APPENDIX. 477 ing the testimony of John in relation to his identity, still claim that he was actually that prophet? We readily confess that since writing on the eighteenth chapter of Revelation, and prayerful investigation of the prophecies, together with the emphatic promise of sending that prophet “before that great and dreadful day of the Lord,” we are bound to confess our firm con- viction that the prophecy in Mal. IV: 5 is as yet unfulfilled. And since we are now living in the last days, and in close proximity to the beginning of “that great and dreadful dav,” have we not a right, nay ought we of to look for the literal fulfillment of that propheey? And in conclusion we ask: Since it was deemed proper to send a special messenger pri- or to the first advent, in order to make ready a people prepared for the Lord; does it seem out of place to look also for sucl a messenger to he sent prior to the second advent? Would it not rather scem strange, if the sending of such a precursor had been omitted, when we consider that the second advent 1s of far greater impor- tance than the first? And in particular when we look about and consider the present condition of the churches.