ri Vol. :I. � ( 1.14E1714:IAA I). S � I J I ).t Y, 04 � 2S. 18 13. 111 No. 8, 111 � IA Lel Eorron. � [Please Read and (7irctilate.] � '1'. II. S311,'. A 1), l'unr.isimit. MILLER'S LECTURES. LECTURE, VII. TUN NCW Au 1 they Inns a new sm:, � ar, Than art worthy to take the hook, tnt to ,i,i,•tt tte...eoli thereof:. Tor thou wast slaas,attd i.e-t red:einel as to God by thy blood out the evory � anal � au... peuple, list nt, so4 bust rake, us mom me tisS king, svel prie,ts; aid we clad reign so the earl h G. 9, 10. There to snob harmetry, bsetey, and knowl• 'edge in every pail if the wen{ of God, that ths Bible student, whims., heart is interested in the R.11110, hes vitae, While reading, been led to step and felutire the order, wiadein, end light which :tiret.1111011 his enraptured vision, at the unfehling ef the tiger, umd truths which, until that mainetn, �1„), in 'darkness, deubt, and obscurity, and seemed ea be wrapped up in a mysterious veil that almost makes the reader quail, and come to the conelusion that he is treading on forbidden zreand; but, perhaps, in an unexpected MO. Anent, the inspired penman, seemingly ...having anticipated our %nal ance or ilarknessealitows outs spark of that live coal which hatitouched his ?ye, and our darkness is dispelled, igno- trance vanishes before the fulness of knowl- 'edge of the word of God, and we stand treproved and admonished for our stupidity and ignerance in the figures aid truths before explained. Our text in a brilliant spark of that fire which is upon the altar between the chetubirn, and gives us a clear ray or light to discover the allusion of the figures contained ie. the fourth and fifth chapters of this book. 'it is convoyed unto us by way of a chorus, like the angel's song at the birth of our Saviour in Bethlehem of Judea. It explains to us, in a divine song, what tile hour beasts are, and gives a key to unlock the mystery of the twenty-four elders, and clearly shows who opens the seals of the book. I shall, in illustrating this subject, inquire, 1, W bu they were that sung this new song; Show the song, and the occasion of it; Speak of the reign and the place where. I. We are to inquire who ate the singers in this grand chorus. The prophet calls them "the fuer beasts," or, as it might have been inure properly translated, four animate be- ings; and the "four and twenty elders," he also calls them "saints." See the 801 verse. "And when he had taken the book, the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors, which aro the prayers of the saints." Then comes in our text, "And they sung a new song," &e.— The four beasts is a ligerative representation of the whole New 'is,stament church, not only in character, but in chronology, repre- senting the four different stages of trial through which the church should pass in her pilgrimage in the wilderness of this world, tteiuro she would enter i he visible kingdom of her glorious Redeemer, the New Jerusalem, and reign on the earth. And every individual Christian, who may live any length of time after his conversion, pusses through some or all of these stetes of trial. The four rind twenty. elders are the twelve patriarchs, which ale sometimes vuiile.l prop/nee, and the twelve tilmoetltns or the Lanth, Fur it in said. we aie built on the 1.rophrts and apostles. Jesus Christ being the chief coiner-stone; and figuratively it may represerit the faithful mid true mitlieters of Jesus Christ; the seine as the twenty•lbur courses of the priesthood muter the Jewish t•Cuttitilly. S.'t. 1 Chron. 21; 7-19. And the four hts are typified by the four grand die !limn ml the Jewish camp under Abe... The first. on the rout, wax I,, eillew the standard of ritdtit.; !hitt no tititttlt � ttisti � itt the learelt, wits 0111 111111111.1111 til Itelthell1 011 .1!, west site, P4111110111, HMI his was Chu thief standard ei the 111/11111; 1111 11111 11111111 Si,te iii; 111111 IL1/1 brought tip thin renr an the marehi ef OM J,wut through the wiliheeess W lint their se veiul rentideriln weir., I enlellot eNeept ii1/11 l/1* Judah, ale � now:lied in ly 110ffi the oils, 01.11 in al ',reliability wee bun. � Atid the 'first Ineisr under cerinalersition wits 'like a him, and the bectsed West like a calf, and the third bens( hail a face 10 a titan. and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.' These represent the four grand dive:ieiis or tia.giiiyel church. 'lb,, hit represents the clench in the toies• ttthc tige, when the church went forth, bold so a lieu, preaching said preelaining the ',el memos till withine. The second state or division uf the church wits the times of lwr. necutien and slaughter by the Roman t tors, lepiesented Ily the calf. 'flue third state of the church was in Constuntine's dity, when the church enjoyed privileges ns n inan, and became independent, and like ti tatural mint, proud, avaricious, and worldly. The fourth and last state of trial was when the anti Christian beast arose; and, under the set � of this abomination, the church having two wings given her, like the wings of an eagle, she flew into the wilderness, where, a place being prepared fur her, she in nourished from the Inca of the s Tent a thousand two hundred and threescoad days, Rev. 12: 0, 14. This of course would include the whole Christian church until Christ's second coin- ing, when anti Christ will be destroyed, and the church delivered from all her foes, and brought into her New Jerusalem state, where John note sees in his vision the whole7family of the redeemed, singing the grand .'shorus as in the verses following our text. ',And beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round shout the throne, and the beasts, and the elders; and the cumher of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands.' In this vision John has the same view which Daniel had in his vision. See Daniel 7: 10. Daniel saw the same throne, and the same numbers stood before it; which proves, almost beyond a doubt, that Daniel's vision carries us into the eternal, immortal, and glorified state; for John, in the next verses, carries us into the eternal state of the righteous. 12th verse, 'Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdpm, and strength, and honor, and glory, anti blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard saying. Blessing, arid honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever. Pied the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and wor- shipped him that liveth forever and ever.' Nothing can be more evident than that John here saw the whole family of the redeemed, as they will be after the first resurrection; for he gives the several situations of every part of the a hole family as they actually were, that is, in body, or the situation of their bodies at that vet), (line when he was writing; 'every creature,' that is, in person, in their bodice. as they will be after the resurrection; not all mai:kind as some vainly suppose, but those who are iedeemed, or who may hereafter be redeemed. 'out of every kindred and tongue, and people, and nation.' See our text. If it had been 'all nations,' &c , he would not linty said, 'out of,' &e. Therefore we must take the whole in coe- nection. But Jelin saw every creature whose bodies then weie steno of them in heaven. as Enoch and El jilt; every creature whit was then alive on the earth liku !Muster and breth- ren; every body tif the saints ilea hail slept end been buried under ground, or in the son, and till the saints whoa were yet ill the loins of their ththern. In one word, he sew the whole gene mob tissentlily and chute!' oldie first•I orn. whom names were writkil ill the �terek of ffli,, These four beasts lieu the same living creatures which Isniali saw when 110 111111 n view of the glory of tied. In'. 6: 1 —3, •111 the year that king lfzziith � I saw nisi the God sitting upon it threw., high and butt lip, rued ins train fill, � Itteitplii. Abort: it steed the serephim-; shalt laid six wings: with t esiti he celesta d les face, and wet, 'wine he (severed hits ,tie, reel with twain he dal his. And ono cried unte smelter. marl said, Dole, holy. Indy la the Lord 1/1. 