GENERAL CONFERENCE 17 China (Because of conditions, no reports have been re- ceived from the China Division as pertains to ad- ministration and organization.) Congregations of S.D.A. in the Union of oviet Socialist Republics (Because of conditions, no reports have been re- ceived from the Congregations of S.D.A. in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as pertains to administration and organization.) Euro-Africa Administration: President, Edwin Ludescher. Secretary, Jean Zurcher. Treasurer, Erich Amelung. Field Secretaries, Oswald Bremer, Oldrich Sla- ek. Auditor, Albert Jordan. Departmental Directors: ommunication and Sabbath School, Erwin Ki- ian. Education, Edward E, White. Health and Temperance, Herbert Stoeger. Lay Activities, Harald Knott. : Ministerial, Heinz Vogel. Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Pierre La- nares. Publishing, Edouard Naenny. Stewards ip and Development, S. L, Folken- erg. World Foods Service, Erich Amelung. Youth, Nino Bulzis. Union Presidents: Angola, Pedro Balanca de Freitas. Austrian, Otto Uebersax. Czechoslovakian, Oldrich Sladek. Equatorial African, Maurice Zehnacker. Franco-Belgian, Paul Tieche. German Democratic, Manfred Boettcher. Hungarian, Jozsef Szakacs. Indian Ocean, . Mozambique, Abilio Tungululo. Romanian, Dumitru Popa. South German, Joachim Hildebrandt. Southern European, Eliseo Cupertino. Swiss, Harald Knott. West German, Ernst Denkert. Yugoslavian, Jovan Slankamenac. Far Eastern Administration: President, W. T. Clark. Secretary, B. E. Jacobs. Treasurer, G. O. Bruce, Auditor, R. E. Green. Departmental Directors: ommunication, Jane M. Allen (acting). Education, O. C. Edwards. Health, Dunbar Smith, Lay Activities, M. T. Bascom, Ministerial, Harold K. West. Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, R. B. Grady. Publishing, V. L. Bretsch. Sabbath School, R. B. Grady. Stewardship and Development, D. M. Barnett. Youth and Temperance, G. Ray James. Union Presidents: Central Philippine, L. E. Montana. East Indonesia, ]. 5S. Maramis. Japan, Yonezo Okafuji. Korean, E. Y. Kim. North Philippine, F. M. Arrogante. South China Island, L. R. Colburn. South Philippine, P, M. Diaz. Southeast Asia, W. L. Wilcox. West Indonesia, R. I. Sarumpaet. Inter-American Administration: President, B. L. Archbold. Secretary, J. H. Figueroa |r. Treasurer, R. R. Drachenberg. Field Secretaries, George W. Brown, M. G. Nembhard. Auditor, T. G. Sample. Departmental Directors: ommunication, Tulio Haylock. Education, David Rhys. Health, Ww. H. Nelson. . Lay Activities and Sabbath School, Sergio Moc- tezuma. Ministerial, Carlos Aeschlimann, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, I. son, Publishing, L. A. Ramirez. Stewardship and Development, Gabriel Castro. Temperance and World Foods Service, Marcel Abel B. Ben- Trust Services, Gabriel Castro. Youth, C. D. Christian. Union Presidents: Antillian, Felix Rodriguez. Caribbean, W. W. Weithers. Central American, R. S. folkenberg. Colombia-Venezuela, George Carambot. Franco-Haitian, R. ). Kloosterhuis. Mexican, Velino Salazar. West Indies, H. 5S. Walters. Northern Europe-West Africa Administration: President, W. R. L. Scragg. Secretary, B. B. Beach. Treasurer, R. Unnersten. Auditor, . Departmental Directors: ommunication and Sabbath School, Paul Sund- uist. Education, H. |. Dunton. Health, B. W. T. Richardson. Lay Activities, Pekka Peltonen. Ministerial, David E. Lawson. Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, B. B. Beach. Publishing, R. E. Appenzeller. Stewardship and Development, J. H. Wollan. Jemperance and Youth, Mike Stevenson. World Foods Service, W. R. L. Scragg. Union Presidents: British, E, H. Foster. Finland, W. E. Aittala. Netherlands, K. C. van Qassanen. Nigerian, S, Gustavsson. Polish, Stanislaw Dabrowski, Swedish, Odd Jordal. West African, S. B. Johansen. West Nordic, Jens Madsen. South American Administration: President, Enoch Oliveira. Secretary, Elbio Pereyra. Treasurer, Clarence M. Laue. Field Secretary, W. J. Streithorst. Auditor, Paul J. Sanchez.