Witnesses for Jesus Bible Workbook Grades Seven and Eight Prepared by a Committee of Teachers Audrey Ashby, Dalton Baldwin, Rilla B. Bemston, Willis Bruce, Florence P. Burnett, Albert Butherus, Leonard Hill, Nellie Jane McDonald, Gerald Neff, Louis W. Normington, and Irene T. Robinson, under the direction of Ethel A. Johnson. Edited by R. Chester Barger PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA Portland, Ore. Omaha, Nebr. TO THE PUPIL The exercises in this workbook are to be used with the lessons in your Bible textbook, Witnesses for Jesus. The workbook will be most beneficial to you if you do the exercises each day as you study the lesson in the book. Make all your work neat and accurate. Assignments for Lesson 1 are found on page 4. Other assignments follow in order. TO THE TEACHER This workbook contains questions and exercises to accompany each lesson in Witnesses for Jesus. In planning the children’s daily work, provide opportunity and encouragement so they will keep their workbooks up to date. A key for correcting these exercises is provided in the Teacher’s Guide, found in the Teacher’s Edition of Witnesses for Jesus. See page 105. CONTENTS Tools for the Year’s Work............... 2 UNIT 1 Lessons 1-6............................4-9 Check-up Questions...................... 9 Who’s Who...............................11 Important Dates and Events..............15 Measure Your Learning...................16 UNIT 2 Lessons 7-11.........................19-23 Check-up Questions......................23 Measure Your Learning...................24 UNIT 3 Lessons 12-17.........................29-33 High Lights of Paul’s Missionary Journeys 34 Check-up Questions.......................35 Measure Your Learning....................36 UNIT 4 Lessons 18-23 ....................... 42-55 Check-up Questions.......................47 Measure Your Learning....................48 Test Your Learning, Units 1-4............50 UNIT 5 Lessons 24-26 56-58 Check-up Questions......................59 Measure Your Learning...................60 UNIT 6 Lessons 27-39 ...................... 63-71 Check-up Questions......................71 Measure Your Learning . ................74 UNIT 7 Lessons 40-47 79-83 Check-up Questions......................83 Measure Your Learning...................84 Test Your Learning, Units 5-7............86 UNIT 8 Lessons 48-53 91-95 Check-up Questions.......................96 Measure Your Learning....................98 UNIT 9 Lessons 54-60 ......................101-105 Check-up Questions......................106 Measure Your Learning...................107 UNIT 10 Lessons 61-68.......................112-120 Map of World Divisions of Seventh-day Adventists...........................113 Check-up Questions......................120 Measure Your Learning...................122 Test Your Learning, Units 8-10 .... 125 Memory Verses..................... . 127 Copyright, 1952, by PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Mountain View, California Printed in U.S.A. (1960) WITNESSES FOR JESUS WORKBOOK TOOLS FOR THE YEAR'S WORK A good workman always gets well acquainted with his tools. Your Bible work for this year will be more interesting and helpful if you learn to know and use your tools well. Here are the ones you will use most frequently. 1. The title of your textbook is________________________________________ 2. The book was printed by______________________________________________ 3. It was prepared under the direction of the Department of Education of 4. The copyright date is________ 5. The Table of Contents is found on pages__________ The Index is found on pages____________ The Dictionary is found on pages___________ 6. The name of the workbook is________________________________ Its Table of Contents is found on-------------------------- 7. A Bible dictionary is used for finding what kind of information? The name of the Bible dictionary in our school is 8. A Bible concordance is used to find 2 9. A Bible atlas gives information concerning The name of the atlas found in our school is 10. The “Conflict of the Ages Series” was written by It contains the following books:----------------------- 11. A set of books containing special instruction to the church is called It was written by__________________________________ 12. The special book arranged to help find information in the books written by Ellen G. White is called----------------------------------------------- The first eighty-four pages of the Index contain a_________________ to Mrs. White’s writings. The remainder of the book consists of a ___________________________to her writings. 3 UNIT 1 PREPARED FOR SERVICE LESSON 1: WHAT DID THESE THINGS MEAN? Use check-up questions 1-5, pages 9,10. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross These are the words of a well-known hymn composed by Isaac Watts in 1707. Find the hymn in any hymnal and fill in the missing words. Be able to tell in your own words what the hymn means. When I survey the wondrous--------- On which the________of__________died, My richest_______I count but-------, And pour___________on all my___________ See, from His______, His_______, His_______, _________and________flow mingled down; Did e’er such______and___________meet? Or__________compose so rich a________? Since I, who was----------and________, Have------------through His__________and word; Forbid it, then, that I should_____, Save in the_____of__________my__________ Were the------------------of nature mine, That were a---------far too small; Love so------------, so________, Demands my---------, my_______, my__________ 4 LESSON 2: DESPAIR TURNS TO JOY Use check-up questions 6-10, page 10. What Does the Bible Say About the Resurrection? 1. How does Paul say Jesus was raised from the dead? Romans 6:4, last part. 2. What triumphant statement does Jesus make in the prophecy given to John, showing that He has conquered death? Revelation 1:18.______________ 3. Paul says that if we believe Jesus died and rose again, we can also believe something else. What is it? 1 Thessalonians 4:14. _____________________ 4. How complete was Jesus’ victory over death? Romans 6:9, last part; Reve- lation 1:18.----------------------------------------------------------- LESSON 3: JESUS RETURNS TO HIS FATHER Use check-up questions 11-16, page 10. Important Dates and Events. From time to time you will have dates that are important to remember. On page 15 you have a place to record the events that made these dates important. In this lesson you have two: If someone should ask you questions like these, could you answer them? Could you prove from the Bible that your answers were right? Will Jesus come again? How will He come? Why will He come? What will He be like? Shall we see Him come? If someone says, “Jesus has already come,” what can you reply? What Bible text could you use to prove your answer? If you cannot answer these questions satisfactorily, study the following: 1. What promise did Jesus make about coming again? John 14:1-3. ------------ a.d. 31, spring Forty days after resurrection DATE WHY IMPORTANT Crucifixion of Jesus Ascension of Jesus What Does the Bible Say About the Second Coming of Christ? 5 2. How will Jesus come? Acts 1:11. 3. When Jesus lived on earth for forty days following His resurrection, He was still both human and divine. What did He do to show He was still human? Luke 24:30, 35, 39-43; John 20:12,13------------------------------ 4. What was He like when He went to heaven? What will He be like when He returns? Acts 1:11.____________________________________________________ 5. How many shall see Him? Revelation 1:7. WORD PUZZLE / z '• 1 5 : - S 3 6 4- * i * j v ?■ .. 9 a ... .MU. The word referred to by each phrase or clause below is to be placed in the row of squares beginning with the same number. The letter h after a number means that the desired word is to be written in a horizontal row of squares; the letter v refers to a vertical row of squares. lv. The yearly feast at which the story of the death angel was related. 2h. The return of Jesus to His Father. 3v. The people for whom Jesus worked most of His life on earth. 6 4h. The coming of Jesus from the tomb to live again. 5v. The kind of death Jesus suffered. 6v. One important work the Holy Spirit does for us. 7v. The nation which ruled the world at the time of Jesus’ death. 8h. Where Jesus now is, serving as our High Priest. 9h. He whom Jesus promised to send to take His place. LESSON 4: POWER FOR WITNESSING Use check-up questions 17-21, page 10. Who's Who. Many countries and organizations have books like Who’s Who in America in which are given the names of important people and what they have done. On page 11 there is a “Who’s Who in Witnesses for Jesus ” Write here the name of each important person about whom you study, and tell who he was or what he did. The first name you will want to record is Matthias. The twelve disciples: List here the names of the twelve disciples as found in Matthew 10:2-4. 1. 7. 2. 8. 3. 9. 4. 10. 5. 11. 6. 12. Draw a line through the name of Judas Iscariot. After his name write the name of the man who took his place. Now turn to Acts 1:13. As you read the name of a disciple in this list, put a check mark after that name in the list you wrote from Matthew 10. Which man has two names? Write his other name by the one you have already written. Learn the names of the disciples. On the Day of Pentecost No. 1 below is part of a sentence. After it are several possible endings. Underline the endings that will finish the sentence correctly. There are several that are correct. 1. When the disciples spoke in tongues, a. there was only babble and meaningless talk. b. they spoke of the works of God. c. they were actually drunk or overcome with excitement. d. they spoke the other languages so people could understand them. 7 e. they also spoke their own language better than they had been able to speak it before. /. they used their power to bring glory to themselves. g. Peter explained that prophecy was being fulfilled. h. priests and rulers were troubled because the death of Jesus had not stopped the work of the gospel. What Does the Bible Say About the Holy Spirit? If someone should ask you questions like these, could you answer them? Who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? What is He like? Where does He stay? Does He have anything to do with our everyday life? Why is it that more people do not have the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to reject the Holy Spirit? Can we know if we have Him living in us? Study the texts suggested; then write the answers to these questions: 1. What three names are often used together to show that there are three members of the Godhead or Deity who work together? Matthew 28:19. 2. What other names does the Holy Spirit have? John 14:16,17, 26. 3. Who sends us the Holy Spirit? Where does He live or dwell? John 14:16, 17.______________________________________________________________________ 4. What work does the Holy Spirit do for people? John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7- 13_______________________________________________________________________ 5. What should we do so that we may have the Holy Spirit? Luke 11:13. 6. How willing is God to give us the Holy Spirit? Luke 11:13. LESSON 5: COURAGE FOR NEW WITNESSES Use check-up questions 22-28, page 10. A summary of the arrests of the disciples. Give the information concerning the two arrests studied in this lesson. The chart will be used again for lesson 11. 8 Who was arrested? Who ordered their arrest? Punishment Unusual Events Who's Who. Add Gamaliel. LESSON 6: ORGANIZATION FOR SERVICE Use check-up questions 29-33, pages 10,11. Who's Who. Add these: Amnios, Sapphira, Barnabas. Use Your Bible 1. Who put the wicked idea into the heart of Ananias and Sapphira? Acts 5:3. 2. What outstanding believer gave freely to the general fund? What did his name mean? Where was his home? Acts 4:36, 37. 3. Compare the qualifications for the seven deacons in Acts 6:3 with qualifi- cations given later by Paul in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Measure your learning: A review of Unit 1, Lessons 1-6, will be found on pages 16 to 18. CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 1 As you study each lesson, study also the check-up questions for it. When you have finished all the lessons of a unit, use these questions for review. They will be more helpful for review if you do not write the answers on this page. Lesson 1. 1. In what year was Christ crucified? 2. What ordinances did Christ give the disciples in the upper room? 3. What happened in the temple at the time of the earthquake? 4. Who was the Man on the middle cross? 9 5. What was the first step in the organization of the new church? Lesson 2. 6. Who first discovered that the body of Jesus was not in the tomb? 7. What did Jesus do to show the disciples that He was not a spirit? 8. To whom did the ten disciples first witness about the resurrection? 9. How many days did Jesus live on the earth after His resurrection? 10. What did Jesus explain to the disciples during these last days on earth? Lesson 3. 11. What were the disciples to receive when the Holy Spirit came upon them? 12. Who told the disciples that Jesus would come again as He had gone into heaven? 13. How many days passed after the ascension before the disciples received the Holy Spirit? 14. Where did Jesus go when He went to heaven? 15. What work is Jesus doing in heaven? 16. What did Jesus give the church to do? Lesson 4. 17. How many years had the disciples spent with Jesus? 18. Who was chosen to take the place of Judas? 19. Which brother of Jesus became a leader in the church? 20. What did the people see and hear when the Holy Spirit was given? 21. Give four different kinds of work the Holy Spirit did on the Day of Pentecost. Lesson 5. 22. Why had the lame man come to Jerusalem? 23. What question especially caused disagreement between the Sadducees and Pharisees? 24. Who guided Peter in giving his answer to the rulers? 25. Who is the Chief Cornerstone? 26. Whom did Peter say we should obey? 27. What had made the lame man well? 28. Why did the healing of the lame man cause the leaders of the Jews so much concern? Lesson 6. 29. Who revealed to Peter the deception of Ananias and Sapphira? 30. What office of the church was started when seven men were chosen to take care of the distribution of supplies? 31. Who were two outstanding deacons? 10 32. What were their qualifications? 33. What was their work? WHO'S WHO IN "WITNESSES FOR JESUS" Witnesses for Jesus tells about many people. You and your teacher may decide which ones you think should be placed on this list. NAME WHO WAS HE? or WHAT DID HE DO? 11 WHO'S WHO, Continued 12 WHO'S WHO, Continued 13 WHO'S WHO, Continued 14 IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS On this page keep a record of the important dates mentioned in Witnesses for Jesus. In the space indicated place each date as studied. On the blank following it, tell why the date is important. Keep your work up to date on this page faithfully, and it will be worth much for you in review. Date Why Important 15 MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 1 1. Number these events in the order in which they occurred: a. ___Apostles ordained. b. ___Jesus gave ordinances to His church. c. ___Apostles waited in Jerusalem. d. ---Apostles sent out two by two. e. ___The Holy Spirit given to the apostles. /._____The resurrection of Jesus. g.