1100,11 11111 al ten VIII ill in fella 104 �EZeklel din law the aitts hvinug creatures that Isaiah calls •aeraptims,' and John 'ittit ii nsfv.' Ells kid calls them .ulittrithiins.' See Fzek. 1st mid 10th chapters. Joint says, Rev. 4: 8, m\ imml the four beasts had each of thent atx wings Maim him,' this same hun Isainh's stirs. phiitis.' These wings are the graces of the Spirit, its is strongly implied by Ezekiel I: 12, .And they went every one straight for- ward; a hither the Spirit wits to go, they went; and they turned not when they went,' 'With two they covered their face'—humility and repentance; 'with two they covered their lEee—tlint is, they walked by two of the graces, faith and patience, faith in God and patient in tribulation; .01)(1 with two they did ily'—hope and love. They 'mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint,' says the prophet Isaiah, 11: 12. And again, Joha says, they were .full of eyes before and behind, and they were full of eyes within;' showing that they would have just views of sin, of God, and bin word, and of themselves: they could look back and see their sins, and the pit from which they had been delivered, antEwith gratitude remember their Redeemer. They could with eyes of faith look forward and believe in (ho promises of God, and have a view of the glory that 'shall be revealed at his second coming. With eyes within, they could look who their own hearts, and see the remaining corruption and hidden depravity that lie lurking in every corner of the soul, see' by this means put off the old man with his deeds. They are represented by John as being praying souls, 'and gulden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints.' Every one had these vials, says John. Dow then, I ask, can the prayerless man or wo- maa think to join this celestial throng? .1-laving every one of there harps;' showing that all of them would have new ?watts, be born of God; so they would be enabled to sing in the New Jerusalem state the new song. These are the characters and persons which John saw represented by the four and twenty elders and the four beasts. I shall now, 2. Show what we may understand by the new song, and the occasion of it. The prophet John had been led by the angel through seven direrent stages of the church, by the vision of the mystery of the seven stars and seven golden candlesticks, under the name of the seven churches of Asia. which ought to be understood symbolically down to the time when the Judge stands at the door, ready to enter in to the supper of the great God, when nil wicked flesh will be destroyed. and till the marline supper of the Lamb arrives. when all the righteous will be raised, enter into the glorified state, and live and reign with him on earth. Then it is per- fectly walnut that after we had read the history or the church through all her trials. persecutions, and imperfections, we should b � lid to see her deliverance on the other side of the banks of Jordnn, or beyond tie power of death, and to hear a part, at least, of OM new song which on men can sing unless he is redeemed front the earth. In the second end third chnpters of Reve. lation, we have the history of the church, as I hove endeavored to show ti sly lretries 011 the churches. � In the fourth and fifth chin;,' tees WO hit Yu it view or the glorified Snit,/ 111/11 'he characters given or these who will enjoy the privilege of that state, the song which wtl einpley the golden harps, utnud the place where. The chieriteters I hive already given. The snug is represented as a new sung. It is new, heconsto it is sung rimy in that state where till things are muds new. See 2 Net. 3: 13, Neveithelest we, according to his Hondse. Ink fir a new heavens and it new earth, wherein dwidleti; righteousness.' Rev. 21: i. 'Aitulhe that sat upon the throne mill, Ilehold, 1 /Mike all things new,' New John saw, in Rev. 4: 2, the /101/10 throne, and him that sst upon it, and in the verse above quitted lie speaks its thoogli Int hail mentioned liefore !hut sat upon the throne.' And as his has not MI. n beeel him in this language in any other place, we only Imre strong reason Imu beheV0/111111 � 1.14K. mid intik et twitter aro the ilium in the 4111 chapter of Revelation as at ilia 21st ehopter. Again, we ore es pressly told thai nu man cold learn the new sang, but those who nru redeemed from the earth, Rev. 14: 3. And redempbon from tne earth is no where spoken of until the resurrection of the body. Christ saps, iii Luke 21: 27. est, .And then shall they vein the Son of matt corning in a cloud, with power and great glory. And a hell these things le;gin to COMO to puss, then look up. and hill up guile heads, for your redemption draweth nigit.' Anil Paul says, Rom. 3: 23, 'Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, seeking for the adop- tion, to wit, the redemption ef our bOltiVa.' In this state they cull sing, 'For theu wits: slain, and hest redeemed us to God hy thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people. and nation.' It is also a holy song; for they cry, 'and rest not day and night, saying, Flory, holy, holy Lord tied Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.' The church in this state are not till holy; thee have but a faint view or he holiness; of Gods__ character, his law or government; neither could they endure the sight: for when Gott has seen fit to reveal a small part of hie holiness, men have fainted under it. Isaiah- cried nut. 'Wo is me.' Ezekiel fell upon his Ince, Ezek. 1: 28. Daniel's comeliness wan turned into corruption, so that he retained re strength, Dan. 10: 8. Therefore it is evident that this holy song can city h, sung in a state of inittont, lity, %alien tie shall be heir. even as God us holy. '1 his new and holy song will not erase, for they rest net day and night, which proves it to be in the eternsl state. And the dress and crowns of the elders—'clothed in white raiment,' and they had on their heads 'crowns of gold,' and they 'cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power.'—all prove that the new song is sung after the second corning of our Lord Jesus Christ; for Paul tells us, that a crown is laid up for hint which the righteous Judge shall give him at thou day; and not only him, but to n11 them also that love hie appearing. So neither the elders nor the beasts can sing this new song until the New Jerusalem is formed, their bodies redeemed from the earth, and they brought into the eternal slate of the righteous. It will not be sung until the hest child is born into the king- dom—the last enemy conqtrered— the elect gathered from the four winds of heaven, and the cap-stone brought forth, when the heavens will ring with this general chorus. •Iloly, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty: bless. ing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the ',nib forever end ever; and the four beasts will say, Amen.' 3. I shall now show the reign spoken of in our text, and the place where. There is much speculation at the prevent day on the reign of Christ on the earth, which is promised in his word, and in the text. Some have supposed that it would be purely spiritual, by the Doty Spirit's influence, whet) all, or a large share of mankind who then should be on the earth, would be regenerated and become the subjects of les spiritual king- dom; that there weekl be no tempting devil to deceive, nor any kingdoms on the earth, hut what would be subject to Christ's epiritua I reign, and din church would enjoy a long Sabbath of rest; and rho long desired period of some who profess to be the servants et' Christ would come; when church ant tante would he united. and war would cease ta 11v, end of the world, nod the world would in- creitso in riches, arts, ntel melees.%) In an unitizing degree, beyond anything we have yet conceived; thousands would inhabit the enrth where there aro but ten, now, nn.1 ins it would liv., to a good old age, and with)ss ti horn in n day. This theory is the most ra tional one I have hetet able fi/ from the glorious reign or Christ with hit pen ilk in � StU in or toonorttoity. To the awe, theery 1 have tnatly scriptural elijections. Although the nilyeentes of tide theory cell it spirituel, yet a large elinre, not ell, aro temporal blessings; of this king- dom. and um xacily the flame that the Jews befieVeil I hey should possess at Christ's 11 mit e ttttt Mg. � Agility; they meet �er lb la he true, that the ruler. of the world must all be Christie., um p• efessedly 10. Than whist 11111111.1111111111.1111•11111,1111111 inuet wu say to Christ's werds, 'My kingdom ii not of Ibis world?' and again. .1st the world ye shall have tribulittienV The world hate you, and if )0 IMO godly, yn .4,01 eta, persecution; and these (intuiting the wank. family of the redeemed) Ilium come nut of much tribulation. Ilow could those million., Who taro barn or litl, in this lumpy period, come out of great triletlationt But where do 1 the inlet...mete of the abutu system prove their doctrine? S � r pretend to bring the snore passages in the Old Testament diet the Jews did, to prove their temporel kingdom over the Gentiles, and do not see Hint muck of the I lid Testament prophecy woe, and has !teen fulfilled in its typical wise. And it is very easy to show that the passages they pretend to bring is the Old Testament were ull NI- tilled 1600 years ngn. lint, if they had believed in this theory, would net some of the New Testament writets have mentiteiml this important period? I temember, when 1 was but a child, of hearing tin old minister of the gospel make a remark like this: .All the Old Testament prophecies,' said lie, .which were not fulfilled when Christ came in the flesh, are carried into the New Testament, told further explained.' I then thought there was reason sad propriety in the remark; I think so still, fur the two wit- nesses must and will epee. And where do the believers in this system bring us one word from Christ? Not one. But we can show touch to the contrary. The patabhe of the tares and the wheat carries us to the end of the world; and lie expressly says. •Let them grow together until the harvest.' Ilia prophe- cy and parables in Matt. 24th and 25th, give us a prophecy until his second coming, and not a word about a happy period previously, but much about go bores,' and 'lo theres,' and wicked servants beating and bruising their fellow-servants, and eating and drinking with the drunken, saying in their hearts, My Lord, delayeth his coming. Can this be a tnillenniunii No. Too much devil in such .conduct as this. Where does Paul, a very prominent writer, give.us a hint of these im- portant things? Ho must have understood the Old Testament us well as some, if not all, of our modern divines. But lie, too, has given the reverse. In his epistle to the Thessalonians. lie tells us plainly, 'Then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy by the brightness of his coming,' 2 These. 