Fx ° 4 | | 1S [] 7 Pe Quite another to make fife a part of your Christianity. Take Jonathan Henderson, junior theology major al P acefre Uieon College. Along with a tough schedule of term-papers, exanes. and lectures, Jonathan aperds moat of bio weekends abaring Chrisd. He speaka to churched, youl bh groups, campmeel ing, academics — anigne wha lf futen {o bly candid enthusiast for (od, “Ito tiring sometime, but (t+ never a burden, When the Lord calls you, when you fully grasp Lhe good new, you can t keep doin 1 ju? aay, Tord, you play me. You re Lhe miaiean; Pm the inatrument.” At PUC, our academic proaram competes with the country o top schools and that great. But theres more. For over 100 years, PUC & students have priraiced pavatonately vw fai really importa. That night include feeding the homeless in downtown Berkeley, teaching Engluh in Microneaia, rebuilding a sebool in Honduras, sharing Christ ar a local rn — church. or praying wth roomniales How can you get invo [ved at PUC? CROSSWAYS— in the dorm. participating in the student-run church service LIGHTHOUSE— [80 a complete life - a pasion that Jee beyond trateicripls and favoeks. Ita hold education — serving in local community outreach opportunities CHILDREN'S CHURCH— preparing a worahip service for community children THE HOMELESS PROJECT— feeding the homeicasr at People » Park one that makes STUDENT ASSOCIATION— feading out (n social and religious ¢ hrist everything. endeavors STUDENT MISSIONS AND TASKFORCE— wolunicering a year to derve BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER— “adopiing” a chidd A #9 iv. California PRISON MINISTRIES — providing church services for priv a inmates 41708 $00 - 862,080 PRAYER GROUPS— praying and supporting each other www. puc.edu