saint Joseph, Michigan Phone YU 3-5055 "-Elea/dare/ Your Servant Enjoy the Comfort, Convenience and Economy of an All-Electric Kitchen and Laundry. See your electric appliance dealer today. INDIANA & MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY 148 Compliments of The South Bend Supply Co, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Compliments of THE THEISEN-CLEMENS CO. DISTRIBUTORS QUALITY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Farm • Home • Industry OVER HALF A CENTURY MICHIGAN'S OLDEST — MICHIGAN'S LARGEST A MICHIGAN INSTITUTION CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 1954 FROM THE YALE & TOWNE MN. (0. Berrien Springs, Michigan NORTON DOOR CLOSERS S. F. ROLPH, General Manager 149 150 SALES MOYER AUTO SALES WILLIAM D. MOYER, Prop. SERVICE FORD CARS and TRUCKS MANBEE WHEEL ALIGNING & BALANCING GENUINE PARTS & ACCESSORIES Berrien Springs, Michigan Compliments SCHUG DRUG STORE SERVICE FOR THE SICK Whitman Candy — Sheaffer Pens Hallmark Cards THE MIDGET Groceries Confections Ice Cream Notions Hours-8 A.M. to 10 P.M.; Friday-8 to 4 9 need veal /teal/ IN MY BUSINESS E. A. SCHLEICHER SERVICE CENTER BARBER Compliments of Culligan Soft Water and Self Serve Laundry Service Phone 7-2131 Berrien Springs, Mich. °T-979-641 FOR MEN AND BOYS Main at Second - Ni/es GAMBLES The Store of Quality Merchandise AL MARSKE, Manager Berrien Springs LEMONTREES OPTOMETRISTS EST. 1903 Phone 4-7771 314 South Michigan South Bend, Indiana Drs. Garrett, Fattic and Peshka 61 St. Joseph NILES, MICHIGAN AULT CAMERA SHOP, INC. Mail Orders given prompt attention See us for all your photographic needs Try our photo service at the College Store 122 So. Main St. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Opposite Court House Et9etet MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY Chicago, III. Galien, Mich. DRY MILK — CONDENSED MILK — ICE CREAM MIXES GRADE "A" MILK CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR "The arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; . . . Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; And by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above." INDIANA CONFERENCE Congratulations to the Class of '54 Compliments For inspirational intellectual of The reading that benefits we suggest "FLICKERING DESIRE" By Marjorie Lewis Lloyd In giftbox for $1.50 Indiana Book and Bible House 3266 North Meridian Indianapolis 7, Indiana LAKE REGION CONFERENCE 151 uccess ••••••••••••••••......••••, TO THE COLLEGE GRADUATE seeking a place in industry or commerce, ACE offers many excellent opportunities. Engineers and Machinists, skilled Machine Operators, Salesmen and Secretaries, Bookkeepers and Accountants, Personnel and Production Managers, Quality-control Supervisors and Material-and-Product Expediters are among the work opportunities open to qualified young men and women in this growing S.D.A. organization. For the individual with ability and foresight, who will climb the ladder rung-by-rung, there's always a place at the top. This is your invitation to contact ACE DRILL BUSHING, INC. 5407 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES 29, CALIF. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ACE DRILL BUSHINGS job-tested and PROVEN! ACE DRILL BUSHINGS ARE SPECIFIED by leading engineers from coast-to-coast. To meet with continuous success, any product must hold definite advantages over its competition. ACE offers triple-checked accuracy — superior finishes — a wide range of sizes, types and specifications— uses highest quality steels and alloys — and maintains larger readily available stocks strategically located in major industrial areas. Where else can you get so much for so little? 11111111111L6 5407 FOUNTAIN AVENUE LOS ANGELES 29, CALIF. Ac rff DRILL iff BUSHING CO., INC. To the Class of 1954 go our sincerest wishes that as you cross the threshold of school life and accept life's newer and greater responsibilities, you may place your confidence in God's merciful and kind providence; then, and only then will you have success. WISCONSIN CONFERENCE OF S. D. A. WISCONSIN BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE BENTON HARBOR. STATE BANK Benton Harbor, Mich. Capital $400,000.00 Surplus $300,000.00 Member F.D.I.C. COMPLIMENTS OF CARL FISCHER, Inc. Music Publishers KIMBALL HALL 306 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. FRANK STORES, Inc. — PANTS — CLOTHING & FURNISHINGS 401 S. Michigan St. —:— South Bend, Ind. Phone 72577 LAKE SHORE MOTOR TRANSIT LINES, INC. St. Joseph, Michigan Daily Service to and from Chicago, Ill. and South Bend. Ind. COMPLIMENTS OF TROOST BROS. FURNITURE — CARPETS NILES — BENTON HARBOR — ST. JOSEPH 154 Through Regular and Profitable Savings Design a Comfortable Future Plan now to have ready cash when you need it. Face the Future confidently—Comfortably. We will show you our plan for greater earnings on savings with complete safety. Savings Insured to $10,000.00 Steady Earnings Readily Available Niles Federal Savings and Loan Association 114 East Ferry Street 306 East Main Berrien Springs Niles New Nurses' Residence WHERE AMBITION AND OPPORTUNITY MEET The Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital, Hinsdale, Illinois, affiliated with Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Michigan, offers: Three-year diploma program in nursing—• 9 months at Emmanuel Missionary College-27 months at Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital Write for information to Director of Nurses, Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital, Hinsdale, Illinois or Office of Admissions, Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Michigan COMPLIMENTS OF GAFILL OIL COMPANY COMPLIMENTS OF INTERSTATE & GLASS PAINT Co. INC. DISTRIBUTORS ALUMINUM WINDOWS STORE FRONTS MIRRORS GLASS SOUTH BEND, INDIANA The Place To Go For the Names You Know 9deett "One Man Tells Another." South Bend's LARGEST STORE FOR MEN 813-817 So. Michigan St. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Open Every Friday Evening Until 9 P.M., South Bend Time guild Pewitaotefece by using STEEL WINDOWS METAL LATH STEEL JOISTS METAL TRIM STEEL BEAMS OVERHEAD DOORS REINFORCING STEEL WATERPROOF I NG Sold by ANDERSON BUILDING MATERIALS 216 N. STATE ST. JOSEPH Phones Yu 3-5543 & Yu 3-5544 R. W. Anderson, Mgr. 156 STANDARD 111 STANDARD THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY EXTENDS ITS WARMEST GREETINGS TO EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE KPAUSE PHARMACY Berrien Springs, Michigan Photographic Equipment Prescriptions Soda Fountain SEALTEST ICE CREAM BAND BOX CLEANERS WE DO OUR OWN CLEANING Pressing — Dyeing — Moth Proofing PHONE 5011 Compliments of HAZEN CAULPETZER JEWELER Berrien Springs, Michigan Phone 3121 PLANS FOR THE FUTURE We are proud to present a photograph of our proposed new Michigan Conference of- fice building. Students and friends of Em- manuel Missionary College are invited to visit our headquarters. 620 Townsend Street Lansing, Michigan G. E. Hutches, President A. H. Johns, Secretary H. F. Roll, Treasurer 157 To the Students and Faculty of E.M.C. . . Compliments on your very impor- tant accomplishments of the past . . and our sincere best wishes for even greater success in the future. WitilA3octe CORPORATION ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN America's First Family of Home Laundry Appliances 158 MAURICE E. LEMONTREE, 0. D. Optometrist Eye examination and visual analysis SUITE 219 POLEDOR BLDG. (S. E. CORNER OF COLFAX AND MICHIGAN ENTRANCE ON COLFAX) PH. 3-3010 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Compliments of CLOUD BROS. 110 East Western Ave. South Bend, Ind. WHOLESALERS OF FINE FURNITURE MODERN DECOR AND TRADITIONAL LIVING ROOM—DINING ROOM BEDROOM FURNITURE FOR YOUR ENTIRE HOME—OUR SHOW ROOMS ARE OPEN TO YOUR FACULTY STUDENTS—FRI ENDS—RELATIVES FOUR FLAGS HOTEL Niles, Michigan Store Hours See Mr. Beatty Mon. Through Fri. for Particulars 8 AM to 5 PM and to 12 o'clock Noon on Sat. Sate! We cam pupil yau a.