The plant of the Southern Publishing Association where THE WATCHMAN MacaziNE is published, one of the 57 printing establishments throughout the world that are engaged in printing in 133 languages the message that God is sending to the world through Seventh-day Adventists some wisdom greater than the men who brought about these wonderful inventions of the past century, that worked through human instrumentalities to bring about these inventions for some great purpose, or we would not see the great growth and discovery that has taken place in the past hundred years. THE CONGESTED CENTURY PRIvaNG with movable types is only a little more than 300 years old. The first newspaper advertisement was published in 1652. ‘The first sewing machine was invented in 1790, though it did not come into common use until Howe's machine appeared in 1846. The first successful steamship did not appear until 1807, and the locomotive was developed in 1814. Wireless telegraphy began to be investigated about 1842. Electric lights were not in use commercially until 1880. The automobile, while invented during the last ten years of the : Our publishing house in France PAGE FOUR nineteenth century, did not come to successful operation until the early part of this century. The airplane is only twenty-five years old, and modern radio broadcasting was unheard of until after the world war. Were Abraham Lincoln to come back to life now and walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington on Inauguration Day, he would wonder if he had not been transferred to some Chinese colporteurs carry their loads from our Shanghai publish- ing house by wheel- barrow and back-pack Utopia he had never been able to envisage in his mo- ments of wildest imagination. Should George Washington suddenly find himself standing again on the steps of Independence Hall in Philadelphia and viewing the immediate vicinity of the historic spot where our nation was given birth, his amaze- ment at the picture he would see is almost beyond comprehension. ’ ‘The movements of the world in the past hundred years have sped on at ever increasing velocity until today even the most reactionary skeptics of two decades ago frankly throw up their hands and admit that nothing is now impossible to modern industry and science. Any serious thinking man recognizes that all these events have some positive significance, whether he can understand them or not. Many centuries ago the prophet Daniel, the prime minister of Babylon, then a world empire, wrote out a book of prophecies under the direction of God on the future history of the world. Thoughtful Bible students everywhere agree that he accurately forecast the outstanding movements of world history, the rise and fall of temporal and ecclesiastical powers, clear down to the present time. As Daniel finished his work, the guardian angel Gabriel, who directed his writing, said: “Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12: 4. Along with the prodigious growth of scientific knowledge and invention during the past century, has come a tremendous awakening interest in the study of the Bible and particularly the prophetic ‘books of Daniel and The Revelation, both of which THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE