592 THE WATCHMAN danger to his person. The other leads his force into action in his flag-ship. The enemy’s whole fire is con- centrated on her, and he is the first to risk his skin. The sailor is not sent into action, but led into action, which is a very different thing.” —Semenoff, Ibid., b. 86. Here is an extract from one of the “Little Grand- father’s” speeches to his officers. It reveals the man, and accounts for the trans- formations he was able to effect :— It is too late now to start on a systematic training, every captain, every specialist, in fact, every officer who has charge of any de- partment or part of a ship, no matter how trivial in itself, must hunt out with the ut- most keenness any and every defect and work seriously at its removal. Let superiors and subordinates assist one another in this. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Even a piece of work which starts on wrong lines and has to be given up bears fruit. Inactivity must remain barren of results, even if due to justifi- able doubts as to the utility of the work. Re- member that we do not know what time we have for our preparations. It may be months, it may be hours, nay, minutes, which still separate us from the final issue. Don’t waste time by brooding over things. Bring out ev- erything you may possess in knowledge, ex- perience, and initiative, and do what you are able. What we can’t complete will have to remain incomplete, but whatever can be done, must be done. Every one—understand me well—every one must be penetrated with the importance of his particular task. Even the least of us should realize how great the respon- sibility is which our country has laid on him —God grant a happy issue !-—Semenoff, Ibid., p. 89. No one was idle. The new command- er-in-chief thought of everything. All ceremonies were abolished. If a senior officer passed all work went on calmly. Copyright, Underwood, N. Y. Russian Battle-ship ‘‘ Pallada,” at the Moment of Being Struck by a 500-1b. Japanese Shell, Port Arthur Harbor “I haven't come here to hold parades. When God permits the war to come to an end, the old routine can be started again. Now we have no time for such like.” Thus spoke Makaroff. —Semenoff, Ibid., p. IOI. The Death of Makaroff I have dilated at length upon the new spirit and power which took possession of the Port Arthur fleet after the coming of the brave Makaroff. I have done this for a purpose—to show that everything that could be done was done, and that now if ever, success might be expected. But the Word of God had said: “I am against thee, O Gog, Prince of Rosh [Russia], Meshech [Moscow], and Tu- bal [Tobolsk], and I will turn thee back.”* The hand of God was against Russia and even the great Makaroff could not save her. On April 13th, the entire Russian fleet steamed out to give battle to the ships of the nation of the Rising Sun. The flag-ship Petropaviovsk, with Makaroff aboard, passed down the line toward the 1, Ezekiel 39:1, 2.1R. V.