Truneh Wolde Selassie: The communist era. Adu Worku: Mmm hmm. Truneh Wolde Selassie: And then when | saw these people, | looked round and | saw two of our teachers from the school who were on the bus. The bus was broken down. Was standing there and the people were without any transport. So, | said to these teachers, “Get up on the back.” | had uh, the school’s pick-up. (Adu Worku: Mmm hmm.) In the front, there were two ladies next to me and the back was empty. | told the teachers to get up, and others also who were on the truck. And as | was driving, not very far, | heard them banging on the top of the uh, car. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! | stopped. When | stopped, two men came on this side [gestures on his left] with revolvers in their hands. One of them leveled his revolver against my head, just like that. And | could see that he had his finger on the trigger and he was going to pull it. And | thought that was the end. And these ladies who were sitting next to me, they were shouting, they said, “Why?! Why?! Why?!” eh, they don’t tell them why. But then he said, “Get out.” | got out from the car. He said, “Go ahead!” | was walking. And as | was walking, the day students of my school, who were living in that area, came running. Lots of them! They came and they surrounded these two men, who were taking me away. They said, “Why do you do that? He's our principal. He’s the principal of our school. The principal of our school. Why do you do that?” And that man re..., seemed to recognize something at that moment and he took back his revolver and put it inside here and just walked away. Two of them. They walked away. Adu Worku: Did you find out why they did that? Truneh Wolde Selassie: | didn’t find out why, why they did it, but | was really surprised. So the following morning, | went to the office, the local government office. | said, | told them what happened. Already they had known what had happened. And the man told me, Mr. Truneh, it’s just one thing that saved your life yesterday. When these two men came to you, if you had removed your hands from the steering wheel, they would have shot and killed you. But because your hand was still there, they felt that you didn’t have any revolver. Apparently, they were waiting for somebody who was supposed to be against the revolution, against the communist government, they were watching for that man. And they thought that’s me. Adu Worku: So this was a case of mistaken identity. Truneh Wolde Selassie: They mistaken me! Adu Worku: [clicks tongue] Truneh Wolde Selassie: They were really going to shoot me. Adu Worku: Wooow! Truneh Wolde Selassie: And, that’s how God saved my life.