-----Jesus went to heaven. ft.____Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost. i. ____Crucifixion of Christ. j. ____The apostles spoke in different languages. 2. Which memory verse teaches this? Write the reference and be able to give the verse from memory. The same reference may be used more than once. a. _______________Jesus is coming again. b. _______________We should witness for Jesus in our own city, in our own country, in neighboring countries, and in all the world. c. _______________Jesus was victorious over death. d. _______________The only way we can be saved is through the name of Jesus. e. _______________The Holy Spirit gives power for witnessing. /._________________Jesus will come back to the earth in the same manner as He left. 3. In this unit find— a. Three leading men:---------------------------------------------------- b. Five outstanding events: (1) ___________________________ (4) _________________________________ (2) ___________________________ (5)___________________________________ (3) --------------------------- c. An important date:--------------------------------- 16 d. An outstanding city and two important places near it: (1) (2) 4. Match the words and meanings. In the column at the left is a list of words. Find the group of words in the column at the right which best explains each word. _a. ascension (1) b. Deity (2) c. Pentecost (3) d. hypocrite (4) e. ordinances (5) /. Passover (6) g. witness (7) h. resurrection (8) Jewish feast in which a special offering was made to express thanks for the harvest. One who claims to be something that he is not. One who tells what he sees and knows about another. Special services in our church which remind us of events in Jesus’ life. Jesus’ return to His Father in heaven. The name which includes God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Jewish festival when the lamb representing Jesus was slain. Jesus was raised from the dead. 5. Test your thinking and your memory. a. Why was it important that the risen Christ give infallible proof that He was the Jesus who had lived on the earth and was also the Son of God?_________________________________________________________________________ b. Why did Jesus return to heaven after His resurrection? c. During the ten days they waited in Jerusalem, what did the apostles do that made a decided change in their lives?________________________ d. What is the work of the Holy Spirit? 2—W.J. 17 e. What evidences do we have that the Holy Spirit is still working? /. How did the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, help the early church improve their organization, their work, and their attitudes?----------------- g. What are the outstanding characteristics of a true witness for Christ? h. Why is God so particular that His church be well organized and its leaders well qualified?___________________________________________________ i. What would your church be like if it observed the motto in 1 Corinthians 14:40?_______________________________________________________ 18 UNIT 2 BARRIERS BROKEN DOWN LESSON 7: A TURNING POINT IN GOSPEL WITNESSING Use check-up questions 1-5, pages 23, 24. Who's Who. Add Stephen. Important Dates and Events Date Why Important 34 1. Stephen was stoned. 2. The Jewish nation finally rejected the plan of salvation. 3. The gospel began to go to the Gentiles. Use Your Bible 1. In Acts 7:37 Stephen quoted a prophecy. Who first gave this prophecy? Deuteronomy 18:15. Who had repeated it in a previous defense? Acts 3:22. 2. Stephen told about many Old Testament people in his defense. Make a list of the ones you know. You will find Stephen’s defense in Acts 7:2-53. 3. What reward will Stephen receive, according to Revelation 2:10? Jesus and Stephen Place an X in the correct column to show to which of these persons each statement refers. a. He was tried before the Sanhedrin. b. He looked into heaven. c. He asked forgiveness for his enemies. d. He was accused of blasphemy. e. He was crucified. /. He was stoned. g. He died for others. h. He commended his spirit unto God. i. He was accused by false witnesses. JESUS STEPHEN BOTH 19 A hymn to study: The hymn “The Son of God Goes Forth to War” tells in the second stanza about Stephen. To what events in the story of Stephen does it apply? See The Church Hymnal, No. 361. LESSON 8: GOD CHOOSES A WITNESS Use check-up questions 6-12, page 24. Who's Who. Add Saul, Ananias. Word Puzzle The word referred to by each phrase or clause below is to be placed in the row of squares beginning with the same number. The letter h after a number means that the desired word is to be written in a row of horizontal squares; the letter v refers to a row of vertical squares. lh. The first Christian martyr. 2v. The gospel went to them in a.d. 34. 3h. Saul’s home town. 4h. The kind of vessel Saul was to be. 5v. The man who was made blind that he might see God. 6h. The man who was sent to restore Saul’s sight. 7v. The believer who first accepted Saul and led him by the hand before the others. Use Your Bible 1. What does Acts 9:11 suggest that God knows concerning each of His fol- lowers? ________________________________________________________________ 2. Compare the work Jesus gave to His disciples with that which He gave to Saul. a. Disciples—Matthew 10:5,6; Acts 1:8.__________________________________ b. Saul—Acts 9:15. 20 3. After each reference write the title given to Saul, and tell what it means: Acts 9:15________ Acts 22:15_______ Acts 26:16.______ 1 Corinthians 1:1. Philippians 1:1. _ Philippians 3:5. _ LESSON 9: A DEACON GOES ON GOD'S ERRANDS Use check-up questions 13-19, page 24. Who's Who. Add Philip, Simon the sorcerer, the Ethiopian eunuch. Isaiah's prophecy of Christ: Here are two verses from the prophecy of Isaiah which the eunuch was reading. Find them in your Bible and fill in the blanks to complete the verses. You may be able to do this from memory. 21 LESSON 10: PETER'S PREJUDICE BREAKS DOWN Use check-up questions 20-25, page 24. Use Your Bible 1. When Jesus told the Jews He was the Good Shepherd, they thought they were the only sheep of the fold. What did Jesus say that shows He included the Gentiles in His flock? John 10:16. ------------------------------ 2. Some people believe that Peter’s vision of the sheet with the unclean beasts teaches that God made all kinds of meat clean to eat. Read Acts 10:28 and underline the word in this sentence that shows what God was teaching through the vision: “God hath showed me that I should not call any (man, animal, meat) common or unclean.” In Acts 10:34, 35 is another statement showing what Peter learned from the vision. State this in your own words: _______________________ 22 Peter's World Was Growing Watch Peter’s world grow as you copy these statements in the circle which has the same number. 1. Peter’s little self-centered world. 2. Peter included his friends in Jerusalem. 3. Peter lived with Simon the tanner—a man with a despised trade. 4. Peter invited the messengers of Cornelius into his home. 5. Peter’s first sermon to the Gentiles—Cornelius, family, and friends. Did You Know? What a wonderful vision Peter had! It opened the way for the gospel to start on its way to you and me. LESSON 11: LOYALTY AND DEFIANCE JUSTLY REWARDED Use check-up questions 26-30, page 24. Bring A Summary of the Arrests of the Disciples, page 8, up to date. Use Your Bible Review the work of angels in building up the early church. See Acts 5:19; 8:26; 10:3-7; 12:7-9; and 12:23. What Does the Bible Say About Conversion? 1. How important is conversion? Matthew 18:3.__________________________________ 2. What leads people to repent? Romans 2:4, last part._________________________ 3. What should we do about our sins? 1 John 1:9. 4. What changes take place in our lives when we have been truly converted? 2 Corinthians 5:17.__________________________________________________ 5. When we are converted, what do we want Jesus to do for us? Psalm 51:10. 6. After conversion, how will we walk? Romans 6:4, last part. Measure Your Learning: Review Unit 2, lessons 7-11, pages 24-28. 23 CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 2 Lesson 7 1. What prominent young man was brought to argue against Stephen? 2. Before whom was Stephen brought for tried? 3. Whom did Stephen connect with all the history of the Jews ets he gave his defense? 4. How was Stephen put to death? 5. When did the gospel begin to go to the Gentiles? Lesson 8 6. Saul became a member of what high Jewish court? 7. What caused the Christian Jews to flee from Jerusalem? 8. Where did Saul meet Jesus? 9. What two special things did Ananias do for Saul? 10. During his three days of blindness, what did Saul remember? 11. To whom did the Lord tell Saul he would be sent? 12. What people do we know Saul met in Jerusalem? Lesson 9 13. In which city outside Jerusalem was the gospel first preached? 14. Who came to help Philip in his revival meetings? 15. Who sent Philip to Gaza? 16. Whom did he meet on the way? 17. Why did Philip and the eunuch go down into the water? 18. Who directed the next part of Philip’s journey? 19. To which continent did the gospel go as a result of Philip’s obedience? Lesson 10 20. Whom did Peter heal at Lydda? 21. Whom did Peter raise to life at Joppa? 22. What foreign nation or power ruled over the Jews? 23. What heavenly gift did the Gentiles receive at the home of Cornelius? 24. Who, along with his friends, was converted as the result of a special visit from Peter? 25. What was the lesson Peter learned in the vision of the sheet and the un- clean beasts? Lesson 11 26. Which disciple was first to die? 27. Who put Peter in prison to please the Jews? 28. Who delivered Peter from prison? 29. While Peter was in prison, what were the believers doing? 30. Who allowed himself to be worshiped? 24 MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 2 1. Who said, to whom, and under what circumstances? a. “What wilt Thou have me to do?” b. “Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.” c. “What doth hinder me to be baptized?” d. “Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent His angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod.” e. “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.” /. “How can I, except some man should guide me?” g. “Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.” h. “The God of our fathers hath chosen thee.” t. “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.” j. “Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.” 2. To whom does each of the following expressions refer? ___________________a. Two hypocrites in the early church. b. First martyr for Jesus. jc. A man especially chosen by God to go to the Gentiles. d. He cried, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.” 25 ,e. God sent him to restore Saul’s sight. _/. A person who was raised from the dead. ,g. He had a vision of the sheet with unclean beasts. Ji. An angel said his good deeds were recorded in heaven. J. A ruler who permitted people to worship him. -j. Two deacons who were good witnesses. 3. Test your thinking and your memory. a. Why is a.d. 34 an important date in the spread of the gospel? b. In what way was the persecution of the believers a blessing to the new church? -------------------------------------------------------------- c. Why can Saul be called honest in heart although part of his life was spent in doing wrong?_______________________________________________ d. Review the important events in his early life. e. How was Peter led to give up his prejudices against the Gentiles? /. What incidents in this unit show that God used men to work for other men?-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 g. What lesson concerning the spread of the gospel have the disciples been learning?_________________________________________________________ h. Which people in the unit seemed to show these characteristics? A forgiving spirit________________________________________________ A covetous spirit_________________________________________________ A willingness to obey_____________________________________________ A willingness to learn.___________________________________________ 4. Finish these verses and tell where they are found: a. “Of a truth I perceive___________________________________________ b. “Go thy way: c. “Thou wilt keep him d. “I am He that liveth, e. “Behold, I see the heavens opened, /. “But ye shall receive power, g. “Therefore we are buried 5. Fun with the map, Practice drawing a map of Palestine, locating on it the Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Galilee, Dead Sea, Jordan River, and the following cities: Jerusalem, Samaria, Caesarea, Damascus, Lydda, and Joppa. When you can do it well, locate the places on the map above. Then fill in the chart below. City What happened there? Jerusalem--------------------------------------------------------- Samaria----------------------------------------------------------- Damascus---------------------------------------------------------- Caesarea---------------------------------------------------------- Lydda------------------------------------------------------------- Joppa------------------------------------------------------------- 28 UNIT 3 CHRISTIANITY ON THE MARCH LESSON 12: BEGINNING A WORLD MOVEMENT Use check-up questions 1-10, page 35. Who's Who. Add these: Sergius Paulus, Bar-jesus (Elymas), John Mark, Timothy, Agabus. First Missionary Journey Study the High Lights of Paul’s Missionary Journeys, page 34. LESSON 13: THE CHURCH SAVED FROM DISASTER Use check-up questions 11-17, page 35. A chart to study: Study chart of Paul’s epistles, textbook, pages 142, 143. Important Dates and Events. Add 51. Give reasons for importance. LESSON 14: CHRISTIANITY ENTERS EUROPE Use check-up questions 18-25, page 35. Use Your Bible 1. Study Paul’s speech on Mars’ Hill (Acts 17:22-31). List at least four important doctrines that you think Paul wets emphasizing. 2. In the story thus far, how many times has Paul told the Jews he would turn from them to the Gentiles? Who's Who. Add these: Silas, Lydia, Aquila, Priscilla, Gallio. Guided by Visions Paul was not the only one mentioned in Acts who wets guided by a vision. You should recall four others. What was the vision? 1. Acts 8:26. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 29 2. Acts 9:10. 3. Acts 10:1-6. 4. Acts 10:9-16. Books of the New Testament On the numbered blanks in the first column write the names of the books of the New Testament in proper order. As you learn the name of the author of each book, write it on the blank following the name. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 30 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Advice From Paul * In the first column below is a list of the first parts of good advice Paul gave the Thessalonians. In the second column is the last part of each saying. Write the texts and references correctly below. FIRST PART LAST PART REFERENCE a. “Let us watch all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17. b. “Prove all things; in well-doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:6. c. “Abstain from without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11. d. “Be not weary to be quiet.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21. e. “Pray hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:13. /• “Be at peace and be sober.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22. 9• “Study among yourselves.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13. BEGINNINGS ENDINGS REFERENCES a. b. c. d. e. /. 9' 31 Second Missionary Journey Study the High Lights of Paul’s Missionary Journeys, page 34 LESSON 15: A NEW GOSPEL CENTER Use check-up questions 26-31, pages 35, 36. Who's Who. Add Apollos; sons of Sceva. LESSON 16: VISITING AND STRENGTHENING OTHER CHURCHES Use check-up questions 32-37, page 36. Who's Who. Add Demetrius. Thoughts from Paul's letters to the Corinthians: In the following box find all the words in squares numbered 1. These words, when arranged correctly, make a sentence found in one of the letters to the Corinthians. Try to write it correctly below. Do the same with the words in the squares numbered 2,3, and 4 When you have finished, check your work by looking up the texts that are given. 1 3 2 4 3 2 For we if be must and 4 3 l 2 4 3 faith Christ a raised the the 4 2 3 1 3 yourselves be before God of 2 3 \ 4 2 4 your For loveth ye vain whether 2 3 4 2 3 1 Christ appear in is seat giver 3 i 2 3 4 2 judgment cheerful faith all Examine not 1.-------------------------------------------------------2 Corinthians 9:7. 2__________________________________________________________________________ 1 Corinthians 15:17. 32 3. 4. 2 Corinthians 5:10. 2 Corinthians 13:5. Use Your Bible 1. Which commandments showing our relationship to our fellow men does Paul quote? Romans 7:7__________________________________________ Romans 13:9_____________________________________________________ 2. Of what was Paul certain through all his trying experiences? Romans 8:28. 3. According to the apostle, how is eternal life obtained? Romans 6:23. 4. What does Paul say our attitude toward rulers should be? Romans 13:1, 2, 7_____________________________________________________________ 5. To what three things does Paul, in his letter to the Romans, compare bap- tism? Romans 6:3-6_______________________________________________ LESSON 17: THE APOSTLE RETURNS TO JERUSALEM Use check-up questions 38-42, page 36. Third Missionary Journey Study the High Lights of Paul’s Missionary Journeys, page 34. Measure your learning: A review of Unit 3, lessons 12-17. See pages 36 to 41. 33 High Lights of Paul’s Missionary Journeys Who Went? Places and Events* *Be able to tell the story of each event First Journey Paul, Barnabas, John Mark Antioch (Syria) Ordained for the ministry. Paphos (Cyprus) Sergius Paulus, the governor, converted. Bar-jesus made blind. Antioch (Pisidia) Preached in Jewish synagogue the first time. Paul told the Jews he would turn to the Gentiles. Lystra Crippled man healed. Paul stoned. Antioch (Syria) Gave report of first missionary journey. Second Journey Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke Antioch (Syria) Started from here. Lystra Timothy joined them. Troas Vision of Macedonian call. Philippi (Europe) Lydia, the first convert to Christianity in Europe. Demon cast out of slave girl. Paul and Silas cast into prison. The earthquake. Jailer and family baptized. Thessalonica Taught in the synagogue three Sabbaths. Jews gave trouble. Berea People called noble because they studied the Scriptures daily. Athens Speech on Mars’ Hill. Corinth Aquila and Priscilla. The Lord encouraged Paul to stay longer. Before Gallio. First letter written—to the Thessalonians. Ephesus Left Aquila and Priscilla here. Antioch (Syria) Second journey ended. Third Journey Paul, Luke Antioch (Syria) Started from here. Ephesus Apollos learned more of truth. Twelve disciples of John received the Holy Spirit. Silversmiths caused trouble. Sons of Sceva. Europe Visited some of same cities again. Troas Eutychus fell out of window and was restored to life. Miletus Visited with elders from Ephesus. Caesarea Agabus warned Paul of dangers at Jerusalem. Jerusalem Pentecost. Paul’s arrest 34 CHECK-UP QUESTIONS Unit 3 Lesson 12 1. To what city did many of the Christians go when they fled after the per- secution in Jerusalem? 2. Who was sent to help the believers there? 3. Why did Saul come to Antioch? 4 By what name were the believers in Antioch called? 5. What prophet foretold a famine? 6. What three men started on the first missionary journey? 7. Who instructed the church to send missionaries? 8. What governor accepted the gospel? 9. Which of the three missionaries returned home? 10. How was Paul treated in Lystra? Lesson 13 11. Where was the first council of the Christian church held? 12. Why was it held? 13. Who spoke first at the council? 14. What vision did Peter use to explain why the Gentiles should receive the gospel? 15. Who had charge of the council meeting? 16. In what year was this council held? 17. What did the believers in Antioch do when they heard the decision? Lesson 14 18. What men went on the second missionary journey with Paul? 19. What vision was given Paul while he was at Troas? 20. What new continent was entered on the second missionary journey? 21. Who was the first convert on this new continent? 22. Where did the Athenians take Paul so many could hear him? 23. Who were the tentmakers with whom Paul lived at Corinth? 24. What did Paul do every Sabbath? 25. To what church was Paul’s first letter written? Lesson 15 26. Who was preaching in a synagogue at Ephesus, but knew only of the teachings of John the Baptist? 27. What special gift did twelve men receive? 28- How did a bonfire help the Christians at Ephesus? 35 29. How did Paul decide to help the believers in Corinth before he could visit them again? 30. Did Paul believe in the resurrection? 31. What did seven boys learn about the name of Jesus? Lesson 16 32. What silversmith feared that the teachings of Paul would hinder the wor- ship of Diana? 33. By whom had the gospel been carried to Rome? 34. Paul wrote a letter to Rome especially for what group of people? 35. If we have faith in Jesus do we still need to keep the law? 36. What could separate Paul from the love of God? 37. Of what was Paul not ashamed? Lesson 17 38. Which comes first in a life—justification or sanctification? 39. In what one thing did Paul glory? 40. Who fell from a window during Paul’s meeting at Troas? 41. Of what did Agabus warn Paul? 42. What was the last city Paul visited on the third missionary journey? MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 3 1. Who said, to whom, and under what circumstances? a. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” b. “It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” c. “For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.” <2. “Separate Me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” e. “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” 36 2. Test your thinking and your memory. a. Review Acts 1:8. Which parts of this command did Paul help to fulfill on the three missionary journeys?_____________________________________ b. What miracles were performed by Paul on his journeys, and what effects did each miracle have?______________________________________ c. What evidences do we have of the work of the Holy Spirit during the missionary journeys?_______________________________________________ d. What groups of people usually tried to hinder Paul’s work? What group worked against him in Ephesus?___________________________________ e. Why did the Holy Spirit forbid Paul to preach in parts of Asia Minor on the second journey?------------------------------------------------ /. Under what circumstances did Paul show that— (1) One should not accept praise that belongs to God? (2) He was willing to obey the Holy Spirit? (8) He could be happy under difficulties? 37 (4) Although he was called to be an apostle to the Gentiles, he still wanted the Jews to be saved?------------------------------------------------- g. What visions did Paul have during the missionary journeys? What did he learn from each?-------------------------------------------------- h. Who were Paul’s traveling companions and helpers on each journey? i. To whom were Paul’s first letters written? Why did he write them? 3. Use your Bible. a. What were the two most important results as the disciples witnessed for Jesus on the missionary journeys? Acts 16:5.________________________________ b. What is one of the most important questions for people to ask? Acts 16:30. In these stories who asked it? What was the answer?__________ 38 c. What did the Bereans do that illustrates the correct way to test the truthfulness of things we hear? What did they do when they knew what was true? Acts 17:11.______________________________________________ d. What was happening in Rome about the time Paul was on his third journey? Acts 18:2------------------------------------------------ e. What three points of the gospel story did Paul emphasize? 1 Corinthians 15:3,4____________________________________________________________ f. What was Paul’s principal work on the last part of his first journey? Acts 14:21-23_________________________________________________________________ 4. Answer these questions about the first council of the Christian church: a. When was it held?-------------------------------------- b. Where was it held?------------------------------------- c. Why was it held?--------------------------------------- d. Who was the leader?----------------------------------------- e. What important delegates gave reports, and what did they say? f. Who gave the decision?. g. What was the decision? h. How was the decision made known? 39 i. Why was the council important? 5. What do these verses teach? (Give the thought of each in your own words; also repeat the verses correctly from memory.) a. 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52.------------------------------------------- b. Matthew 5:11,12. c. Acts 17:11. d. Romans 3:31. e. Acts 1:11. /. Acts 10:34,35. g. Isaiah 26:3. 6. To what or whom does each refer? a. An island Paul visited on the first journey. b. The headquarters for Christian work among the Gentiles. -c. A young man who turned back on the first journey. .d. The man who wrote the fifth book of the New Testament. je. A young man who became Paul’s helper on the second journey. _/. The two persons called to go on the first missionary journey. g. The city where people stoned Paul, though they had first wanted to worship him. h. The city remembered for its idolatry and the altar marked, “To the Unknown God.” _i. Tentmakers with whom Paul lived. The first European convert k. A beloved physician who joined Paul on his second journey. J. Some European cities Paul visited. m. Two people put in jail in Philippi for casting out devils. n. The city in which a silversmith started an uproar. 41 UNIT 4 WITNESSING BEFORE KINGS AND RULERS LESSON 18: IN JERUSALEM Use check-up questions 1-5, page 47. Who's Who. Add Claudius Lysias. Use Your Bible 1. Paul had been warned three times of the suffering and trouble that awaited him. The warnings are recorded in Acts 9:16; 20:23; and 21:11. What were the three warnings?------------------------------------------------ 2. Against what two persons did the Jews cry, “Away with him”? John 19:15__________________________Acts 21:36____________________________ 3. What other plots recorded in the Bible failed because God intervened to save His people? Genesis 37__________________________________________ Esther 5 to 9. Daniel 6.------------------------------------------------. 4. Why could Paul remain calm during troubles? John 14:27. The Trials of Paul Give the information called for below for Paul’s first trial only. (In later lessons you will finish this exercise.) 42 OFFICER OR RULER DECISION AND RESULT L 2. 3. 4 5. 6. LESSON 19: IN CAESAREA Use check-up questions 6-12, page 47. Who's Who. Add Felix, Festus, Tertullus, Agrippa, Drusilla, Bernice, Caesar. Use Your Bible (Be ready to discuss in class.) 1. What evidence of weakness do you find in Festus? Acts 25:9. 2. Why did Paul appeal to Caesar for trial? Acts 25:9-11. See also The Acts of the Apostles, page 430. 3. Of what was Paul witnessing when Festus interrupted him? Acts 26:23, 24 4. What parts of Acts 1:8 and Acts 9:15 has Paul fulfilled during his trials? The Trials of Paul (pages 42, 43). Fill in the information for the second, third, and fourth trials of Paul. LESSON 20: ON THE WAY TO ROME Use check-up questions 13-18, page 47. 43 Word Puzzle The word referred to by each phrase or clause below is to be placed in the row of squares beginning with the same number. The letter h after a number means that the desired word is to be written in a row of horizontal squares; the letter v refers to a row of vertical squares. lv. __________was placed in charge of the prisoners on the ship. 2h. Paul advised them to spend the winter at----------------. 3h. The Christians of Rome did not expect to see Paul come bound in-------- 4v. Paul was on his way to-----------. 5v. An____________of God encouraged Paul at night 6h. Paul healed the father of Publius and had an interesting experience with a snake on the island of------------ LESSON 21: AT THE CAPITAL AND ELSEWHERE Use check-up questions 19-24, page 47. Who's Who. Add Nero. Use Your Bible 1. Read the letter to Philemon and answer these questions: o. What kind of treatment did Paul expect Philemon to give his slave? Verses 15,17, 21--------------------------------------------------- b. By what three names did Paul call himself? Verses 1,9. c. What did Paul ask Philemon to prepare for him? Verse 22. d. Which of Paul’s companions do you know? Verses 1, 23, 24. 2. What was Paul’s opinion of Onesimus? Colossians 4:9.__________________ 44 Order of Events Number these items or events in the order in which they occurred: _*L_ Paul appears before Agrippa ________In his hired house A— On the way to Caesarea ___:____Appeals to Caesar -2— Shipwrecked on the way to Rome ________________In the temple On the castle stairs _____:__Before Nero Jd— Before Felix Paul's motto of success: Find these verses in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, and write the missing words. “But this thing I do, those things which are and unto those things which are -» I of . toward the mark for the prize of the_____ in Christ________________” Philippians 3:13, 14 LESSON 22: THE NEW TESTAMENT GROWS Use check-up questions 25-30, page 48. Use Your Bible 1. John is the only Bible writer who used the word antichrist, a. Who is antichrist? 1 John 2:22; 4:3; 2 John 7.______________ b. When did he begin to work? 1 John 2:18; 4:3. 2. In Peter’s second epistle he gave some instruction about Christian growth, usually called Peter’s ladder to heaven. It may also be called “Peter’s Steps to Christian Living.” Read 2 Peter 1:5-7 to learn the steps in the development of Christian character. Write the names of the steps on the stairs below. Then ask different ones of the class to read the verses while you look at the names on the steps. Soon you will be able to repeat the verses from memory as you look at your stairs. 