2. In his 2 These. 1, he tells them of the necessity of patience end faith in all their persecutions and tribulations; which, he says, is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God; and then goes on to show Christ's corning. and destruction of an un- godly world: nothing that looks like a mil- lennium in this, or any part of Paul's wri- tings, before Christ's second coming. Where, then, shall we find it in the New Testament? Perhaps they may say, in Rev. 20, taut this chapter can never be given to them until they do away the first resurrection; for all in that chapter is after the first resurrection, and, of course, is after the personal and second coming of the Saviour; and all the arguments to do away or destroy the word resurrection tire so futile and weak that it needs no argu- ment to refute them; for what could do it in that place might in every other case, and we should be Sadducees at once. Jansen, Peter and Jude mention the lust days in their epis- tles, and describe them as being very wicked, yet make no mention of a day or the spread of the gospel in this wonderful minner. James speaks of their heaping up treasures, for the last days. "Behold. the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth; end the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabitoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton: ye have nourished your hearts its in a day of elatighter. Ye have condemn- ed and killed the juet; and ho loth not resist yon. Ile patient, therefore, brethren, unto the coining of the Lord; for the coming of the Lord thawed' nighs," Can this he the mille• niumt Ne! unless putrid, earthly pleasure, -wantonness, and murder, are the spirit of the millennium. � Yet, if it is temporal. this would lie the most likely fruit,, if we judge of olio future by the print; for the grimier the temporal blessings, Ibe greener is titan's re. twitter). Read the second mad third chapters of 2, Peter, wlime he expressly speaks riffle, last (Nye. � "iittiowitig, this first. (lust there shall ciente. in the lust days, scoffers, walking victor their oWit lasts, stet riming, Whets is the promise of his coming!" Ars, ngreeing with whet (Insist said the wicked ministers would be tieing when lin it � .s. They would say iii their hearts, My Lord deloyeth whole earth shall he be caned, ' her into the New Jerusalem state, pre lei real tor 1 to Y"u• � . bride adorned for her bustrnnd, w Mee we �'1111 LETTERS ti--0--1). elmll reign still' him for ever and ever um the � 1Ve have ti letter front Br, J. 11, Jolt:team new earth and in the new heavens; "men Grad Mittel Petelireke, Genesee. Cis, N. Y., nine!' shall wipe tawny n11 tears fr � their eyee, nisi says: "There no at biol., m this piece she there shell let no mute thitilit, neither sorrow saw what, i am siMslied, from it eritittal nor eryieg. neither shall them be any min, examination of Me time and eirelltOstiatteos, pnin: lair 11111 Grauer 1111111ts nit passed w -ty." Sells sevo lay :11c. Pruners. steersman of the Then the whole earth �be full at his steamboat Perim on its way to Cuirelimati. het glory;" rind them ns Maya the � ii l l ..1 Isaiah. March. The letters IJ--t.)---11 were farmed, SI: 5, "For thy Maker is Ilene husband; ill/. • Ill, alter mettle, . from 11 long, narrow, erinik• Lord of liosts is This mime; mot thy Redeemer, ed (or serpentine) silvery rehired 111.111 being the Ilitly One of nacre(; the I: el of Om preceded by an extra lrht. whieli runt timer his attention.. Hie neighbore, e litmus exts•p. 1. Then I am to prove that it tt ill be lm- mortal after the resurrectien. The preaent reign is milled, in Scripture, n reign of grace; "So might glace reign through righteousness onto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord." This reign has been ever since Christ was in the world, for 1800 years past. We shall now show that 'hie reign must continue until after the resurrection of the dead. Bee 1 0111%15: 23-26; "But every man in his own order; Christ the first fruits, (resurrection;) afterward, they that are Christ's rat his coming. Then commit the end, when lie shall have given up the king- dom to God, even the Father; when he shall put down all rule, and nil authority and power. For he must feign till he Lath put down all rule, and all authority and power. For he must reign till he Intel put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shell be de- stroyed is death," Ilere we have plain Scripture that the same reign of grace must continue unto eternal life; and in the other text, until the resurrection of them that are Christ's, and death, the last enemy to the church, is destroyed. Where, then, shall we get in a spiritual or tt temporal reign? We see evidently there is nu change of the reign of Christ in the gospel, or grace, from the apostles' days until the time comes when the saints shall possess the kingdom in the im- mortal state. Paul says, Rom. 5: 17, "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one, much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Chariot." Here the saints are promised to reign after the gift of righteousness, (which the righteous Judge shall give all those who love his nppearing at that day,) in life, that is, eternal life.. � co S 21st verse. 1 Peter 5: 4, .And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.' This must, of course, be in the immortal state, fur it fadeth not away. 2. That Christ will be present with his people in a state of immortality, can hardly be doubted when rte read ouch texts as thew: John 12: 24, 'If any man serve me, let kiln follow me; and where I am, there also shall my servant be.' Again, John 14: 3, 'And if I go and prepare a place for you, I trill come again and receive you to myself; list where I am there ye may be also." So much for Christ's promise to his disciples. And now let us. read his prayer to his Father on this point, John 17: 24, "Father. I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where i am, that they may behold my glo ry." Paul says, 1 Thess. 4: 17, "And so shill we ever be with the Lord." "For it loth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall ace him as he is." Our text says, "And haste made us unto our God kings and priests." Rev. 20: 4. 0, "And they lived and reigned with Christ." "And shall reign with hint." 21: 3, "And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying; Beheld, the tabernacle of God is with men, and lie will dwell with theta, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them. and be their God." 3. "And we shall reign on the earth," says our teat. Nut under its present dispel, station, but after it in cleansed by fire; after the wicked are destroyed by fire, its the eine- diluvians writ• by water; eft, the Te.inree.. lion of the salute, and when Christ's prayer. taught to his disciples, shall be 'meowed. Thy mill be done an rarth errs us in /,,area." When the bride line made herself reads, mid married to the bridegroom, he will then ;nave ioniel ti. hen all these (hags :dial be elided iin• Anti thiqt, my dear beer, r, if pm � ve lind pew hunt t broken oil' (Now sin; if you hove by faith ht,1,11 oohed 111 spirit to the Limb of God; if yarn bate patiently maimed their own sentiments Ly tine word. 'I here; I i �nit.1 perriceirlion lire line nr'au - a � s. nrn many snare brunchea of the plow es stem, dem you will live mud reign with him on Ow but none that I have ivrn but tare liable � until', and !hie earth will Lo te.guiturieeti lit the anitio ohinclioll. � I 14111111 110W 1111111,1141.1, 1411 fire nud Ihn Imam' r of led, the curee dee; no rel. prove flint this reign is in the iintliertel elate, sus. pejo, myth* sorrow, and death banished after the resurreetiou; that Chi ist will be pre:, i rum, the world, null tneriallity clothed upon eta with Iris people, wad arf coerse, pert:moil-, by iimettreility, death ,wallowed up in vie,u ly; and that it will be on the mirth. �ry. You Will rise rap in their general Itsto.lit- hly, and clopping your halide with sets cry. "Holy, holy, holy is the Lard (lid Almighty, which was, mud no, and ie" now corn,. Then you will be in a eitustion tit yen the grand chorus, rind sing the new song. saying. "Thou art worthy, fur thou wrist slain, mid hurt redeemed us to God by thy blood. out of every kindred, and tongue, mid people. and nation and, host made us unto our God kings and priests, and we shall reign on tlin earth;" saying. with it loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive putter, and riches, and wisdom, slid strength, nod honor, and glory, and Idessing." And All who meet in t hat grand assembly will be then heard to