$ yaai thIJ aktuttal / r trIleki tht.J. THE COLLEGE PRESS BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH. 159 The "1954 CARDINAL" is bound in a MOLLOY-MADE cover by the S. K. SMITH CO. 2857 North Western Avenue Chicago, Illinois CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR Pictures are windows to any lands, But a book is a door that ready stands To him who will open and go outside Where the rivers and plains are free and wide. Pictures are windows through which we look, But the door of the world is just a book. —ANNETTE WYNNE ILLINOIS BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE WEBB COAL CO. For complete fuel satisfaction may we suggest our guaranteed fuels next time you order coal. 301 N. Shore Dr. Benton Harbor, Mich. Phone WA6-6159 EAU CLAIRE LUMBER CO. ONE-STOP SERVICE FOR YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS Phone Dial Eau Claire 3741 160 THE COPP MUSIC SHOP 122-26 E. Wayne St. South Bend Everything in Music THE ENDERS CO. Compliments of Wise spenders shop at Enders Chicago Phone WA-6-6145 Roller Skate Company Benton Harbor, Mich. Chicago, Illinois It's fun to shop in Benton Harbor In a knowledge of God, all true knowledge and real development have their source. Wherever we turn, in the physical, the mental, or the spiritual realm; in whatever we behold, apart from the blight of sin, this knowledge is revealed. Whatever line of investigation we pursue, with a sincere purpose to arrive at truth, we are brought in touch with the unseen, mighty Intelligence that is working in and through all. The mind of man is brought into communion with the mind of God, the finite with the Infinite. The effect of such com- munion on body and mind and soul is beyond estimate. —Education, p. 14 THE ILLINOIS CONFERENCE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 161 COLLEGE SERVICE CENTER YOUR SHOPPING CENTER WHILE AT COLLEGE "Bringing you all in school supplies" "A complete modern grocery store" "Ample Free parking" HOWARD HEISIG, Manager. 162 SCHLOSSER'S OAK GROVE DAIRY PRODUCTS It ace agd o'active au take the tension out of study V-M 986 Portable Phonograph HOUSE TO HOUSE EVANGELISM TRUE MINISTRY "All who desire an opportunity for true ministry, and who will give themselves unreservedly to God, will find in the canvassing work opportunities to speak upon many things pertaining to the future immortal life." C. E. 16 OPPORTUNITY DEMANDS RESPONSIBILITY BEST WISHES SENIOR CLASS OF 1954 PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Soft music aids concentration, holds off fatigue. This clear-voiced V-M portable gives you an adjustable tone chamber! You balance the big speaker to the acoustics of any room. Appreciated is the Siesta Switch that shuts off everything (amplifier too) after last record plays. Lazy-Lite lets you reject records with lid closed. Completely auto- matic record playing, all three sizes and speeds. Jamproof mechanism. Plays twelve 10", ten 12" or fourteen 7" records; intermix any ten 12" 10" of same speed. Beau- tifully finished in Warm Rose and Gray Tweed, or Rich Brown with Beige grille. V-M CORPORATION Benton Harbor, Michigan Look for this 164 Our Kindest Regards To, And Sincere Appreciation of, Our Many Friends at Emmanuel Missionary College E.T.C., Inc. Niles, Michigan P. B. Gast & Sons Co. 1515 Madison Ave., S. E. GRAND PAPIDS, MICH. -41 ® ► INDUSTRIAL VACUUM CLEANERS SOAPS, LAUNDRY SUPPLIES FLOOR MACHINES CLEANING MATERIALS PAUL KUHLMAN SALES — SERVICE Phone 4952 New Cars Farm Equipment Berrien Auto Supply Gifts and Sporting Goods Compliments of PIFER ® ► FUNERAL SERVICE "Everything for Cleaning" 521 E. Main Niles, Michigan Phone 10-W 165 SEE THE Ilea( ROYAL PORTABLE THE FINEST PORTABLE YOU CAN OWN! It's a beauty! New Royals have amazing new "Magic" Margin, complete Office Typewriter Controls, plus other new features. Once you get your first breathtaking view of the new Royal Portable you'll see it is the World's No. 1 Portable. "Magic" is a registered trade-mark of Royal Typewriter Co., Inc. Speed-King keyboard and high-speed key action! Finger-Flow keys of non-glare plastic. Automatic Paper Lock. Touch-set Tabulator. Rapid Ribbon Changer. Adjustable Paper Support. Picture Window Writing Line visibility and full 9-inch writing line!—And many other im- portant improvements and perfections! Come in and see the NEW Royal Portable! Meier Office Machine Co. Phone WA 5-8868 204 Michigan Street BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN Telephone: WAlnut 5-8824 Compliments of L. B. GORTON CO. KOONTZ-WAGNER ELECTRIC CO. INC. For More Than 50 Years Southwestern Michigan's Leading Quality Music Store 209 E. Main Street Benton Harbor, Mich. Compliments of South Bend, Indiana Nevu/a Emcee( S4A The Campus shop for girls Berrien Boat and Appliance Co. Furniture and television Your Complete General Electric Dealer Complete Electrical Service Open 9-9 Sunday 1-9 166 Compliments of College Service Station Standard Products GORDON NEIL, Manager Compliments of Schraders Super Market a good place to shop Berrien Springs COLLEGE WOOD PRODUCTS BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN Out ecedeptedd ed rret efrftatecegeo 01 a ekteataa educatioot 167 Pictures in this Book Photo-Engraved by PHOTO-ENGRAVING CORPORATION THIRD FLOOR AT 131 NORTH MAIN STREET SOUTH BEND 1, INDIA N A 168 Blackburn, William, Oolitic, Ind. 70 Blake, Arthur, 717 Osceola Ave., Big Rapids, Mich. 47 Blazen, Ivan, 19744 Coulburn, Detroit, Mich. 47 Bodtker, Maxwell, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 27 Bogar, George, Chowchilla, Calif. Bohlmeyer, Carl, Plymouth, Neb. Bohnke, Ernest, R. 2, Kilouna, B. C., Canada 47 70 Bolin, James, Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind. 70 70 Bom, Robert, 405 W. Ferry St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 47 70 Bonn, Roger, 1207 S. Globe St., Freeport, Ill. 27 Boothby, Carole, 14829 Penrod, Detroit 23, Mich. 29 70 Boothby, Orva Lee, 14829 Penrod, Detroit 23, Mich. 70 Botimer, Lyle, 1615 Lenore, Lansing, Mich. 70 27 Botimer, Richard, 107 Oaklawn Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. 70 Bouford, Jean, Alanson, Mich. 70 70 Boyd, Wayne, 556 N. Hickory, Centralia, Ill. 70 Boyles, Raymond, 1839 Norway Lake Rd., Lapeer, Mich. Branson, Marilyn, 1177 Webb, Detroit 2, Mich. 70 27 Bray, Jerome, R. 2, Box 369, Detroit Lakes, Minn. Bray, Marilyn, R. 2, Box 369, Detroit Lakes, Minn. 70 Breakie, Barbara, Bad Axe, Mich. 70 Breedlove, James, 901 Vincent St., Charleston, W. Va. 47 Brenner, Carole, 6 S. Gay St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio 71 70 Brent, David, 203 N. Crystal Ave., Benton Harbor, Mich. 47 Bridgeford, Paul, R. 4, Rockford, Ill. 70 Britton, Jane, 2658 Saginaw Hwy., Mulliken, Mich. 71 27 Brockette, Ronald, 2147 Field, Detroit 14, Mich. 71 Bromgard, Vernon, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 29 27 Brown, Arthur, 202 S. Portage, Buchanan, Mich. 71 28 Brown, Catherine, Box 834, Parkersburg, W. Va. 47 70 Brown, Delmar, 7 Wentworth Ct., Battle Creek, Mich. 47 Brown, Dora Lee, 837 Hoyt St., Muskegon Heights, Mich. 47 70 Brown, Dorothy, 204 N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 71 Brown, Phyllis, R. 1, Box 66, Turtletown, Tenn. 47 Budde, Dorothy, 321 Wilder St., Aurora. Ill. Burk, John, Box 113, Berrien Springs, Mich. Burns, Dean, 2235 Prospect Ave., Erie, Pa. 71 Burns, Jack, Merson Rd., Otsego, Mich. 71 Burt, Kenneth, 18 E. Mich., Battle Creek. Mich. 70 Burtnett, Frank, R. 2, Box 278. Orlando, Fla. 70 Burtnett, Lawrence, 511 N. Bluff St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 28 Burton, Gordon, R. 6, Hagersville, Ont., Canada 29 Bush, Eleanor, R. I , Onaway, Mich. 71 Butler, Vernon, 5055 Maybee Rd., Pontiac, Mich. 71 Buzelli, Katherine. College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 71 Buzelli, Thomas, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 29 Byrd, Gordon, R. I , Box 62, Buena Vista, Va. 71 C 28 70 28 70 70 47 70 70 DIRECTORY College A Abel, Charlotte, R. 1, Box 371, Berrien Springs, Mich. Abel, Gerald, R. 1, Box 371, Berrien Springs, Mich. Abel, Roland, R. 1, Box 371, Berrien Springs, Mich. Acevedo, William, 1323 Bristow St., Bronx 59, N.Y. Ackley, Raymond, c/o Mrs. Evalyn Broadhurst, R. 2, Decatur, Mich. Adair, Fern, Box 12, Milton, Wis. Adams, Darlene, R. 3, Ellsworth, Wis. Ahnberg, Ralph, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Akin, Lois, Box 195, Edwardsburg, Mich. Allen, Anita, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Allen, Gilbert, Knockpatrick, Jamaica, B. W. I. Allen, Marian, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Allen, Roy, 245 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Allison, Brookie, R. 3, Cassopolis, Mich. Althage, Joyce, 20 N. Parkway, Berrien Springs, Mich. Amrein, Andrew, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Anderson, Bruce, R. 1, Box 124, Berrien Springs, Mich. Anderson, James, 1347 Elizabeth St., Crete, 111. Anderson, Sherman, 516 N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Anderson, Stig, R. 2, Box 225C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Andrews, Lowell, 100 Palmetto Dr., Miami Springs, Fla. Andrews, Robert, 2919 Columbus, Detroit 6, Mich. Andrus, Elayne, R. 4, Hastings, Mich. Anger, Ernest, 1213 Kearney St., Port Huron, Mich. Antisdel, Dorothy, 401 E. Madison Ave., Milton Junction, Wis. Antisdel, Mary, R. 1, Milton Junction, Wis. Applegate, Richard, R. 2, Box 222, Berrien Springs, Mich. Ashlock, Ann 2720 Whiting Ave., Charlotte, N. C. Ashlock, Robert, 1225 W. Chase Ave., Chicago 26, III. Axelson, Robert, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. B Babbitt, Weston, R. 2, Box 227C, Berrien Springs, Mich, Bagg, Richard, 9441 Woodside, Detroit 4, Mich. Bailey, Holly, 4514 McKinley Rd., Flushing, Mich. Bailey, Lyle, 404 W. Broadway, Alexandria, Ind. Bakeman, Kenneth, R. 2, Dowagiac, Mich. Baker, Allen, 316 E. South St., Jackson, Mich. Baker, Elaine, Box 