The Coming of CHRIST as related to God's law of the Ten Commandments HE work of Christ in coming to earth was definitely and primarily related to the law of God. To appreciate this best, it will be necessary for us to study the great object lesson the Lord has recorded in His word. The Lord bade Israel build for Him a sanctuary that He might dwell among them. (Exodus 25:8.) The remaining part of this chapter and the chapters following give a full description of it with its vessels and service. Space will permit us to men- tion only the salient points related to our subject. In the second of the two apartments, called the Holy of Holies, was the ark of the testament, a chest covered with gold. Within were the two tables of stone upon which were written the ten command- ments, the law of God. Above it was the mercy seat, made of pure, beaten gold, signifying its great importance in the plan of God. On either end of the mercy seat was a golden cherub with his face toward the other and toward the mercy seat and his wings spread on high covering the mercy seat. Between them and above the mercy seat was mani- fested the glory of God's presence. From this place the Lord communicated with Moses His instruction for the children of Israel. Reverently and in the attitude of responsibility, the covering cherubim spread their wings over all in apparent protection and justification of the principles governing all. ORDER IN HEAVEN |B ‘THIS picture God would represent a situation in His divine government. We are likely to picture to our minds a very different condition. In heaven, it is thought, all are equal, all occupy a like position, all do good because they are good, all are wise to recognize the good, and as a result there is no prescribed order, no external mode of procedure. This is, however, a great error. The Lord represents the condition as very different, and we should not presume to be wise above what is written. “‘Order is heaven’s first law.” What of order and organization there is in the world is of God. Where there is a lack of it we have the foot- prints of the enemy. We read of “all rule, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.” Ephesians 1: 21, A. R. V. There are cherubim and seraphim in heaven. Adam was made the ruler of this world before sin entered. In the world to come the twelve apostles are to sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. God has provided a definite place and a definite work for every one of His children throughout the extent of His boundless universe. The cherubim standing on and covering the mercy seal represent a scene at the very center of all PAGE TWENTY-TWG By John W. Westphal authority. “He [Jehovah] sitteth between the cheru- bim.” Psalm 99: 1. His throne has for its founda- tion the principles of His righteous and all-including law, just as the tables of the law were beneath the mercy seat of the sanctuary. With the throne of the Eternal One as their own sure standing place, the cherubim- shelter with their own person the Infinite One, the throne, and the law beneath it. They are given the exalted privilege and authority of making known the principles of the government of the heavenly King, and protecting it against the attacks of any enemy that might arise, or any ques- tion of its principles that might ever be raised. Not that God needs the protection of any creature He has ever made. He is not, and never can make Himself, dependent on any one. If He did, He would cease to be God. The worlds He has made bv a word He can as easily blot out in the same way. He has no fear of any. But to maintain and justify all His righteous acts in harmony with His law, and to safeguard the interests of those He has made, He has in His divine economy ordained that angels, two of them, exalted above the rest to covering cherubim, shall be sponsors to Him and to His children, to represent the interests of His throne. This is in principle nothing less than what He is still doing in choosing and ordaining His ministers to plead for the people before Him and to bring home to the people His just claims upon them. This does not signify that other angels do not have a similar responsibility. Every Christian has the same responsibility as the minister, although to a lesser degree, even though they, like the other angels, are not especially anointed, at least not like the minister and the anointed, covering cherub. THE Most TRAGIC FAILURE WEEN, therefore, rebellion broke out in heaven, against whom and against what did the angels. rebel? — Against God and against His law. The easy yoke and light burden that infinite love and justice had devised became to them an unbearable burden. With love, the basis of all true obedience, gone, they sought no longer the interests of the throne, but their own mistaken, selfish aims. They could see no reason for the existence of law when all were equal, or ought to be, as they conceived. Law to them was the restriction of this freedom, as it always is when it is no longer written on the tablets of the heart. Here we see the wisdom of God's arrangement in placing angels as the guardians of His throne. THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE