Send your Dear Bible Answerman: What dees Ate F:12 mean? as follows: “Newher any ather: fon under heaven Tepiiat PY reads sothere salvation in thre 1s none other name men whereby we ors de ARRNASY] he saved [eter as speaking to the elders and rulers of the Jews, and is pomiting out to them that Jesus is the Sie anc only avenue of swivarien, There 1s salvation no other. God has nor provided another nase By heaven or tn cath bis which a sner might be sived “Fo Ceond so loved the world, that He gave Tis oniy-heoatien Son, that whosoever wlicverh tn Him shonld aot perish, hor have asting hfe” Joho 5006 arpang CVE) Answeerman : Where did Dear bible Cin zet his wife? Phas question is thought by mom people to he unanswerable, and 1s gen rally believed da be most canfusie toc ctervinen mm that they cannot an aver 1 eas true that the Bible does vot tell us im so noun words just who n thar Cam ran ed however, a Vals Hothe study will charity the matter the candid trond, We are told in Gen cats Sen the Adon walled his wales manne Eve, "hecause she was the moh of all vine If Eve was the mothe of all liiang, she must have heen the mother of Gans wife, Therefore, Cam nnrried his sister, Because of the fact that Cam, Abd and seth are most prominently wen. voned, many people think thar Adam and Eve had only bovs: but it 1s stated in Genesis that Adam lived eight hun- dred years after the birth of Seth, "and beeat sons and daughters.” Chapter Aid. When we consider the great ages to which the pe ople of that time lived, it is not difficult for us to see how Cain could have married his sister. Cain at the age of one hundred could have married his sister who was eighty and they still could have lived together for hundreds of years. Dear Bible Answcerman: Where are the souls ef the dead at present? C. A. K. According to the views of many, the souls of the dead are in heaven, hell or id Ly yous Bible Answerman Fable and religions questions to “The Bible Fox 398 Oshawa, Ontario perveators Many have heen cash Delreve shod oan, of Be isa good man, proveeids tncediace ly uo de; uh toy heavy ern Orn he other land, of he is wicked sto purgatory or hell satony as than dds a Preparation he pies Fhe view of pn palace od pono ard through Fresno, friends believe that they can poy then relatives and hone d ones our of purcaton mio heave noand they are taughic thar sb rhev pay fo the press money for will aston release of the ufferings al an agin y ie of tonnent, The view of hell os shar tos ever Boning, When oowieked oon dies he cree to lie! where be is rors sullciing aod woven for Cog Coarholie Flin sms Of Nidsses thes checeased rene the hovrihi Cory iy ) 1 SIRES. withotd end ba Ine and fring that ae This coes on fon other onrnnnos Heap essiide Pe eet awn ess, ever andl cover, al release Dron rhe rere state caro tee abiaied Orn the other bound, when a rel arcandine to the Bop ecdrately un cons tri dies, lar view, hie uae paachise or to heaves, le emasts feel] CSPI es up 1 where in chsorn bodied stares crnpoving rh ll aed cosine the Bliss of Coa EDT ICs] Cada ey hn Che heen cosironent. Signs of the Times ree Correspondence Course Special arrangements have been made for SIGNS readers to receive a Bible correspondence course, simply by asking. There are no fees. Your own Bible 1s the only text- hook. The study of God's Word will be a great inspiration. Send vour name and address to The Editor SIGNS OF THE TIMES DSHAWA, ONTARIO Answerrann Whar is the roar ap ail thse Wan does the deaths TE wicked, he alive somewhere sullen the Ag nies and pangs ol purLatony or acl 1 ria 1lonaty, I lie COON Lr the pric res FRYERS wliah 1s fiaies sabe ig ies is Fob sav of mans when NER EEA ob heaven, nda he alde a look bere tao the cionth and see paring? We [ARTES cprrestions, and we sabi thar there is sree of cvachentn answer Covel why rvde oan nthe {hose toy [hee Borat Bui one the Bible heginning knows whut happens to ho when he dies On abe arhier fun does not and cannot now that cxpericnce, because no person his ever vied sood come biel to tell nsw har iis ke aver on the other side Woe oe andd an Fodestastos that when aoa dies begs ora stave of ton aid we ate told an other p iees br Cees Wot hut fo Le HLS ition shal] oles Heong mealies ! CWT ol voter, freed, an SIS Iman front PETC OIS Jobise~~, vib comndliaon ntl Les hI Lhe ERY lite enon oof dhe arid Hume iow Dirt cleared Foacen aniet thes any tne ior the LISTE PETRY dhe Fave nro for FET He [SRN RYAN {~ HERAY rerishied, they ane apportion Po ever rans thine that os done unde the sun. Wharsoover thy hand find. eth with thy neh: Ton there 1s no won kovior device, nor non cdo. noy crave, whith oy than Chiapoer U0 1D, “The dead now hie dead know por anvil, certam ey connnot be purgatory or hallo or cnpoaving the pleasures of paradise or heaven, Ac cording to Gono they wre nconscious, and the will rem so until they are raised fron thei ovaves on the morn ing of the resurrection. Over and over the Bible describes this unconscious state as sleep. To ds so spoken of 11 Thessalonians + 13-17 “1 would nat have Jrnorant, vethren, asleep, that ve sorrow not, even as othe crs which have no hope For of we be lieve that Jesus died and rose again, even so thon also which sleep in Jesus will Gad bring with Him. For this we sav unto von hy the Word of the Lord, TIMES Pilea wo de, do i wisdlan, in the cost not anecthine It then iis sudferimg am vou 1a be concernme thom which are STGNS of the