PHE EDCATTHIN ible will take place. Sabbath, az the Whether SIH Or the week, the lord's Dav. this persecution may come Liter, let no one of us participate in it. fives as bul may we have sa spent our citizens of this worid that we shall bw accounted worthy of that a Citizenship in walls are of old City whose Jas pu and whose streets are pure that City in heaven above” TO THE UNION COLLIGE STUDENTS Moo Adar Frerend = You have asked me to write vou about the work we hind to doin Adriea, Ths i mission is years old. Elder F. B old Matabele Mission, now called Solus: low nearly sv Armitage had been at the Station, {our years He desired to open another mission further norti, so hie ob- tained ten donkeys, and a big enuigram wagon. Then, like Abraham. he took his journey toward a tand which the Lord would show ham After eight days of steady travel partly hy day and partly by oight, over sand and stones, often with no roads, or but 2 cow path, a kraals The mission site as suitable place was tound among ol the Shuna tribe, 150 miles Somabulo Forest. north-east of salusy, 10 {he Gwelo, on the Bern Mashonaland Railway, thiviy miles away and office. is the nearest station post zweleo resembles one of the frontier towns of the west, set in the open coun: try, and bounded only by space. lts people number about hitty white and two hundred black. The “forest” mentioned above is noun: Like those of the St recognize it as such, os veu would aot The average height of the trees 1s twenty feet. Jmescarcely fet, maxim ever reaches thirty Eighteen nv ches is the diameter, and many of the trees have tla spreading Little underbrush grows here, so with the trees tops. The sot! is sandy, and very MHENSENGEDR ty crowing fur apart, the forest looks cone siderably The an orchard when seen from a sdistanoe, Most frees here are di i The Siduvus, fhe leaves falling in Jane. beards used Tor seats in the school are Py hand freon the mnéc fan dabae ree. Poovvdis are one foot wide, touar- foen feet long ond ve neh theck, The wood 1s avd we avy, and resembles The more cosnnon free, the walvrwt ones hiat Hpac 1s a wood of which hiord Ps vary and 1s waed for repairing amd things requiring great Fhe maugwe tree is ased for making ov vokes No dand is sold nere, so Elder Armitage vents as much as he desires to cultivate. The reatad is bitty cents an acre per year. This Somabulo District is a native re- serve whitch 1s the reason land will not be wold. The Betish South Adrican Com pany voverns the vast territory named chavier This reserves certain regions where Rhodesia under trom the King of Foagland, COMpPany minerals are supposed to exist an winch mining rights are sold for revenue, Much Classes complaint 1s heard {rom all adarnst government iniusiice. You will notice on the stunp of this letter the motto Justice. Commerce, Freedom.” The peovle of the country would reader the motto thus: "lojustice, Extortion in trade, Bondage" One com- plaiut of the natives is against the poll tan. Each man and cach boy above a mast pay five dollars tax The size of boys is the standard Because neither the boy nor his parcats koow bis age. No record is kept of the frre of barth por of iny event whatever. The tay 1 eneessive, being double that ts of South ol most Africa. Besides thas poll tax oun wen, men haviug than ane wife inusi hore ~230 on each one be stddes the first, So aman having ten wives wand ten boys over about twelve years ofage mast pay =77.50 taxes, Few men here ave able to afford more than five waves, and the average is pro-