' PAGE SIX @ . os + ¢ ! Arkansas Conf. ! ’ Office, Little Rock, Ark. ) : 1215 Marshall . H ¢ ' President - Elder I I. Taylor » as Sec.-Treas. J. Black ¢ EK d ® STATEMENT OF 60-A-WEEK FUND 3 MONTHS ENDING MARCH 31, 1922 Amount Amount Quota Received Short Ark. W 3361.80 94710 2414.70 357.560 126.86 230.64 Ark. C NEWS NOTES A picnic was given for the Little Rock church last Sunday. Most of the members attended and report a very en- joyable time in spite of the tumbles taken over the rocks, which were so numerous on the grounds. Miss Treve Robinson and Messrs. Le- onard Robinson, Elba and Marbert Black and Roy Griffin are visiting in Little Rock at the present. They all ex- pect to enter the canvassing field soon. Mr. Cecil Morton has already gone to his field of lador and has sent in a good report for the short time he put in last week, He attended the Little Rock church school last winter. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ross are visit- ing friends and relatives in Little Rock for a few weeks. They plan to spend the summer in the Oklahoma conference. About thirty-five orders have been received at the Tract Society for the General Confereuce Bulletin. Mr, William Wilson was a caller at this office today. He is on his way to Clarksville, where he will canvass this summer. He came by way of Jefferson where his sister, Katherine, accompan- ied him to their home at Bonneriale. Brother Hooper is helping the col- porteurs this week. He will visit Mr. Kloss at Patmos and Mr. Brinegar at Stamps before returning to the offioe. A number of young people gathered at the home of Mrs. Hooper last Mon- day evening. The evening was enjoyed. Mr. Wylie B. Jones called at the of- fice Monday nigh} on his way home: Miss Erma E. Hooten was in the city Monday night also. Her school at Hot Springs closed Friday and she has re- turned to her home at Chester. The work at Hot Springs was completed nicely and she will be there another year. Brother and Sister Hooper entertained the young people in the Little Rock church at their home Tuesday night. Cecil Morton will leave immediately after the closing exercise here and this occasioned the farewell party. Every one enjoyed the various games and the refreshments, ice cream and cake. Misses Fremona Black, Mary Mullins, Marion Beamer, and Ruth Beamer have returned to their homes in Little Rock. We are glad to welcome them home. Mr. William Wilson, who has been attending school at Keene, and his sis- ter Katherine, who has been teaching at Jefferson, Texas, passed through Little Rock the first part of last week. We are looking forward to the reports from the new colporteurs who are just coming to us from Keene. SCHOOL NOTES Wednesday evening, May 12, marked the closing of a very sucessful school term here under the direction of Mrs. L. J. Black. A program was rendered in the church that evening at 8:00 ~ O’clock. The program was given in two parts; part one was given by grades one to six, The drills and musical selections made this part very interesting indeed. The grade cards were given to those in these grades. Eight also received Read- ing Course Certificates. Part two was the commencement ex- ercises for those finishing the eighth grade. The church was tastefully dec- orated with the class colors -pink and green. The motto--‘“The First Mile- stone’’--was placed on a background of white, which was bordered with green leaves, The class appreciated very much the address written by Elder Taylor which was read by Sister Taylor. In this he urged each member of the class to go past the first milestone and get an education, but get it in schools of God’s appointment. There were five in this class. Each part was rendered in such a way as gave credit to the ones rendering as well as to the teacher. At the close of part two, grade: cards and diplomas were given to each of the five, All received Standard of Attainment Certificates. The following finished the eighth grade: Cecil Morton, Evangeline Green, Gla- dys Dougon, Minnie Ladd, and Lois Mullins. One other will receive a Standard of Attainment Certificate as soon as she has passed an examinationin History of SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD Missions. © The following have passed in History of Missions and expect to take Denominational History ‘test'this fall: Ivan Hooper, Anna Stene, Jan- ette Watson. Co : VISITING CHURCHES At Marianna we held a very good ser- ies of meetings for about five days, which strengthened the members spirit- ually and deepened their Christian ex- perience. I am sorry to say that since the church was first organized in 1918, a peroid of nearly four years, overt half of the members have moved away. However I am glad to say that since the first of our day-school here the number has increased from eight or nine pupils in 1919 to twenty now. We havea nice church building, the best colored churchin theatate. If the mem- bers had remained here, this would have been the largest and strongest church, financially. My next visit was to Earle, Ark, where I held a short meeting and or- ganized a Sabbath school. This Sabbath school has now thirteen members. These people are very earnest and are growing stronger in the Lord and we have a good prospect for a church here. They are primarily the fruit of one of our faithful colporteurs. Pine Bluff was the next place we visit- ed. Here we have a growing work. It is under the direction of Brother and Sister A. B. B. Storey and I am glad to say that they are building up a good, strong work, but the greatest need at this place is a church building. If they had a building much more could be ac- complished. Please let me appeal to you for a little help for the building of a church, If you -are impressed by the Spirit to make a contribution, send it through the regular channel--the con- ference-- stating that itis for the Pine Bluff building fund. Recently I held a three weeks’ meet- ing in Little Rock which meant much to them spiritually, The enemy has been working to cause some of them to prove disloyal and to finally make shipwreck of their faith. The Lord blessed and turned a threathened de- feat into a victory for some in the church. Quite a number surrendered fully to God by coufessing their sins to God and their faults one to another. A closer spirit of love and co-operation now prevails. While the meeting was primarily for the church, we haa four new Sabbath-keepers who promised to keep all the commandments, and are