317, Frederic, Wis. Baker, Raymond, 1148 E. 99th St., Cleveland, Ohio Baker, Sharron, R. 2, Box 32, Berrien Springs. Mich. Baldwin, Leon, R. 1, Pierson, Mich. Ballinger, Herbert, 413 N. W. "K" St., Richmond, Ind. Banner, Charlene, 508 E. Klinger St., South Bend, Ind. Barker, JoAnne, 2028 Hollywood Dr., Monroe, Mich. Barlow, Lois, 3105 Chicago Pl. S., Chicago Heights, Ill. Barton, Barbara, 333 City Hall Ct., South Bend, Ind. Barton, Max, R. 1, Box 130E, Berrien Springs, Mich. Bather, Nancy, 2088 Van Horn Rd., Jackson, Mich. Battenburg, Joseph, 9805 Prairie Ave., Chicago 28, Ill. Bautista, Dionisio, Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal, Philippines Beard, Bernard, 2026 Wienson, Ferndale, Mich. Beardsley, Joyce, c/o Mrs. 0. N. Venden, R. 3, Allegan, Beavers, Barbara, 4516 Pine Ave., Hammond, Ind. Beck, Frances, 125 Parkway, Berrien Springs, Mich. Bee, Carolyn, R. 1, Arpin, Wis. Beehler, Patricia, 214 E. Victoria, South Bend, Ind. Bell, Pearl, Box 22, Mandeville, Jamaica, B. W. I. Belleau, Barbara, 4141 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee 8, Wis. Belleau, George, 4141 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee 8, Wis. Belleau, Wilfrid, Jr., 4141 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee 8, Wis. Better, Harvey, R. 1, Eau Claire, Mich. Benedict, Leota, R. 2, Coopersville, Mich. Bennett, Carolyn, 3115 Carlson Rd., Rockford, Ill. Bennett, Elizabeth, 3115 Carlson Rd., Rockford, Ill. Bennett, Gordon, 3115 Carlson Rd., Rockford, Ill. Benson, Douglas, Eland, Wis, Bergold, Orlando, N. Star R., Box 135, Sandoval, N. Mex. Bernard, Mary Lou, 106 College St., Holly, Mich. Bernhardt, Donald, 128 E. Burleigh St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bickham, Verlean, 4811 Evans Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bicknell, Jerre, R. 2, Hagerstown, Ind. Bigford, Victor, 1231/2 S. Saginaw St., Holly, Mich. Bigler, Deloris, R. 2, Box 30, Alma, Mich. Bishop, Cheni, Cedar Lake, Mich. Bissell, Blythe, R. 1, Box 437, Auburn, Wash. Bissell, LeVerne, R. 1, Box 437, Auburn, Wash. 47 71 7 7 7 7 7 7 29 71 71 71 29 30 71 71 71 71 71 169 Cabrera, Nayade, 36 W. 7th Ave., Gary, Ind. 28 Calkins, Patricia, 401 Merchants Ave., Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Campbell, Leon, Riverdale, Mich. Campillo, Loida, Trinidad 516, Santiago, Oriente, Cuba 7 28 Cardenas, Fernando, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Cardenas, Gabriel, Apdo Aereo 541, Bucaramanga, 70 Colombia, South America Mich. Carey, Juanita, Murray St., Camp Douglas, Wis. Carpenter, Lois, c/o A. B. Peterson, R. 7, Green Bay, Wis. 28 Carr, James, R. 3, Stockport, Ohio 70 Carr, Jane, 2287 Raleigh Rd., Memphis, Tenn. 70 Cary, Robert, R. I , Rosselle, Ill. Case, Marolyn, R. 1, Box 61, Augusta, Mich. Case, Philip, 115 W. 42nd St., Ashtabula, Ohio 28 Caster, Donald, R. 3, Oswego, N. Y. 29 Cates, Kenneth, 1700 Ewing Ave., Evansville 15, Ind. Cederberg, Lois, Box 118, Downers Grove, Ill. 70 Chapin, Laura, 907 N. Gadsden, Tallahassee, Fla. 70 Chapin. Paul, 907 N. Gadsden, Tallahassee, Fla. 70 Chastain, Freda, R. 2, Ooltewah, Tenn. 70 Chirello, Rose, 225 S. Homan Ave., Chicago 24, III. 29 Chow, Matthew, 296 N. Kukui St., Honolulu, Hawaii Christensen, Dorothy, 55 Walnut St.. Berrien Springs, Mich. Christiansen, Thorwald, R. 4. Box 4792, Paradise, Calif. 70 Churchill, Roy, R. 1, North Branch, Mich. 70 Claus, Elsie, R. 2, Blossvale, N. Y. 70 Clayburn, Helen, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Claypool, Mary Lou, 233 N. Walnut, Vernon, Mich. 70 Clegg, William, 1209 S. 19th, Lafayette, Ind. 70 Clemons, Patricia, Frankton, Ind. Clemons, William, Frankton, Ind. 47 Clevenger, Beverly, R. 5, Green Bay, Wis. Cole, Wendell, Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Collins, Bruce, Box 708, Battle Creek, Mich. Collins, Dolores, R. 2, Green Bay, Wis. Collins, Keith, Cygnet, Ohio Collins, Lois, R. 2, Onaway, Mich. 71 Comer, Marilyn, 3420 Le Erda, Flint, Mich. 7I Conibear, Nancy, R. 2, Wolcott, N. Y. 71 Conkell, John, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 71 Constantine, Minerva, 276 Jarvis Ave., Riverside, Ont., Canada Cook, Darwyn, Parish, N. Y. 71 Cook, Robert, 191 W. 18th St., Holland, Mich. Cook, Roger, Parish, N. Y. Cooper, Elinor, c/o Mrs. Grover Thomas, Stockport, Ohio Cooper, JoAnn, R. 1, Ithaca, Mich. Corn, Shirley, 2903 Colman, Rockford, Ill. Costerisan, Floyd, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Cottrell, Carol, R. 3, Montello, Wis. Cottrell, Glen, R. 3, Montello, Wis. Covel, Dorothy, R. 3, Morenci, Mich. Cowley, Arbutis, R. 2, Lake City, Mich. Cox, Lee. College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Craig, Geraldine, College Station, Berrien Springs., Mich. Crank, Sandy, 715 E. 69th St., Chicago 37, 111. Crary, Ronald, 2709 Sommers Ave., Madison, Wis. Creighton, Dann, Lawrence, Mich. Cress, Paul, 200 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Cross, Myron, 4511 W. Central, Albuquerque, N. Nex. Croxton, Donald, 3432 91/2 Ave., Rock Island, Ill. Croxton, Lawrence, 3432 91/2 Ave., Rock Island, Ill. Curry, James, 4556 Colonial Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. Dalson, Tom, R. 2, Box 224B, Berrien Springs, Mich. Darby, Roderick. 133 E. High St., Wautoma, Wis. Darnell, Leda, R. 5, Box 359, High Point, N. C. Davis, Joann, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Davis, Pearl, 425 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Davis, Virginia, Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich. DeBow. Hesley, 4304 Market Ave., East St. Louis, Ill. Dees, Norman, 303 W. Sycamore, Liberty, Ind. deFluiter, Leroy, R. 2, Lexington, Ohio Degner, Nila, Box 165, Winamac, Ind. Delker, Del, 3964 Huntington St.. Oakland 19, Calif. DeVice, Barry, 160 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. deVore, Alan, Eau Claire, Mich. DeVries, Fred, 2019 Friche St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Diaz, Edward, Colle%Ye Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Diaz, Federico. 172 E. 108th St.. New York 29, N. Y. Diaz, Lucas, 172 E. 108th St., New York 29. N. Y. Diaz, Lucila, 172 E. 108th St.. New York 29, N. Y. Dipnold, Florence, 509 Union Ave., New York 55, N. Y. Dockham, Shirley, 817 Turrill Ave., Lapeer. Mich. Dodd, Duane. 14 S. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, Ill. Doering, Ardith, N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Doering, Corrine, N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Doleman. Kathleen, 343 Washington Ave.. Cottage Grove, Ore. Dollar, Freda, College Station, Berrien Snring,s, Mich. Dollar, William. College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Dotson, Robert T.. Box 85, Bellville, Ohio Douglas, Dolores, 768 Navahoe, Detroit, Mich. Driscol, Dale, R. 3, Lafayette, Ind. Drumm, Barbara, Box 86. Cedar Lake, Mich. Dudne". Shirley. 19410 Orleans, Detroit 3, Mich. Dunn, Gilbert. Union Springs Academy, Union Springs, N.Y. Dunnigan, Ernest Keith, 1167 E. Hudson, Royal Oak, Mich. Duns, Jessie, Box 433, Bayfield, Wis. D Gallay, Oscar, 241 Park Ave., Elkhart, Ind. 30 Geary, William, 537 N. Bluff St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 47 Geier, Pearl, Bowdon, N. Dak. 72 Gess, Marilyn, R. 2, Fort Atkinson, Wis. Gibson, Reed, 3724 E. 125th St., Seattle, Wash. Gilkey, Harriet, New Lisbon, Wis. Gleason, George, P. 0, Box 718, Cicero, Ind. Gonzalez, Jose, 812 S. Pauline St., Chicago, Ill. 72 Gooch, James, Danville Ave., Stanford, Ky. 72 Goodman, Nancy, R. 4. Edgerton, Wis. 72 Goosey, Wilburn, 250 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 72 Gordon, Malcolm, 259 W. 16th St., Holland, Mich. Graichen, Joyce, 124 Greenwood, Battle Creek. Mich. 72 Grail, Myrtle, 410 Division, Berrien Springs, Mich. 72 Green, Benjamin, R. 1, Westerville, Ohio Green, Charles, East Jordan, Mich. 72 Green, Georgia, R. 3, Knox Ind. 72 Green, Harold, Box 396, Oshawa, Ont., Canada 72 Green, Norvella, 1726 E. LaSalle, South Bend, Ind. Green, Ruth, 28975 Sunnydale, Livonia, Mich. 30 Greer, Jacqueline, 10824 Goethe, Detroit 14, Mich. Greer, William, Utica St., Sellersburg, Ind. Gretton, Audrey. College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 72 Gretton, Dale, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 30 Greve, Robert, R. 1, Box 81 C, Hyattsville, Md. Grieser, Louise, 1175 Seneca Rd., Benton Harbor, Mich. 72 Grismore, Patricia, Box 96, Bunker Hill. Ind. 72 Groff, Charlotte, R. I, Box 26, Berrien Springs, Mich. 72 Grosboll, Rose, 800 S. 7th Ave., LaGrange, Ill. 30 Gross, Vivian, R. 1, Washington, Ind. Grove, James, R. 1. Hagerstown, Md. Gruber, Marilyn, 473 S. Paddock St.. Pontiac, Mich. Gruber, Maxine, 473 S. Paddock St., Pontiac. Mich. Grum. John, 2675 Eifert Rd., Lansing, Mich. Grundset, Doris, R. 1, Arpin, Wis. Guevara, Daniel, Box 616. Pahale . Hawaii Guthrie, Marilyn, R. 1. Galion, Ohio Gutsche, Richard, 5540 Hwy. 83, Hinsdale, Ill. Gyde, Mary Alice, R. 1, Box 170, Oak Harbor, Ohio Finch, Raymond, 733 N. Pine, Lansing 6, Mich. 48 71 Finke, Harold, 5366 Lee Rd., Maple Heights, Ohio 71 Fish, Twila, 202 E. Burgess St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio 72 Fisk, Pauline, 430 W. Ferry St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Fivecoate, Carl, 571 E. Third St., Peru, Ind. 72 Flemmer, Delores, 6970 I 8th St., Sacramento, Calif. 