Page 3 Letter from Urish Smith to Ellen White # of a few jobs of bock work. He had pay only when the press was. running and, as we had no small “job press then, would sometimes spend nearly a half a day over little Jobe that would pay him only a few shillings. At any rate, the entire sum he received the two years he worked in the office, as the books show, was just $279.20, averaging less than $3 per week. When Charley came, he could do nothing but feed press and the press was ruaning at that time only about three days in the week. So there was about half the time when we did not know as nis services would be of any special value to the cffice and we thought under these circumstences, that $8 per week, except the first two weeks, the ‘same he received in Manchester, where he could feed press all. the while, was’ iberal pay. But, admitting that this was too small a sum, Bro. Marich did not fix the sun himself, It was’ © decided by the trustees. It may be said that Bro, Aldrich took his stand and the rest of us yielded through fear of Mm, But this does not ‘help ny mind at all, for I have geen nothing of the kind myself. I have over been as free to express my opinion to ‘him, as to any person, as to any person with whom I have been acquainted. Now I cannot: find ground here for 8 particle of censure upon Bro. Aldrich, yet this has been one. of the. chief points referred to, to prove his selfishness and mi suanagonent and what could I do? I did not like to say anything, because it might seem like questioning and doubting. So I have kept still and waited to. ‘see if the matter would not in some way come out ‘harmoniously. You say we thought that Bro. W. might after all be. wrong, Snail we understand by this, that we are to take a posi tion that he cannot err or, mis judge? And how could we help thinking that there was a ‘possibility of Bis erring in reference 6. Bro, Aldrich, in whose: case 1 have understood he had 8 warning that he was in danger of ‘wrong feeling and judgment, FE The two soints principally dwelt upon this winter have been ti the a Vo raising of the wages and the Institute building; ‘and these I mentioned in oan my recent letter to Bro, White. I might speak of other. points but 1 have Co