shout, ..111essing, rind honor, and glory, nod power be unto inn !lint silted) upon the throne and unto the Lomb forever and ever." And methinks I can now see every one who loves our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in this Ile- scrobly rising upon their feet, mid in one united prayer of faith, crying, "Come, Lord Jesus, 0 come quickly." But you, 0 impenitent man or woman. where will you be then? 1Vhen heaven shell resound with the mighty song, and distant realms shall echo back the sound, where, tell me, where will you be then/ In hell! 0 think! In hell! to dreadful word! Once more think! In hell! lifting up your eyes, being in torment. Stop, sinner; think! In hell! where shall be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Stop, sinner, stop; con. cider on your latter end. In hell! "where time beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented day end night forever and ever." I entreat you tc think—on hell! 1 know you hate to hear the word. It sounds too harsh. There is no music in it. You say • it grates upon the ear. ilut think, when it grates up- on the soul, the conscience, and the ear, and not by sound only, but a dread reality, when there can be no respite, no cessation, no de- liverance, no hope! You will then think, yes of 11 is warning, of a thousand others, perhaps of this hour, with many more that are lost; yes, worse than lost, that have been squander- ed in earthly, vain, and transitory tnirth, I have been abused; for there have been many hours the Spirit strove with you, and you prayed to be excused. There was an hour when conscience spoke; but you stopped your ears rind would not hear. There was a time when jqdgtnent and reason whispered: but you soon drowned their cry by calling in some aid against your own soul. TO judg- ment and reason you have opposed will and wit, and said, "in hell was ouly in the grave." In this vain citadel, on this frail house of sand, you will build, until the last seal is bro- ken, the last trump will sound, the last too be pronounced, and the last vial be poured up- on the earth. Then, impenitent man or wo- man, you will awake in everlasting too! Be warned; repent ; fly, fly for succor to the ark of God, to Jesue Christ, the Lamb that once was slain, that you might live; for he is worthy to receive all honor. power, rind glory. Believe, and you shall live; obey his word, his Spirit, his calls, his invitations; there is no time for delay; put it nut off, 1 beg of you; no, not for a moment. Do you want to j tin that benvenly choir and sing the new i ming? 'l'ie'n come in God'a nppointed way; rorment. Do you want a house not made with hands eternal in the henvene? Then pill; in heart and soul this happy people, whoee God is the Lord. Dir you aunt nit in- serest i3 tho New Jerusalem, the beloved ei- vit.., set your face as It flint Zuni sward; Itecome n pilgiiin in the good old w:ny. "Seek fleet the kingdom 14 heaven," Nuys Christ, his coming. Can there Ito this Imp, time ileerribtel in the above theoryl All moot till. ewer No. Then let this startes as answer to the tibove theory, until our opponents prove said ;list .lee hail seen her prust prelim. a miracle, by eliangiag li•ef into li,11. $1.e si.tnitted that 11 01.11 loult,i1 like � and that • lien :die on.ted it, it tasted like beef. but then it haunt hove l...en 11.11, beeeivie Ole priest had limit.' it into fish, end bail declared it Ito testis Post. Mahan might c,pitoltml doe Prripottep very ,..iloactorily, le ale Nilo would pare such a rem Blanca ii his 111.:4•FilltSS. 1111i where is Oro pivot that lire testilscian 4/1 all things, mentioned by reIrr, is the 'awe t.sey sin. the relmmation nirtil•micil by Paull The 1.1rek word. apc1ahariaris, Utast in Arts': di, be thus � in ilulitit..rin's Les 11,011, ••The f(S10111. 'dn) 'hir‘g to ifs fernier state." The Greek The 14,5Iva:on. The Restitution rf. oll things which God Lath troll-rt hy the mouth if all Ms holy prep/arts mince the world Organ. Acts 3:19-21. "Repent ye therefi.re and be con- verted, that your rine nay be Wetted out, when the times of refreshi ig shall come from the presence of the Lord: And He shall send Jesus Christ, who beers was preached unto you: strain the heaven must le- erier, until the times or restitution of all thing., which Cud bath spoken by the mouth of all the truly prophels, since the world began." President Mahan 01 Oberlin preached at Cleveland on .he subject or the temporal millennium on the 1511; of Oct. 18t3. In the course or tee remarks lie in. formed us that the passage of scripture quoted these, was a key to unlock the prophetic ser7pturts. This position we admit. But, strange to tell, Pres. Mahan, at he thinks, in using this key, unlrelca to himself and others the glories of a temporal millennium, while many of God's people, who have diligently studied the Bible, can find, in the use of this key, no eusb thing, but a state of things inconceivably inure glo- rious and enduring than the advocates of a temporal millennium ssein ever to have conceived. In pursuing the subject before me, 1 will, 1. Notice the course which the ['resident pursues in order to make this key unlock to him a temporal mirennium. 2, I will show that the course which the President pursues is unscriptural and wrong. 3. I will show what is the restitution of all thinr, which is to take place when God shall send Jeans Christ. 1. I am to speak of the course which the President pursues, in order to make this key unlock to Winn temporal millennium: He quotes a passage found in the Oth chap. of Hebrews, at the 10th verse. "Which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washing., and carnal ordinance., imposed on them until the time of rem, motion." He informs its that !hie time of reformation commenced when Christ abolished the Jewish ritual and took it out of the way by nailing it to the mows. He then tells us that the time or reformation, spoken of by Paul to the Hebrews, is the smile thing with "the limes of restitution of all things, which, God balk spoken by the mouth of all the holy proph- ets eine° the world began," as mentioned by Peter la Acts 3:21. The President still finds that the key wilt not It air theory, and lie therelide tells us that the Greek, word, translated mad, should bane bees translated during, and then mad, as follows: ti•Whont the heavens mast receive dining the times of restaution. ur reformation, of all things," ate,, Hence. according to the President. the times of restitution commenced at the cross, and will combine until every thing written is the mph,na is lu filled; and that during ill these times of restitution, Christ to remain in the heaves, and will then mine to judge and tlestloy the world. 2. 1 am to oliow that the course permed by the President is erneriptural and stung. 1. The �has no eulhority from scripture. for van ilia that "the time. al ',filiation of all thing."' rotten of by Leger is like stone with .the time of relnoilltion" spoken tit by Paid. It is a mete nese, ion without proof. Tlrmrld we believe him. we might .1 well take ...stand is Olt the Catholie wanness who inn, g to him the chummier of nn � men. rim was unveiling nit lour and alone; and it ens vety Irate tit night, so lot could call no � to witness It " %Ve think it hardly pussildn dint this entail lei the same which won seen near Cineinniiii, but We publish it nv nnother, lidded to OM of testi lllll flirt; �r, (lint there nre osigee" in ..the heaven'," r. see toe ry part of the Intel. Bra. Johnson enn.- t•litilee by enyine: �the Lord. the see. pint's reign is tilinno r ter, nud our GUM � in about In hike to �Iris great power land reign."—Mid. (,'art. ITIIF' SECON AnvENT (11111S7'. CLEVELAND. OCT. '2%1, 1843. went, itierthosis, lime in Hebrew.' 9: 10, is I rans'atril Then when Goa Omit ',rot ie.,. elitist at the by the mite author; � nil...lien. It is hue dim Itobinenn, In emtunteeting to lllll this, say*, that it means the reign of Christ; but Hollins on's assert � is uu better prod Ilion ries. Mohan', All Om .h.rnosis means, as the Pres. at tenet ottelit In know, ie, esiondatiett or rellirotittion; while ups. tomstasis rlo s mean the realoralitm � unvtltieg to its former elate. Where is Ilia proof that three two words, eroeoteetireis, and dierelesis, 'mean the clime thine? 11'iteu I bPliree it, I will believe on the testi• ...my of a Catholic priest, that beef is fide and that In tier anee of all the evidetuee of pity sense.. The woe's have no eflinity. Moreover, where is the President's euthorify for /eying that the Greek word, aeri, tratieleted hhou'd ha • e been Ira n .lat ed during! The Greek word akri, with its equivalent, tnetri, I have found in the Greek testement from ilurty•five to forty limes. In none of these buttoner. is it trans. kited &Ling. There area few inetaitces in which, obviously, it might hove Leen so translated, without tdiering the force or the passage. Tire devil haring finished' his temptation. departed from Chriet, (akri tem of nil thine., everything. contained io the pimple � et. mit pre% iettoly � ,nail nano to pass. 1 shell now intr...111., a very few pee:01mi or ,torture o. how what lltin^s the prophet. soy ',toot he retered to their 'looter Heim. My "eject in .imply to Ittritiell a clue to what the holy prophet, sar IOWA rn fie. I. 