72 Fletcher, Frank, 75 E. Brookside Ave., New Haven, Conn. 31 Foll, Helen, 121 N. Calhoon St., Decatur, Ill. 72 Ford, Joyce, 569 Exeter Rd., Hampton, N. H. 72 Ford, Lorraine, 569 Exeter Rd., Hampton, N. H. Forde, Winton, R. 1, Bloomingdale, Mich. 30 Forrest, Shirley, 619 N. Dickason Blvd., Columbus, Wis. Forrester, Clarence, 121 Seigle St., Battle Creek, Mich. Fotus, Marie, 1372 Linwood Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 71 Fox, Willis, 5260 Keyes Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Frank, Eloise, 115 N. Phetteplace St., Falconer, N. Y. 72 71 Franks, Holland, Box 306, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Franks, Robert, Box 306, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Fraser, Geraldine, R. 2, Lake City, Mich. 73 47 French, Norman, 3434 Oak Ave., Brookfield, Ill. 73 Fritz, Norman, 9807 57th St., LaGrange, Ill. 71 Frymire, James, 900 S. W. Hailey, Pendleton, Ore. 73 71 71 71 30 72 72 72 72 72 47 47 H 73 73 31 73 31 31 73 73 73 31 73 31 73 411 73 73 73 73 73 73 48 73 73 73 48 73 48 73 48 73 72 72 72 72 Habenicht, Ardis, c/o Mrs. Zelma Benedict, R. 2, Coopersville, Mich. Habenicht, Herald, Adelphia Academy, Holly, Mich. 72 Habenicht, James, R. 1, Lyons, Mich. 72 Habenicht, Robert, c/o Mrs. Zelma Benedict, R. 2, 72 Coopersville, Mich. 47 Hackett. Sue, 8 Walnut St., Washington 12, D.C. 72 Ha gle, Bette, 814 Griswold St., Worthington, Ohio 72 Hahn, Alice, 1717 S. William St., South Bend 14, Ind. 72 Hahn, June. Box 43, S. D. A. Mission, Seoul, Korea 79 Hainey, Julia, R. 2, Campbellsburg, Ind. Hainey, Wilbur, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 72 Hale, Carol, 4400 W. Villard, Milwaukee, Wis. 30 Halenz, Donald, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 72 Haley. George, R. 2, Dowagiac, Mich. 72 Hall, Hiram, c/o Mrs. Lynn McColpin, R. 1, Menomonie, 48 Hampton, Claudette, R. 3, Cassonolis. Mich. Hamstra, Raymond, 308 N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Ham-Ying, Rupert. 70 Plembroke St., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I. 72 Harden, Shirley, South Branch, Mich. Harding, Lou Ann, Gleneste Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Hardt, Lillian, 4926 N. Lester Ave.. Chicago. Ill. Harriott, Esther, Claremont P. 0., Jamaica, B.W.I. Harris, Leonard, 12933 Tuttle Hill Rd., Willis, Mich. Harrison, Bobette, R. 1, Box 211, East Leroy, Mich. 31 Hartelius, Grethe, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 48 Harvey, Gene, 19 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Haskell, Gerald, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich 72 Hasselbrack, Robert, 1736 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 48 Hatcher, Theodore, R. 1, Baraboo, Wis. Hatfield, Madelin, 2105 Monroe St., LaPorte, Ind. E Earp, Robert, 1219 Burnett St., Paducah, Ky. Easterday, Virgil, R. 1, Berrien Springs, Mich. Easton, Sylvia. R. 1, Vincennes, Ind. Eaton, Doris, Ellsworth, Wis. Edmonds, Laurice, Riverdale Rd., Rock Creek, Ohio Edsell, William, R. 2, Box 229 C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Edwards, Sherrill. 500 Pearson Dr., Charlotte, N. C. Eide, Irene, Box 145, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ellis, Irene, 329 Kingsley, St. Joseph, Mich. Ellis, Nancy, 1603 Fifth Ave., Rockford, Ill. Ellsworth, Keith, 609 Maple St., St. Louis, Mich. Engelbert, Nan, Luck, Wis. Engelbert, Roger, R. 1, Box 381 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. England, Melvin, 2015 E. Virginia Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Erskine, James, 22 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Erskine, Shuler, Caldwell, W. Va. Euler, Lyle, Portage, Ohio Evans, Gordon, R. 1, Portland, Mich. Everman, Agnes, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. F Farver, Robert, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Felan, Gloria, 34857 Winslow St., Wayne, Mich. Ferguson. Charles, 358 Walton, Muskegon, Mich. Fernev, Doris, R. 1, Berrien Center, Mich. Ferrell, Woodena, Box 192, Chauncey, Ohio Figaro, Alwin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 31 73 73 73 48 73 32 73 73 73 32 73 32 32 73 73 73 73 73 73 Wis. 73 Mich. 32 170 48 74 48 32 74 Mass. Hatfield, Shirley, 2105 Monroe St., LaPorte, Ind. Haugen, Glyen, 526 S. Orchard St., Madison, Wis. Haugen, Kathryn, 526 S. Orchard St., Madison, Wis. Haughey, Adell, 615 High St., Milton, Wis. Hausted, Bonnie, Weymouth Rd., Medina, Ohio Hawryskevich, John, R. 1, Port Dover, Ont., Canada Hearn, Harriet, R. 1, LaValle, Wis. Heczko, John, c/o J. Kanter, R. 3, Cottam, Ont., Canada Hendershot, Betty, 7040 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Md. Henderson, Glenn, 712 Johnson Ave., Lansing, Mich. Hernandez, Fred, Box 821, Aquadilla, Puerto Rico Hernandez, Kenneth, Box 821, Aquadilla, Puerto Rico Hessel, William, 219 Phipps, Rice Lake, Wis. Hetler, LeRoy, R. 1, Berrien Center, Mich. Hewlett, Donald, 1103 W. Cornelia, Chicago 13, Ill. Hickman, Kenneth, New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Hicks, Ardis, R. 1, Box 137, Alma, Mich. Higgins, Hervey Lee, R. 1, Box 133, Berrien Springs, Mich. Higgins, Joan, 245 Alhambra Ave., Fresno, Calif. Higgins, Rita, R. 1, Box 133, Berrien Springs, Mich. Higgins, Robert, R. 1, Box 133, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hile, Warren, Goshen, Ind. Hill, Beverly, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hill, Emma, 308 N. Mechanic St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hill, Glenn, 115, Alice St., Oshawa, Ont., Canada Hill, Judith, R. I, Box 126, Lansing, Mich. Hirlinger, Yvonna, 704 E. Maple St., Holly, Mich. Hittle, Robert, 300 Clinton Street, Breenville, Pa. Hodge, Roberta, R. 2, Osgood, Ind. Hodges, Lance, 3697 Turner Rd., Windsor, Ont., Canada Hoffman, Clifford, 347 Trenton St., Indianapolis, Ind. Holly, Lillian, R. I. Plainwell, Mich. Hood, Sandra Lee, Shadycrest Resort, Mayfield, Mich. Hoover, Glenn, R. 1, Box 123, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hoover, Jeanne, c/o Mrs. Margaret Lecklider, Box 136 A, Sandoval, N. Mex. Hoppe, Maurice, R. 1, Columbus, Wis. Hoxie, Coral, Elm Hall, Mich. Hoyt, Deryl, R. 6, Box 447, Battle Creek, Mich. Hunt, Robert, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hunt, Walter, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hutchison, Richard, R. 6, Charlotte. Mich. Hyde, Frederic, 126 E. 39th St., Holland, Mich. 73 Kempton, George, Box 65, Main St., New York City, N.Y. 49 48 Kennedy, Jean, Monticello, Wis. 74 73 Kerns, Gloria, R. 4, Richland Center, Wis. 74 Kevari, Edward, R. 1, Box 151, Fort Atkinson, Wis. 74 48 Khouri, Philip, Shakka, Lebanon 49 Kibble, Harold, 619 Woodland Pk., Chicago, Ill. 49 74 Kidder, Carl, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Kidder, Marion, 210 Grove St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 74 Kieler, Barbara, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Kieler, George, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 33 Kieler, John, 130 S. Parkway, Berrien Springs, Mich. Kierstead, Avon, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 33 Kiesz, Leslie, 4049 N. 46th, Milwaukee, Wis. 74 Kiesz, ReDoy, 4049 N. 46th, Milwaukee, Wis. 49 Kilty, Kay, 317 W. Market, Bluffton, Ind. Kim, Duk -Shin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 49 Kimball, Norman, R. 2, Saginaw, Mich. 74 Kinamore, Eleanor, 2417 Unwin Rd., Cleveland 4, Ohio 74 74 Kinne, John, 3126 Maloney St., Lansing, Mich. 74 74 Kinney, David, 182 Brooker Place, Mansfield, Ohio 74 74 Klein, Alvin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 33 32 Klimosz, Stella, R. I, Tilbury, Ont., Canada 49 48 Kloosterhuis, Robert, 80 B Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 33 Kloosterhuis, Ruth, 80 B Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 32 Knecht, David, 230 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 74 Knudsen, Russell, 624 Spencer Ave., Marion, Ind. 79 74 Koepke, Ben, 65 N. Parkway, Berrien Springs, Mich. 34 48 Koester, Carol, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 49 74 Koester, Donald, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 49 74 Kongorski, Raymond, R. 2, Box 225 AA, Berrien Springs, Mich. 74 Kostenko, Harold, R. 2, Rochester, Wash. 50 74 Kostenko, Vanice, R. 2, Rochester, Wash. 74 Kottke, Carlyle, 235 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 32 Kowalski, Joan, 20200 Midway St., Detroit 19, Mich. 75 Kowalski, Madeline, Hubbardston, Mich. 75 48 Kreye, Eric, Hessisch-Oldendorf, Langestr. 26, Germany. 