Meanwhile in Paris. BY MICHAEL PEARSON Tuesday 22 October 1844 becoming Wednesday. Lively adventist expectation becoming deep adventist anxiety. Became profound disappointment. Crops rotted. Hope too. Jesus return — cancelled? Postponed? Ellen White — messenger-preacher-prophet. First vision. Paris, Maine. Hope revived. Meanwhile Paris, France, another great disappointment. Sarah Bernhardt born very same Tuesday becoming Wednesday. lllegitimate. Unwanted. Raised in convent. Would-be nun. But another calling. Actress. World's most famous. Theatre, film. Star Hollywood's ‘Walk of Fame’. Vegetarian-eccentric. Touring, treatment in Battle Creek Sanitarium. Adventist-run. Small world! Ellen, Sarah - different women. Pulpit, stage. How different! How, different? Two flames burned. Long and bright. Extinguished, the tallow still smokes. Dr Michael Pearson is Principal Lecturer Emeritus at Newbold College of Higher Education where he has spent a lifetime—some of it as Vice-Principal—but most of it — : FETE A a > 8 an sam HY MOM FESTA). teaching Ethics, Philosophy, and Spirituality. He is spending Gat] Co his retirement writing, teaching, and enjoying being with his family, free from the demands of endless committees. SARAH_BERNHARDT, _LA_PRINCESSE_LOINTAINE,_TC-2.JPG - BOTTOM: HTTPS://EN.WIKIPEDIA. ORG/WIKI/SARAH_BERNHARDT#/MEDIA/FILE:HARVARD_THEATRE_COLLECTION_- TOP: HTTP://WWW.CHRON.COM/LIFE/HOUSTON-BELIEF/ARTICLE/ADVENTISTS-STILL-PRAYING-FOR-APOCALYPSE-4427383 PHP