tn FASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CANADIAN UNTON CONFERENCE SEVENTH-TIAY ADVENTIRTR EASTERN OF Vinlgnn: 27 July 28, THs Nuniber 20 Offices Address - - - - = Ombawa, Ont Miss Amy Frank - - - - Pditor Frterad as seonnd-elass matter, Price one dollar Avan, woven dn and of awed ten sentence mn Tibetan fron hos representative, but dead not gotten at inter: When they said them vache a strip of silk proted when they reported. A ANN groodd-b to dre in abort five foot long, Athough he ixovegarded by the Tibetans as a “hving God™ vet Seventy day Adventist eolportenes, representatives of Phe true God, were able to get by all barvers and call attention fo fhe Message, They got ¥ = a There os nething ton hard for the Loed” WEDININGS Argo — De Man A very quiet wedding was celebrated at the weiter™ home on Tuesday, July 70 when Me, Peter Argo and Miss Cornelia De Man wer cated im marriage. Brother Argo is local elder of the Mattawa His wife recently came to this country from Holland, and