'rho kh•iiik...ge of Coil is to Le r..e,t Ise. II: 9, "e'er the earth ,hint h tall of the knowl- edge of the Lond as the rioter, rover the tea." J..r. :II: it, "For they shall all know me teeth the Lord.' Immortality ie ho be restored. � loa. e: el, "Ile � allow op death in vietory." Is.. Vat Ill, "Thy dead men ellen live, together with my 11,4 holy filial they rise." Ilithrti es will be ,'stored. iota. 35: 8, "And an high way shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way or holineee. the unclean dial' not yes. over It." loa. afl, 21, "'fire people also shel he all righteous. they obeli inherit the land nacres, the brunet, of toe elantieg, the work of my hand. that I may be eurilied. Eden will be restored. rem. � et the devil; hear.: Chri,t buys on Mall. 1:1; .1ri, "The totes are the elidereat of the wicked one, and the ene• cry that pawed them is the devil." Awl again in haul 8; 41, "Ye are of your rather Om devil, and the bode of your lather ye will do." Also by the mouth iii his vet vent, in I Julm 2: III, "Ill dila the children Or � Col pro tuanili st, seal the Child,. Or the � W110- 110t righteoustmee is hot of laud; neither lie that loved' tint hie brother." The ',hove paoenges teach that not roily the wicked G. The kingdom till be restored to Israel. Ezek. 21, 27, .1 will overturn, overlie n, overturn it, and it Abell be roe mnre until Ile come whose right it ie, and I will give him." Then Cnrist will sit on the throne of David, in fu fitment of the oath of God in the 32nd Psalm, "The Lord bath sworn in truth to David, lie will not turn from it, of the fruit of thy body will I set on the throne." These passages are sufficient to show what things are to be returned to their former state in the restitu- tion of all things; and they also show that such a res- titution has not commenced. A relormation there has been, but a restitution there has not been, and will not be until God stall send Jesus Christ. "Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord, and he shall Pend Jr- us Christ who before was preached unto you."-- Tlinee will indeed be times of refreshing when man shall find restored to him ell that was lost in the MI his "thug saith the Lord for ea doing." Ile has ere- °f the � PrThele' and in the reet4"tinn of nil which he closely adheres. They are these: I. 1 he theory of a temporal millennium is true. 2. All scripture is to he no expounded as to agree with that Theory. To these rules Ire does adhere with great pertinacity. If he ran any other Jules of interprets lion which he does net violate and utter'y disregard whenever they conflict with his theory, we have not yet learned what they are. The aseertions or such men, without proof, ere juPt ne good a' the assertion . oe a negro clove from a lice ....IP, without proof, and no better. If Peru. Mahan can have the privilege of altering the Bible to his own liking, he Can undoubtedly fit it to hie temporal mil- lennium theory. But the very Owl Out Inc found it tnecessary to make such an unauthorized anenition of the towage before no, betrays hie own ,onvintion that it boo,' not teach anything like a temporal millennium as it id. He may bring all the learned names Mere rigen, and show, if he can, dint they have made the 'tame ewe of the bible that he doom; but that is net giving one ecripturril authority. We ask again, where 4 his thus smith the Lord, :1, We shall now preload to show what in the re.th 'union of all thing', and offer. in it diners from the reforinntien elmkett of in Ilehrewe 9: Ill. The reeermation, I renunk. ,,e1 �cronmence with the time when tea Save'', was in die world. Then "div ro neighing. mei carnal ordinancee," imposed on tnen during • preview, diem:H.6,m, were done away, and the ehriei inn deepen...it. introduced; and by wteel, • g'I/1 Ionia r..1nronsilion WOO infield brought 10 pass. Ito' it in Ul!o;:ellicr a graliii101Ie as. P.Mp11011 to say that the reetitut ion of ell 'bulge then rullowhevil. What thine were remored to their termer state when Glutei moriel We pa.," for a reply. What ileum, are to It rtAtoted to their twiner Mate peal., ye generilino or viper's how etiti ye erwepe the *hen tltrist appeurs the Heroin' time/ � damnation ul hell?" Now as the itelehlt. ha, told (i•'""th �line on Aral the olil serpent Is tile devil, anion and analogy "." (If .1/ the 4"IY P./At:4 � begun.- would leach that the offspring would be the children among the Jetve, but an that duel It not rigliteouenea. I � Tell'Perei � edeeileinle ae retrera'i• are the cheer,. of the eine, and eneeneteittly the lee? in the Veiled States during le42 there were presented, and then behold the character of the wicked op., him copy of the first No. at, the t.edoit Ad. around him, and not discover the identity? I cannot. vent, containing the Rennet' "The Restoration of the 11. � irlot, ore the deed ef fia fe0111/177? Let the bible � eve bave none, Will some answer. The text Itself declares filet the seed of the lrind, who lute one,forward it? woman shall braise the serpent'. heal, Now as the � eerpent in celled the devil in Rev. 20: 2, by corsulting � For the Second Advent. � other peonage,' we me at no lose in determining who � Dear Bro. Fitch-The following signs were Peen in the seed or the woman is. Jn Romone la: 20, the Hudson a short time since. Should you think then extending from the sonthweet to the northeast, thro' the zenith, some two rode wide, distinctly marked, ant shell destroy Mtn that has the power of death, that Is perfectly straight. They speak of it as being white the devil; and as John informs us that it was the Son as wool, and strikingly grand. It continued about of God that was manifested to destroy the works of threedburtlis of an hour, and then faded away. It tire devil; is it not an clear as demonstration can make was oleo seen ha do adjoining low',. it that Christ in the reed of the woman,-nod is it not � DENRY HUDSON, equally as clear that he le the angel that John nave bind Satan? Oaht then being the seed of the women, and all the wicked being the weed of the serpent, be- tween whom the enmity exists, it may he proper to enquire !II. llow, and when, this enmi,y m M cease. lt may give us eoine light on this point to consider the ground on which this enmity existe. On this point I remark that it must arise on the one bond from God's utter disapprobation of sin, and Lis love of holiness; and on the other hand, from their utter disapprobation of holiness, awl their love of sin. It follows therefore. that this enmity will not cease co long ae there is one being no raise his opposition to holiness. The way then t:, by the conversion or the wicked to Chriet, eo as to harmon'ze with all of the great principles that govern Christ; but as mediation and probation are parallel, and en Christ will not leave his mediatorial seat, until probation ends, nit which time he in to come in the clouds of heavrn, in flaming, fire taking ven- geance on those that know not God and obey not the who 61411 be punished with everlasting des- teem on, it follows that the enmity will finally cease only by the destruction of the wicked. "But hole," Faye the advocate of a temporal mil- leniutn, "the wicked are all lo be converted, and holi• newt pervade the enrdi for one thousand year* before , Chtiat comet', .d of csuree there will be no enmity existing teen." But is not Christ.. find winked men ns on the earth when he routes! Ah yes, for Satan to deceive them egain after the thouaand years are fulfilled. Deceive who? Why those that mare lived through the millenium of cutirse. But atop, the Bible leeches no such thing; that deelaree that he shall de- ceive the, nations no more till the thouttand years are expired. Who are the nations thnt he is deceiving at the commencement of the thousaild years, after which time he it to deceive apart on tee word "tie" plainly ',uplift? Why, acrottline to the theory of the tem pond millettiom, it is Ilte righteous Who line at the expiration or the thousatte yea. upon whom lie is to preetioe hi. deceptions; mid therefore it in the right- er,n nut lone that Satan is deceiving al the commence• merit or the thousand years, foe the pas..age plainly Ieleher that they were the mine that .hould be de- ; ceined at the expiration of that time, for he ',Imola "'leerier slain PO revere � Ilse Iltrimmul year. abould be tulfil!ed." Then In aolnrit the dimity al' the tempo- rah millenium is lo � mie al the grossest 1,b0iadj- lih0 under bent., lire that makes the righteous to ha Theo, (1 wrefelteil mortals, look op end espy the (we upon 'WhOill Sett. prattle+, 1:1. � •rhe p minus Red-enter &vireo.' Irom the cloy, ' wheelis-perfectly alr.urd, mud eipafrielills the pilule: I ht *that tot or hre Irl Ihe earl r he Is Inland, .1 'Intl; tl man be ,hotrii I hat the eighteen. live nee, WWI a giutril of bright .aces nIIending atonal. the � ceplintie or Malan, I most coin. In � "tome hart., ye Callon, your sentence Ireri0o, !Moat coniiinsion that .11 ia the wi kid haliota that No � e •11.11 my •pirit now etrive and Is alieVild. be It 110,1111111.1 al Ihefoistweitertitelil. and wine mtill lui My J.1.11111.1 10 113111. and rev � e ie jttsl, Come hither, yr WV00.41; but ,1•Teil all ye ,oriust„.. deceived at the celerities' of the done mel years, alter which they are to ba "at, llllll by tutu from God." - The enmity Ili,. ceneee, find by the conversion of tl.r bred to Clifton and isillitnately by an destined.' of all who du not bee. lllll • converted peel.s to the vomiting of Chrint, at which lime all such will he destroyed front off the nice of the earth, and peace and liairtiony pervade the entire world. Tome., in the bleeoeil hope in '43, LYMAN GILPIN. ing. 