Abstract Abstract La Crisis De La Vida Media: Elaboracion e Implementacion ce un La Crisis De La Vida Media: Elaboracion e Implementacion ce un Seminario Para la Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Ontario, California Seminario Para la Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Ontario, California Alvarez, Daniel Rumrrill Alvarez, Daniel Rumrrill Doctor of Ministry Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Andrews University, 2010 , Advisor Alfonso Valenzuela, Advisor , Advisor The literature related with the family clearly identi�es the problem of the midlife crisis. The expert on family relationships and midlife crisis, Jim Conway, says: “Our studies, along with those of other researchers, show that al least 75% of people between ages thirty �ve to �fty �ve will go through a moderate to severe crisis.” 1 My experience as Pastor at the Ontario Hispanic Church, California, has shown me that the members of the congregation are not the exception, and I had the opportunity to advice and counsel persons that su�er emotional crisis during this stage of their lives. The purpose of this project was to identify the causes of emotional crisis amongst members and visitors of the church, between ages thirty �ve to �fty �ve, and prepare and implement a seminar, to teach the participants how to cope with midlife crisis. As part of this study, midlife crisis was de�ned, its causes were identi�ed, and solutions to the problem where recommended. During the process of investigation, cases of biblical characters that su�ered through midlife crisis were studied, with the intention to �nd principles that could be related to the crisis. The literature about midlife was reviewed, books, magazines, and the internet was consulted. A survey was used with the objective to identify the causes of emotional crisis of the persons from the congregation between ages thirty �ve to �fty �ve. The results of the survey revealed severe problems amongst the participants, demonstrating the need to study the midlife crisis with the congregation. According to their own testimony, the implementation of the seminar became a valuable contribution for the lives of the participants. As a result of the seminar they have improved as individuals, have strengthened their personal relationships, have taken better decisions an also have a higher quality of life. The conclusions and recommendations related with this project will be presented on chapter VI.