From Br. F. H. Hahn, Bro. Harsh:—I see, by the Harbinger of last week that a meeting is appointed for this place, to commence on the 12th of September. How, in view of this, permit me to say, through the Harbinger, that we would be extremely happy to see as many of our brethren at the meeting as can possibly make it convenient to come. There are but few in this place, but we will try to make your stay with us as oomfortable as possible. I was at the meeting yesterday at Geneva, and in consultation with the brethren, some expressed a desire to bring in provision for the benefit of the meeting; other brethren thought it would be a good plan* as some are fanners, and can help in that way; and for that purpose we will either erect a tent or procure a house, so that all who feel disposed to help in that way can do so. If it is the Lord's will that we may come together, my prayer is, brethren, that we may come in the name of our soon coming King! not in our own strength, but in the strength of that Almight ARM that rules the Universe. Come. brethren, come, one and all, and let us have a feast to our waiting souls. Jesus is coming! I believe it.-- Amen. From your unworthy brother in the hope of the gospel, F. B. Hahn. Canandaigua, August 20th, 1849. P. S. We want all the lecturing brethren that can, to come. F. B. H. - Page 79. Advent Harbinger and Bible Advocate, Vol. 1, No. 10, Rochester, N. Y., August 25, 1849, Joseph Marsh, Editor and Proprietor.