'Po Zacharias: "Thou ellen be dumb and not � olio himself likewise took part of the same, that thro' able to speak, until (akri) the duty that these things � death he might destroy him that hai the power of are fu fulled." "Of all that Jesus began both to do � death, that is, the �Again 1 John 3: 8, "For shall ex.te up the fir tree, end insletel of the briar eotne op the myrtle tree, and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting, sign which shall not be cut olle" 5. The brute creation shell be ',stored to the:r orig. rant sta.. II: (I, "flue wolf also shoe dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the outland the young lion and the feeling together. The cow and the bear shall feed, their young ones Isbell lie down together, and the lion shall eat strawlike the els since the world began" must be restored when God shall send Jesus, whom the heaven. must until them limes of restitution Mall come. Thanks be to God, those :lines or restitution are et hand, and all the eppoeitinn of Pres. Mahan will not put oil' the glorious work. Even no come, Lord Jesus, Amen For the &land Advent. A SHORT sEranclu. CI.A11104,110.U, AUG. Ri. 1843. Dear Bro. Fitch-Local circumstances being of peel, a character as to render it irnmweible for me to do an much by the way of lecturing an I desire to do, 1 !rave thenght of contributing my mite, (with your cement and tine grace of God motioning me,) through the toe. drum of your paper. I shell therefore eubmit to your deposal a few thought. mgeested by the reeding of the ,kel,,,,ation or Clod ad found in Genesis 3: 15,- where the enmity whiell we find existing between the humble follower. of !tans, and the eery.n of the dev- il, in find hrought to yew. In pluming the thought', etiegeoted by the above passage. I retail enquire First.-Who the Bible denominate', the seed of the moment. Second.-Who the peed of the went.. Third.-Ilow, and it lion, the enmity between them will rem., 1. � Who are the seed of the serpents' Let the Bible answer. elatt. 3: 7, '•11,ii when he caw Many of lire Plittrieeee, and eleilducen. 'tome to kin baptism, lie said tittle them, 0 ip,neralion or vireos alto hod, warned yoli lo flee fr � the emelt to comer Meithew 11: :14. "0 generation el vipers how coo yu, being evil, .peak good thing.. For amt of the alnuidence cur the heart the month eperthellt." Mott. 2:lt 33, � net.. steel of the vetpent. Hence toe ere to regal,' all witeeel aromas of whatever nem, or nation they are, ne the head of the aerpent; and who can look in the Bible, and learn the character of that eetel ne there 183 murders and ti5 euieidei. During the rout ins nunitlis of 1843, the murders were 215, the suicides Ilro. Scurtituu, of the Midnight Cry, wish'. no to laivou,) fora season. Luke 4: 13. Paul sail to the � Ise. 51: 3, '•For the Lord droll comfort Zion; be apostle declares to Inc Roman brethren, that "the God I worthy oe online, they are at your service. The flat will comfort all her wnote lilac.; and Le will make false prophet Batleeue, "Thou shalt he 111 nd, not ere• i or rear', ellen bruise Satan under your feet ohortly." tires seen by Mr. Bishop and some of his fatally. They den of the Lord." Again in Hebrews, 2: 14, "Forestauch then as the say that they maw � Thurelay night, August � (the ing the sun (akri kaivou) fora season, Acts 13: 11. � wilderiteee like Eden, and her desert like the fur. The ordinary use of the word, however, is the � Inc. I4O. 55: 13, "NW., of the there child-en ere partaker. of flesh and blood, lie (Christ) moon being in the first qua•ter,) a Also moon moving fled teach until (akri) the day in which he wan taken op," Acts � 2. "Jerneelem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until (akri) the (lines of the Gentiles are faLled," Luke 21: 24. "His sepulchre is with us , until (akri) this day," Acts 2: 29. Until (.kris) 'another king arose," Acts, 7: 18. "And talked along while even till (akris) break of day," Acts 20: II. "Until (akris) the law, sin was in the world," Rom 0; 13. "The whole creation groaneth and travailed' in psi', together until (akri) now," Run. Sr 22. "Blindness in part brill, happened to bract until (.kris) the Minces of the Gentilie be come in," Rom. lIt 25. "The law was added because of trarengres- eion, until (akris) the seed should come to whom the promises were made," Gal. 3: 19. "But is under tutors and governors until (akri) the time appointed of the Father," Gal. 4: 2. "That thou hest hold fast till (akris) 1 come," Rev.2: 25. These instances are sufficient to slow, that in the ordinary use of the word, alai, it has reference to a future time when a given event is to take place, like until; and that it does not refer, like dining, to the whole progress of time that is to precede that event." Morn, then, is the President's authority from the Bible, for altering the phrase (alai kronua epokata- stasis patetou,) until the times of restitution or all 'things, toenake it lead during the time of reformation?. 'We do notosk, where is his authority from the win- elontof .thie world, for that 4 foolishness with God, . and is noanteurity at all. lint we do ask, where is I hese are things whkh God hue spoken by the mouth ,dently two ride. $3, ioterreettog the .criptoree, to things they will come to pass. "All things which God bath spoken by the mouth of all the holy prop!, towards the true one, from beneath it, and join iteelf to it on the right. Above the two conjoined they saw a female profile which afterwards became bright and this purpose the Son of God was manife.ted, that het blazing-. Soon they formed near'y a full moon, the might destroy the works of the devil." Again, ft blitz, continuing; and there appeared a cross on the Rev. 2a; 1-2, "abort I saw an angel come down from dick of the then appearance of the moon. Afierwards heaven, Issuing the Ley of the bottomless pit and a the cross changed to a cloud of the shape of a come great chain in his hand, and lie laid hold on the drag- aeon "ewe, jug," when the moon, remaining 01. oho on, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, same appearance went down supernaturally quick. and bound him a thotoand yearn." � Also. on the next Monday evening, a number of Now as Paul tells tha Roman., that it is the God of the citizens of Hudson saw a belt of light, or clout, peace, that shall bruise Satan, and, as in the Hebrews, that it is him that took a part of flesh and blood, that ISFIMAEL AND THE TEMFL MILLENNIUM. The prediction of the angel before Ishmael was born, was, "And he will be a wild man, hie hand will be against every man, and every man's hand againes hint; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren," Gen. lit: 12. 11 the preservation of Isaac's descendants, in the line of the Hebrew nation, a die- tinct people to this day, !teetered and peeled as they have been, is remarkable, that of 'stunners demer.d• ants for the same space of time, always on the same territ,y, is barely leis so. Although eometimes har- nessed and pillaged by the great comp:emirs of an- tiquity, the country of Ishmael has neverlieen at any lime subdued, never paid tribute. He shell dwell in the presence of all his brethren. As long as men 1:ve on the earth he dial! bean unconquered people. The other two points of the prophecy: he will le a wiz, man-his hand against every man, have al. Lae a like fulfilment, running parallel with the other. The prophecy has been fulfilling tor 3700 years, and rr011ia the term. or the prediction we nee not hour the de- scendents of lehmael, as a Cody, can ever be convert- ed, an the temporal millennium theory supposes. 1 may be further r. marked, that Mehemet was among the descendants of him, who, when a eltild.'wal cast under a shrub to die of thirst, deserted by his mother. P. NIARis Ittcr.-This devoted sister is still !a- lining in 11. Slate. She lectured recently at Bata- via, ani Pine 11111, Genesee Co ; � Attics. Wyoming Co., near which 'dace she wa. lecturing Oct 3d. 'I'nw effect is good, wherever she goes. -Md. Cry. THE IIARVF:ST. The fields era all white, the harvest is near, Theresper. now with their sheep Pieklt a appear To i.e.'