50 48 Krietzky, Lily, 815 Munising Ave., Munising, Mich. 75 74 Krisfalusi, Steve, R. 2, Tilbury, Ont., Canada 75 Kuebler, Harold, 120 College Ave.. Berrien Springs, Mich. 34 Kuykendall, Norma, Earlville, N. Y. 75 Kuzma, Donna, 18811 Fleming, Detroit 34, Mich. 75 L I Ing, Donald, c/o Elizabeth Young, Kapoho, Puna, Hawaii Ing, Thelma, c/o Elizabeth Young, Kapoho, Puna, Hawaii J Jackson, Betty, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Jackson, Juanita, 121 E. Voris St., Akron 11, Ohio 40 Jaecks, Lenard, Wausau. Wis. 49 Jaecks, Lois, Wausau, Wis. Jaeschke, Vernon, R. 2, Tomahawk, Wis. 74 landreau, Barbara, 22331 Maxine Ave., St. Clair Shores, Mich. Jasper, Edward, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 49 Jasper, Leo, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 79 Jeffery, Marvin, R. 2, Box 227B, Berrien Springs, Mich. Jensen, Mary, 502 Oakland, Holly, Mich. 33 Johansen, Svein, Ramfjord, Troms, Norway 33 Johnson, Carrie, 1208 E. Main St., Niles, Mich. Johnson, Richard, R. 3, Wadena, Minn. 49 Johnson, Donald, 407 Palmer St., Jamestown, N. Y. Johnson, Faith, R. 3, Wadena, Minn. Johnson Erland, R. 1, Box 9, Thiensville, Wis. 49 Johnson, Hazel, 144 Brady St., Allegan, Mich. 74 Johnson, Helen, 709 Bernard St. S.W., Massillon, Ohio 74 Johnson, Janet, R. 1, Box 9, Thiensville, Wis. 74 Johnson, Johnny, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich, 33 Johnson, Norman. 3236 Walnut St., Inkster. Mich. 74 Johnson, Paul, 2527 E. Vienna Rd., Clio. Mich. 49 Johnson, Shirley, R. 1, Box 9, Thiensville, Wis. 74 Jones, Gwladvs, 5707 Douglas Rd., Vancouver, B. C., Canda Jones, Jimmie, R. 3, Delton, Mich. 74 Jones, Maxine, 1501 Yankee Rd., Middletown, Ohio 74 Jones, Robert, 611 W. Washtenaw, Lansing, Mich. 74 Jones, Waldon, 163 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Jorgensen, Beverly, 2312 Western Ave., Janesville, Wis. 74 Journet, Luz, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 49 K Labrenz, Donald, Montello, Wis. 75 LaCourt, Marvin, R. 1, Box 242, Oconto, Wis. 75 Lainson, Richard, R. 2, Box 222 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. 75 Lake, Barbara, 139 Crescent St., Elkhart, Ind. Lane, Melvin, R. 3, Streator, Ill. 75 Lane, William George, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Lashier, Hazel, 370 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. La shier, Patricia. 370 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 50 Lastine, James. 111 Oak Parkway, Central Square, N. Y. 50 Lawrence, Evelyn, 503 N. Aspondale, Lexington, Ky. 75 Lawrence, George, 3755 Pennsylvania Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 75 Lawson, Genna Lee. 82 W. Manchester St., Battle Creek, Mich. 75 Lawson, Jerry, R. 6, Box 201, Anderson, Ind. 75 Leamon, Darrell, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. LeBard, Eleanor, Box 121, Naperville, Ill. 75 Lee, Milton, R. 1, Fall River, Wisconsin 75 Lee, Rex, 1061 W. Scottwood, Flint, Mich. 75 Lee, Young Chun, S.D.A. Mission. Box 43, Seoul, Korea 75 Lehman, Sara jane, R. 4, Box 172, Niles, Mich. Lemon, Nila, R. 1, Fort Atkinson, Wis. 75 Lemon, Roy, R. 1, Berrien Springs, Mich. Lemon, Vivian, R. 1, Berrien Springs, Mich. Lentz, Ruth. R. 1, Mount Vernon, Ohio LeTendre, Dale, R. 1, Cornell, Wis. 75 Light, Beverly. R. 2, Vermilion, Ohio Lindquist, Marion. 11417 Speedway Dr., Utica, Mich. 75 Link, LaVern, 308 N. Mechanic, Berrien Springs, Mich. 34 Little, Verona. 23457 Hazelwood. Hazel Park, Mich. 75 Lloyd, Cadwell, R. 1, Box 4, Oxford. Wis. 75 Lloyd. Mary, R. 1. Box 4, Oxford. Wis. 75 Losey, Florence, R. I, Box 67A, Horton, Mich. 50 Losev, loan, R. 1. Box 67 A, Horton, Mich. 75 Lucht, Dorothy, College Station, Berrien Springs. Mich. Lucht, Russell, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 34 Luck. Nancy, 3011 Lenox, Detroit, Mich. Lugenbeal, Donna, 302 S. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 34 M 74 33 33 49 Kaatz, Audrey, R. 1, Arpin, Wis. Kaatz, James, R. 1, Arpin, Wis. Kaiser, William, R. 1, Henderson, Minn. Kaldahl, Harold, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Kaldahl, Martha, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Kanitz, Mary Ann, R. 2, Box 22, Merrill, Wis. Kasischke, Mary Lou, R. 1, Eau Claire, Mich. Kearney, Robert, 224 Pine Crest, Ferndale, Mich. Kebbas, Michael, Mazraat, El-Afordi, Banias, Syria Keeney, Flden, Cedar Lake, Mich. Kellams, Norma, 708 Union St. Lafayette, Ind. Keller, Paul, 86 N. Norwood, Hillsdale, Mich. Kellogg. Arthur, R. 2, Box 228A, Berrien Springs, Mich. Kelly, Bille, Sychar Rd., R. 1, Mount Vernon, Ohio Kelly, James, Maple Grove Rd., Bemus Point, N. Y. 49 Maas, Vivian, 11 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 49 Maehre, Ruth, Chowchilla. Calif. 34 Magnuson, John. Brule, Wis. Magnusson, Mary. Lorensbergsgatall 11, Gothenburg, Sweden 79 Manalaysay, Emilia, Box 1772, Philippine Union College, 74 Manila, Philippines Marcoe, Pauline, 2703 Wyoming St.. Dearborn, Mich. 74 Marcoe, Philip, 2703 Wyoming St., Dearborn, Mich. 49 Marietta, Duane, 224 Johnson, Owosso, Mich. 74 Marietta, Joanne, 72 S. Williams St., Newark, Ohio 74 Markel, Ione, Elizabethville, Pa. 74 Markle, Mary, Gladwin, Mich. Marsa, James, R. 2, Port Hope, Mich. 74 Marsh. Bernard, Columbus, Wis. Matar, Joaquin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 50 75 75 75 75 50 75 75 50 34 171 Mathews, Rose Ann, 233 5th Ave., Manistee, Mich. Matsche, John, Cadott, Wis. Matula, Marilyn, 21507 Tenny Ave., Dearborn, Mich. Mayer, Ellen, 1124 E. Main St., Waukesha, Wis. Mayhew, Paul, 521 E. Main St., Niles, Mich. McAskill, Patricia, 20821 Ridgedale, Oak Park, Mich. McClellan, Vaughn, 663 Killarney Cir., Winter Park, Fla. McClure, Alma, R. 5, Saginaw, Mich. McComas, Anita, 438 E. Eldorado St., Decatur, 111. McCulloch, Charles, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. McCulloch, Ila, R. 3, Box 390, Kent, Washington McEndree, Inez, R. I, Hillpoint, Wis. McKenzie, Valfrid, 19 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Medford, Lester, R. 2, Lakeview, Mich. Mende, Ruby, Kingston, Ill. Merchant, Marion, Paw Paw, Mich. Merkel, Eugene, R. I, Box 127, Berrien Springs, Mich. Merrill, Phyllis, 855 N. Latrobe Ave., Chicago, Ill. Messer, George 3420 N. 5th St. Rd., Niles, Mich. Metzger, Edith, R. 1, Box 164, E. Leroy, Mich. Michel, Marolyn, Star Route, Bruneau, Idaho Middag, Norman, 19 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Mihm, Roger, Lime Springs, Iowa Miller, Janet, R. 5, Warren, Ohio Miller, Joseph A., Vernon, Vt. Miller, Joseph L., R. 5, Box 312, Vienna, Va. Miller, Leroy, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Minisee, Shirley, 8257 Cottonwood Dr., Jenison, Mich. Mitz, Shirley, 57 Eldridge St., Battle Creek, Mich. Monroe, Clarence, R. 3, Branson, Mich. Moore, Edith, Box 103, Vashon, Wash. Moore, Elwin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Moore, Owen, R. 2, Eagle, Wis. Moore, Willie, 4604 Market, East St. Louis, Ill. Moravetz, Mary, Box 299 B, Laurel, Md. Morgan, Elizabeth, 1770 Golfview Rd., Benton Harbor, Mich. Morinaga, Yvonne, 915 W. Euclid Ave. Arlington Hts., Ill. Morisette, Gallon, R. 1, Box 130E, Berrien Springs, Mich. Morris, Selina, 12951 Blackstone, Detroit 23, Mich. Morton, James, Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru, South America Morville, Wayne, 1943 N. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Moyle, Beverly, 4348 Louella, Drayton Plains, Mich. Muderspach, Arne, Gendia Mission, Kenya Colony, E. Africa Mueller, Philip, 1355 E. Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. Mullen, Shirley, R. 1, Lake City, Ill. Mulligan, Robert, 827 Lanvale St., Hagerstown, Md. Munson, Howard, R. 2, Box 229AB, Berrien Springs, Mich. Myers, Arthur, Charles Town, West Va. Myers, James, Box 144, Pine Grove, Calif. 75 75 75 75 75 50 75 35 75 75 50 75 50 76 76 76 50 35 76 50 76 35 50 50 35 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 50 76 76 35 76 Parkhurst, Jacqueline, 14996 Cleveland Rd., Spring Lake, Mich. 76 Patchin, Naomi, R. 2, Box 91, Walled Lake, Mich. 76 Patten, Duane, 46 Brizse Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. 51 Patterson, Audrey, 181/2 E. 5th St., Duluth, Minn. 76 Paul, Joyce, R. 3, Charlevoix, Mich. 51 Paulson, Anna'Asa, Eebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden 36 Pa zitka, Jerry, R. 2, Fletcher, Ontario, Canada 76 Pearson, Paddy, R. 3, Clear Lake, Wis. 76 Peden, Philip, R. I, Box 132, Berrien Springs, Mich. Pellerin, Alfred, R. I , Box 122 F, Berrien Springs, Mich. Penrod, Lloyd, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 5I Perez, Jorge, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Pestana, John, Sitio Des Fontes Sto. Antonio, Funchal Madeira, Portugal 77 Peters, Marvin, R. 5, Saginaw, Mich. 77 Peterson, Duane, I517-26th St., Rock Island, 111. 