5 speak: by the Spirit of prophecy in the guidance and preservation of the Advent movement, any & Lime, when the way was hurd to discern, that gift of the Spirit of propheay pointed the way. it was 30 from earliest years, when the agent ochoren-=krs., 4. G. fite--was but a youn; woman. No% from maturity of human wisdom and experience did the Helpful guidance came, but from the counsels of the divine Spirit. Speaking of the early years, in the youth of the human agent, one of the pioneers wrote of the messages of this pift in times of perplexity: "They reveal the devices of Satan. They warn us againat his snares. They have nipped in the bud scheme after scheme of fanaticism whiol the enemy has tried to fois? into our midst. They have expesed hidden iniquity, brought to light concealed wrongs, and laid bare the oil motives of the falsshearted. They have warded off dangers from the cause of truth upon every hands" =U, Smith in Review and Herald, June 12, 18566. As such guldance came in the youthful days of the agent of this gift, so the same sure touch, the smme unwavering sertainty in counsel attended the gift to the last years, when it might have been thought old age would weaken the services. As a matter of faot, it was in fair old age that we saw this gift doing some of the strongest and most effective work in meeting subtle and intricate situmtions that threatened peril to the cause. AT the turn of this twentieth century the Advent movement was pagsing into some years of special difficulty. It sesmed as though error, in the moat unexpected way, wus threatening to come in like a flood, Just there we saw the Spirit of prophecy working, instant on the right hand and on the left, with special power to meet spadil needs. The pronise was surely ful- filled for us: