50 PRAYER FOR ADVENT. what: wards of eternal life ‘are contained in this gospel! Full of deep meaning and of tlie - holy Spirit, be penetrates,—a child of dust as I am, a breath of God,—he penetrates: the depths of eternity, the profound abyss: of the Being of beings.— Yes, from eternity was the Word—and the Word was God. 'Thau, © Jesus! art the truth and the life! (St. John; xiv. v.06.) O Jesus Christ! thou the wisdom of the Father—thou, his eternal and substan- tial efflulgence—thou, the only-begotterSon, who art in the bosom of the Father. By hin ‘all things were made, and without him was inade nothing that was made. Not only were all ‘things made by the Word: but by the Word also they consist. By him oll things consist, says thy Apostle Paul.—(Col. 1. ¥. ¥#) « In him was life, and the life was the light s¢ of men. And the light shineth in darkness, s« and the darkness did not comprehend it.” — 1 read further in the Oth verse : * that was thie «¢-true- light, which enlighteneth every man «¢ that cometh into this world.” Thou, my Jesus, givest me the divine ray of reason; and thou also givest me the spiritual monitor, conscience. He that giveth himself up to thy guidance, thou leadest him to the Father. All that ‘1 possess, I have from thee. - “Jn him we live and move and be.” (Acts’xvii. v.28.) But to how mary baptized unbelievers dust thon remain an unknown God! Oto how PRAYER FOR ADVENT. SL. many of us, who are baptized .in' thy name, may. be applied that sentence of the evange- list: “he. came unto his .own,. and his own réceived. him uot.” . O that this pride, tha sensuality may never so-possess my soul, that the words of the prophet may be applied. to me, where he says: * your :iniquities have “ divided between you and your God, and “your sins have hid his face. from youn.” (Isaias, lix.. v.. 2.) . Thy light is ever shining, for thou art the Sun of Justice, which never sets. But how often have I opposed thy . light! I must absolutely renounce all pride and sensuality, and then thou, O Jesus, wilt . | open my eyes and. in the gracious splendour 1 of thy divine light, I shall behold the way. and the truth, which will conduct me to thee. . .- +.» % Bat as many as received him, to them he «.gave power to be made the sons of God, to : 1 « them that believe in his. name.” To what an exalted dignity does my Saviour raise me. From creatures loaded with the malediction of God, thou changest us, O.my Jesus, to - children of God.—O what grace! But. it is by thee alone.that we became such children, for .without thee, . we. can do nothing; thou alone art the mighty, the sole-powerful! Bat ‘what love! From the glory of thy throne, whose footstool is the earth and all the firma: _ment, from the height of thy Godhead. thou - | debasest thyself to become man,—from the . | J