THE MINNESOTA WORKER. Bluffton. THE meetings at this place, Oct. 30, 31, were of special interest. The Lord came near by his Spirit. An elder and deacon were elected and ordained to their respective offices. Two were baptized and united with the church, A Tract and Missionary society was organized, and a librarian elected. The ordinances were celebrated for the first time with the church, and a collection of $2.09 for the Relief Fund with promise of more soon, one brother will give the proceeds of two acres of wheat as soon as it is thrashed. All are united in perfect harmony with a desire to work for the Lord. Our trust is in God, and we labor on. ANDREW MEAD. —_— ee. There will be General Meetings Held at the following named time and places. Nov. 16 - 21 “23-28 ‘ to “21-26 Nov. 30-Dec.5 Dec. 21 - 26 Nov. 23-28 Dec. 7-12 Artichoke Athens HORA AAAI AOINAK ITEMS, F=== £0 NN HAA AAAAAKAAA HAAN Eld. C. W. Flaiz and Eld. Fred Johnson passed tlirough the city the first of the week on their way to the Warren general meeting. Bro. D. A. Deedon returned to Minneapolis yes- terday and will continue in the canvassing work till the Canvassers’ School begins the first of January when he expects to attend. In our first page article last week in the last line of the first column the word “‘discussing’ was used where the word discoursing should have been. This was a mistake of the type-setter and overlooked by the proof-reader. A new stock of Testimonies for the church, Vols. 1,2, 3, 4, and 5, has just been received from the pub- lishers. Also of “Gospel Workers”. You cannot af- ford to be without a copy of these valuable works. The price of the Testimonies has been reduced from $1.50 to $1.00 per volume, and Gospel Worker -is also $1.00 post-paid. About $600 has come in during the past month on the Gen. Relief Fund to pay on the $1,000 obligation past due. The most of this amount was donated Oct. 24; the day set apart for this purpose. We thank the Lord and our dear brethren who have so nobly come up to the help of the Lord. Next week we will give an itemized report by the churches of the vari- ous amounts received. So send in what you have at once and it will appear in next weeli’s WORKER. We expect it will nearly reach:.the $1,000 mark. © Mr. Henry George, the great single tax advo- cate and candidate for mayor of New York City died last week after a brief illness of one-half hour. In one of the last speeches he made to a vast crowd on the day of his death he uttered the following memor- able words which if written in the heart of every human being would forever preclude the possibility of persecuting any one for his religious or non-relig- ious scruples. This principal of equal rights to all and special favors to none, and of allowing God to “take care of his own laws”, is the principle upon which the fundamental law of our land is founded— the constitution of the United States. Mr. George's last words were; I believe that all the needed reforms are summed up in that philosophy—the right of every man to eat, to drink, to speak as he sees fit, so long as he does not trench on the rights of any other man. I believe that God the Father can take care of his own laws-—there is no need for us to gain trouble trying to med- die with God’s laws, to enforce them. WE receive many inquiries in regard to our Nut Mills. Have only space to say, They do Good Work. Price $1.75. Shelled peanuts 7c in 25 1b lots, in 100 ib lots 6}zc. SanrrarivM Foons. Granose 13¢, 24 pks, $3.00. Caramel Cereal 15¢, 25 pks. $3.12. Oat Meal Biscuits 12¢, 24 1bs $2.50. Oat Meal Crackers 10c, 24 1bs $2.05. Graham Crackers 10c, 24 Ibs $2.05. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, Nut Butter 15¢, Oat meal and Graham crackers 8c, 10 1b lots 7c. Cereola 251b lots 6'5¢c. 100 1b lots 6c. M.A. Winchell, 2908 Harriet Ave., Mianeapois, Minn. FRITZ GUY, WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, solid silver and plated ware, Rich cut Glass, Parker Fountaid. pens. PIANOS and ORGANS. oo Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and Zithers from $15.00 up. Special prices to ministérs, can- vassers, etc. All kindsof Music Books at Minneapo- lis or Chicago prices. 714 Germain $t., St. Cloud, Minn. FEauipped for first-class work New styles of type always onhandat 28 & 8 AR Printery of Geo. Pelsone 337 €ast Lake Street Estimates furnished We don’t do cheap printing, but we do printing cheap J MMNEAPOLTS, MINN. Uh Dec. 1, 1897, the Minnesota Tract Society will sell the Danish. Swedish, and German “Great Controversy” in the full morrocco bind- ing at one-half price or $2.25, 25 cents additional for postage. This is one of the best works ever written by Mrs. E. G. White. It has always sold for $4.50 in this binding, and this is a rare cpportunity to secure this most excellent work. Address Minn. Tract Soc.