. dawn Ile wheat and gather in barns, Whine wild Omit, of nature are suffered to burn. come then, 0 my runt, meditate on that day When al thing. in nature. Ethel cease and decay; When the trumpet shalt 'Mend. and the ange'esppear. To realm down oho earth, both the wheat and the tete. lint Ilene the cad cry diet tomenclit to the thy, Or tho, in dhow. and hal, nowhere to � • NI will tall pin the ro, km and the mounluuns to fell On their naked souls and conceal them withal, lInt 'twill he in rain, Mr the numittains moat nee, The rock' fly tike hodelonew and sot more shalt he, The earth too .hull quake, and One s,•11 chap retire, And 111.10 solid Pier it Nhan !heti bpi Olt tiri•. -••••••••------ • ossssdastasA.M1111.1.04pissirse work.: 14, the not being Ruble to dent'', pin. grief Or tetriptation. "One ground of many of these mietekes is, the taking every fresh, strung eitphotthee euf any of the, seripturee tit the bean. to 11, gift a a new kid; notwitli,taiidiog ?het several of these scriptures nre not fulfilled yet; that mart of the others no, fulfilled when we are imtithot; the rest, thrt moment we, Ins anictilicd. It rem tins only to experience them in higher degrees: this is all we have' to expect. "Another ground or thee., and a thousand' mistake., is, the not considering deeply, tint liner is the highest gift of God; humble, gen- tle, patient love; that n11 visions, monifestatione whatever, are little thinge compared to love; and that all the gifts above mentioned are the sumo with, or infinitively inferior to it. "It were well you should Ire thoroughly sensible of this' the heaven of heavens is love. There is nothing higher in religion: there is, in effect, nothing else; it' you look for nay thing but more love, you are looking wide of the mark, you are getting out of the royal way. And when your are asking where have you received this or that blessing/ If you mean any thing but more lore, you are wrong; you ore leadieg them out of the way and putting them upon a (*.dee scent. Settle it then in your hear:, that (tom the moment God his saved you from sin, you are to nom to nothing more, but more of that love de- scribed in the thirteenth of the first epistle to the Corinthians. You can go no higher than this, till you are carried iuto Abraham's bo- som. "I• say again beware of enthusiasm. Such as imagining you have the gift of prophesy- ing, or the discerning of spirits, which I do not believe ono of you has, no, nor ever had yet. Beware of judging people to be either right or wrong. by your own feelings. This is no Scriptural way of judging. Oh, keep close to the law, and to the testimony." A Voice from Ibis Epiar.hpul Church. OM honor tart spring of addressing you oti the subject of the advent a our Limit I then elated that 1 iota 1111111ln to egret, wolf you ite PI the year Ili 13. I intended lay Ors only, flint I ma, total& to fix upon that definitely. Since thorn days of oempo,,eino dnrknea, (Ls!, us I liviiii110 with nil my bent:, 1111.1 brought Inv gloriously into the tell light and has placid my feet upon 1111:1, ny upon n rock, so limo Iv Dint all the gates of hellcannot drive It in �nig of thin thlt has brought me to lull I.ght. It will you, if you are equal. ly My denr !relined brethren throughout the amid, Christ will then evil telly come this mite it is the last year, lel not the devil&hot yeti from pier steeilfeetneee. God is Imietew• log 111.111 US It/11,1,1111g g1,111 11111111t. 14 Ia., Milting 111 tel milk,: up tied which lacketti let the side rings of kin hotly. 110W sweat � io. besides ..1 reclean the 81111.,r111g1 Ul. 11114 piesent time as not worthy to be compared with the glory which muil) los revealed tit us. AN ITALIAN ROMAN CATHOLIC OATII. We give below a copy of the Imitation Oath of a Society in Italy. It is furnished us by an estitnable Italian gentleman of this city, who is well knewn to very teeny, and is mov- ing in the most respectalile society. Ile is a native of Lombardy, and a "Ltannee," in his native country, Italy; a lovely land, but crushed and trodden under foot. by the most enormous imposture priest-craft which ever visited the world in any age. Ile was a sufferer for Liberty; and he escaped to this asylum of liberty.—This is the Oath which bound together the tyrants of Aostrimi and Italy, and their civil and spiritual serfs, where they too successfully crushed the risiog young liberty of Italy, when some thirteen years ago, she rose to put down evil and ghostly tyran- ny. lie informs us that this society,bound to- gether by the same Oath; exists• its this coun- try; that there is a priest, and a• bond of them in Philadelphia, and in other cities. And should• a much coveted insterroction favor them, their daggers will be speedily put in requisition. We live in eventful times. Spain is manfully Shaking off' the yoke of Rome and Portugal is moving; and appalling Revo- lution, we think, we perceive Lovering- in the horizon or Deland. May Almighty Gel have mercy on the dear Protestants ot'l reland and cover them by his omnipotence in the day of the approaching terrific conflict. And mite God rebuke the infatuated, or "Jesuitical,' Protestants, who in any way, or form, do help on the repeal movement." 'rite follow- ing is the copy of the letter of our kaliatt friend.— Proteslane Vindicator. "lit a coeimie work nut yet republiehed its tide memory, I find the following form of (Yid, of Initiation of a member of tho Societe-, 'De Is Sante Fide; of our !lolly Trait''.' '•I. N—swear by the Most � Trinity, to permit my right Ilona to be cue elf. or io die of hunger, or II/ die be the meet egeruciating tormentronither than to betrny, or-deceive ore, of the honored Vnthers' (Jeso r..) 'or broth• ens ef 14, Catholic Apostolic Soviet?, to which 1 belong; or, if 11 do not scrigetheiely keep in laws, or give asniritnneu to trey broth- ors in distress. 1 swear, forever t amain in the, defence of Item � 111:11. I have em- braced; not to spare tits individeel belonging to the infamous bind ref Tee loneneto even to the lout drop,—without rep.' to sex, age. birth. Or C011iliii011. � Finally, I ',wear en tin• platolile hatred to 1111. e 'entire tf oar soured and early true Raman Catholic church. And finlisig in This 0.111i, I do (test. vu, nod neon myself' 1 ell 111Viikii 6.,11/1,1CM1 rupiiisnIti;Nr as 1 UK *PO MO OV Tine 01 User)," MOtt7i1.111 Vole, of ut all, what on (lath! THE JUDGMENT. 110sr great, how terrible, that God. Who shakes creation with hie hod, 110 110W114-,111111, era. all noture's flame, Sink in one universal flame. Whore now. 0 where, Weill sinner. nark For shelter it, the general wreck/ Shall fithing rucks he sir them throws! Sac rot Its, like meow, divsolvin down. In vaut for mercy now they cry; In lakes of tumid fire they lie: There, on the !laming billow. lost, For ever-0, forever lost! But. cantle, undaunted and serene. Your eyes shall view the ltreadrul scene; Your t111,10111' live, the world expire. And earth end skims dissolve in fire. Jesus, the helpless creature+ Friend, To thee my all I dare commend; Thou roust urererve my weld,' soul, When lightnings blaze front pule to pole. 31y wakened soul, extend thy wine., !Suomi the verge of mortal things; See thi: vain ...arid in sinohe decay, And route and mountains well away. tieMad the fiery delay, roll, Thro' loosen's wide arch teem pole to pole; Pule sun, no inure thy lustre boast: Tremble and hill, ye starry host. This wreck or nature all around-- The an%el's shout, the trumpet'. eound, Lou.I the ile,ceisling Judge proclaim, And echo his tremenhou: name. Children of Adorn, all appear with reverence round his awful but; For as his lips pronrunce, ye go To endless bliss, or, sndless tool Lord to my eyes this scene display, Frequent thiough each returning day; And lei thy grace my soul prpare To meet its lull redemption there. WESLEY'S ADVICE TO METHO- DISTS. John Wesley was an ardent Adventist, and was looking for the Lord to come about this tints. Ile was the founder of a powerful and respected sec,, whom he cautioned against departing from the letter of the Word as follows: Brethren—"Beware of that daughter of pride, enthusiasm! Oh! keep at the utmost d.etance from it; give no place to heated im- aginations. 1)u not hastily ascribe things to God. Do not easily suppose dreams, voices, impressions, visions, or revelations to be from God. They may be from him; they may he from nature; they may be from the devil. Therefore 'believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God.' Try all things by the written word, and let all bow dew!' before it. You are in danger of enthu- siastn every hour, if you depart ever so little coon Scripture; yea. or from the literal mean- ing of any text, taken in connection with the context. And so you are, if you despise, or lightly esteem reason, knowledge, or human kerning,: every one of which is an excellent gift of God, and may serve the noblest pur- poses. "I advise you never to use the words 1148e dent, reason or knowledge by way of reproach. the the contrary, pray that you yourself may abound in them more and more. If you mean worldly wisdom, useless knowledge. false reasoning, say so: and throw away the chaff bet not the wheat. • ',One general inlet to enthusiasm is, ex- pecting the end without the means; the expect- ing knowledge, for instance, without search• lug the Scripture, and consulting the children of God: the expecting spiritual strength with- heat constant prayer, and steady watchfulness: the expecting any blessing without hearing the weld of God at every opportunity. .‘Some have been ignorant of this device of Satan. They have left off searching the Scriptures. They said 'God writes nil the Scripture on my heart, therefore I have no "need to iced it.' Others thought they had not so much need of henring, anti no grew sleek in attending preaching. Olt, take were- tog, you who are cuncerned herein. You itirti Detented tattle voice of It stranger. Fly beck to Chi ist, and keep in the good old way, which was "once delivered to the saints.' °The very desire of growing in grace, may sometimes be an inlet OS' entlitolinsin.