Publisher's S > Department ABOUT OUR BOOKS THE lists of dollar books which have been appearing on the second page of the Warcu- MAN for the past four weeks give place, this week, to some combination book offers which are worth your while to consider. The dollar books will be taken up again next week with something of interest to students. Other dollar books will appear later. A word to parents: Give the book offers on page two of this issue more than a casual perusal. Which list will best meet the needs of your family? Will you place at least one good book in the hands of each of your chil- dren, and also provide yourselves with read- ing which will be a help to you in understand- ing how to train your little ones aright? If you want to do this you will find some good bargains in the offers referred to. Or, if the reader is interested in getting some nice books for friends, he will doubtless be able to select a combination having suitable books for several persons. These offers are exceptional, and should be grasped at once. I A GOOD WORK A LETTER just received from Memphis, Tenn, states that up to January 29, 2,600 copies of the special “ End of the World” WATCHMAN had been actually placed in the hands of the people of that city. This is good. Think of the number of per- sons thus brought in touch with the solemn truths so well set forth in this special. Tt is quite safe to say that on the average five persons — four besides the purchaser — have seen and read a portion or all of each of those twenty-six hundred papers. So thirteen thou- sand people have been brought under this influence in that one city. But the church membership at Memphis is not greater than in many other places. And even very small churches, doing an equal amount per member, would be able to reach hundreds of persons who need this warning message. Has all been done in your vicinity which should be and can be done to advantage? If not it is not too late to take up the work now. Brother Washington Morse, of Ontario, Can- ada, whose practical experiences in this mes- sage from its early days are known to many, has had six hundred copies of the special, and writes as follows :— “T think I can sell thousands of these pa- pers. Never before under the proclamation of the third angel's message have T witnessed the special blessing of God in my soul, and his power manifested upon the people, as in selling these papers. It seems like the sum- mer of 1844 when we were giving the midnight cry.” The workers who are giving all their time to selling this issue of the WATCHMAN are meeting with most excellent success. Some are selling ten thousand copies. Whether you can use one copy or ten thousand copies, send THE WATCHMAN in your order at once. when the first lot solicited. You can get more is sold. Correspondence PricES or THE Sprcial Watchman, When mailed to one address — I to 4 copies.......... 5 cents each § to24 copies.......... 4 cents each 25 to 209 copies........ 3 cents each 300 or more copies...., 214 cents each When mailed to lists of names — I to 24 copies.......... 5 cents each 25 Or more copies....... 4 cents each Send your order to your nearest Publishing House or State Tract Society, or direct to the Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tenn. Mg os SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS VERY fine quality, two and one half cents per paper. The Oakwood Manual Training School, hav- ing perfected arrangements with a reliable seedsman in the North, is in a position to sup- ply all garden, flower, and field seeds at low prices. Much care will be taken in the filling of orders. Extra fine watermelon seed a specialty. Reliable nursery stock, flowering bulbs, and plants can also be supplied. Send your orders to the School, and tlereby assist the work: and at the same time receive bene- fit yourself. Send for price list. Address, Oakwood School, Huntsville, Seed Department. Ala., | ORF LY TS ANDARD that has never been culled. The guard on the spring pre- vents tearing the cloth, The orly pin that fastens from either side and can’t slip through. See that all cards have our name on. Send 4 cents in stamps for sample worth double the money. CONSOLIDATED SAFETY PIN CO., Box 159 BLOOMFIELD, N, J. AT THI DOOR A bright, sparkling art booklet containing forty-five engravings, with historical comment, showing in consecutive order the fulfillment of the prophecies in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Attractive, interest- ing, instructive. Notice SPECIAL PRICES: 15S CENT EDITION . .. 10c 25 CENT EDITION . . . I5c ADDRESS SOUTHERN PUBLISH'G ASSOCIATION NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE ITI What the People Think “I can’t see how I could do without this paper; it brings a blessing that lasts all through the week.”—Mattie A. Price. “The Watchman was sent to me by a friend. I now send for it, I like it so much.”—Mrs. Willie E. Cook. “The Watchman is very much appreciated by those with whom we have corresponded in regard to it. It is also a very good seller.” —A. V. Williams, Sec. West Pa. Conf. “I am much pleased with the improvements made in the Watchman.”—Helen McKinnon, Sec. Ala. Conf. “The Watchman 1s filled brim full of the message every week, It is a great help to those who get it each week; it seems to me it stands as one of the best papers published by our people; it is first-class for missionary work. I obtained the orders I sent in by going out and canvassing where I had to wait for trains. I know that the message will reach each home where the paper goes.’— Elder B. IV. Browm. CANVASSING REPORT Of the S. U. C. for Week Ending January 25, 1907 | a, E | #8 82 | 3% | 28 NAME o] Ti ble 2 2 Pls £ 3 Z. Zz = >Q Tennessee River Conference C C Howell 3 wks.ivveieonns D&R 63 $55 75 $ Mamie MoOr€eeeeeerensoansenss BR 30 30 85 2 8g R H Hazleton..ovveveevennne D&R 25 32 25 1 00 JT Eaton.ciceiiernnsssanses NTP 24 14 cO 1 25 Vivian Eaton..e.vaeuen. CK Hof M 10 3 oo 1 00 Cumberland Conference Evan Haskell............ DofA CK 38 24 75 9 co G S Vreeland ......... Dot A Misc 22 00 13 25 North Carolina Wm H Brown .voievncnnnens Sof P 23 22 00 OR Steed viviveriineenecesss CK 24 12 00 3 oo GLC Curley..oovvviiiieniiannns CK 6 10 00 I 00 W Henry George..ovvevennanns GC 20 25 00 Burton Church.oviienananeee, Misc 21 9 15 South Carolina HB Gallion...cevesenncersnnes CK 133 35 50 8 50 Louisiana. C L Collison 3 wks..BR D&R BS 125 131 6% 128 oo G S Rogers 2 wks..oovuesnsn D&R 76 71 oo 27 50 Wm R Lilburn...... D&R CK BS 48 65 co I TReynolds «vooveeiennvannnes BR 24 28 oo 28 350 Alabama Oscar A Prieger..ccvvvvinne.ns CK 21 29 50 75 L W Dortch 2 wks ........ CK BS 37 168 oo 2 75 RIKeate vvveereennecenes CK BS 29 55 75 2 oo Florida J H Robison...iveeieiennanns Misc 7 9 55 6 55 T H Dobb.isiiviiiieiniannens Misc 6 oo Mississippi Ben H Richardson............ BR 15 20 50 Recapitulation. Tennessee River Contference..... 152 $135 85 $ 6 10 Cumberland Conterence,........ 38 46 75 22 25 North Carolina .eeevesivaceneenss 94 69 oo 13 15 South Carolina .iiieieanvenenen. 33 35 50 8 50 Alabama ...iiiiiiiiiiaiiiiinnans 107 193 25 5 50 Louisina «....vvveeereens seen 273 295 65 184 co Florida ....civiveereveciannscans 7 9 55 12 55 MisSiSSIPPl vevesnerreriecresnnnn- 15 20 50 Total venenees sessessses ses 719 $806 05 $ 252 of