of tribal students sang in the Meo and Karen diaects. After the service the visitors were taken on a tour ol the school plant. We were well impressed by the nedatness of the students in both the girls’ and boys’ dormi- tories and were happy to see the progress being made in the school Already two administration building program. dormitories, the butlding, cafeteria and classroom block and the library have been completed. Not was made available for the Academy and Tribal Center. This had been a great blessing to the farm and build: ing progran. No one knows just how much new chapel and long ago a new actor longer the great land of Thailand will be open for the preaching of the gospel. We do know that ume and that which is to be done, must be done quickly 15 short W. L. Wilcox, President Southeast Asia Union Mission MESSENGER THE This beadtital jungle chapel was recently built in Fang, northern Thailand. MOST BEAUTIFUL JUNGLE CHAPEL Members of the Fang Church a Long O in northern Thailand, doe nated over 10U tours fabor cach to build their beautiful jungle chapel during a four-week period. Tt os constructed of hollow blocks, with A gospel beacon in the country of Laos, is this new church in rhe capital city of Vientiane, Pasior Sunti Sorajjakoot, Thailand Mission President, and Pastor Sopun conducted a dedication service on September 28, November- December asbestos sheets for roofing. Ihe cost of the materials, US$1,075.00), was donated by Elder and Mrs, LaVerne Tucker of the Quiet Hour radio program mn the United States. Over 60 attended the dedication il, and hve baptized. A service an October precious souls were Lay evangelistic effort was conduct: od in the chapel in November and members plan another effort early NeXU year Abel VV. Dieec tor Thailand Mission Pangan, Sabbath School W. MALAYSIA- SINGAPORE CHURCH MEMBERS WETNESS To) BIBLICAL VIEW OF DEATH Asia Church members distributed 1000 Bidaday Cemetary on AIL Souls” Day and Day, November | and 2. Southeast Linton Colleae racis in the Christian All Saints Every vear many Christians come to the cemetary opposite the cof- fewe {oo pay thelr respects to the dead by bringing Sowers to deco- ate the graves. In the evening the cemetary os lighted by hundreds of Candies, Phis year teams of young people stood at the cemetary distributing an Lnglish tract entitled, "What Happens When You Die?’ Today tract. Though it was raining main gales of the and a Chinese Hope for slightly on Sabbath afternoon, some boys went around the cemetary giving out tracts to those who were visiting the tombs of foved ones. On Sunday, when more people came, ong team passed out 400 tracts in halt an hour. The Investors, amusical group, sang religious songs whiie giving out tracts. When the