-- t I it coromnually leads us to seek nein grace, any lend us unawares to seek something new, beeid,,s ?VW degrees of love to u,nd sued man. So it has led sumo to fancy they had received pills of a new kind, after a new lieert. as, t. The loving God with all our mind: 2, with all our soul: 3. with all our elrength: 4, oriole. with God: 5, 011011,14 with Christ: 0, having our lives bid with : 7, b •iiig steel with Christ; le, raising a idi lent: 11. ifin sitting welt him in heaven. le pleeee: 10, the being tnketi up into- his 'home: II, the being in New Jeritealem: It, the owing the telernnele of aid come der, a among men: 13, the being dead to all to her first love, her seducer is offended be- cause site will tio longer submit to his rite ca. reeses. •"A woke. awake! put on thy strength. 0 daughter of Zion, put on thy beautiful garinentn, 0 Jeruealem, the holy City: foe henceforth thew shall no more come unto thee the uncircumcised or the unclean; shako thyself from the dust, arise and sit down, 0 Jerusalem, loose thyself from the bands of thy neck. 0 captive daughter of Zion. For them saith the Lord, ye have sold yourselves for nought; ye shall be redeemed without money." ...Say to the daughter of Zion, thy salvation cometh." "Sing, 0 daughter of Zion. Shout, 0 Israel." And here, without carrying out my meaning, I will observe that when the church unities to the entire tense• cretin°, perfect holiness of the . primitive church, all things which followed then will foilow now. God halts never taken away OilC of her jewels, but she east them oil' hereeli when she embraced the man of sin. Lot now, thank God, she is forsaking him sod will soon become that glorious bride which Christ will present unto himself with- out spot or wrinkle. Dear brethren, I long to see and embrace you all, that 1 may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of yob and me. � I wilt not be cruel enough to notice some names to the exclusion of others. But all will cry Amen, when i soy of father Miller, O zebus honor has God brotowed upon him. If Abraham was the leader of ancient be- lievers, Miller is of the last day believers. 0 for shame! men will say, that I should hp such a little child its to believe this. My consolaton is -or such is the kingdom of heaven," whilst "him that bath u proud heart I will not suffer." "The Lord hateth a proud kick and a lying tongue," for both go together. for "the day of the Lord is on every one that is proud." The history of the church shows that in till ages. those of weak faith have spoken against these of stronger faith. This is a device of the devil to keep the chinch from. appenring in its true light. Strange thee mankind will pretend to been a knowledge of the philosophy of history end yet persevere in speaking out of that which they understood. net. This has been the ease w its nay beloved- people. God having carried me in Ugh so foe ahead them, they town concluded Oita they. cannot keep no, so have reepirstekt ma to iv,. sign that they might etepply themselves with- blower leatkir— henceforth the o I ton free indeed. even of these "bonds," no longer to' be the she:lister of them, but � Chriet, what the ••fiell is the solid." Yours 111 bovu', � GI,oson. A• Ideotington, Ct. Sept. etli, 1843. ---• Chriet, mill more so the pest whiter, but nut � If tile woe d is,ever to he overiprorol by any until the preseel week has the liberty been sect the eatarterors urn the. Githoliee, fir it is entire, the attorifico complete; is t:t as the written, with the enittlitilde pen of ii,piralh.,t• true interpretntion ,,r the 2300 days wits the that they shell prevail all the A neieut of ti-.y truth then that brought this blessing of God come.; till jieleiiii•nt is g:veti bt the saint. .'. t 1 my eon!. We are sanctified by the truth:. the blest Digt,; tiled., tines comes when eau Dude received in, es it were, a conductor saints shall iorcra Slur kingikm. 'NIX VII V, or Foirrie.—.% thither in tit• central. prim of Ohio, pieked rip 11 St 1,1111 ill vent passer in 11 1/31. 10.1111. tvlucll 11,1 11.11 /./.• nutty to endow, the bows, which he holds very steillueelve � hilur iiseighlreens ace ell 'lee:- not true- And though L orep the scorn ul sod, nod *eine of t111,11 � rk-lose Ilk the world, tiny mew is even oe tint, its though hint tian-,mr *eh. at foe earl', no they thick have Revelling open the oehil reek, facing sill no-n ereey. and WOrning, them, eeeire will tenet, Lek � • year- -the Anal is fallilkik Glut y to laud. � '1`1111115. Iiiiti•heetng reader, "haw rim you �The prise of stai.uription is t:5 seises liar tne,r0 whit:'' secsire Ironer on., of :mother, and reek No01114,11.. Most of the hack mum., err be tort.sh not the la 11..if ONO C.11114.1h from � 4.•, al i, new Ng,„„„,b,,„, if d.-eirea. therefrom, fur he thud is with me is greater I anvil to think, a few muntlin since, when 1 than he that is egainet nie, I publicly testify. was floating along cheered by the public np • my unspeaknble gratitude to our dear Re. phew for my pour tit.nviterkul efforts, thet deerner fur this renewed expression of his I lusty of Scripture fuel Coronas obsolete. '1'11,11 mercy--fur not pormatiog me to be it, any l, it 'tidy required the reetil 'tor tit' good serums darkness when the "glory to be revealed" ielin order to live godly in Christ Jesus will � I ert near. A few months since I found myself i pereeeutien, � ut tel so. k � . falling from that high and sweet communion ! ls. a greet portion of the Scriptures lust their with Jesus which I erj.yeil early it. the opting 1 pnelical meanies; when in the 111,01 century and winter, I had however previously re• 1 the dear bride of Christ went tit sleep in the solved by God's grace, that I would nut fall i arras of the wend, then she Ix carne atlUlterou4 front that standard. I prayed and prayed, j and submitted to the desires of sinful men; but tttill found meself no nearer. In the but now that alio ii openting and returning mean time I had neglected this glorious doc- trine, supposing that the advent might not be in ten or twenty years. In this state of mind a brother called, in whose judgment 1 had great confidence. De told 1110 there was no ..if" about Jesus coming this year. 'Phis moved me. I fell upon my knees and prayed with all my heart fur more light. '1.'he power of God was restored immediately; this was satisfactory to me that the countenance of Jesus was turned from me chiefly because of insufficient devotedness to his truth. Still the blessed Spirit was not satisfied: something was in the way. I knew it was, because as yet I did not believe the truth, and that so soon as I should receive it the Spirit would be satis- fied. I have great struggles. I said to my friends that it was my impression that if 1 could say 1843, the blessing world inrne- diately flow. But of this 1 was run sofikileittly certain to affirm, felting that alieete!1i it ap- peared to be the true interp,e,at;kin,sa.1 their: might be a mistake in � wheel it, the tote would prove my folly. 1.1 the Sparc of two or three days, however, I obiliiied some peace with much continued power so soon as I could say with all my heart right at the door. The difference between the witness and that which I received the past whiter, consisted only in bringing the day of the Lord nearer. it scented it might be this year, but I was not certain, therefoo) still did not have boldness to declare the whole council of God. In this sad condition I remained till the camp•meeting began in Stepnee, near me. I then went, but was net fully one of then',, did not dare to open my mouth in order to avoid the impu- tation, of 1813.. Returning home, 1 said to myself, why not say 184:31 Is nut the fight greater on this than upon nay other year, and' is not the light upon Dny vete, great/ Why not then &ay so) Because, if if atrotrld not prove true 1 should be ashamed. If it were a popular matter, a day fur the intro- duction of a spiritual reign, would I not soy that 1 believe ill lily conscience answered yes. Then I will nut proclaim what I believe through fear of man. Such a condition 1 despise, both by nature and grace, added to this I was assured that to say 1043 would nut displease my Redeemer, and nut to say it, might. 1 resolved in his strength to proclaim it, offering tip myself a living sncrifice to be "despised and rejected of mee." 'Chat tee- rifle°, poor as it is, was accepted and sealed to my soul's satisfuciion. The following tiny I returned and entered the camp of the saints in the wilderness a free man, in the freedom whereby God (loth make us free, enjoying the full liberty of the 30113 or the Almighty. I dim:glut 1 had twee made a freeman before. when many years ago I was converted to along which the holy Giles* flows into the soul. the Spirit thereby entering to it so that the Christian rutty IN'1,111110 absolutely eel lain. This faith boo never Inhered sake, 'Flip Net that 1 have oievinedt till to their truth. 113% never tondo ate shketTer through fear led it prove