77 Peterson, Ruth, 3125-11th Ave. "C", Moline, III. 77 Pfeifle, Gerald, 955 Lickley Rd., Prattville, Mich. 77 Phillips. Theodore, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Philo, Demaris, 17 Haskell Dr., Battle Creek, Mich, 77 Pietrasz, Katherine, 320 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Pioth, Michael, 11 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 Plank, Irvin, R. 2, Box 229 D, Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 Plank, Virginia, R. 2, Box 229 D, Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Pleier, Carl, R. 2, Box 42, Merrill, Wis. 77 Poland, Kenle, 116 E. High St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio Polk, Norman, 1938 E. Jefferson, Kokomo, Ind. 51 Pontynen, Walter, 242 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 Popp, Donald, Franklin Park, 111. 51 Porter, Elaine, R. 1, Perry, Mich. 51 Porter, Wanda, 500 Arlington Ave., Elgin, 111. 51 Potter, Duane, 360 Beartown Rd., Painted Post, N. Y. Potter, Leslie, 360 Beartown Rd., Painted Post, N. Y. Potter, Lorraine, 360 Beartown Rd., Painted Post, N. Y. 40 Powell, Shirley, 615 Eppes St., Hopewell, Va. Price, Edward, R. 2, Galion, Ohio 77 Prillwitz, Barbara, R. 1, Box 291, Berrien Springs, Mich. Pudleiner, Carolyn, 31 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 77 Q Quick, Jack, 4238 N. 26th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Quinnell, Virginia, Pickford, Mich. R 5I 77 77 77 36 77 77 51 77 77 36 51 51 5I 77 36 51 77 77 77 77 51 N Nagy, Shirley, 1235 E. Central, Toledo 8, Ohio 76 Najm, Emile, Tripoli, Lebanon 76 Namihas, Ivan, 81 San Martin, Iquitos. Peru, South America 50 Necaster, Geraldine, 29 Youngstown, Poland Rd., Poland, Ohio Nelson, Elwynn, R. 2, Berrien Springs, Mich. Nephew, Harry, Rapid River, Mich. Nestell, Merlynd, 403 Mechanic St., Alma, Mich. 76 Nestle, Shirley, Powers, Mich. 76 Netzer, Donna Rae, Lena, Wis. 76 Nickless, Lucrecia, 727 Brown St., Lafayette, Ind. 76 Nielsen, Louis, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 35 Nielsen, Ruth, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 79 Noblitt, Kathleen, R. 5, Green Bay, Wis. 76 Noonan, Dorothy, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Noonan, George, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Nutt, Bonnie, 147 Fulton Ave., Rochester, Ind. 76 0 Offenback, Fred, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 35 Offenback, Gwendolyn, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Ojala, Herbert, 127 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 Oliver, Bruce, 1423 Sligh Blvd., Orlando, Fla. Oliver, Dorothy, R. 2, Box 233 A, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Oliver, Evelyn, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 Olsen, Shirley, 705 Wisconsin St., Merrill, Wis. 76 Olson, Shirley, 420 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 76 Onstad, Richard, 9125 Sheridan Ave., Brookfield, 111. 76 Orso, Kanakolo, Kapoho, Puna, Hawaii 76 Otis, Donna, R. 2, Box 224-BB, Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Otis, William, R. 2, Box 224-BB, Berrien Springs, Mich. 50 P Pallett, Margaret, 30 Reed Terrace, Battle Creek, Mich. Palmer, James, 1345 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Pang, Joshua, Korean Union Mission, Seoul, Korea 51 Papendick, David, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Parfitt, Kathleen, R. 2, Wittenberg. Wis. 76 Parfitt, Muriel, R. 2, Wittenberg, Wis. 76 Parker, Bonnie, R. 1, Montpelier, Ohio 76 Parker, Jack, R. 5, Green Bay, Wis. Parker, Jean, 2311 Garland Ave., Louisville, Ky. Parkhurst, David, R. 2, Spring Lake, Mich. 76 Parkhurst, Eugene, Box 67, New Augusta, Ind. 76 Ramsdell, Donna, 445 N. Leamington Ave., Chicago 44, Ill. Rand, David, 5141 W. Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. Rasmussen Joseph, 15 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Rayborn, Marydean, 413 E. Washington, Belding, Mich. Read, Lucille, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Read, Samuel, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Redfield, Sarah May, R. 3, Grand Ledge, Mich. Redman, Raymond, R. 3, Box 404, Elwood, Ind. Reed, Ralph, N. Main St., Wyoming, Ill. Rehling, Annabel, 521 Ira Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. Reinhardt, Betty, R. 4, N. 37th St., Sheboygan, Wis. Remus, Harold, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Reyes, Nydia, Box 76, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico Rhodes, Beverly, 737 Academy Rd., Holly, Mich. Rhodes, Dale, 737 Academy Rd., Holly, Mich. Rhodes, Dwight, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Riesen, Janet, R. I, Berrien Springs, Mich. Riesen, Robert, R. 1, Berrien Springs, Mich. Rishaug, Rolf, Narvik, Norway. Robinson, Evelyn, 614 E. South St., South Bend, Ind. Robinson, Helen, 614 E. South St., South Bend, Ind. Robinson, Janice, R. 2, Leesburg, Va. Robinson, Riva, Barranquilla, Colombia, South America Rollins, Lowell, 9960 Mehetal, Detroit 27, Mich. Rorabeck, Clarence, R. 3, Delton, Mich. Ruf, Esther, 741 Maycroft St.. Lansing, Mich. Rusher, Jack, R. 2, St. Charles, Mich. Rusher, Max, R. 2, St. Charles, Mich. Russell, Lorayne, 10156 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sabo, Paul, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sack, Carol, R. 2, Marion, Mich. 77 Sack, Luella, R. 2, Marion, Mich. St. Clair, Glenn, Arpin, Wis. 51 St. Pierre, Marcia, Saugatuck, Mich. Salyer, Ross, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sanchez, Juanita, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sanchez, Manuel, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 77 Sanchez, Ruth, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sanchez, Victor, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 77 Sawvel, Milo, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sawyer, Ted, 163 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Schaller, Fred, R. 1, Box 212, Baroda, Mich. 77 Schell, Richard, 413 Grandview Blvd, Bethlehem, Pa. 77 Schenk, Guy, R. 2, Gleason, Wis. 77 Schilling, Ray, R. 3, Hillsdale, Mich. Schleenbaker, Eileen, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 79 Schleenbaker, Stanley, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 37 Schleifer, John, 120 N. Oak St., Hinsdale, III. 51 172 78 40 38 Yanagihara, Margaret, 517 B. Ahui St., Honolulu 13, Hawaii 52 Yanagihara. Tom, 449 B Koula St., Honolulu, T.H. 78 Yang, David, Taiwan Theological Training Institution, 38 Hsin Tien, Taipei. Taiwan, China Yoder, James, 160 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Yoder, Nancy, 160 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 78 Yoder, Sylvia, R. 2, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Young, William. Cataract, Wis. Youngs, Mary, Box 398, Oshawa, Ont., Canada. z Zalabak, Edith, R. 5, Marshfield, Wis. 78 Zalabak, Naomi, R. 5, Marshfield, Wis. 78 Zimmerman, Duane, 128 Mill St., Bethalto, Ill. Zimmerman, Bruce, 128 Mill St., Bethalto, Ill. 78 52 78 38 79 52 79 79 79 52 79 52 Schlunt, Jean, 4240 Linda Ct., Drayton Plains, Mich. Schmidt, Donald, Broadview Subdivision, LaGrange, Ill. Schnoor, Merlyn, 430 W. Ferry, Berrien Springs, Mich. Schriber, Marilyn, 1413 Wooster Rd., Barberton, Ohio Schuster, Kathleen, 119 Bowen Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Segar, Hilda, R. 1, Olivet, Mich. Sellon, Leona, R. 1, Marne, Mich. 77 Shadel, Henry, R. 1, Delavan, Wis. 77 Shadel, Sally, 605 Madison Ave., Milton Junction, Wis. 77 Sharar, Nadine, 2127 Lynnwood, Saginaw, Mich. Shepard, Charles, 310 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, 77 Sherman, Loretta, 915 Lake Ct., Madison, Wis. 77 Sherwin, Verlen, R. 6, Box 440, Battle Creek, Mich. 77 Sherwood, Guinevere, Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn. 77 Shimabukuro, Henry, Kualapuu, Molokai, Hawaii 77 Shoemaker, Lloyd, Middleburg, Ky. 77 Shootes, Susie, 2058 Virginia St., Gary, Ind. Shugars, Marva, Bloomingdale, Mich. 77 Shuherk, Fred, 301 Bryan St., Hicksville, Ohio Shuler, Carrell, 213 S. Kimmel St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 51 Shull, Elwin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 37 Shumate, Gordon, Box 3, Union Springs, N. Y. Sias, Esther, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sias, William, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Simmons, John, 844 Liberty St., Findlay, Ohio 77 Simmons, Wanda, 810 New St., Washington, Ind. Simpson, Jane, 309 S. River St., Eaton Rapids, Mich. 78 Skeels, Betty Lou, 140 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 78 Skivers, Thomas, 1542 Pool St., Toledo, Ohio Slaten, Moselle, 3427 Benson St., Detroit, Mich. Slaughter, Leslie, R. 1, Box 1 1 I B, Windsor, Ohio Smith, Betty, 1017 N. Weston, Rensselaer, Ind. Smith, Donald, 602 Magnolia, Three Oaks, Mich. Smith, Eldene, Wilson, Mich. Smith, Frederick, R. 2, Dowagiac, Mich. Smith, Nelson, Box 535, Benton Harbor, Mich. Smith, Ruth Allene, R. 2, Box 229 D, Berrien Springs, Mich. Smith, Ruth Faye, 915 Benbow Rd., Greensboro, N. C. Smouse, Albert, 3702 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Smouse, Averille, 3702 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Smouse, Victor, 3702 Wrightwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. Snell, Ruby, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Soper, Marley, R. 2, Gobles, Mich. Sorensen, Ruby, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sowler, Richard, Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Stanaway, Melvin, R. 3, Grand Ledge, Mich. Standen, Leonard, 210 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Stephan, Bradley, 307 Mikado St., Grayling, Mich. Stephan, James, 720 Plett, Grand Rapids, Mich. Stephan, Ralph, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Stern, Ardis, R. 1, Underhill, Wis. Stiles, Benjamin, 832 Drexel Ave., Springfield, Ohio Stiles, Jack, 410 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Stone, Byrna, Arizona Academy, Scottsdale, Arizona Straman Marceil, 225 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Straman, Russell, 225 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Striplin, Clara, 360 Grove Ave., College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Strohm, Georgia, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Strom, Richard, 302 S. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Sturtevant, Carole, 2 Oak Drive, Mt. Vernon, Ohio Sundquist, Eunice, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sundquist, Paul, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Swanson, Richard, 2540 S. 14th Ave., Broadview, Ill. Swensen, Raymond, R. 1, Burlington, Mich. T Tacket, Virgil, White Lake, Wis. Tait, Reid, 49 Henry St.. Coldwater, Mich. Takara, Patrick, 380 N. Kukui St., Honolulu, Hawaii Talbot, Earl, Box 145, Three Oaks, Mich. Tarr, Elaine, Box 55, 421 Linden St., East Lansing, Mich. Tarr, Lorraine, Box 55, 421 Linden St., East Lansing, Mich. Taylor, Audre, 109 Ashland, Dowagiac, Mich. Teets, Juanita, 178 Central Ave., Souderton, Pa. Tess, Lois, R. 1, Almond, Wis. Thomas, James, Prentice, Wis. Thomas, Miles, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Thomas, Nathan, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Thomas, Neida, 305 Warren Ave., Charlotte, Mich. Thomas, Roberta, 1701 Rhodes, Ave., Chicago, Ill. Thompson, Carolyn, 7410 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill. Thompson, Glenn, Box 38, Farmersville Station, N. Y. Thoresen, Asa, College Station, Berrien Springs. Mich. Thoresen, Douglas, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Thoresen, Laurel, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Thorvaldsson, Johann, Keflavik Airport, Iceland Tidrick, Betty, 137 Grove Ave., College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Tims, Grace, R. 7, Box 19, Decatur, Ill. Tolson, Robert. 7703 Prairie, Detroit, Mich. Tompkins, David, 406 Rotan Ave., Madera, Calif. Tompkins, Amelia, 406 Rotan Ave., Madera, Calif. Torkelson, Cecile, R. 2, Box 228, Berrien Springs, Mich. Towar, Dorothy, 231 S. Holmes St., Lansing. Mich. Townsend, Elaine, 805 Griswold St., Worthington, Ohio Townsend, Vivien, 805 Griswold St., Worthington, Ohio Trace, Ronald, 69 Sheeplote Drive, Watford, England Trecartin, Ralph, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 52 52 78 78 52 78 78 78 78 78 78 U Upchurch, Jack, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Valentin, Jose, 159 Belmont Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Van Arsdell, Marcia, 103 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Van Arsdell, Roger, 103 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Vance, Clifford, 509 W. Ferry St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Vande Vere, Wayne, 420 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Van Wyk, Thelma, 3353 Hillcraft, Grand Rapids, Mich. Velting, Arnold, R. I, Olivet, Mich. Venia, Imogene, 202 Hathaway St., Toledo, Ohio Vieau, Beverly, R. I, Oneida, Wis. Vieau, Marilyn, R. I, Oneida, Wis. Vitello Alberta, 52 N. 11 St., Newark 7, N. J. Vogel, Betty, c/o M. Summerton, Oxford, Wis. Vonhof, Leonard, 4616-23rd Ave., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. Votaw, Heber, Harding Sanitarium, Worthington, Ohio 38 38 78 38 78 39 39 78 78 78 Tremble, Carolyn, R. 2, Standish, Mich. 77 Trickett, Verda, 235 Grove, Berrien Springs, Mich. Trickett, Wilson, 235 Grove, Berrien Springs, Mich. 77 Trieber, June, 106 N. Chilson, Bay City, Mich. Trubey, Charles, South St., Rock Creek, Ohio Twomley, James, Fish Lake Rd., Holly, Mich. W 78 Wacker, Douglas, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 39 37 Waggerby, Warren, 411 E. Hickory Street, Hinsdale, Ill. 78 Wagner, John, 100 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 78 Walker, Alter, 428 Peartree Ct., Benton Harbor, Mich. 78 78 Wang, John, Good Samaritan Home, Knoxville, Ind. 78 Ward, Billie, 50 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 39 Ward, Marguerite, 50 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 39 Ward, Myrle, R. 1, Wadena, Minn. 78 37 Warner, Berneice, 232 Grove St., Otisville, Mich. 79 Warner, Patsy, 558 Beckham St., Napoleon, Ohio 52 Watson, Emmett, 2554 Washington St., Gary, Ind. 79 78 Weaver, Phyllis, Box 149, Aurora, Ill. 79 Weber, Gloria, 28191 Joy Rd., Garden City, Mich. 79 78 Webster, Eleanor, Red Creek, N.Y. Weesner, Marilynn, R. 2, Box 47, St. Joseph, Mich. Weidemann, Russell, Spruce, Mich. 79 78 Weischadle, Janet, 37 Burton Ave., South River, N. J. 79 Welter, Fay, 5777 S. Packard Ave., Cudahy, Wis. 78 Wertz, Larry, 536 Iowa Ave., Aurora, 111. 79 78 Wery, Eleanor, R. 1, Oconto, Wis. 79 37 Wery, Robert, 16520 Fish Lake Rd., Holly, Mich. 79 78 Wery, Roberta, 16520 Fish Lake Rd., Holly, Mich. 79 Wessman, Carl, Box 475, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 79 West, Darlene, 1409 Stocker Ave., Flint, Mich. 79 78 Westfall, Elizabeth, 19 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 37 Westfall, J. D., 19 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 52 37 White, Lucile, 605 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 79 Whitezel, James, 814 Altgeld, Chicago 14, 111. Whitiord, Verla, 40 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 79 Whitney, Jordan, 309 W. Ferry St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 37 Wickland, Esther, 23 765 Lawrence, Van Dyke, Mich. 78 Wiesner, Evelyn, R. 1, Bellevue, Mich. 79 Wilkinson, Kenneth, R. 3, Freeland, Mich. 52 37 Willett, Edward, 8023 Glenrich Dr., Takoma Park, 78 Washington, D. C. 39 Willett, Robert, 8023 Glenrich Dr., Takoma Park, Washington, D.C. 79 Williams, Clarence, R. 2, Irma, Wis. 79 Williams, Thomas, Endeavor, Wis. 79 Wilson, Clifford, 24 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Wilson, Edwin, 611 N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Wilson, Enid, 301 E. Ferry St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Wilson, Freda, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 78 Wilson, Stanley, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 78 Wince, Ruth, 38 E. New England Ave., Worthington, Ohio Wineland, Wilbur, R. I, Galion, Ohio Wolf, Lester, Onsted, Mich. Wonderly, Robert, Colleee Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Wonderly, Sally, R. 3, De1ton, Mich. 79 Wright, Wilfred, 1512 Campbell, Royal Oak, Mich. Wyant, David, 6733 Maplewood, Sylvania, Ohio 79 Wyckoff, James, Kervon Kourt, Berrien Springs, Mich. 173 Academy A Abel, Marjorie, R. 1, Box 371, Berrien Springs, Mich. 135 L Lehman, Sarah jane, R. 4, Box 172, Niles, Mich. Applegate, Stanley, R. 2, Box 222, Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Lewis, Annette, R. 1, Box 130 AA, Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Little, Mary Alyce, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 Lugenbeal, Edward, 302 S. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 B Bailey, Jack, 930 Pine St., Niles, Mich. 141 M Bakeman, Ann, R. 2, Dowagiac, Mich. Bielicki, Gerry, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 Marsh, Kendall, 395 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Blackburn, William, Oolitic, Ind. 135 McCauley, Marilyn, R. 2, Box 9 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. McNitt, Morris, R. 2, Box 225 AB, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 McOmber, Betty, R. 2, Box 28, Berrien Springs, Mich. C Medley, Charlotte, R. 2, Box 224 AA1, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Merkel, Marilyn, R. 1, Box 128, Berrien Springs, Mich. Cason, Buddy, 804 N. 47th St., Birmingham, Ala. 139 Minier, Ann, R. 2, Box 225, Berrien Springs, Mich. 136 Caster, Gordon, R. 3, Oswego, N. Y. 135 Minier, David, R. 2, Box 225, Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Churchill, Virgil, Carpenter, S. Dak. Morton, Mary, 321 S. Saint Joseph St., Niles, Mich. Clanton, Patricia, R. 2, Box 187 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Murkey, Stanley, 109 Ashland, Dowagiac, Mich. Collier, Eldon, R. I, Box 246, Niles, Mich. 135 Collier, Larry, R. 1, Box 246, Niles, Mich. 141 Craven, Wilbur, 235 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. N Crawford, Harry, 8507 Forest Pky., Woodhaven 21, N. Y. Neil, Colleen, 95 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Nelson, Arlan, 10 