ABC Nutrition Store Gets a New Manager Jeremiah (Jerry) Chamber- lain, the new ABC Nutrition Center manager, comes to Southern {from Oregon where he was presi- dent-owner of a chemical service. Over the past several years, V) Jerry has held ~~, . many interest- . in | Cs J. Chamberlain ing Dositions such as Northwest Sales Direc- tor for Worthington Foods, Inc, World Marketing Director of United Medical Laboratories, and Government and Industrial Director for Ancillary Medical Service. He has also worked intermittently for publishing service and sales. Jerry and his wife Janet Sue have six children, four boys and two girls. MINI FAR-EASTERN REUNION with “China Doctor” Harry Miller September 18 at 4 p.m. Potluck, 5 p.m. Dr. Miller speaks at 6:30 Camarillo Church 3975 East Las Posas Road Ba a BURBANK SPANISH Antelope Valley Convocation Plans Announced Elder R. R. Bietz will open the 24-hour “Conference Sab- bath” on Friday, October 1, 7:30 pm. in the Lancaster church. On Sabbath Elder H. M. S. Richards, Sr. will speak at 11. At 2 the King's Heralds will present a concert. Elder Cree Sandefur will conclude the oc- casion at 4:30. KCOP-13 BREATH OF LIFE 9:30 p.m., September 19 “TEST OF CITIZENSHIP" Music: Wyatt Sisters Trio, Ron Garnett, Walter Arties For "Health on Wheels’ vo BECOMES 98TH CHURCH — Organized Elder Bietz, who entered the ministry in 1929, is actively retired. Elder Richards, who first con- sidered the use of radio in 1920, began broadcasting with “The Tabernacle of the Air” program with headquarters in a reno- vated and remodeled chicken house in South Gate. The King's Heralds, the VOP quartet since 1936, were first called the ‘Lone Star Four.” A total of 17 men have sung in the quartet since it began. Elder Sandefur, who began pastoring In Southern in the early 50s, has carried the lecad- ership of the Pacific Union Con- ference since 1973. Play To Enact Birth of Church A Bicentennial drama en- titled “Lest We Forget” will be presented by the Downey-Flo- rence Church in the Downey Community Theatre, 8450 East Second Street Friday, Septem- ber 17, at 8 p.m. The three-act play featuring original music, poetry and familiar old-time songs will depict the birth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Proceeds will be used for the one week (July 24), the Burbank Spanish Church opened a four- week evangelistic series the next. Its 140 members, who meet at 505 South Sixth Street in a rented Nazarene church, began as a company 17 months ago. Pastor Miguel A. Cerna and his mem- bers put together an organizational program that included two tenor solos in Spanish by Bob Edwards, a short piano concert by Mrs. Cerna and participation by the three Conference officers. Photographed that day were (left) the oldest member (years bap- tized), Marcelina Genzdlez, and the newest couple to join, Dario and Rosalva Pérez. Mrs. Cerna (center right) is one of five church officers photographed that day who include (left to right) Pedro Rodriguez, Carlos Folgar, Antonio Anobile, and Rodolfo Castro. In a Nutshell NATIONAL CONVENTION—The first nationwide gathering of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Musicians’ Guild was held at Andrews University July 30-August 1. Al Mays, president of the Southern California chapter for five years, is now the field repre- sentative. He reports there are now 15-18 Adventist Musicians’ Guilds scattered across the U.S. The southern California chapter was the first to organize. Agenda items for adoption included a constitution and bylaws. Colleges were represented. OFFICE FAREWELL FOR THREE—Ruth Gadie, bookkeeper in the treasury department for two and a half years, will be moving with her family to Santa Rosa. Joyce Francis, printer's assistant in the workroom for three years, has enrolled in the LVN training course at Glendale City College. A continental breakfast was held for Branson Chrispens, Conference lay activities director who re- tired, and these two on August 17. 4 church’s current project—the free health and welfare vehicle, “Health on Wheels.” It will be available for city emergencies and will screen residents for early detection of cancer, glau- coma, hypertension, and general health information. Doctors, li- censed nurses, and dentists will perform these services. “Lest We Forget” requires a cast of over 50 including the chorus. Those who have worked to make this historical drama succeed personally invite you to attend. Van Perkins, baritone to perform at the Philadelphia Church 2640 S. Santa Fe Ave. Long Beach September 18, 5:30 p.m. Proceeds will aid local MV Society J. R. Hoffman Norman Matiko Academy Campus - 1976 NEWBURY PARK "CONFERENCE SABBATH" Elder Lehman will speak Friday, 7:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Sabbath. Elder Hoffman will speak at the 11 a.m. worship service. Brad and Olive Braley Elder Matiko will address the youth during church service (11 a.m.) and Brad and Olive Braley will provide the music. Lunch on the Lawn Musical, Soul-winning Program and Ordination at 2 p.m. J. W. Lehman September 24 and 25 Hospital Truck Goes to Mexico The Glendale Adventist Medi- cal Center and two local or- ganizations have provided a much-needed truck for the Ad- ventist Association Hospital and its school in Baja Califor- nia, Mexico. In good condition, the truck had been in service at the Medi- cal Center laundry, but is no longer needed. It was made available to the Association for 8500—less than a third of its value. Responding to this opportu- nity, the Dimensionetix Corpor- ation of North Hollywood pro- this fall? Update ...... ELDER BRANSON CHRISPENS was honored August 17 at a special conference breakfast at which the office staff paid tribute to his 19 years of dedicated service in Southern. He worked first as pastor at Inglewood and next at Van Nuys. For the last several years he’s been the Conference lay activi- ties secretary. We shall greatly miss him. Our prayers ac- company him and Martha as they spend the next year in the Northern European-West African Division with Elder Doleman in evangelistic work. TITHE FIGURES for the month of July show an excellent increase over July, 1975. We thank God and each of you who is in partnership with God through faithful stewardship. Please pray that the Spirit of the Lord will so fill every mem- ber in the Southern California Conference that His work may progress more rapidly. The soul-winning work in South- ern is limited by lack of funds. Past years have demonstrated that additional money in evangelism will win additional souls. Our goal is to increase the number of people brought into the Church and into God's kingdom of grace each year. ANNUAL TEACHERS’ MEETING was held August 22-26. Nearly 241 teachers gathered at Newbury Park to renew their dedication to the salvation of our youth. Is every child and young person in your church enrolled for Christian education vided the funds to purchase the vehicle, and an offer by Gene's Paint and Body Shop of Mon- trose for a new paint job was gratefully accepted. Loaded with X-ray equip- ment, roofing materials, lumber and soybeans, the truck left for the small hospital in Baja soon thereafter. QUACKS AND QUAKES KABC-7, September 19 It Is Written 8:30 a.m. $200 PER MONTH — Each book in this rack normally costs 40 cents. But when Barney and Kay Matheson decided to give them away free, it became their personal missionary project. The Mathesons have been in the health-food-store business 18 years. Their store, Full O’ Life, at 2575 West Magnolia Boule- vard in Burbank has 20 employ- ees. Mr. Matheson says, “Since we can’t talk to all our custom- ers, we witness in this way. The $200 a month it costs me to do this is more than worth it.” There are 140 such racks in Southern. Is one of these yours? PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1976