296 THE WATCHMAN PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY TIIE SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Price, $1.00 per Year Single Copy, 5 Cents . BUTLER G. | . S. N. HASKELL } Associate L. A. SMITH } Editors E. J. BURNHAM | Editors ENTERED AT THE POST OFFICE AT NASHVILLE, TENN., AS SECOND CLASS MATTER, APRIL 12, 1906. — Nashville, Tennessee, May 7, 1907. ‘““LOVE NOT THE WORLD” OVE not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.” 1 John 2:15-17. This scripture is one of those powerful passages in which “the ax is laid unto the root of the trees.” Tow few that call themselves Christians realize the grand truths couched in this language. ever Mr. Webster, in giving definitions of the word “world,” gives this one as No. 8: “The earth and its affairs as distinguished from heaven; concerns of this life as distinguished from those of the life to come; the present existence and its interests; hence secular af- fairs; engrossment, or absorption in the af- fairs of this life; worldly corruption, the un- godly, or wicked part of mankind.” He then gives this very text that we have quoted as an illustration of his meaning. The definition seems to be quite appropriate. The God of This World It 1s very evident that the Lord, when in- spiring this scripture, had in view the world as at present constituted under the dominion of the “god of this world ”— Satan. The rebel angel, through his cunning, lied to our first parents, and defrauded them by getting from them the dominion which God had given them. They became his servants. “Know ye not. that to whom ye yield vourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey?” Rom. 6:16. Every unconverted person, then. is a willing servant to Satan. And as the great mass of mankind are unconverted people, Satan rules in the hearts of men. This is why Inspiration represents the people of God as being “pilgrims and strangers” in a world of sin. Satan himself, in the great temptation in the wilderness, offered his dominion in this world to Christ if he would fall down and worship him. Of course if Christ had done this, Satan would not have fulfilled his promise; for he is a “liar, and the father of it.” THE WATCHMAN The World in Rebellion against God We see, then, that this world, as at present constituted, is in rebellion against its liber- ator. This is why wickedness exists in high places. War, bloodshed, sin in every form, lust, depravity, fashion, pride, and vanity abound everywhere. Every one who loves this world and its spirit as at present constituted is a subject of Satan, and is a rebel against the government of God. So God says to us in this scripture, “Love not the world,” or those things which constitute this rebel world. If any man loves such a world as this, then “the love of the Father is not in him.” The “We cannot serve God It is simply impossible. We can love God, or we can love mammon (i. e., the personification of worldly riches); but we cannot possibly love both at the same time, any more than one can ride two horses which are going in opposite directions. Never was a man agile enough to do that feat. Multitudes of people, however, are trying to do it, but they find in the end that it is im- possible. ‘“The Lust of the Flesh” The apostle proceeds to further elucidate the subject: “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eves, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” Tere the word sums up the constituent parts of what is spoken of as the “world.” It embraces three great depart- ments or branches: 1, “The lust of the flesh; ” 2, “The lust of the eyes;” 3, “The pride of life.” Tt will be difficult to find any worldling who 1s not sinning in one or the other of these divisions, and he may be sinning in all three at the same time, 1. “The lust of the flesh” is the gratifica- tion of lust and passion. Lust is unlawful desire, those things condemned by the law line must be drawn. and mammon.” of God. The whole world is under the thrall- dom of lust and fleshly longings. Appetites are not held in proper control. Multitudes go down into untimely graves as the result of ungovernable appetites and passions. The world is corrupted, and the image of God is defaced in men, because of their excesses. The majority of mankind are heathens outright, and in the corruption and bondage of unmen- tionable sins. Christendom is in but little bet- ter condition, that is, those who are not gen- uine Christians. There is a godly seed left, and they are no doubt to be found more or less in all Chris- tian churches. Were it not for these, the world would perish in its own corruption. God illustrates this principle in his conversa- tion with Abraham just before the wicked Sodom and its neighboring cities were to be destroyed. If a very few righteous men could be found, he would spare the city; but because they could not be found, the people perished miserably in fire and brimstone. In the vast array of wickedness now seen, in the terrible catalogue of crimes now filling the public prints, we see the Sodom spirit stalking abroad. This world is rapidly draw- ing to its close.” “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Luke 17:28 - 30. ‘“The Lust of the Eyes’’ 2. The “lust of the eyes” is another great department of sin. It may not be so extensive as the preceding, but it is Satanic in its origin and contrary to the word of God. It is just as truly an exhibition of selfishness and pride of heart as is the preceding sin. The prin- ciple of the human heart that makes persons love outward adorning, to deck themselves out in every form of finery, is of the god of this world. Gold and precious stones and very fashionable attire show that the heart is not submitted to the Lord. This outward adorning is condemned in the word. 1 Peter 3:3-7. The adornment of the “hidden man of the heart,” “the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit,” “is in the sight of God of great price.” When we stop to consider the vast amount of money worse than wasted, thrown away on fine dressing and in other gratifications of the eve, any candid, godly person can easily per- ceive that here is a vast field of worldliness that belongs with the god of this world. ‘“The Pride of Life” 3. “The pride of life” doubtless embraces the principle actuating the great mass of men im public life, men and women whose main ambition is to be leaders among men, longing for exalted station and to be admired and adored. O what a pressure, rush, and effort is manifested in these channels! Every form of iniquitous practice is used to bear down others and to raise up self. This selfish longing for power in this world where the great rebel leader has his realm, is worldly, sensual, devil- ish. It 1s in most cases precisely the same principle which prompted Lucifer, Son of the Morning, to seek his own exaltation in the heavenly courts above. Satan inspires this spirit in multitudes of men to-day, and those who follow him in such principles will share in his reward in the lake of fire. The Conclusion of the Whole Matter The principles seen in Jesus Christ, just the opposite of those illustrated by John, will char- acterize all of his followers. “The world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abid- eth forever.” Here we have in epitome the whole conclusion. There is no escape from- the premises. “Depart, ye cursed, into ever- lasting fire, prepared for the devil and his an- gels.” All who follow him in motive and spirit will share in his final reward. Thus sin will be stamped out eternally from God’s universe, but those who follow Christ in deed and in truth will live as long as God shall live. “Come, ye blessed of my Father, in- herit the kingdom prepared for you.” Which, dear reader, will you choose? Make the de- cision intelligently, and in the fear of God. G. I. B.