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 41 D Nelson, Sharlene, 290 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Nelson, Shirley, 26 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 35 Davis, Larry, 220 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 134 Nieb, Start, 1339 Marion St., Niles, Mich. 39 deVore, Connie, Eau Claire, Mich. 135 Norling, Birgitta, 89 Walter St., Battle Creek, Mich. Doering, Wilma, 731 N. Main St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Norman, Dick, 400 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 38 Norman, Doris, 400 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 41 E 0 Edsell, Donna, R. 2, Box 229 C, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Edsell, Elizabeth, R. 2, Box 229 C, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 Oliver, Alberta, R. 2, Box 233 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Everman, Marietta, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Oliver, Vernon, R. 2, Box 233 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 Olson, Roger, 420 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Orson, Purvis, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. F Otis, Harold, Jr., R. 2, Box 224 BB, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Ferrel, Donna Jo, Chauncey, Ohio 135 Foll, Melvin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 P Foll, Norman, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Furman, Lee, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 Patterson, Joyce, 615 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 Patterson, Lawrence, 615 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Peden, Donald, R. 1, Box 132, Berrien Springs, Mich. G Pietrasz, Ruth, 320 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Glynn, Iris, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 135 Greek, Carl, 1408 S. 22nd St., Birmingham, Ala. R Gustin, Delcy, 507 N. Mechanic St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Rapert, Loretta, 2081/2 S. Cass St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Ray, Virginia, 3513 N. Racine, Chicago 13, III. H Rettmann, Janet, R. 2, Box 229 D, Berrien Springs, Mich. 138 Rittenhouse, Dana, 375 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Hahn, Edward, 1717 S. William St., South Bend, Ind. Hahn, Mary, 1717 S. William St., South Bend, Ind. Haley, Marcia, R. 2, Dowagiac, Mich. 39 41 Roderick, Laurence, 221 S. Kendall, Battle Creek, Mich. 136 Row, James, R. I, Box 129 B, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Rutherford, Harold, 415 S. Cass St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 134 Hampton, Ada, R. 3, Cassopolis, Mich. 41 Hampton, Alfred, R. 3, Cassopolis, Mich. Hancock, Dorothy, 125 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 40 S Hannum, James, 410 Division St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hill, Melvin, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hoover, Joe, 313 W. Union St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hoover, Sandra, 313 W. Union St., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hunt, Patricia, 220 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Hutchings, Rene, R. 2, Dowagiac, Mich. 39 39 38 38 Schmeling, Charles, R. 1, Box 367 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. Schmeling, David, R. I, Box 367 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. Schmeling, Donald, R. I, Box 367 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. Shippy, Shirley, 39 S. 4th St., Niles, Mich. Skeels, Patricia, 140 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. Smith, Dick, R. 2, Box 15 A, Berrien Springs, Mich. 39 41 41 34 40 41 Stanchfield, Janet, Red Bud Trail, Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Stern, Richard, 123 Grove Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 Streidl, Harold, 205 College Ave., Berrien Springs, Mich. 34 Sumner, Delbert, R. 2, Box 76, Berrien Springs, Mich. 39 Iles, Harold, c/o Swartz Trailer Ct., R. 4, Bellevue, Ohio Sumner, Lynn, R. 2, Box 76, Berrien Springs, Mich. 40 Ingram, Martha, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich, Svensen, Astrid, Hinnesstrande, Hier, Norway Symonds, Clifton, R. 1, Box 403 B, Berrien Springs, Mich. 36 J T Johnson, Lane, 1101/2 Main St., Niles, Mich. 140 Jones, Helena, 28 Maple St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 134 Tesser, Merry, 1099 Skokie Ridge Dr., Glencoe, Ill. 136 Jones, Henry, R. 3, Cassopolis, Mich. 141 Thompson, John, 4329 W. End Ave., Chicago 24, Ill. Jones, Lucius, R. 3, Cassopolis, Mich. 141 Torkelson, Robert, R. 2, Box 228, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Tursky, Marybeth, 833 Ernsh Dr., Green Bay, Wis. K Kinney, Ross, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Kreye, Irmgard, Hessisch-Oldendorf, Langestr 26, Germany 139 Wagner, Larry. 100 Walnut St., Berrien Springs, Mich. 140 Kubecka, Helen, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 136 Ward, Larry, Grove and Industries, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Kubecka, Marion, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. 141 Wickland, Ruth, 23765 Laurence, Van Dyke, Mich. Kuhlman, Tom, R. 2, Box 231, Berrien Springs, Mich. 138 Wilson, Tom, R. 2, Berrien Springs, Mich. 139 174 Faculty A Althage, Irvin C., College Station Augsburger, Daniel A. College Station Axelson, Arthur E., College Station K 56 Kelsey, Verne, College Station 56 Knecht, E. L., 156 Grove 56 61 61 B Beach, Perry W., 200 Grove Ave. Beck, Robert, 125 Parkway Benedict, Margaret, College Station Benson, Wilmoth, 70 Walnut Bielicki, Joseph W., College Station Borrowdale, Robert J., College Station Brown, George W., 202 S. Portage Ave., Buchanan C Campbell, Alma M., College Station Campbell, Victor H., College Station Christian, P. W., College Ave. Christensen, Otto H., 55 Walnut Christman, Rachel J., College Station Conkell, Evelyn F., Box 17 Costerisan, Alfreda, College Station D Davis, Claude, College Station Davis, Melvin W., 425 Grove Dietel, Margarita, College Station E L Lashier, Harvey M., 370 Grove M Maas, Ellis R., 123 Grove Maas, Evelyn H., 123 Grove MacMorland, Robert B., 65 Walnut MacMorland, Wanda, 65 Walnut Marks, Arlene, College Station Marsh, Clara, College Station Marsh, Alice G., 395 Grove Marsh, Frank L., 395 Grove Martin, Mildred, College Station Mayor, Cecil W., South Parkway N Nelson, Clarence E., Box 69 Nelson, Grace L., Box 69 Nelson, Walter W., R.F.D. 2 P Petersen, Merton S., Box 162 Phipps, Barbara, 130 S. Parkway Phipps, Burton H., 130 S. Parkway 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 Edwards, Harry E., 60 Walnut Edwards, Winifred M., 60 Walnut Engen, Blossom, College Station Engen, Gordon, College Station Evers, Paul, College Station F R Rasmussen, Hans L., College Station Read, Samuel, College Riffel, J. E., College Station Rittenhouse, F. 0., 375 Grove Ross, Marguerite, College Station 63 63 63 55 63 Fahrbach, Maude, College Station Ferren, Dorothy, College Station Field, Clarence S., Box 63 G Galusha, Joseph G., College Station Garber, V. E., College Station S Schneider, Wilbert M., 350 Grove Shaw, Horace J., 201 N. Main Smith, Leslie, 237 Walnut Sorensen, Niel, College Station Specht, Edward J., 415 Grove Stone, Edith, College Station 59 Striplin, Claude D., 360 Grove 55 T 63 63 63 63 64 64 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 54 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 H Halenz, Herwarth F., College Station Hamel, Beatrice, College Station Hamel, Paul, College Station Hannah, Bonnie Jean, College Station Hardy, Winfield, R.F.D. 1, Box 435 Heidtke, Harold E., College Station Hein, Harry E., College Station Heisig, Howard, College Avenue Hiten, Edith G., Box 14 Holmes, Arthur D., Box 120 Holquist, Beatrice, College Station J Taylor, Harry W., College Station Thiele, Edwin R., College Station Trickett, Wilson, 235 Grove V Vande Vere, Emmett K., 420 Grove Vande Vere, Margrete H., 420 Grove w Webber, Bernice, 301 E. Ferry 64 64 64 64 64 64 Jeys, George H., Box 35 60 Jones, Harold T., Box 6 60 Zalabak, Naomi, College Station 64 175 KA< T I Mt 'WAR I IVICP1 i Iv AP TENNIS COURT ST. JOSEPH RIVER z O oc QUONSETS HERE NORTH HALL (Art) MATHEMATICS ANNEX S MUSIC BUILDING m vs eo C z COLLEGE CHAPEL V ADMINISTRATION BUILDING EDUCATIOP 0 M. LAMSON HALL (Women's Dormitory) PARKING 00 Mu M.M. 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 00 ' ' ea 000 000 0 00 00 IUE BUILDING (Laundry emmanuel Miiiionary College COLLEGE WOOD PRODUC S BERRIEN SPRINGS, NICNIGAN BASEBALL FIELD PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING COLLEGE SERVICE CENTER COLLEGE AVENUE / / / a 1 al Mr 9 kw, I t 4,1 Rid it. 4 i . 4 ri'rittir4 iite) 4.1*10 .1 It 4, 4 4 114 CAA$11W, i kt0 ft; ,... #, il .4,4%4 , ‘ vt ftq - I yiy ilA, V, l.r 't tety;0)4.4 v.?'11? !iii. ti 1 Nii 0 it+4CSViv ii:;1 frit. 11)* rl%' I' 11;f,Nt/ I o pl:r?ittiltli:;,;," )41 s'it' 414 0 i rtt j ll Z :1 0 ,o g ri',), q: