a \S5/\he evening withhold not = Ecel: VOIOME XXIV. DENVER, COLO., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1914. NUMBER 7. 3 Y BRETHREN AND SISTERS, invest your means in the eatablishment of Christian M missions, from which the light of truth will shine forth, drawing souls ta God. One soul, truly converted becoming a missionary for God, will win other souls to the Saviour. God himself originated plans for the advancement of His work, and He has provided His peo- ple with a surplus of means, that when He calls for help, they may respond. saying, ‘‘Lord, thy pound hath gained other pounds.” —Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 9, p. 58. As an Investment Everywhere men of the world are seeking for the safest and most profitable enterprige from the error of his way shall save a soul | from death.”—James 5:20. How much is a soul worth? What is the Bible estimate of the value of a human soul? Christ loved in which to invest their money. Several considerations are taken into account in de- ciding this matter, but the question para- mount to all others, is, Is the enterprise a safe one, and does it insure results which will make the investment a profitable one? Sometimes men are entrusted with the property of others for safe and profitable in- vestment. This involves the responsibility of stewardship, which calls for no less care and diligence than in one’s own affairs. “Moreover” says the apostle, “it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” The Lord has made us stewards of His manifold blessings. He demands of us the best and most profitable use of the means with which He entrusts us as His stewards. Men often invest their money in enter- prises from which they cannot.expect imme- diate returns, knowing that only in future years may they hope for results which shall prove the investment to have been a wise and profitable one. The one who lives only for this world, whose sole aim is to lay up treasure here will perish with this world, when, as the apostle states it, “The world passeth away and the lust thereof.” The christian, whose “citizenship is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Saviour,” is admonished to “lay up treasure in heaven.” How may this be done? We read that “He which converteth the sinner one soul so much that He “gave Himself for me.” —Gal. 2:20. One soul saved eternally is worth more than all the combined mil- lions of the Rockefellers and the Vander- bilts, yea, than all the treasures ot this whole world. Said the Saviour, “What shall.it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Our love toward God is measured by our efforts toward those who are in need of the light of the gospel. "Whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of com- passion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?’—1 John 3:17. Millions of our brothers in heathen lands are in perishing need of the blessed light of this third angel’s message. But, as the apostle states the question, “How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shail they preach except they be sent?”— Rom. 1:14, 15. We might logically add to the above interrogations, and how shall they be sent, without the money with which to send and support them? THE FOREIGN MISSIONS INVESTMENT FUND is a plan which invites individuals to dedi- cate to the cause of foreign missions the proceeds of a small portion of the farm, say an acre of potatoes, grain, fruit, or vege- tables; a small corner or a few rows of stuff in the garden; a calf; a colt; a brood of chickens; a week’s earnings at some stated time during the summer; or any -one-of a thousand ways to be thought: of in which to make an investment. The last Sabbath in November (November 28) will be “Investment Fund Ingathering Day” in the Colorado Conference. On that day, in all our churches and companies, the proceeds of our foreign mission investments will be brought in. An appropriate pro- gram will be prepared for the occasion. The date suggested will be three days after our national thanksgiving day. How fitting it will be for those who love this message to express gratitude to our heavenly Father for His unnumbered blessings to us during the year which will then be nearing its close. Fathers, mothers, children, and all our people will then bring in the pro- ceeds of the investments they are making this spring. Remember the divine assurance, “He that soweth bountifully shall reap also bounti- fully.” Let us now, old and young, make some investment, and thus invite a bounti- ful outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon our families and churches, and let us all plan and look forward to November 28, as a special time of refreshing. A. T. RosiNson. It is a solemn responsibility, and a tremendous charge, to have in one’s possession a reprieve for men under condemnation.