45 Peter says we start with faith and we must add to it. Where do we get our faith? Romans 12:3.______________________________________________________ In 2 Peter 1:10 Peter tells Christians to “give_________________to make your_______________and___________________sure.” He says further that if we ----------------------------, we shall------------------------ Other Witnesses for Jesus Who were these witnesses for Jesus? a. Although he turned back on his first missionary journey, he wrote one of the Gospels. b. He wrote a very short epistle. c. He wrote about the “sure word of prophecy.” d. He wrote his Gospel to convince the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah. e. He was both a physician and a Gospel writer. /. He defined true religion. g. He wrote four books that are named after him, and one called The Revelation of Jesus Christ. 46 LESSON 23: THE INFLUENCE OF THE JEWS DESTROYED Use check-up questions 31-36, page 48. Who's Who. Add Cestius, Titus. Important Dates and Events. Add A.D. 70. CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 4 Lesson 18 1. When Paul was recognized in the temple, of what crime did the Jews ac- cuse him? 2. Who was the Roman captain that rescued Paul from the mob? 3. Although Paul was a Jew, he was a citizen of what nation? 4 Who brought cheer to Paul while he was in the castle prison? 5. Who agreed to the cruel scheme of Paul’s enemies? Lesson 19 6. What did the Jews want Felix to do with Paul? 7. For what belief or teaching was Paul called in question? -—' 8. Of what three things did Paul witness before Felix and Drusilla? 9. How long did Felix keep Paul in prison? 10. Who became the new governor when Felix was removed from office? 11. To whom did Paul appeal? 12. Before what royal visitor was Paul tried while waiting to go to Rome? Lesson 20 13. How did Paul know there would be no loss of life because of the storm? 14. After the shipwreck, how many reached land safely? 15. What miracle did Paul perform on the island of Melita? 16. Who was the centurion who had been in charge of the prisoners? 17. What evidence do we have that people liked Paul? 18. Where was Paul allowed to live? Lesson 21 19. When Paul arrived in Rome, to whom did he talk first? 20. How long did Paul wait for trial after he arrived in Rome? 21. In what three ways did Paul carry on his work while waiting for trial? 22. To whom did Paul write a letter urging that a slave be received kindly? 23. Who did Paul believe was the Creator? 24. Even though Paul was away from the city, for what crime was he blamed? 47 Lesson 22 25. After Pentecost, which apostle was the most active worker? 26. Where is the great commission found? 27. What is the keyword of John’s Gospel? 28. What four men wrote the gospel story? 29. How much of the Bible did the apostles have when they started to witness? 30. Which church in John’s vision pictured Christianity during the time of the apostles? Lesson 23 fj~\ In what year did Titus invade Jerusalem? 32. What command did Titus give about the temple? 33. What happened to the temple? 34 What prophecy was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem? 35. How many of the more than a million people who lost their lives were sincere Christians? 36. Since the Hebrews as a nation rejected God, how may they be saved? MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 4 1. Matching Use one of the words on the right that best matches the phrase or clause on the left. Put the number in the blank before the proper phrase or clause. ____a. The first ruler in Caesarea who tried Paul. ____b. The doctor who was with Paul on the way to Rome. ____c. The visiting king who wanted to hear Paul. ____d. A Roman centurion connected with the story of Paul. ____e. The queen who came to welcome Festus. ----/. Highest Jewish court. ____g. An apostle to the Gentiles. ____h. Roman emperor. ____i. The high priest ____j. The island upon which the shipwrecked people stayed. ____k. The city of Paul’s arrest ____l. The hired lawyer. ____m. Captain of the Roman garrison in Jerusalem. 1. Agabus 2. Agrippa 3. Ananias 4 Annas 5. Bernice 6. Caesarea 7. Claudius Lysias 8. Felix 9. Festus 10. Jerusalem 11. Julius 12. Luke 13. Lydia 14 Melita 15. Nero 16. Paul 17. Publius 18. Sanhedrin 19. Tertullus Governor when Paul appealed to Caesar. 48 2. What do you think? a. What were the outstanding characteristics of Paul? b. During Paul’s ministry he had many opportunities to witness for Christ. Which five experiences are the most interesting to you? (1)_______________________________________________________________________ (2)_______________________________________________________________________ (3) _____________________________________________________________________ (4) _____________________________________________________________________ (5) _____________________________________________________________________ c. What question does Paul ask in Romans 8:35?______________________________ *d. How (^\yotPtB3hkPaul would answer his own question? Romans 8:37-39. 3. Who said, to whom, and under what circumstances? a. “I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” b. “When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” c. “No doubt this man is a murderer.” d. “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” e. “I appeal unto Caesar.” /. “Thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.” g, “Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teacheth all men everywhere against the people.” 4—W.J. 49 h. “Canst thou speak Greek? Art not thou that Egyptian?” i. “Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.” j. “Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question by you this day.” 4. Guess who. What man is described by each group of statements? a. b, c, d, (1) He examined Paul. (2) He was honored by Festus on a special occasion. (3) He asked Paul to present his own case. (4) He was almost persuaded to be a Christian. (1) He was a Roman judge who did not acquit an innocent man. (2) He confessed that he had nothing to write to Caesar. (3) He was the man who interrupted a speech to a king. (4) He was appointed to office during Paul’s two years in Caesarea. (1) He was a man who did not get angry when his conscience was smitten. (2) He let a prisoner speak, hoping to obtain a bribe for his release. (3) He deliberately separated himself from the Holy Spirit. (4) He was accused by the Jews and recalled by Nero. (1) He believed in doing his work thoroughly as he went along. (2) He was never discouraged, regardless of difficulties. (3) He seized every opportunity to speak for Christ. (4) He was a prisoner who was not afraid of his judges. TEST YOUR LEARNING, Units 1-4 These exercises are intended chiefly for review. If you and your teacher prefer, you may use them first to measure your learning, writing your answers in the spaces provided. Then check the accuracy of your answers by referring to the textbook and the Bible. T. Find and tell. What verses or whose experiences, about which you have studied in Witnesses for Jesus, Units 1-4, teach these things? 50 a. Genuine love makes people willing to forgive those who wrong them. b. People of every nation are accepted by God. c. The joy of salvation usually spreads to other members of a family. d. Godly parents help young people form right characters. e. God sends help to those who really seek for truth. /. God can change a sinner into a good person. g. A Christian’s purpose should be to do God’s will and to help finish His work. h. Satan will do everything he can to keep us from becoming Christians. i. It is important that we obey God’s leading promptly. j. If one does not wish to serve God, God does not force him to do so. k. God uses human beings, not angels, to tell the gospel story. l. Those who love the Lord will tell others about Him. 2. Use your Bible. (A) The Ten Commandments were given by God at Mount Sinai. They were written on tables of stone to show how lasting they are. They were written by God Himself to show how important they are. Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. The disciples taught that we should keep the commandments. Some of the commandments are given word for word in the New Testament; others are given almost word for word. Can you find all of the Ten Commandments in these New Testament verses? On the blank before each reference write the number of the commandment to which it refers. There may be more than one number on some blanks. o. Romans 7:7 g. Romans 13:9 b. Matthew 19:18 h. Hebrews 4:4 c. Matthew 19:19 i. Mark 2:27, 28 d. 1 John 5:21 j. Matthew 6:7 e. 1 Corinthians 10:7 k. 1 Timothy 6:1, last part /. 1 Corinthians 10:14 . Z. Colossians 3:20 51 (B) Other names of Jesus. The disciples used many different names for Jesus showing that they believed that He was more than an ordinary man. What names are used in these verses? a. Acts 1:6. . b. Acts 1:21.. c. Acts 2:22. d. Acts 2:27. e. Acts 2:30.. /. Acts 2:36.. g. Acts 3:6. h. Acts 3:14. i. Acts 3:15. j. Acts 3:20. k. Acts 3:26. l. Acts 5:31. m. Acts 7:52- n. Acts 7:56. o. Acts 8:37. p. Acts 11:17. 3. What does the Bible say? Some people wonder if Jesus, the disciples, and the early Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath according to the commandment Can you tell from these verses what they did on the Sabbath? a. What custom did Jesus follow on the Sabbath day? Luke 4:16. b. What did the women do after the crucifixion of Jesus? Luke 23:54-56. c. What prayer were the people told to pray from the time Jesus was talking to them until the destruction of Jerusalem? Matthew 24:20. d. What was Paul’s custom during the week and on the Sabbath? Acts 17:2; 18:3, 4 e. Keeping the commandments includes keeping the Sabbath. According to John, when will God’s people still be keeping the Sabbath? Revelation 14:9-12. ______________________________________________________ 4. An alphabet from the Acts of the Apostles. Look up the Bible text given and fill in the blanks to complete the alphabet. A_________________ is the man God sent to restore Saul’s sight. Acts 9:12. 52 B___________________ Is the man from Cyprus who sold his land and brought the money to the apostles. Acts 4:36,37. C_____________________ is the centurion who feared God. Acts 10:1, 2. D______________ is the woman who was full of good works. Acts 9:36. E_________________________is the title or name given to Philip. Acts 21:8. F----------- is the man who trembled when Paul reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment Acts 24:25. G-------------- is the deputy who refused to judge Paul on re- ligious matters. Acts 18:12-15. H_________________________is the name of Him who would give power. Acts 1:8. I_____________________ is what happened to the word of God after the ordination of the deacons. Acts 6:6, 7. J______ is the feeling with which Paul was determined to finish his course. Acts 20:24. K-------------- is the man who was about to kill himself be- cause he thought Paul and Silas had escaped from prison. Acts 16:27, 28. L----------- is a lady of Europe who worshiped God. Acts 16:14. M_____________________ is the country from which Paul in a night vision heard a plea for help. Acts 16:9. N___________ is the word that describes the Bereans because they searched the Scriptures daily. Acts 17:10, 11. O______________ is the mountain from which the disciples saw Jesus go into heaven. Acts 1:10-12. P___________ is the disciple who preached the sermon on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 2:1,14 Q________________ is how God told Paul to get out of Jerusalem when the Jews would not accept his preaching. Acts 22:18. R___________ is the damsel who came to the door when Peter knocked, but in her gladness forgot to open the door. Acts 12:13,14. S___________ is the man Paul chose to go with him on his sec- ond missionary journey. Acts 15:40. 53 T is the young man whom Paul and Silas took with them on the second missionary journey. Acts 16:1-3. U_______________ is the name given to God that Paul found on an altar on Mars’ Hill. Acts 17:23. V ______________ is what God used to guide Paul. Acts 26:19. W___________ are those who went out of the city to the river- side for prayer. Acts 16:13. EX_________________ is what Paul did so he could have a conscience void of offense. Acts 24:16. Y ._____ is something Peter didn’t want the Jews to place 'w/ on the disciples. Acts 15:10. Z_______________ is Paul’s feeling toward God. Acts 22:3. 5. Some great "two's" of the Acts of the Apostles. a. Two great men of the early church: (1) The first one is--------------------Acts 2:14. The story of his ministry is told in the first twelve chapters of the book of Acts. (2) The second one is--------------Acts 13:45. The story of his min- istry is told in the rest of the book of Acts. b. Two great cities of importance to the early church: (1) The first one is--------------------Acts 1:4, 8. In this city the apostles were to wait for the Holy Spirit and then do their first witnessing. (2) The second city is---------------Acts 13:1. This city became the headquarters for the missionary work to the countries around. c. Two groups of people who need to accept the gospel: (1) The first group was the-------------Acts 13:5. As a nation they rejected Jesus, but many persons among them accepted Him. (2) The second group was the--------------------Acts 13:47. Many of them received the gospel with gladness. OTHER SUGGESTIONS FOR REVIEW 1. What do you think? a. How and why was the Christian church organized? b. How did God continue to show His care for the Jews even after they rejected Jesus? c. Why did the Jews deserve the punishments they received? d. How, why, and when was Jerusalem destroyed? e. What are some prophecies which were fulfilled in the days of the apostles? /. Review Acts 1:8. To what extent was it fulfilled in the days of the apostles? 2. Then and now. a. If Paul were living today, would he be a Seventh-day Adventist? To decide this, give one of the fundamental beliefs of our church and decide whether Paul believed it or not. Do the same with all our fundamental beliefs. b. If you believe as Paul did, of which church will you be a member? 3. Tell the story. About what incidents does each of these groups of words remind you? Tell the stories, using all the words. Make up other lists for other stories. A a devil prison stocks midnight songs earthquake attempted suicide washing of bruises magistrate Roman citizenship release B housetop dinnertime great sheet voice knock on door three men journey home of a Gentile sermon Holy Spirit baptism C large city many idols market place visitor hill altar 4. Your memory verses. Make a list of references for the verses you have learned so far this year. Review the verses. Have someone listen to you while you say them. For each verse you can say perfectly you will get five points. If you have to be prompted to start the verse, take off one point. If you make one or two small errors, take off two points. If you make three or more errors you receive no credit. How well do you know your memory verses? A perfect score is 95. You may get additional points by saying other verses you have learned during the year. 5. Who said, to whom, and under what circumstances? Review those given at the close of each unit. b. Choose three students to stand in front of the class. As someone gives a quotation, the first of the three standing tells who said it; the second, to whom it was said; the third, the circumstances under which it was said. 55 UNIT 5 FAITHFUL THROUGH THE CENTURIES LESSON 24: WITNESSING AGAINST PAGANISM Use check-up questions 1-7, pages 59, 60. Who's Who. Add Justin Martyr, Diocletian, Constantine. Important Dates and Events. Add A.D. 303-313. Read the hymn “How Firm a Foundation,” page 255 in The Church Hymnal. Where is the foundation for our faith laid? Stanza 1.______________ What promise is made to us in each of the other stanzas? 2. _________________________________________________________ 3. 4______________________________________________________________________ 5. LESSON 25: A NEW PLAN TO DEFEAT THE CHURCH Use check-up questions 8-15, page 60. Who's Who. Add Gregory VII, Henry IV. Important Dates and Events. Add A.D. 321; A.D. 325; A.D. 538-1798. True Teachings of the Bible Make a list of the teachings of the Bible for which you know there is a false doctrine. Add to this list as you learn of others. Put at least one reference after each to show what the Bible teaches. 56 The First Day of the Week The eight texts listed at the right are the only texts in the New Testament that mention the first day of the week. Study them carefully to see if any of the Bible writers thought the first day was holy. Matthew 28:1 Mark 16:2 Mark 16:9 Luke 24:1 John 20:1 John 20:19 Acts 20:7 1 Corinthians 16:2 Below is a list of statements about what the verses teach. On the blanks write the references to match. One statement has several matching references. a. On the first day of the week the women went to Jesus’ sepulcher. b. Jesus rose early on the first day of the week. 57 c. The disciples were meeting in the upper room because they were afraid of the Jews. ________________ d. Paul preached on the evening of the first day (which we would call Saturday night) and traveled on the first day. ________:_____ e. Paul told the Christians to lay aside something for the poor when they were home on the first day of the week. _________________ /. Which verse or verses prove the sacredness of the first day of the week ? ---------------- The Lord's Day 1. Some people believe that Revelation 1:10 is an important verse for proving that Sunday was kept by the apostles as the Sabbath. Read the verse in your Bible and underline here the statement which you believe is true concerning that verse: a. It teaches that the first day of the week is the Sabbath. b. It teaches that the seventh day is the Sabbath. c. From this verse alone we cannot tell which day of the week is the Sabbath. 2. Mark 2:28 says that Jesus is--------of the-----------------This would make the_________________the Lord’s day. When Mark wrote this verse, the only day called the Sabbath was the seventh day of the week. 3. By studying Revelation 1:10 and Mark 2:28 together, we come to the con- clusion that John was in vision on the seventh-day Sabbath. The records of history are quite clear that none of the disciples observed any other day as the Sabbath. LESSON 26: WITNESSING IN "THE WILDERNESS" Use check-up questions 16-20, page 60. Who's Who. Add Waldenses, Barthelemy Hector. Word Puzzle The word referred to by each phrase or clause below is to be placed in the tow of squares beginning with the same number. The letter h after a number means that the desired word is to be written in a row of horizontal squares; the letter v refers to a row of vertical squares. 58 : 1 < H ■■■ i r r.i 5 111!!!W1 10 E : I9 ;; <* - ; 3 4 a i 12 : i < 2 6 // 7““ s IH Hi v/Tv!v!* PI |§ 111:||: i|||| i 1 wfrrfr • + 7 '"Hi k : : Jill ■1111 m 11$ - iiitillH lh. Catholics teach that it is a place of punishment. 2v. A teacher and martyr soon after the time of Paul. 3h. Underground passages where Christians hid and worshiped. 4v. One of the new centers of Christianity. 5v. An empire that was first pagan, then papal. 6v. The pope who showed his authority over an emperor of Germany. 7h. He made the first Sunday law. 8h. A Waldensian martyr. 9v. A ruler humbled by a pope. lOv. He started ten years of persecution. llh. The church period when many pagan doctrines were accepted by the Christians. 12v. The church period during the pagan persecutions. 13v. A pagan day honoring the sun. 14h. He foretold a time of falling away from the truth. CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 5 Lesson 24 1. Although the Roman laws allowed almost complete freedom of worship, what did they forbid? 2. Who persecuted the Christians first, a religious group or a government? 3. Who, like Paul, was a missionary and a martyr? 4. Who started the ten years of terrible persecution? Give dates. 5. Who granted religious liberty but also brought about a lowering of the church standards? 6. Why was religious liberty first granted to the Christians? 59 7. What church in John’s vision represents the period of persecution by the pagans? Lesson 25 8. In what three ways did Satan seek to destroy the teachings of Jesus? 9. Name three prophets who foretold the apostasy and the establishment of the papacy. 10. Which came first, pagan or papal Rome? 11. What is the difference between pagan and papal Rome? 12. When did the 1260 years of papal supremacy begin? 13. How did the pope become the head of the Roman Catholic Church? 14. What is meant by immortality of the soul? 15. Which church in John’s vision represents the period when pagan Rome was changing to papal Rome? Lesson 26 16. How long was the church in “the wilderness”? 17. What was one of the most precious possessions of the Waldenses? 18. Although the Waldenses made their living by some trade, what was their real occupation? 19. Name one Waldensian who became a martyr for Christ 20. What did the Waldenses teach about prayer? MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 5 1. Matching exercise Find the group of words in the second column which explains each word in the first column. Write the correct number in the blank. .a. apostasy 1. burial places b. catacombs 2. one who dies for his beliefs x. Gregory VII 3. perfume Henry IV 4. turning away from the truth _e. martyr 5. persecution by Diocletian A.D. 321 6. claimed power over kings jg. Smyrna 7. copied Bible in caves Ji. Waldenses 8. a humbled emperor i. a.d. 303 to a.d. 313 9. Edict of Constantine j. a.d. 538 to a.d. 1798 10. a period of papal power 60 2. Find in this uniter. Three causes for Roman persecution. b. Three early centers of Christianity. _ c. Three men who prophesied of apostasy. d. Six prophecies these men gave about the apostasy and establishment of the papacy. ___________________________________________________________ e. The group of people who identified the Roman Church as Babylon._________________ 3. Test your thinking and your memory. a. Why were the Jews not disturbed by the Roman laws concerning religion? b. Who first persecuted the Christians?--------- c. How did the bishop of Rome become the pope? d. Where did the Waldenses get their name? 61 4. Which of the following statements are true? Put the letter “T” on the blank before each true statement. ----a. The pope is God’s representative on earth. ----b. The soul goes on living when a person dies. ----c. The dead know nothing. ----d. The bread of the Lord’s Supper actually becomes the body of Christ. ----e. There is no such place as purgatory. ----/. Salvation is free. ----g. The law of God tells us not to worship images. ----h. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is in heaven. ----1. The Roman Catholic Church admits having changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. 5. Which memory verse teaches? _______________________________a. Overcomers will not die the second death. _______________________________b. We should study the Bible. _______________________________c. It is an honor to suffer for Christ. _______________________________d. Overcomers will receive a new name. 62 UNIT 6 THE GREAT AWAKENING LESSON 27: THE NEED FOR AN AWAKENING Use check-up questions 1-3, page 71. Important date to remember: 1456. The Revival of Learning Check the items below which helped promote a revival of learning. ----1. The interdict. ----6. Increase of travel. ----2. Invention of printing. ____7. The belief that the word of the church was final. ____3. Excommunication. ----8. An intolerant church. ----4. The pope controlled civil powers. ----9. Discovery of America. ____5. The Crusades. LESSON 28: THE AWAKENING IN ENGLAND Use check-up questions 4-9, page 71. Study the chart, Reformers All, on pages 190, 191 of your textbook. Who's Who. Add Lollards. The Reformers and Their Work Each day as you study about the Reformers, write the information about each that is called for on the following chart. Put Wycliffe’s name on the chart first. Name Country Important Work 1. 2. 3. 63 LESSON 29: LIGHT SHINES IN BOHEMIA Use check-up questions 10-17, pages 71,72. Who's Who. Add Sigismund. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Hues and Jerome. 64 Write the correct name. After each group of words below write Hues, Wyc-Uffe, or Jerome, to show to whom it refers. (Two or three names can be placed on some of the lines.) 1. Recanted for a time, but then repented. ________________________ 2. Was the “Morning Star of the Reformation.”_____________________________ 3. Were Reformers in Bohemia. ________________________ 4. Helped break the power of the Catholic Church in England. _________________________ 5. Preached against the begging friars. ________________________ 6. Became martyrs. ________________________ 7. Translated the Bible. ________________________ 8. His ashes were thrown into a river. ________________________ 9. His country became the first Protestant nation.________________________ 10. Believed the pope is antichrist. ________________________ LESSON 30: THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY Use check-up questions 18-24, page 72. Who's Who. Add Staupitz, Melanchthon, Frederick. Important Dates and Events. Add 1517, 1529. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Luther. Use Your Bible What did prophets and apostles say about the false church? Write a brief summary of each Bible reference. Daniel: (7:24-26) -------------------------------------------------------- Jesus: (Matthew 24:21, 22, 29) Paul: (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12) 65 John: (1 John 2:18; 4:3; 2 John 7) Just for Fun The hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” mentioned in Message in song on page 202 of Witnesses for Jesus, was perhaps Luther’s favorite hymn. This is the way it reads in the German language. Try singing it, using the copy with the diacritical markings. Music will be found in The Church Hymnal, No. 261. Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott Ein’ feste Burg ist unser Gott, Ein’ gute Wehr und Waffen, Er hilft uns frei aus aller Not, Die uns jetzt hat betroffen. Der alte bose Feind Mit Ernst er es jetzt meint, Gross Macht und viele List Sein’ grausam Rustung ist Auf Erd’n ist nicht sein’s Gleichen. In fes-te Boorg ist oon-ser Got, In goo-te Ver oont Va-fen, Air hilft oons fri ows a-ler Not, De oons yetzt hat be-trof-en. Der alt-e ba-ze Fint Mit Ernst er es yetzt mint, Gros Makht oont fe-le List Zin grou-sam Ris-tung Ist Ouf Ert’n Ist nikht Zins Glik-hen. Word Puzzle The word referred to by each phrase or clause below is to be placed in a row of squares beginning with the same number. The letter h after a number means that the desired word is to be written in a row of horizontal squares; the letter v refers to a row of vertical squares. 66 lh. 2h. 3v. 4v. 5h. 6v. 7h. 8h. 9v. lOv. llh. 12v. 13h. 14v. 15v, The name of the movement which Luther started. Religious groups who hold to the teachings of the Bible only. Luther believed this person was antichrist. Statements made by Luther and nailed to the church door. Where the “protest” was signed. A group attending a council in Spires that insisted on signing an important paper. Luther was declared guilty before the council even met in this place. The city in which Luther said, “Here I stand. I can dp no other; may God help me. Amen.” The language into which Luther translated the Bible. A ruler who defended Luther. Where Luther nailed an important paper on a church door. It is the only rule of faith. The last word in the sentence Luther heard while climbing the stairs. Sinners were taught they could decrease their punishment by purchasing them. The mem to whom Staupitz explained the way of salvation. 67 Important .Councils in Germany Give the information called for below: Place of Meeting Who Attended What Occurred 1. 2. 3. 4. LESSON 31: FRENCH REFORMERS Use check-up questions 25-32, page 72. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Lefevre, Farel, Calvin. Who's Who. Add Berquin, Princess Margaret, Olivetan. LESSON 32: SWITZERLAND, A NEW CENTER OF LIGHT Use check-up questions 33-37, page 72. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Zwingli. LESSON 33: THE NETHERLANDS DEFIES THE PAPACY Use check-up questions 38-42, page 73. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Menno Simons. Who's Who. Add William of Orange. LESSON 34: SWEDEN WELCOMES THE GOSPEL Use check-up questions 43-46, page 73. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Petri brothers. Who's Who. Add Gustavus Vasa. 68 LESSON 35: TAUSEN-THE REFORMER OF DENMARK Use check-up questions 47-49, page 73. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Tausen. Who's Who. Add Christiem Pedersen. LESSON 36: TYNDALE'S GIFT TO ENGLAND Use check-up questions 50-56, page 73. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Tyndale. Who's Who. Add Coverddle. LESSON 37: A NEW DAY FOR SCOTLAND Use check-up questions 57-61, page 73. The Reformers and Their Work. Add John Knox. Who's Who. Add Walter Mill. 69 Europe and the Reformation Write on the map below the names of the countries dominated by Rome at the close of the Reformation. Color them red. Write also the names of the countries that accepted the Reformation. Color them blue. If necessary refer to page 232 of your textbook. LESSON 38: THE REFORMATION REACHES THE NEW WORLD Use check-up questions 62-68, pages 73, 74. The Reformers and Their Work. Add Roger Williams. 70 LESSON 39: SOME OTHER OUTGROWTHS OF THE REFORMATION Use check-up questions 69-73, page 74. For your thoughtful reading: COMPLETING THE REFORMATION—OUR RESPONSIBILITY “Each year the national and free Protestant churches in France and Switzerland devote the first Sunday in November to the commemoration of the great Reformation. On that day the pastors make it their duty to remind their congregations of the blessings brought to the religious world by that memorable event. The sixteenth-century Reformation gave the Bible to the common man and revealed the fundamental principles of the gospel. . . . “On these annual occasions a statement made a hundred years ago by Alexander Vinet, a Swiss religious writer and teacher, is often quoted. He said: ‘Whatever the importance of the great event of the sixteenth century may have been, the Reformation needs to be completed. Luther and Calvin simply opened for it a wider door and a more extended field. They did not, once for all, achieve the reformation of the church. . . . Their work was a holy and blessed undertaking because it aimed, on any question, at nothing short of the everlasting gospel in its purity. If you wish to follow their example, do not stop where they did, but, with one great leap, return to the abundant and pure fountain of all truth.’ ”—Jean Vuilleumier, in Signs of the Times, Nov. 2,1948. CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 6 Lesson 27 1. How did the false church show her power and authority during the Dark Ages? 2. In what four ways was the world prepared for more truth? 3. What two things did the Reformers try to do? Lesson 28 4. Whom did Wycliffe believe to be antichrist? 5. Who were the friars? 6. What did Wycliffe believe concerning the Scriptures? 7. Who were the Lollards? 8. What is Wycliffe sometimes called? 9. "What were Wycliffe’s contributions to the Reformation? Lesson 29 10. In what country did the Waldenses find a welcome? 11. Describe the two pictures that preached a sermon. 12. Who denounced the false teachings of the papacy, as a result of seeing these pictures? 71 13. The Reformation grew rapidly in Bohemia largely as the result of what two men? 14. Which Reformer lost his courage and faith for a short time? 15. Which church period in John’s vision represented the Middle Ages? 16. By what woman’s name was the papacy called during this period? Why? 17. What is heresy? Lesson 30 18. When Luther found a Bible at the university, what did he realize? 19. Who helped Luther in his study of the Bible? 20. Why did Luther go to a monastery? 21. What words did Luther hear while on the stairs at Rome? 22. The nailing of the ninety-five theses to the chinch door is considered the beginning of what movement? Give the date. 23. What name is given to those who opposed the Catholic Church after the princes signed their protest against religious intolerance? 24. Name three places that were important in the life of Luther, and tell why each was important. Lesson 31 25. Who, when writing a book about saints, discovered that the legends of the church did not agree with the Bible? 26. Who invited the people of Paris to attend Protestant meetings in the palace? 27. Who brought the truths of the Reformation to Calvin? 28. What nation became a place of refuge for those who taught the doctrines of the Reformation? 29. What two French Reformers found a refuge there? 30. What city became a stronghold of the Reformation? 31. Who were the Huguenots? 32. What decision did France make concerning the teachings of the Refor- mation? Lesson 32 33. What did Zwingli determine to accept as the word of God? 34. Of what did Zwingli convince the people concerning forgiveness of sin? 35. To whom did Zwingli look for salvation? 36. How successful was Zwingli in teaching the true way of salvation? 37. What nation became largely Protestant through the work of Zwingli and other Reformers? 72 Lesson 33 38. Whose version of the Bible was translated into the Dutch language? 39. What was the attitude at first of the rulers of the Netherlands toward the Reformation? 40. Who was the priest that began studying the Bible because he doubted the teachings of his church? 41. When this priest left his church to become a Reformer, what did he do for the next twenty-five years? 42. Who granted freedom of worship to all in the Netherlands? Lesson 34 43. What brothers from Sweden studied Luther’s teachings? 44. Who was the Protestant king of Sweden who asked these brothers to help him? 45. What did the king request the brothers to do? 46. What attitude did Sweden take toward the Reformation? Lesson 35 47. Who converted two monks through prison bars? 48. What did Christiem Pedersen do for the Danish people? 49. What was the outcome of the Reformation in Denmark? Lesson 36 50. Who made the first translation of the Scriptures into English? 51. Who later saw the need for another translation of the Bible? 52. Give three reasons why England needed a new translation of the Bible. 53. What happened to Tyndale as a result of his determination to give Eng- land a new translation? 54. What attitude did England take toward the Roman Catholic Church? 55. Who revised Tyndale’s Bible? 56. At whose request was the complete Bible provided for England? Lesson 37 57. Who carried the teachings of Wycliffe to Scotland? -*58. What truth did John Knox teach in his first sermon?.---- 59. What kind of nation did the Scottish Parliament declare Scotland to be? 60. How did Mary Queen of Scots treat John Knox? 61. As a result of the Reformation how was Europe divided? Lesson 38 62. Did Protestants always give religious liberty to others? Prove your answer. 73 63. What new country did God prepare as a place of safety for His people? 64. Who was forced to flee from his home colony because of his religious beliefs? 65. Which chapter of the Bible gives a prophecy concerning the United States? 66. What do the two horns of the beast in that prophecy represent? 67. Which church period of John’s vision represented the time of the Re- formers? 68. What was the great principle of Protestantism? Lesson 39 69. What choice did France make concerning the truths taught by the Re- formers? 70. What was the result of that choice? 71. Which version of the Bible authorized in England is still in use today? How many years ago was it authorized? 72. Show how the work of the Reformation should be continued today. 73. What did Vinet mean when he said we must “return to the abundant and pure fountain of all truth”? MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 6 1. Reformers. Match the name of the man in the first column with the name of the country in which he worked as given in the second column. Put the number of the country on the blank. _a. William Farel _b. William of Orange _c. William Tyndale .d. Menno Simons _e. John Knox Olaus and Laurentius Petri _gr. JohnTausen Ji. Roger Williams _i. JohnWycliffe _j. Huss and Jerome Jc. Lefevre _J. Martin Luther _m. John Calvin _n. Zwingli 1. Denmark 2. England 3. France 4. Germany 5. Netherlands 6. Scotland 7. Sweden 8. Switzerland 9. United States 10. Bohemia 74 2. Translators. Name the Reformers who translated the Bible and tell into which language each translated it. 3. Who were these Reformers? To which Reformer does each of the following refer? _________________________a. He had to flee from an American colony and later established a colony that granted religious liberty. _________________________b. He worked for twenty-five years trying to estab- ^ lish Protestantism in the Netherlands. _________________________c. He translated the Bible while in Germany and hid the copies in the cargo of boats going to his homeland. _________________________d. He worked quietly to teach the truth to the monks in two monasteries. _________________________e. He was troubled especially about the Catholic teaching concerning the Lord’s Supper. _________________________/. The king encouraged them to translate the Bible. _________________________g. He had many conflicts with a queen. _________________________h. He gave the English their first printed Bible. 4. Test your thinking and your memory. a. What conditions in the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages showed that a reform was necessary? b. What were the fundamental truths that the Reformers taught? c. Do people as a whole believe them today, or do we need to continue teaching some of them? Which ones? d. What were the results of the Reformation? 75 e. What were the outstanding characteristics of the Reformers? 5. Study of prophecy. a. What verse gives a prophecy of the United States?__________ b. Which prophets tell something about the papacy?_____________ c. Which of the seven churches gives a picture of this period of history? Write briefly what it says___________________________________________ 6. Order of events. Number each group of three events in the order in which they occurred. Make up other exercises like these. a._______Luther was kept a prisoner at Wartburg. _______Luther nailed the ninety-five theses to the church door. _______Staupitz talked to Luther. b________Printing was invented. _______Wycliffe translated the Bible into English. _______Tyndale translated the Bible into English. c. ______Reformation established in England. _______Catholic Church dominated England. _______Pilgrims left England because they could not worship as they pleased. d. _____Wycliffe worked to free England from the friars. _______The Reformation began in Bohemia. _______Jerome became a Reformer in Bohemia. e. _____Luther climbed the “holy stairs” on his knees. _______The Princes protested against the wrong teachings of the church. _______Luther burned the papal bull and other church writings. /._______Period of history represented by the Sardis church. _______Period of history represented by the Pergamos church. _______Period of history represented by the Thyatira church. 76 9' Jerome recanted for a while. Huss was burned at the stake. Armies tried to put down Reformation in Bohemia. h.------Luther called to Augsburg. ------Luther wrote the ninety-five theses. ------Tetzel sold indulgences in Germany. i-------John Calvin studied the Bible. ------Calvin helped make Geneva the center of the Reformation in Switzerland. ------Calvin talked to his cousin. 7. Memory verses. Finish these verses and tell where they are found: o. “He that overcometh, and keepeth_____________________________________ b. “When they deliver c. “He that overcometh, the same 8. Who said, to whom, and under what circumstances? a. “Here I stand. I can do no other; may God help me.” b. “With whom, think you, are ye contending? With an old man on the brink of the grave? No! with Truth—Truth which is stronger than you, and will overcome you.” 77 c. “I am fourscore and two years old and cannot live long by nature, but a hundred better shall rise out of the ashes of my bones.” d. “Most joyfully will I wear the crown of shame for Thy sake, O Lord Jesus, who for me didst wear a crown of thorns.” e. “If God spares my life, I will take care that a plowboy shall know more of the Scriptures than you do.” /. “Christ will give me His Spirit to overcome these ministers of error.” g. “Difficulties are removed simply by the reading and hearing of the Scriptures.” h. “Lord God, Father Almighty, have mercy upon me, and be merciful unto mine offenses, for Thou knowest how sincerely I have loved Thy truth.” i. “Is not, then, Christianity the best safeguard of the general security?” 9. Some suggestions for oral review. a. Choose the names of three Reformers to tell about. Review the Reformers so well that during class time you can have three persons stand and tell the following: No. 1 will give the name of a Reformer. No. 2 will give the name of the country in which he worked. No. 3 will tell whether or not he translated the Bible. Be prepared to be No. 1, 2, or 3. b. A game to play using the memory verses you have learned this year: Choose two teams and have them stand in parallel lines. On a table in front of the leaders place a pile of cards on which are written the references for the memory verses. The leader of one side steps forward, picks up a card, and says the verse. If he says it correctly, he keeps the card. If he does not say it correctly he puts it at the bottom of the pile. He goes to the end of his line. The leader of the other side then takes his turn in the same way. The players alternate in this way. The side collecting the most memory verse cards wins. 78 UNIT 7 BLAZING THE TRAIL IN MISSION LANDS LESSON 40: AROUSED TO SERVE Use check-up questions 1-6, page 83. Who's Who. Add Wesley brothers, Baron von Weltz, Pietists, Moravians, Count Zinzendorf, George Whitefield. Use Your Bible 1. What is meant by having a form of religion? 2 Timothy 3:5_______________ 2. When Christ is in the heart, what hope does a Christian have? Colossians 1:27.____________________________________________________________:_____ 3. What will a Christian be doing if his Christian experience is true? 1 John 3:24. _________________________________________________________________ Q) What two things must a church have before it can carry on a strong missionary program? Luke 22:32------------------------------------------------- Things to Do Using the index of authors, page 618 of The Church Hymnal, see how many of Charles Wesley’s hymns are included. Which are your favorites? Find one hymn translated by John Wesley. Who wrote the original words? Early Missionaries As you study each missionary, give the following information about him in this chart. Put Baron von Weltz’s name on first. 79 Missionary Home Country Where He Worked What He Did 80 LESSON 41: WITNESSING TO THE AMERICAN INDIANS Use check-up questions 7-11, page 83. Early Missionaries. Add John Eliot, Brainerd brothers. LESSON 42: TO INDIA'S MILLIONS Use check-up questions 12-15, page 84 Early Missionaries. Add William Carey. Who's Who. Add Dr. Thomas. Important Dates and Events. Add 1792. William Carey's text: Fill in the blanks below: “________________the place of thy tent, and let them_______________________ forth the curtains of thine habitation:_________not,______________________thy cords, and______________________thy stakes; For thou shalt__________________________on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed________________________________the Gentiles, and_____________the desolate_________________to be inhabited.” Isaiah 54:2, 3. LESSON 43: OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES IN CHINA Use check-up questions 16-18, page 84 Early Missionaries. Add Robert Morrison. Who's Who. Add William MUne. LESSON 44: WITH AMERICAN MISSIONARIES IN BURMA Use check-up questions 19-23, page 84 Early Missionaries. Add Adoniram Judson. Who's Who. Add Samuel Mills. 81 LESSON 45: INTO THE HEART OF AFRICA Use check-up questions 24-29, page 84. Early Missionaries. Add Moffat, Livingstone. Livingstone or Moffat? Tell whether each expression refers to Livingstone or Moffat: ______________________a. Was the first to go to Africa. ______________________b. Was the great explorer. ______________________c. Was responsible for winning Africaner to Christ. ______________________d. Worked in the southern part of Africa. ______________________e. Died while on his knees in prayer. ______________________/. Said he saw “the smoke of a thousand villages where no missionary has ever been.” ______________________g. Was the father-in-law of the other. ______________________h. Buried in Westminster Abbey. ______________________i. Translated the Bible into the Bechuana language. ______________________j. Decided to be a missionary when he heard the other one tell of his mission experience. ______________________k. Stanley was sent to find him. ______________________l. Was determined to destroy slave trade. LESSON 46: ISLANDS OF DANGER Use check-up questions 30-33, page 84. Early Missionaries. Add John WHMams. Islands in Prophecy Isaiah prophesied that the islands would receive the gospel. From each of these references, copy the words that tell what the islands will do. a. Isaiah 60:9__________________________________________________________ b. Isaiah 51:5__________________________________________________________ c. Isaiah 42:4__________________________________________________________ d. Isaiah 42:10_________________________________________________________ 82 e. Isaiah 42:12. LESSON 47: TRIUMPH ON THE CANNIBAL ISLANDS Use check-up questions 34-36, page 84. Early Missionaries. Add John Paton. Williams or Paton? Tell whether these refer to Williams or Paton: --------------------a. Was a boatbuilder. --------------------b. Translated the New Testament. --------------------c. Dug a well. --------------------d. Was a martyr. ____________________e. Went to Australia for help. ____________________/. Abraham was his friend. --------------------g. Was the first to go to the South Seas. ____________________h. Went to England for help. CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 7 Lesson 40 1. Who was the first Protestant missionary to go to a foreign land? 2. What were the Protestants in Germany called? 