Hospital and Health Center Ground Broken at St. Helena “Into our second century of service” themed the Centennial Ground Breaking Ceremony held December 7, at St. Helena Hospital and Health Center on the lawn adjacent to the hos- pital’'s main entrance. Elder Cree Sandefur, presi- dent of the Pacific Union Con- ference, pointed out that the present trend of government interest in preventive medicine 1s significant to St. Helena Hos- pital in that “it was founded John Stanton, MD, turns the first soil with an antique shovel. on the premise of caring for the entire person’ and emphasized “preventive rather than cura- tive medicine.” To commemorate the occa- sion, Dr. John Stanton, great- orandson of William Pratt, one of the founding fathers of the institution, broke the first ground, using an antique shovel. Then sclected members of the hospital staff and community participated in a more tradi- tional group ground breaking. Speakers for the event in- cluded State Senator John Dunlap; Robert Mondavi, chair- man of the Development Com- mittee; Pete Settle, represent- ing United States Congressman Don Clausen: in addition to St. Helena Hospital President Clarence Miller and Elder San- defur. The invocation for the cere- mony was offered by Rev. Rich- ard Tumilty, Rector of the St. Helena Episcopal Church. The Mayor of St. Helena, Lowell Smith, presented the closing re- marks. followed by the bene- diction by Chaplain Dieter Hain of St. Helena Hospital. Hayward Spanish Hosts ‘Graduation’ There was great rejoicing in the Hayward Spanish church on Friday night, November 25, at the culmination of an inten- sive sharing program which had been In progress for several months. This was graduation nicht for 44 persons who had enrolled in the Spanish Voice of Prophecy Bible course. The church embarked upon this adventure several months aco when they went door-to- door in the Spanish communi- ties. Inviting people to enroll. Participants were called “mis- sionary postmen’ and carried lessons to enrollees from week to week. Elder Carlos Pidoux of the Hayward Spanish Church pre- sided at the graduation service, and Elder Armando Collins of the Spanish Voice of Prophecy was the guest speaker. Flder Collins gave an enthu- silastic presentation, pointing out the happiness with which many are receiving these Bible lessons in various parts of the Second Career Exploration Day Held at PUC Prep Career kxploration Day was sponsored a second time this school year at PUC Prepara- tory School on November 30. Thirteen different career pro- fessionals spent 1': hours with students discussing job descrip- tions, forecasts, expectations and other information regard- ine their respective careers. All students had selected two different career areas to inves- ticate. Therefore, each career professional visited with small oroups of 15 to 20 students. This second of four Career roxploration Days included nine faculty and staff guests from Pacific Union College depart- ments alone. The other four cuests were professionals from Napa, St. Helena and Angwin. TEN-WEEK SERIES HOSTED From Pacific Union College, Prof. Gilbert Muth represented biology. Prof. Robert Reynolds, chairman of the physicial edu- cation, health and recreation department, spoke for recrea- tion specialists and physical cducation teachers, outlining the many advantages of these careers. Clifford Toews. professor in the business administration de- partment, addressed the field of accounting and general busi- ness careers. Eleanor Spoor, who heads the college's counsel- Ing center, spoke on the va- riety of careers within the area of behavioral science arena. Elder Desmond Ford, profes- sor from Australia presently serving in PUC's religion de- BY CARMICHAEL CHURCH 4600 Winding Way, Sacramento CALENDAR FOR JANUARY FEATURING: Smuts Van Rooyen, associate professor at An- drews University, was born and reared in South Africa and was converted from a life of crime. January 13 7:30 p.m. January 14 11.00 a.m. ‘Sabbath 5:00 p.m. Life Brand New How To Get Life that Won't End How To Be Born Again FEATURING: Edward Heppenstall, professor of theology at Loma Linda University and La Sierra College, has devoted his life to the study of the Scriptures and to sharing with others what he has learned. January 20 7:30 p.m. Friday] January 21 11 a.m. Sabbath: 5:00 p.m. Jesus Christ: My Lord and My God God's Supreme Revelation to Man The Scandal of the Cross FEATURING: A. Graham Maxwell, professor of New Testament at Loma Linda University, has made many contributions in the field of theology. January 27 7:30 p.m. Friday] January 28 11:00 a.m. Sabbath: 5:00 p.m. Can the Bible Be Trusted? Can God Be Trusted? Good News in All 66 Books PACIFIC UNION RECORDER/MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1978 partment, shared his own per- sonal experiences in the min- istry and spoke of the demands of this special calling. Prof. Bill Price of the Industrial kXduca- tion Department reviewed the career of welding and related disciplines. Sharlene Wheeler, a profes- sor In oflice administration, stressed the options within her discipline personnel, legal, medical, educational, bilingual, denominational, civil service, ete. Jim Aldred from PUC's college relations and develop- ment oflice spoke of the chal- lences within the public rela- tions media. the community included Dr. Jim IT.atham, a Napa Valley veterinarian who teams up with his veterinarian wife In mostly large animal practice. Dr. Latham brought alone his mobile surgical unit to show the equipment needed (;uests from by vets who work in a large animal practice. (rordon Osborn, MD, phys- cian from the St. Helena Hos- pital and Health Center. shared slides of an open-heart surgery and discussed the differences in philosophies of Internists and surgeons. State Ranger Bill Wagers from nearby Boethe Napa Val- ley State Park presented the wide background of knowledge required of a park ranger law enforcement, history and envi- ronment. Jerold Jolly, certified public accountant from Sono- mea. discussed the growing de- mand for accountants in more unusual areas such as the FBI The ace of computers has broucht advanced technology, but it has also triceered white collar crime through computer Misuse. Prep's next Career Explora- tion Dav will be March 1. Elder Armando Collins from The Voice of Prophecy handed a di- ploma to Emelina Pérez at Hayward’s special “graduation,” while Pastor Carlos Pidoux and another graduate observed. nation. A number have already been baptized. The Spanish churches look forward to more adven- tures of this tvpe in the future. Charles Edwards, PR Dir. Charles E. Bradford General Conference Associate Secretary SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE BY: Place: Market Street Church 900 34th Street Oakland, CA 94608 January 20 7:30 p.m. Friday. January 21 11 am. Sabbath 3 p.m All Neighboring Churches Are Invited! God in the Storm Time to Wake Up Finishing the Work Penn Valley Church Organized On September 17, 1977 the Penn Valley Church was organ- ized under the leadership of Northern's President Philip Follett and Conference Treas- urer Richard Roderick. L.ate in 1975, the Grass Val- ley Church laid plans for a ranch Sabbath School In the Ready Springs School House. When they discovered that not only would the rent be extra- ordinarily high but they would be restricted in the type of ser- vices they could have, they looked for another facility. Olive Robinson, owner of the Indian Springs School House, acreed to let the group use her building, if arrangements could be made with Ken Iarper of the Church of Christ, who had a contract for its use. Nye, Harper agreed, provided they would help clean and re- pair the building. Rent was set at S10 per month. Throughout 1976 several work bees by Grass Valley members were conducted to improve the meeting place. Elder Harv Ev- ens and Harry Swanson spent three hours sanding, polishing and cleaning the seats. The pi- ano was also in very poor con- dition, so lHarlyn Abel per- formed the necessary repair work. Others from Grass Valley worked diligently to get this Jranch Sabbath School under Way. The Branch Sabbath School orev, and on April 30, 1977, then-Conference President Hel- muth Retzer led out in organ- izing the group into a company. Still further growth led to the orcanization of the Penn Valley Church in September. Happy new members of the Penn Valley congregation are organ- ized into a church.