24 AN APPEAL FOR HOME MISSIONARY WORK. those who are in. positive hostility against Him ; for we are in the position of stumbling blocks. Every means of influence that God has given you, should be employed to the utmost. Listen to the voice of Jesus, as it comes sounding down along the lines to our time, addressing the pro- fessed Christian who stands idle in the market place: “ Why stand ye here all the day idle? . . . Go ye also into the vineyard.” Work while it is day; for the nigitt cometh, in which no man can work. This Tract may be obtained from any of the following societies :— Australian Tract Society, 251 St. George's Road, North Fitzroy, Victoria. New South Wales Tract Society, 82 Douglass St., Stanmore, Sydney. Queensland Tract Society, * Warriston,” Petrie Terrace, Brisbane, Q. New Zealand Tract Society, 57 Tory Street, Wellington, N.Z. West Australian Tract Society, Cowel Street, West Perth, "W. Australia. Printed by Echo Publishing Company, Ltd., 14 and 16 Best St. and 343 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, , N. Fitzroy, 2