3. Who were the Moravians? 4. What lesson did the Wesley brothers learn from the Moravians? 5. What was Whitefield preaching that caused him to be shut out of his church? 6. What lessons did John and Charles Wesley need to leam about conversion? Lesson 41 7. Name three men who worked for the American Indians. 8. Which one prepared an Indian grammar? 9. Which one translated the Bible for the Indians? 10. Upon whom did David Brainerd depend for help in bringing the Indians to repentance? 11. When David Brainerd died, who took his place? 83 Lesson 42 12. What did William Carey place on the wall of his shoeshop? 13. To what country did Carey go as a missionary? 14. What did Carey do for the Bengali people of India? 15. Who worked with Carey on this important work? Lesson 43 16. Who was the first Protestant missionary to China? 17. Who helped him in his translation of the Bible into Chinese? 18. For what work is Robert Morrison most noted? Lesson 44 19. Who started a prayer band so that mission work could be promoted? 20. Who influenced Judson to be a missionary? 21. What caused him to join the Baptist Church? 22. When the missionaries had to leave India, to what country did they go? 23. Who translated the Bible into the Burmese language? Lesson 45 24. What promise was Robert Moffat asked to make? 25. Into what language did Moffat translate the Bible? 26. What great criminal did he lead to Christ? 27. Who went to Africa after hearing Moffat tell of his experiences? 28. Who was like Luke, a missionary physician? 29. Who went to Africa to find Livingstone? Lesson 46 30. On what group of islands did John Williams make his headquarters? 31. What was “The Messenger of Peace”? 32. For what people did John Williams translate the Bible? 33. Where did Williams go to get help for the printing of his Bible translation? Lesson 47 34. What work did Paton do before going as a foreign missionary? 35. Where did he go as a missionary? 36. What country did Paton visit to raise money for a mission ship? MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 7 1. To whom does each group of words refer? a. Two missionaries to Africa.------------------- --------------------- 84 b. Missionaries to the American Indians. c. Translated the Bible. d. His wife showed unusual bravery while he was held as a spy. e. Was killed______________________ f. Was a boatbuilder_____________________ g. Explored much of South and Central Africa.___________________ h. Was the first Protestant missionary_________________________ %. Worked for the sending of missionaries but never went himself. j. Founders of the Methodist Church. _________ Tc. Went to cannibal islands__________________ l. Helped to stop the practice of burning widows. m. Came from England------------------------- n. Came from America------------------------------ 2. Memory verses. Finish these verses and tell where each is found: a. “Let them give glory--------------------------- b. “I can do all things c. “The harvest truly is 85 d. “Enlarge the place e. “All nations whom Thou 3. Matching. In the column on the right is a list of places where missionaries worked. Match the place of work with the missionary by putting the correct number on the blank. Missionaries Places of Work a.. Von Weltz 1. India b. Wesley brothers 2. America c. John Eliot 3. Africa d. Brainerd brothers 4. Burma e. William Carey 5. Society Islands /• Robert Morrison 6. Dutch Guiana g. Adoniram Judson 7. China h. Robert Moffat 8. New Hebrides i. David Livingstone b John Williams k. John Paton TEST YOUR LEARNING, Units 5-7 (See note on page 50) 1. Memory verses. Repeat the verses that teach the following, and give the references: 86 a. Do not worry about what you will say when you are arrested and tried for your faith. b. Those who have a knowledge of the Bible have light. c. Jesus will confess our names before His Father. d. Salvation is a gift of God. e. We are to give God the glory. /. We need to study the Bible diligently. g. The overcomer will receive power over the nations. h. We shall be given a white stone with our new name on it. i. Overcomers may die the first death, but the second death will not hurt them. j. If Christ helps us, we can do all things. k. We do not need to be afraid, because God will strengthen and help us. Z. God wants us to do as large a work as we can and to extend it as far as possible. m. The islands praise the Lord. n. We must pray for the advancement of God’s work. o. All nations shall worship God. 2. Number these in the order in which they occurred: ___________a. Development of papacy ___________b. Pagan persecution ___________c. Dark Ages ___________d. Missionaries to all the world ___________e. Wesleyan movement ___________/. Reformation ___________g. Revival of learning 3. Give the meaning of these words or phrases: a. papal supremacy b. pagan c. apostasy d. Reformation e. revival of learning /. prophecy g. purgatory h. baptism i. martyr j. Protestant k. recant Z. mystery of iniquity m. antichrist n. papal Rome o. pagan Rome p. sacraments q. pope r. time of the end s. translate t. tradition u. intolerant v. doctrine to. church fathers x. civil liberty y. religious liberty z. heretic aa. Lollards bb. friars cc. monastery dd. excommunication ee. interdict //. Scripture 87 4. On the blank before each name put an "R" if the person is a Reformer; "M" if he is a missionary; and "B" if he translated the Bible. .a. John Knox Jb. Von Weltz _c. William Carey -d. Jerome _e. Petri brothers _/. David Livingstone -g. Brainerd brothers Ji. Tausen _i. Wesley brothers _j. John Paton _fc. John Calvin -l. Jacques Lefevre m. Adoniram Judson m. John Huss jo. John Williams .p. William Tyndale jq. Menno Simons _r. Robert Moffat js. Robert Morrison John Eliot -u. Ulrich Zwingli .V. Martin Luther .to. William Farel jv. Roger Williams jy. John Wycliffe 5. Who said, to whom, and under what circumstances? a. “With whom, think you, are ye contending?” b. “What errors shall I renounce? I know myself guilty of none.” c. “I cannot and I will not retract, for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other; may God help me.” d. “I defy the pope, and all his laws!” e. “If princes exceed their bounds, . . . they may doubtless be resisted.” f. “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” g. “I think I have a better appreciation of what heaven may be.” 88 h. “I have sometimes seen, in the morning sun, the smoke of a thousand villages where no missionary has ever been.” 6. Matching, Part A. Directions: For each item in column 3, choose an item in column 1 and one in column 2 that are most closely connected with it. Write both numbers on each blank. 1 2 3 1. Pope taken captive 9. Constantine a.d. 303 a. 2. Beginning of modern 10. Roman Catholic Church a.d. 321 b. missions 3. Ten years of pagan 11. Johann Gutenberg a.d. 538 c. persecution 4. Ninety-five theses 12. Princes of Germany a.d. 1456 d. 5. Beginning of the 13. A French general a.d. 1517 e. wt papacy 6. Protestant movement 14. William Carey a.d.1529 /. begins 7. First Sunday law 15. Diocletian a.d. 1792 g. 8. Invention of the 16. Martin Luther a.d. 1798 h. printing press Matching, Part B. Directions: Same as above. 1. John Paton 10. First Protestant India a.. missionary 2. Charles Wesley 11. King Philip’s War America b. 3. William Carey 12. Writer of hymns Germany c.. 4 Robert Moffat 13. “Attempt great things.” England d. 5. John Williams 14. Haystack Monument American Indians e.. 6. Adoniram Judson 15. Africaner Africa /. 7. John Eliot 16. WeH digger Burma 9- 8. Von Weltz 17. Held as a spy New Hebrides h. 9. Samuel Mills 18. Shipbuilder Society Islands t. 7. Bible teachings. a. What Bible teachings did the false church take away? lb’. What important truths did the Reformers teach? 8. A B C's of missionaries and reformers. There are many qualifications and characteristics which missionaries and reformers must possess in order to do successful work. Think of at least one qualification or characteristic for each letter of the alphabet below. If one word will not be sufficient, write a phrase. Continue the alphabet as far as you wish or have time to do. A reformer or missionary should be A .T S B TC T_ C T, IT D M V E N W E. O X a P Y H Q Z_ I R Which of these characteristics and qualifications apply to all Christians? 9. Review the exercises under Measure Your Learning in all the units you have had. 90 UNIT 8 THE REMNANT CHURCH CALLED TO WITNESS LESSON 48: THE FIRST ANGEL'S MESSAGE IN THE OLD WORLD Use check-up questions 1-8, page 96. Who's Who. Add Johann Bengel, Manuel Lacunza, Joseph Wolff, Edward Irving, Frangois Gaussen. Christ's Second Coming Read these verses in your Bible. Then write the number of each reference on the blank following the statement with which it agrees. 1. Acts 1:11 2. Luke 12:40 3. Matthew 16:27 4. Revelation 1:7 5. Jude 14 6. Matthew 24:14 7. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 8. Matthew 24:27 a. Christ will come with angels. b. He will come when the gospel has gone to all the world. c. Every eye shall see Him. d. He will come with His saints. e. He will call forth the righteous dead. /. He shall come as He left. g. His coming will be as visible as the lightning. h. He will come at an hour when men think not. LESSON 49: THE FIRST ANGEL'S MESSAGE IN THE NEW WORLD Use check-up questions 9-14, pages 96, 97. Who's Who. Add William Miller, Josiah IAtch, Joshua Himes, Joseph Bates, James White, Charles Fitch. LESSON 50: "COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE" Use check-up questions 15-24, page 97. Who's Who. Add S. S. Snow, William Foy, Hazen Foss. 91 Important Dates and Events. Add March and April, 1844. The Ten Virgins Find and read the parable of the ten virgins. Then write what each of the following meant in the experience of the Adventists: 1. bridegroom_______________________________________________________________ 2. five wise virgins________________________________________________________ 3. lamps__________________________________________________________________ 4. oil____________________________________________________________________ 5. tarrying time____________________________________________________________ 6. midnight cry_____________________________________________________________ Use Your Bible 1. Where in the Bible is reference made to the 2300 days?_________________ 2. Of what vision were the 2300 days a part? Daniel 8:3-14. 3. Who had the vision? Daniel 8:1.----------------------------- 4 Who came to interpret the vision? Daniel 8:15, 16.----------- 5. To what nation did the ram in the vision refer? Daniel 8:20. 6. To what nation did the he-goat refer? Verse 21-------------------------- 7. When Daniel heard about a nation that was coming in the latter days that would “destroy wonderfully,” and “magnify himself in his heart,” and “stand up against the Prince of princes,” he could not listen to the rest of the interpretation. Why not? Daniel 8:27.__________________________ 8. Daniel prayed earnestly to God. For what was he praying? Daniel 9:4,5. 9. What praise did he give to God? Daniel 9:9. 92 10. Who came while Daniel was still praying? Why did he come? Daniel 9:20-22.______________________________________________________________ 11. The only part of the dream that had not been interpreted was that given in Daniel 8:14. What was it?___________________________________________________ 12. Daniel 9:24-27 is an explanation of the__________days. Yes-No L Did the seventy weeks and the 2300 days begin at the same time? 2. Have the 2300 days come to an end yet? 3. Was the time of Jesus’ death foretold by Daniel? 4 Did Daniel live to see the 2300-day prophecy fulfilled? 5. Does one week of time represent one year in prophecy? 6. Did the 2300 days begin with the going forth of the command to build Jerusalem? 7. Did a.d. 31 come in the midst of the seventieth week? "Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." 2300 YEARS "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people." COMMAND TO REBUILD JERUSALEM RESTORATION COMPLETED 7 WEEKS I__________________________ 62 WEEKS MESSIAH CUT OFF MESSIAH | GOSPEL TO ANOINTED | THE GENTILES t INVESTIGATIVE JUDGMENT 1*10 YEARS The 2300 Days The chart gives the main divisions and events connected with the prophecy of the 2300 days. Only the dates are missing. Write them on the dotted lines. The arrows point to the proper events. 93 LESSON 51: LIGHT SHINES THROUGH DARKNESS Use check-up questions 25-29, page 97. Who's Who. Add Hiram Edson, Ellen Harmon. Important Dates and Events. Add October 22,1844. Encouragement for the Faithful Adventists These verses especially helped the Adventists after their disappointment. Read them in the Bible and fill in the missing words. “Cast not away therefore__________________________, which hath_________ recompense__________________For ye have____________________________________, that, after ye have done______________________________, ye might receive the ________________For yet a__________________________, and He that___________ ____________________________, and will__________________Now the____________ __________________________________: but if any draw back, My soul__________ ____________________________in him. But we are not of them_________________ __________________________________; but of them that_________________to the ____________of the__________” Hebrews 10:35-39. Use your Bible and concordance to find the story of the little book John was told to eat. This would be a good passage to read for family worship. Yes-No 1. Did all groups of Adventists believe that the 2300 days ended in 1844? ______ 2. Did all groups receive further light on the 2300 days? ______ 3. Was this earth cleansed in 1844? ------ 4. Are all people glad when they hear Jesus is coming soon? ______ Multiple choice: (Underline the correct answer.) 1. The earth (does, does not) need cleansing. 2. The cleansing of the earth takes place (at the first coming of Jesus, during the year 1844, during the investigative judgment, after Jesus comes the second time). 3. The earthly sanctuary was cleansed (on the Day of Atonement, during the Passover). 4. The earth is to be cleansed (by fire, by water, by Jesus’ blood). 