A “John Siffion, Johh ; Tabor (a batift min Sows, were Teized an ear, intitles every inhabitant to a vote | “affairs, and toa power of judging that | hibours fin againfy. the golden rule, if they » ” put into the mouths of him whom the ma- _§ % VL me nn, EE otty hhs declared legal minifter. And NE -monc of th ty clared to be the legal minifte nd | for shy ‘of Quakers, | he enrolled or entered in their frém that day to this, it is made a doubt among our lawyers and judges, whether a church of Chrilk be a fociaty bowin in law, fo as to be capable © of holding a meeting-houfe or other eftates, withe ~ out having other perfons to be truftees br Suardians ,¥ fof them. And the honorable Edward Goddaidy © Ef; ‘of Framingham, who had been 4 member, both of the lower and upper houfe in our legil lature, defcribed this matter to the life, in a piece i. he'publithed in 1753s wherein he fays. Lk. « Good confcience men allow (they fay) ss Buf mutt be underftood, TR i Fo {zy as they fay themfelves do fay, 7. ‘can’t be good, . 0) fter the Maffachuletes received they exerted all thelr power, | tive and executive courts, With AniGers could help them to, in aicagnpel every town to.receive ahd fup> inditers as they called orthodox. They. ppt of this nature upon Swanaey'y :