94 LESSON 52: THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH Use check-up questions 30-34, page 97. Who's Who. Add Rachel Preston, T. M. Preble. Our Growth It seems that the work of Seventh-day Adventists is growing very fast now. But when the rate of growth is studied in relation to the number of church members, it can be seen that the church made its greatest percentage of growth in the ten-year period from 1872 to 1882. If the church members of today had the spirit of the pioneers, much greater progress would be made than is actually being made. When will large numbers be added to the church? The Great Controversy pages 611, 612. Discuss your answer in class. The Pillars of Our Faith Write from memory the five fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which make it different from most other churches. 1________________________________________________________________________ 2________________________________________________________________________ 3 ______________________________________________________________________ 4 ______________________________________________________________________ 5 ______________________________________________________________________ Read again the outline of Mrs. White’s vision on page 325 of your text. Notice how complete it was, and how much of it we have already studied this year. LESSON 53: THE MESSENGER OF GOD Use check-up questions 35-39, page 97. What does the Bible say about the Spirit of Prophecy? 1. It is difficult for many people to believe that God had a prophet in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. What proofs do you find in these references that it was God’s plan to have the Spirit of Prophecy in the church after Bible times? Joel 2:28.---------—------------------------------------------------------- 95 Acts 2:17. Revelation 12:17; 19:10, last part. 2. How was Mrs. White like these prophets while in vision? Balaam, Numbers 24:4.__________________________________ Daniel, Daniel 10:17, last part. Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1:6-8. CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 8 Lesson 48 1. Whose prophecies did Lacunza study? 2. Who studied the Spanish language in order to read and translate Lacunza’s book? 3. Who was the man in Germany who believed in, and wrote a book about, the second coming of Jesus? 4. What Jewish boy had to leave home because of his interest in Chris- tianity? 5. Who had to give up preaching in his own church because he preached about the second coming of Christ? 6. Who became interested in prophecy while studying history? 7. Who studied and taught about the second coming of Jesus before he learned that others Were doing the same thing? 8. In what country did children preach the message of the judgment? Lesson 49 9. Who was one of the first in America to study about the second coming of Christ? 10. What truth did he learn about the millennium? 11. Who made a chart of the symbols used in Daniel and the Revelation? 12. Who were the four new helpers in preaching the early return of Christ? 13. People were given greater confidence in the Bible by the fulfillment of what prophecy? 96 14 Which church period in John’s vision represented the time of the missionary-minded church? Lesson 50 15. What parable did the Adventists study after their disappointment? 16. What is meant by “the tarrying time”? 17. What is meant by “the midnight cry”? 18. Following the disappointment in the spring, what date was set for Christ’s second coming? 19. What prophecy were the Adventists studying when they set a date for the return of Jesus? 20. With what event did the 2300 days begin? 21. What mistake did the Adventists make in setting the date for that event? 22. What two men were given visions early in the advent movement? 23. In the disappointment of October 22, 1844, were the Adventists mistaken in the time or in the nature of the event? 24 What is the second angel’s message? Lesson 51 25. Who, while crossing a field, was given a vision? 26. What judgment must be finished before Jesus comes the second time? 27. What new truth did Joseph Bates begin teaching? 28. What young girl was given a vision at a prayer meeting? 29. Where did Jesus go on October 22,1844? Lesson 52 30. Whose tract on the Sabbath influenced the belief of Joseph Bates? 31. Who became Mrs. James White? 32. Who brought the truth of the seventh-day Sabbath to the Adventists? 33. After a new truth was accepted, what did God do to give the believers confidence? 34. What were the five principal truths studied? Lesson 53 35. What is “the testimony of Jesus”? 36. Whom did Ellen hear preach concerning the second coming of Jesus? 37. How did she wish to be baptized? 38. Name two tests of a true prophet. 39. What two continents did Mrs. White visit? 97 MEASURE YOUR LEARNING, Unit 8 1. Which was first? a. The proclamation of the advent message in the Old World or in the New? b. Seventh Day Baptists or Seventh-day Adventists, in keeping the true Sabbath? c. The first angel’s message or the midnight cry? d. Learning Bible truths through Bible study or through special revelation from God? e. Ellen Harmon’s first vision or the midnight cry? /. “Come out of her, My people” or “The hour of His judgment is come”? g. Joseph Wolff’s preaching or William Miller’s? h. Ellen Harmon’s receiving her first vision or her beginning to keep the true Sabbath? i. Understanding the time of the 2300-day prophecy, or understanding the meaning of the cleansing of the sanctuary? j. The disappointment of October 22 or the understanding that there is a sanctuary in heaven? k. The proclamation of the third angel’s message or the October disappointment? l. Edson, Crosier, and Hahn learn the sanctuary truth or Ellen Harmon sees her vision of the heavenly sanctuary? m. Joseph Bates or Ellen Harmon, in keeping the Sabbath? n. The falling of the stars or William Miller’s beginning to lecture? o. The Exeter camp meeting or thousands joining in with the seventh-month movement? p. The second coming of Jesus, the millennium, or the investigative judgment? 2. Tell whether each of the following refers to the first, the second, or the third angel's message, or to all of them. Be able to prove your answer. a. Was given first in the Old World. b. Will be given until Jesus comes. c. Is a call to worship the Creator. d. Is a warning against receiving the mark of the beast. e. Points out the characteristics of the true followers of God. /. Means that the popular Protestant churches had rejected the true gospel light. g. The giving of the message included a time message. h. Calls attention to an event occurring in heaven. i. Was very popular at first. j. Was to go with great power. 98 k. Is a call to separate from those who do not believe the truth. 3. Draw a diagram of the 2300 days, showing the divisions of time, the important dates, and the event that occurred on each date. 4. What do these expressions mean? a. first advent k. tarrying time b. second advent Z. first disappointment c. advent message m. second disappointment d. three angels’ messages n. Spirit of Prophecy e. third angel’s message o. child preachers /. cleansing of the sanctuary p. Old World g. nineteenth century q. prophecy h. seventh-month movement r. the little book i mark of the beast s. Babylon j. midnight cry 5. Use your dictionary and Bible. Look up the words mortal and immortal, and read 1 Corinthians 15:53 and 1 Timothy 6:15,16. Fill in the blanks below. a. Man is________________ b. God is------------------ c. One who is___________________can never die. d. One who is_____________is subject to death. e. The righteous will become-------------------at Jesus’ second coming. 6. What do you think? a. What Bible truths had Ellen Harmon learned which her church did not teach? b. What important doctrines did Adventists believe as a result of their study of the Bible? 99 7. Matching Exercise. Identify the following by writing the correct number in each blank: (Some items have no matching number.) 1. A priest in South America who taught the second coming of Christ. 2. He traveled in many parts of the world, preaching Christ’s coming. 3. He realized the need for a personal Saviour while reading the Sunday sermon. 4. He made a prophetic chart. 5. A firm believer in temperance. 6. He studied about the sanctuary and set October 22 as the date of Jesus’ second coming. 7. He waited too long to tell the vision given him. 8. He made a prediction about the fall of the Turkish Empire. 9. Through his efforts 1,000 persons were converted in six weeks. 10. In a vision he saw Jesus ministering as High Priest. a. Manuel Lacunza 5. William Miller c. William Foy d. Josiah Litch e. James White /. Joseph Wolff g. Uriah Smith h. Joseph Bates i. Rachel Oakes-Preston j. Hazen Foss k. Ellen Harmon l. William Carey m. S. S. Snow 11. The Seventh Day Baptist who gave the Sabbath truth to the Adventists. 12. He wrote a tract that influenced Joseph Bates to accept the Sabbath. 13. She became God’s messenger. n. T. M. Preble o. Johann Bengel p. Hiram Edson q. Charles Fitch 100 UNIT 9 ORGANIZED FOR SERVICE LESSON 54: FINDING A WAY TO WORK TOGETHER Use check-up questions 1-7, page 106. Who's Who. Add John Byington. Important Dates and Events. Add 1860,1863,1879,1888,1901, 1903. God's Plan of Tithing The early pioneers wondered how they could pay their ministers, so they studied the Bible to learn what it taught about the tithing plan. They wanted to know whether or not that was the plan God wants His people to use now. Below are some questions about tithe paying. After each question one or more Bible references are given. Read them and write briefly the answers the pioneers could have written. 1. What part of our income really belongs to God? Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21.________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is it reasonable for God to ask us to give that money back to Him for the support of His work. Psalm 24:1; Deuteronomy 8:18.______________ 3. What command does God give concerning the tithe? Leviticus 27:30; Mala-chi 3:10________________________________________________________________ 4. How serious an offense is it if we do not pay tithe? Malachi 3:9. 5. In addition to paying our tithe, what else does God expect us to give? Malachi 3:8________________________________________________________ 6. What blessings are promised to those who are faithful in these matters? Malachi 3:10-12____________________________________________________ 101 7. What did Jesus tell the Jews of His day concerning the paying of tithes? Luke 11:42. 8. What workers were paid by the tithe in Old Testament times? Numbers 18:21, 24____________________________________________________________ 9. What similar group of workers is there in the church today? 1 Corinthians 9:14_________________________________________________________________ 10. Copy the part of this verse that indicates they should receive the tithe. 11. What persons in Old Testament times are especially mentioned because they paid tithe? Genesis 14:20; 28:22. ________________________________ 12. How much tithe should be paid on an income of $35?_____________________ of $4.50?__________of 50 cents?_____________of 75 cents?____________of $24.75?____________ Study the Map Study the map of the world divisions of the work of Seventh-day Adventists, page 438. How many world divisions are there at the present time? LESSON 55: PRINTERS FOR GOD Use check-up questions 8-11, page 106. Who's Who. Add Annie Smith, Uriah Smith, A. G. Daniells. Important Dates and Events. Add 1849. Test your memory: Underline the correct answer. 1. The Adventists printed (tracts, magazines, books) first. 2. The one who wrote most for the first periodicals was (Joseph Bates, Hiram Edson, James White). 3. The first permanent home for the Review and Herald, with the Adventists owning both the building and the press, was at (Middletown, Battle Creek, Salamanca). 102 4. The one whom God chose to write the first paper was (Ellen Harmon, J. N. Loughborough, James White). 5. The first denominational paper was printed in (1849,1854,1903). 6. (Uriah Smith, James White, J. N. Andrews) was connected with the edi- torial work of the Review and Herald for fifty years. 7. (Ellen G. White, Annie Smith, Hiram Edson) wrote poems and songs. 8. The general church paper is (the Signs of the Times, The Youth’s In- structor, the Review and Herald). LESSON 56: A SCHOOL FOR EVERYONE Use check-up questions 12-16, pages 106,107. Who's Who. Add Frank Belden. The Sabbath-School Tree Are you sure you understand all the branches of the Sabbath-school tree? Can you explain them to someone who is not familiar with the organization of Seventh-day Adventists? 103 LESSON 57: TRAINING YOUTH FOR SERVICE Use check-up questions 17-19, page 107. Who's Who. Add Professor Bell, Professor Broumsberger. LESSON 58: MISSIONARY VOLUNTEERS Use check-up questions 20-23, page 107. Who's Who. Add Luther Warren, Meade MacGuire, M. E. Kern. Bible Advice to Youth L What advice did the wisest man who ever lived give to young people? Ecclesiastes 12:1. __________________________________________________________ 2. What advice did Paul give a young man? 1 Timothy 4:12. 3. When did the prophet Jeremiah think people should start carrying responsibility ? Lamentations 3:27_________________________________________ Steps in the development and organization of the Young People's Missionary Volunteers: See how many steps you can discover in the story in your text. LESSON 59: THE WAY TO HEALTHFUL LIVING Use check-up questions 24-28, page 107. Who's Who. Add Dr. H. 8. Lay. Temperance L How much does Christian temperance include? 1 Corinthians 9:25. 104 2. What did strong drink lead each of the following persons to do? Nadab and Abihu: Leviticus 10:1-11; Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 359- 362. _________________________________________________________________ Herod: Mark 6:21-28; The Desire of Ages, pp. 221, 222. Belshazzar: Daniel 5:1-5; Prophets and Kings, pp. 523-527. 3. What instruction did God give about the rearing of John the Baptist? Luke 1:15; Counsels on Health, p. 72; Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 71; Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 62.______________________________________________ 4. What stand did Daniel and his friends take that showed they believed in temperance? Daniel 1:5-20; Education, pp. 54-56; Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 515,516. _____________________________________________________________ LESSON 60: OTHER DEPARTMENTS ORGANIZED TO HELP Use check-up questions 29-33, page 107. Who's Who. Add 8. N. Haskell, George King. Our Relationship to God and Civil Authorities 1. What did each of the following say that should help us know our relationship to God and to the civil authorities? Jesus: Matthew 22:21.-------------------------------------------------- Peter and John: Acts 5:29. 105 Paul: Romans 13:7, 8. 2. Which incident in the life of each of these persons shows the correct relation to God and the civil authorities? Daniel:__________________________________________________________________ Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: Peter and John: Esther: CHECK-UP QUESTIONS, Unit 9 Lesson 54 I. How did the Adventists feel about organization? (J2y In what part